Mamahood After Trauma

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Mamahood After Trauma, Blogger, Fredericton, NB.

Parenting in the midst of healing
Navigating triggers + breaking free
Becoming the mama YOU needed
FREE Private Podcast Series here👇🏻


I wish that I could look you in the eye and tell you life has been peachy since making the commitment to myself and my family to do the healing work I needed to do to be the mama I desired to be....

However, if I did, I'd be lying through my teeth and that's not what I do.

This has been the rollercoaster of a lifetime (and I should add, I'm not a fan of roller coasters-- I went on one when I was 6 and cried hysterically the entire time)

There have been really good times when things have just flowed together and then there have been times where it felt like I couldn't breathe.

I know for a fact that there are exactly 2 things that have helped me keep going...

1) God. It is by his power and his alone that I am still breathing today and that's not an exaggeration. He has held me up when I was too broken to even think about taking another step.

2) My support system... or community. It's small but those that are standing behind and beside me encouraging me and loving me despite my flaws and temper tantrums.

We often think that we have to do life on our own but that's a lie. We were created to do life, healing and motherhood in COMMUNITY!


Healing from trauma is a lifelong process- we simply become better at managing our triggers and responses.
Agree or Disagree?


Grief and motherhood - a delicate balance that often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and alone.

In this raw, candid episode, Rebekah Scott courageously shares her journey navigating the heartbreaking loss of her brother to su***de while pregnant and raising her children.

Her story is a poignant reminder that trauma can manifest in unexpected ways, even impacting the little ones we carry.

As mothers, we strive to protect our children from harm, but sometimes the wounds run deeper than we can fathom.

Rebekah's resilience in seeking holistic healing - through therapy, community, and meaningful rituals - is a testament to the strength that lies within each of us.

Her vulnerability in opening up about the guilt, the unanswered questions, and the practical strategies that have helped her move forward is a gift to anyone navigating the complex terrain of grief.

If you or someone you know is grappling with loss, trauma, or suicidal thoughts, know that you are not alone. There is hope, there is healing, and there is a community ready to embrace you with open arms.

Comment "link" below, and I'll share the full episode with you - a gentle reminder that even in our darkest moments, we can find the courage to keep shining.


😉🤩 let me know in the comments!


Eek! Exciting things are happening over here!

A few months ago, I launched the Mama Untriggered Private Podcast series with 5 short episodes to help mamas to calm their nervous systems on the go when parenting gets the best of them.

It was good the way it was. It served up listeners with impactful and transformational information but I felt it could be better in my gut.

So, I dug into that. I asked myself, "what's missing? How could this be better?"

A few changes have come out of that.

1) Relocated where it's stored. Now it's housed inside the M.A.T. Healing Center-- a brand new Mamahood After Trauma container which will house all things Trauma Recovery.

This also elevates the safety of trauma survivors we're supporting.

2) Downloadable resources in addition to the audio podcast files. These will offer even more support to your nervous system healing.

If you'd like to check out the new and improved Mama Untriggered Starter Kit, comment "kit" below and I'll hook you up! 😉


🚀 Unlock your potential at the Empowered Mompreneur Summit! 🚀 Get practical strategies on self-care, parenting while running a business, and the latest in digital marketing. This event is FREE and designed just for you. 🌟

DM "gain" to sign up 💜


📣 Calling all busy moms! The Empowered Mompreneur Summit is your chance to gain insights from industry leaders on balancing business and family, mastering your mindset, and boosting productivity. Don’t miss out on this incredible free event! 💼👩‍👧‍👦

DM "gain" to sign up


🌟 Ready to transform your business and life? 🌟 Join us at the Empowered Mompreneur Summit! Learn from top experts about business growth, mindset, work-life integration, self-care, and more. Each 20-30 minute interview is packed with actionable tips to help you thrive. Best part? It’s FREE! 🎉


Resilience shines through in the face of unimaginable adversity. In this powerful episode, Victoria shares her harrowing journey as a survivor of domestic violence and special needs mom.

Her story is a testament to the strength it takes to overcome trauma and emerge as a thriver, not a victim. Victoria's unwavering determination to create a better life for herself and her daughter is both inspiring and humbling.

If you're navigating the aftermath of abuse or supporting a loved one on that path, this conversation offers invaluable insights. From practical tips for regaining your power to redefining what it means to be a warrior mom, Victoria's words will resonate deeply.

Ready to be moved by her courage and resilience? Comment below for the link to this must-listen episode on rising from the ashes of domestic violence.


Resilience- it's a word that if you would have used it to describe me not that long ago, I would have laughed you off. Not because I'm not but because I didn't believe I was.

My life has been a series of events that have left me scars to heal and I had come to believe that was how life would always be-- a series of traumatic events that I have to "get through" because the black trauma cloud looming over my head made me a great target.

I didn't realize that life could be better and I certainly didn't give myself credit for having the strength to keep going.

Last April, when I was diagnosed with PTSD, it was absolutely heartbreaking because it took so long to get the diagnosis but it was also the most validation I have ever received. That diagnosis said to me "yes, Emily, you've been through some incredibly hard situations but you've also thrived in the face of it all-- you are NOT a victim, you are a badass."

With this, I was finally able to see just how resilient and strong I am. The black cloud that had been looming over my head, taunting me for decades, was gone and I could finally breathe.


Over the last 5 years, my journey into entrepreneurship has been clouded in confusion and hustle… and I can only imagine how that’s translated

I knew that I wanted to help others… that’s always been my heart but how I would actually do that was a mystery to me.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve changed direction a number of times searching for the thing that felt right… searching for alignment only I was looking outside of myself and I certainly wasn’t looking to God for it either. I was looking to other business mentors, coaches and experts— people outside of me (which is exactly what I did in every other area of my life… and it didn’t work).

This year, God has been doing a thing in me. He got my attention in a way I haven’t allowed him to before and he spoke life over my business. He said 1 word: SIMPLIFY.

So that is what I’m doing.

Mended Soul Wellness is going away. Rather than having a million names for different components of my business, it will all be under one umbrella. The umbrella that has not only skyrocketed in the last year, but also been instrumental in my own healing journey— Mamahood After Trauma.

Our domain will change in the coming weeks and then new offers will begin to come to light.

The Emily that was shy and scared of being noticed is gone. The Lord has picked me up, brushed the dust off and gave me a purpose that I’m no longer deferring. I’m a woman on a mission.


The Mamahood After Trauma blog is moving!

Over the next few weeks, posts will be moved to our new internet location.


Exciting things are coming! 👀😍


Thoughts? 🧐

Get Inspired: Mama Genius Festival Speakers Reveal! 05/08/2024

Hey Mamas!

I want to share an AMAZING FREE opportunity for you starting next week!

It's the Mama Genius Festival!

Get Inspired: Mama Genius Festival Speakers Reveal! Get Inspired: Mama Genius Festival Speakers Reveal!The Mama Genius Festival kicks off with a bang, introducing a lineup of speakers ready to dive into topics...


Have you ever felt like you're carrying a weight around that just won't lift? That burden of unspoken words, of traumas buried deep? I know I have. And it's time we talk about it. Not just talk, but really delve into the heart of our experiences, our traumas, and how we can begin the healing journey.

In a world that often tells us to keep pushing, to move past our feelings, I sat down with Stephana Johnson, a beacon of light in the realm of healing and transformation. Our conversation wasn't just enlightening; it was a revelation. Stephana shared her journey, shedding light on the profound truth that healing starts with honesty. With telling the truth to ourselves about our feelings and experiences.

This isn't about uncovering a quick fix or pretending everything's fine. It's about facing what's been lurking in the shadows, bringing it into the light, and learning to live fully, even amidst the messiness of healing. It's about empowering ourselves to take back control, to face our traumas head-on, and to find a way through them.

But here's the thing - this conversation is too important to keep to myself. I want you to hear it, to feel seen and understood, and to start or continue your own journey of healing and truth-telling. That's why I'm inviting you to listen to the full episode, where Stephana Johnson shares her wisdom and insights on the power of honesty in healing trauma.

Curious? Eager for a change? Simply comment below, and I'll send you the link to this transformative discussion. It's time to lift the veil on our struggles, to embrace our truths, and to start healing. Together, let's step into a future where we no longer carry the burden of our traumas in silence but face them with courage and honesty. Comment now, and let's embark on this journey together.


Before I became a mama, I had no idea how the trauma I experienced as a child would impact my journey into mamahood. To say it's been a journey of surprises would be an understatement. I thought that time and distance would have taken away the sting of those emotions yet to be acknowledged or processed... was I ever wrong though!

It didn't take me long to realize that the only way I was going to rid myself of the black cloud that had been looming over my head was to be really honest with myself about how I was feeling, the emotions I was having and get curious about what the root of those emotions were because I knew enough to know not to take them at face value.

When I realized that the trigger I experienced to my kid screaming their head off wasn't about them but rather it was about a part of me calling, craving to be healed, it was a huge light bulb that informed me how I could care for my nervous system and eventually be more present to help my little ones learn to regulate their emotions.

Mamahood isn't easy, neither is healing trauma. Both can be incredibly scary and they aren't meant to be done in isolation. Find yourself a community that can understand your journey and support you on those inevitable bad days because there will be bad days


🌟The Path to Healing Trauma Starts with Radical Truth-Telling🌟

Have you ever found yourself frantically searching for that elusive "thing" that will finally release the heavy burden of trauma? The book, podcast, or expert who can make it all go away with a few simple steps?

What if I told you the answer lies not out there, but within? That the key to transforming trauma is through courageously facing the raw, unvarnished truth of your lived experience?

In my recent conversation with trauma expert Stephana Johnson, she emphasized the pivotal role of radical honesty in the healing journey. Too often, we numb, avoid or run from the difficult feelings and memories. Yet it's precisely this willingness to "tell the truth and feel everything" that allows us to transmute pain into growth.

Stephana's advice? Don't judge the depth of your wounds or compare traumas. Simply create sacred space to be with whatever arises, shining the light of compassionate self-inquiry. When we stop fighting our reality and turn towards it with curiosity, those darkest chapters become fertile ground for blooming into our most radiant, integrated selves.

It's not easy work, but embracing the entire breadth of your story is how you reclaim your narrative - and your power. One brave, tender step at a time.

Are you ready to stop running and start truth-telling? The path to liberation begins with your next mindful breath.



Can trauma survivors be great parents?

Dive into the latest bonus episode of the Mamahood after Trauma podcast to explore this thought-provoking question. I share insights and actionable tips to empower your parenting journey despite past trauma.

Listen now for valuable guidance.


Often times we’re sidelined by the fact that motherhood has the ability to completely shock us with the emotions it brings to the surface…

For me, it was like a freight train came barrelling at me going full speed… it was a lot and I felt totally alone. The shame and guilt were overwhelming.

What I’ve come to understand, is that this is the experience (at some level) of more mamas than you would think because our society runs by the “you had the kid, deal with it” mentality. It’s incredibly toxic and I’m not here for it.

Our mental health as mamas, matters. We matter. If we want to raise healthy children, we must first be healthy— in the whole sense of the word.

That’s why the “Parenting in the Midst of Healing: 3 Shifts to Demystify the Path Forward” workshop has come to be because I understand that it’s hard to know where to start and how to start this whole healing process especially when it’s so easy to stay in the status quo.

I challenge you to make the leap.


Are you a mama navigating childhood trauma while also walking through Mamahood? Want to give your littles a positive childhood experience and finally heal your own childhood trauma? Join me in this empowering episode of the Mamahood after Trauma podcast, where Ryann and I delve into the journey of fostering deeper connections with your kiddos after trauma. We'll explore the benefits of community support, alternative education models, and how to reclaim power in your motherhood journey. Don't miss this insightful conversation. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon Music.


I'm super excited to announce that Parenting in the Midst of Healing is happening again!

This 1-hour free virtual event has been refined to offer even more value, healing light-bulb moments and compassionate support than ever before!

This workshop is for you if:

💜 You’re a survivor of childhood trauma and you don’t want to continue the cycle but you don’t know where to start
💥 You’re tired of fear holding you back from taking the steps to create the life you know in your gut is possible
👉🏼 You’re ready to get the guidance and do the work needed to be the mama you wish you had

You'll walk away from our time together with...
👉🏼 Unlock 3 life-changing mind shifts
👉🏼 Build your UNSHAKEABLE foundation for healing
👉🏼 Discover what is really holding you back & how to rewrite the narrative

If that sounds like something you'd benefit from attending, you can click the link below to save your spot today!

I can't wait to see you there!


I had a podcast host asked me the best question ever and I want to share it with you!

They asked: What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Can a mama do both in tandem or does therapy need to come first?

Such a great question!

A therapist is there to help you dig deep into the root of an issue and work it out from there. That's not what I do as a coach. My job as your coach is to focus on helping you improve your life RIGHT NOW. We may talk about a past traumatic event but only to help you see how it's impacting your life right now.

As your coach, I am focused on the present so therapy and coaching can be done in tandem which I would recommend depending on your trauma.

If this is something you'd like to explore further, our Heart to Heart coaching call is designed to help you navigate your healing journey with confidence and clarity. Discover the power of having a dedicated cheerleader by your side every step of the way.

Book your complimentary call today! 💖


Seeking resilience after trauma? Dive into the Mamahood after Trauma podcast episode with Caitlin Peterson for powerful insights and tools to heal and build resilience. Tune in to explore navigating trauma, managing triggers, and finding inner strength. Join the conversation now.

Photos from Mamahood After Trauma's post 04/01/2024

What a weekend!!

I wrote "Rising from the Ashes: Reclaiming your Life after a Traumatic Childhood" in 2020 because I wanted to share what I learned in the early days, weeks and months of my trauma recovery journey while also transitioning into mamahood.

Who knew that this was the precursor to the Mamahood After Trauma podcast. 🧐

Kicking off April's feature product with a FREE ebook weekend and you still have time to take advantage but not long so don't sleep on it!


Your healing is not up to someone else. (I said what I said)

You do not need someone else to change their ways before you can make the choice to heal your junk.

This is a hard pill to swallow for many.

I once thought "if only my mom would... then I could heal" or "if only so and so would... then I would feel better"

👆🏻these are LIES!

Those people could change their ways and become the people we need them to be but chances are, it's not going to happen and IF it did, it wouldn't change the fact that we have stuff to heal.

It is time to stop waiting. It's time to take responsibility for what you have in your control and heal.

We're going to break this down further at the upcoming "Parenting in the Midst of Healing" workshop.

It's happening virtually on March 22 @10 am AST/ 9 am EST.

This workshop is a hands on experience for those who do dive in. You're going to walk away from our time together with an action plan with next steps you can take in the next 30 days to move forward on your healing journey.

And you'll also...
👉🏼 Unlock 3 life-changing mind shifts
👉🏼 Build your UNSHAKEABLE foundation for healing
👉🏼 Discover what is really holding you back & how to rewrite the narrative

This workshop is for you if:
- You’re a survivor of childhood trauma and you don’t want to continue the cycle but you don’t know where to start
- You’re tired of fear holding you back from taking the steps to create the life you know in you gut is possible
- You’re ready to get the guidance and do the work needed to be the mama you wish you had

If that sounds like something you'd benefit from attending, click the button below to save you spot today!


This milestone has been a long time in the works and it's been a rocky road, to say the least.

My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for guesting, listening, subscribing, sharing, and cheering on this dream of mine.

We're just getting started! 😉 Here's to the next 1000!


Okay, so this was not my original plan but I've learned that sometimes it's good to just roll with it.

I have decided to remove 90% of the paywalls in my coaching for trauma-surviving mamas because I firmly believe that your bank account should not determine if you get to heal or not- that shouldn't be a privilege.

All of the business coaches that follow me are probably cringing at that 👆🏻 statement but I don't care. It's time to do something radical. God has called me to serve my fellow trauma-surviving mamas so that's what I'm doing.

Today, I started giving the steps which I will work through with my community members to help them work through the challenges their trauma has given them to deal with.

There is no catch. This isn't a scam. Inflation has left everyone in a tough spot and I am here to serve.

If you're interested and would like more info. message me or comment.

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Videos (show all)

🚨LAST CHANCE🚨 to listen to the full interview I did with Martha Brown, host of the Empowered Mompreneur Summit.Let me kn...
My conversation with Martha Brown, host of the Empowered Mompreneur Summit was absolutely amazing! If you'd like to watc...
💥 healing in the midst of parenting isn't easy but it's 100% worth it. #breakgenerationalcycles #breakingtraumacycles #m...
Understanding the role of grief in trauma recovery.
Navigating overwhelming emotions in trauma recovery can be HARD. Allow yourself to feel your feelings with self compassi...
My word this year is 🌟 intentional 🌟 and that is exactly what I’ve been doing in my business. I’ve been working behind t...
3 tips to overcome adversity. #traumahealing #mamatrauma #healingjourney
Regulate your Nervous system on the go!
Question of the week: Agree or disagree? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Of course mamahood is triggering for you if you have a traumatic childhood in your past and don't know how to regulate. ...
Awareness of how your trauma is impacting you is one of the first steps in healing. #childhoodtraumasurvivor #childhoodt...
Have you tuned into the Mamahood After Trauma podcast yet? I created this show to give mamas navigating triggers from ch...




Fredericton, NB

Opening Hours

Monday 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 2:30pm - 3pm
Wednesday 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 12:30pm - 4:30pm

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