Artworks Gallery Guelph, Hamilton, ON Videos

Videos by Artworks Gallery Guelph in Hamilton. Artworks Gallery Guelph is a collective that displays work, promotes artists and encourages sales.

Other Artworks Gallery Guelph videos

OPEN HOUSE AND CONCERT TOMORROW, JULY 14 Come and see the rich textile work of featured artist, Diana Scott along with gallery artists: Patti Collins, Nancy Inberg Farrell, Suzanne Wakefield and Sharyn Seibert. We have paired our art with poems that resonate. Our Open House for this show is July 14 from 1-4. Cassie Norton will be offering a concert from 3-4. #guelphgallery #buyorginalart #textile-artist

ART and POETRY show from July 8 to September 4 at Artworks Gallery Guelph, 404 York Road, open daily from 10-4. Our featured artist for this show is textile artist, Diana Scott. We have an exciting agenda for our Open House from 1-4pm on July 14. Come and see Diana’s work along with Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell Fine Artist, Suzanne Wakefield and Sharyn Seibert. From 3-4pm Diana will read from her soon to be published book of poetry, accompanied by Cassie Norton playing the violin. Read more about Diana: Diana M. Scott is a Western Ontario based fibre/fabric artist and poet whose work is inspired not only by the nature she walks in daily but in her concerns, and fascination in the creatures (all of us too) who share this planet. Her artwork explores new ways of creating using old and new techniques acquired through the practice of dressmaking, the study of costuming and crafting. Through the use of colourful fabrics (cottons, silks and manmade) collected from many places around the world and using various construction techniques both hand and machine she creates pieces a wall can wear. Her poetry addresses both the joys and challenges of her life’s experiences using her particular point of view. #buyorginalart #artandpoetry #textileart #guelph #canadianart #canadianartist #ontarioartist #guelphgallery

GREEN GREEN GREEN! There’s lots going on at the gallery these days. Please drop by and see our new show, celebrating York Lands Green Hub, the old reformatory lands at 905 York Road. Our collective (Nancy Farrell Fine Artist, Patti Collins, Katie Percival, Suzanne Wakefield and Sharyn Seibert) has proudly collaborated with Karin Silverstone, art teacher at Centennial CVI to showcase her students’ work. On until May 4, this show will dazzle you. Drop by any day from 10 am until 4 pm, grab a hot beverage from Lost Aviator Coffee Co. and enjoy our show. Our opening is April 14 from 1-4 pm, with Mike Schreiner in attendance from 2:30 - 3:30. Adam Honsinger is our feature artist for this show snd you can see his colossal “Matriarch” work. #canadianart #canadianpaintiing #canadianartist #canadianlandscapeart #designinspiration #newcanadianart #artoftheday #ontarioartist #landscapepaintings #ontarioart #originalart #buyorginalart #interiordesignideas #newart #paintingforsale #landscapelovers #artcollectors #fineart

Happy Easter everyone! We’re open today and tomorrow! Please drop in and see our “In Living Colour” show. It closes on April 2, so this is your last chance. Nancy Farrell Fine ArtistPatti Collins Suzanne Wakefield Sharyn Seibert Katie Percival #canadianart #canadianpaintiing #canadianartist #canadianlandscapeart #designinspiration #newcanadianart #artoftheday #ontarioartist #landscapepaintings #ontarioart #originalart #buyorginalart #interiordesignideas #newart #paintingforsale #landscapelovers #artcollectors #fineart

Thanks to the more than 100 art lovers who came to our Open House on Sunday. They enjoyed a hands-on ink on watercolour paper workshop lead by Patti Collins, an oil painting demonstration by Leah Olsen-Kent Art and a display of travel and art from journals presented by Sharyn Seibert. You too can drop by this art hub any day from 10-4. This Sunday (February 4) we will host a free marker on photo paper workshop. Artists Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell, Katherine Percival, Sharyn Seibert and Suzanne Wakefield will have new work on display. Featured, will be Marnie Dallan. Our gallery is the place to be this weekend. #guelphgallery #guelphontario #canadianart #oneofakindart #originalartwork #artworksgalleryguelph

Thanks to the more than 100 art lovers who came to our Open House on Sunday. They enjoyed a hands-on ink on watercolour paper workshop lead by Patti Collins, an oil painting demonstration by Leah Olsen-Kent Art and a display of travel and art from journals presented by Sharyn Seibert. You too can drop by this art hub any day from 10-4. This Sunday (February 4) we will host a free marker on photo paper workshop. Artists Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell, Katherine Percival, Sharyn Seibert and Suzanne Wakefield will have new work on display. Featured, will be Marnie Dallan. Our gallery is the place to be this weekend. #guelphgallery #guelphontario #canadianart #oneofakindart #originalartwork #artworksgalleryguelph

Would you like to make little paintings like this? Come join the fun at a FREE hands-on activity at @artworksgalleryguelph on February 4 from 1-4 pm. It will complement our new show, “In Living Colour!”, with work by @Patti Collins, @Nancy Farrell@Katherine Percival@Sharyn Seibert@Suzanne WakefieldOur featured artist is @Marnie Dallan.

OPEN TODAY (BOXING DAY) FROM 10am to 3pm. If you’re looking for a beautiful place to relax, take a breath and slowly exhale, please drop by 404 York Road to visit Artworks Gallery Guelph and Lost Aviator Coffee Co. Bask in the peace and serenity, sip your coffee in the gallery and take a few minutes to unwind. Our show, Small Treasures,is available for your viewing pleasure. Feature artist, Leah Olsen-Kent, is showing her exquisite landscapes and winter wildlife. Also on display are works by Suzanne Wakefield, Patti Collins, Nancy Inberg Farrell and Sharyn Seibert

OPEN TODAY (BOXING DAY) FROM 10am to 3pm. If you’re looking for a beautiful place to relax, take a breath and slowly exhale, please drop by 404 York Road to visit Artworks Gallery Guelph and Lost Aviator Coffee Co. Bask in the peace and serenity, sip your coffee in the gallery and take a few minutes to unwind. Our show, Small Treasures,is available for your viewing pleasure. Feature artist, Leah Olsen-Kent, is showing her exquisite landscapes and winter wildlife. Also on display are works by Suzanne Wakefield, Patti Collins, Nancy Inberg Farrell and Sharyn Seibert

Please drop by Artworks Gallery Guelph, 404 York Road , daily from 10am to 4 pm to see our “Small Treasures” show. Leah Olsen-Kent is this show’s feature artist. Nature-enthusiast, Leah Olsen-Kent uses oil paint as a medium to explore the beauty and simplicity of nature. From wildlife to landscapes, Leah is always searching for those quiet moments to capture, to create a moment frozen in time. Leah explores detail and contrast using a limited colour palette, appreciating the light and dark and all the tonal variations in between. Living in Cambridge, Ontario, has allowed Leah the opportunity to be close to numerous trails parks and campgrounds and to have a seasonal outdoor studio from spring through to fall. Studying at NASCAD in Halifax, Nova Scotia and OCAD in Toronto, pushed Leah’s boundaries to explore drawing, silk screening, sculpture and photography, but Leah’s heart ultimately lies in painting and expressing her passion through brushstrokes. Suzanne Wakefield Nancy Inberg Farrell Patti Collins #canadianart #canadianpaintiing #canadianartist #canadianlandscapeart #designinspiration #newcanadianart #artoftheday #ontarioartist #landscapepaintings #ontarioart #originalart #buyorginalart #interiordesignideas #newart #paintingforsale #landscapelovers #artcollectors #fineart

Artist and nature, enthusiast, Leah Olsen-Kent uses oil paint as a medium to explore the beauty and simplicity of nature. From wildlife to landscapes, Leah is always searching for those quiet moments to capture, to create a moment frozen in time. Leah explores detail and contrast using a limited colour palette, appreciating the light and dark and all the tonal variations in between. Living in Cambridge, Ontario, has allowed Leah the opportunity to be close to numerous trails parks and campgrounds and to have a seasonal outdoor studio from spring through to fall. Studying at NASCAD in Halifax, Nova Scotia and OCAD in Toronto, pushed Leah’s boundaries to explore drawing, silk screening, sculpture and photography, but Leah’s heart ultimately lies in painting and expressing her passion through brushstrokes. Leah Olsen-Kent Patti Collins Nancy Inberg Farrell Suzanne Wakefield #canadianart #canadianpaintiing #canadianartist #canadianlandscapeart #designinspiration #newcanadianart #artoftheday #ontarioartist #landscapepaintings #ontarioart #originalart #buyorginalart #interiordesignideas #newart #paintingforsale #landscapelovers #artcollectors #fineart

Did you know that looking at art lowers your cortisol levels, inspires you to be more creative, wards off dementia and makes you happier? Please drop by our gallery, Artworks Gallery Guelph at 404 York Road in Guelph to reap these benefits. Our “Heart of the Community” show runs until Oct. 22. Open every day from 10-4, even this holiday weekend, Saturday and Sunday from 10-4. Feature Artist: Jeanette Mayer Guest Artist: Nan Hogg Member Artists: Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell Fine Artist, Suzanne Wakefield, Jan Zimmerman and Sharyn Seibert

Did you know that looking at art lowers your cortisol levels, inspires you to be more creative, wards off dementia and makes you happier? Please drop by our gallery, Artworks Gallery Guelph at 404 York Road in Guelph to reap these benefits. Our “Heart of the Community” show runs until Oct. 22. Open every day from 10-4, even this holiday weekend, Saturday and Sunday from 10-4. Feature Artist: Jeanette Mayer Guest Artist: Nan Hogg Member Artists: Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell Fine Artist, Suzanne Wakefield, Jan Zimmerman and Sharyn Seibert

Free! Artworks Gallery Guelph is taking part in Ontario’s Culture Days and the Praise The Ward celebration. Come and check out our feature artist, Jeanette Mayer’s exquisite paintings. We’ll be holding hands-on demonstrations of art techniques for the community at our gallery, 404 York Road on September 23 from 1-4 pm. Included will be acrylic pour paintings and working with stencils. Create your own original artwork to take home. Live music and inspiration! This event coincides with our “Heart of the Community” show running from September 12 to October 22. It features art from Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell, Sharyn Seibert, Suzanne Wakefield and Jan Zimmerman. Guest artist: Nan Hogg Feature Artist: Jeanette Mayer Praise The Ward

- [ ] You are invited to stop by Artworks Gallery Guelph at 404 York Road, any day from 10 am to 4 pm. Our new “Art and Poetry” show includes poems that resonate with our paintings and sculpture. Next door is @Lostaviatorcoffeeco and we welcome you to relax in the gallery while enjoying your tea, coffee or delicious @lazafadco drink. Jamileh Salek is our feature artist alongside work by Patti Collins, Nancy Farrell, Sharyn Seibert Suzanne Wakefield, and Jan Zimmerman- [ ] #artgallery- [ ] #canadianart- [ ] #guelphontario#visualart

We invite you to see our Art and Poetry show at Artworks Gallery Guelph, 404 York Road from August 2 to September 11. Our grand opening is August 3 from 7-9 pm or drop in any day from 10 am to 4 pm.

Come and see Suzanne Wakefield’s art at Artworks Gallery Guelph , 404 York Road, daily from 10am to 4pm until July 31.

Come and see Nancy Farrell Fine Artist’s work at Artworks Gallery Guelph until August 31. 404 York Road every day from 10am to 4 pm. Nancy is a Guelph artist who creates artworks in acrylic, mixed media and found materials. Her colourful and free-wheeling abstracts and non-objective paintings are inspired by lines, shapes and colours found in the landscape. Her work is hanging alongside Patti Collins, Suzanne Wakefield and Sharyn Seibert and Jan Zimmerman. Rosanne Morris is our feature artist for this show with her fine art digital painting and photography. #guelphontario #artcollective #artistcollective

Come and see Nancy Farrell Fine Artist’s work at Artworks Gallery Guelph until August 31. 404 York Road every day from 10am to 4 pm. Nancy is a Guelph artist who creates artworks in acrylic, mixed media and found materials. Her colourful and free-wheeling abstracts and non-objective paintings are inspired by lines, shapes and colours found in the landscape. Her work is hanging alongside Patti Collins, Suzanne Wakefield and Sharyn Seibert and Jan Zimmerman. Rosanne Morris is our feature artist for this show with her fine art digital painting and photography. #guelphontario #artcollective #artistcollective