Young Kelowna, Kelowna, BC Videos

Videos by Young Kelowna in Kelowna. Real Kids, Real Life. The world has changed a lot & growing up is different too. Young Kelowna is wh

SNACK - The 5th Ingredient in the Wellness Report

The 5th ingredient in the wellness report is SNACK!
You may have heard the saying: β€œYou are what you eat!” β€” But what does that even mean?!
You may have heard about vitamins, nutrients, and proteins and that they are important for being healthy.
To be at your healthiest, you need all different colours, shapes, and sizes of Legos (nutrients) to make the structure (your body and mind) strong. You want your structure to be diverse and colourful.
Eating different foods is like getting a box of Lego delivered and all of the different blocks are connected together. When you eat, your body takes the blocks (nutrients) apart and then reassembles them into something that your body needs. This includes energy, strengthening your bones and muscles, helping your immune system, and improving your mood.
Eating too much sugary food, chips, and fast food is like giving your body a bunch of Legos that a dog has chewed on. They might sort of fit together, but they aren’t great and your structure won’t be as strong. Eventually, things break down and you aren’t as healthy.
Kelowna kids tend to eat fairly well and their snacks are on the healthier spectrum, here is a video on our findings but also some tips on how you can keep your snacks healthy to build a strong and resilient body!
Let us know your favourite fruit you snack on, comment below πŸ‘‡πŸ½
#realkidsrealfood #realkidsreallife #ylw #kelownafamilies #kelownabc #kelownaliving

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SNACK - The 5th Ingredient in the Wellness Report
The 5th ingredient in the wellness report is SNACK! πŸ“ You may have heard the saying: β€œYou are what you eat!” β€” But what does that even mean?! 🫐 You may have heard about vitamins, nutrients, and proteins and that they are important for being healthy. πŸ₯­ FOOD AND NUTRITION IS LIKE LEGO. 🧩 To be at your healthiest, you need all different colours, shapes, and sizes of Legos (nutrients) to make the structure (your body and mind) strong. You want your structure to be diverse and colourful. πŸ‡ Eating different foods is like getting a box of Lego delivered and all of the different blocks are connected together. When you eat, your body takes the blocks (nutrients) apart and then reassembles them into something that your body needs. This includes energy, strengthening your bones and muscles, helping your immune system, and improving your mood. 🍟 Eating too much sugary food, chips, and fast food is like giving your body a bunch of Legos that a dog has chewed on. They might sort of fit together, but they aren’t great and your structure won’t be as strong. Eventually, things break down and you aren’t as healthy. β€’ Kelowna kids tend to eat fairly well and their snacks are on the healthier spectrum, here is a video on our findings but also some tips on how you can keep your snacks healthy to build a strong and resilient body! πŸ₯ Let us know your favourite fruit you snack on, comment below πŸ‘‡πŸ½ . . #realkidsrealfood #realkidsreallife #ylw #kelownafamilies #kelownabc #kelownaliving

STEP - The 4th ingredient
The 4th ingredient of the wellness report is step. More broadly, it represents the amount of activity you get in a day. Did you know that any kind of movement counts? Walking, kicking a ball around, riding your bike, even cleaning a room, all of these count! If you had to take a guess the number of steps you took each day what would that number be? Take a guess and comment below. πŸ‘‡πŸ½ Also did you know that physical activity is gendered? πŸ”Ή More boys than girls reach the 12,000 steps/day goal in elementary school. Boys average 16,173 steps per day during the week and 13,771 steps per day on weekends. πŸ”Ή Girls in elementary school average 13,692 steps/day during the week and 10,738 steps/day on weekends. πŸ”Ή Boys are more active than girls in middle school too. Boys average a daily step count of 10,173 days during the week and 8,843 steps/day on weekends. πŸ”Ή Middle school girls average a daily step count of 9,488 during the week and 7,784 steps per day on weekends. πŸ”Ή One of the way to increase your daily step is to: start small, make it social, do things you enjoy and carve time out for daily activity! . . #moveyourbody #stayactive #moveyourbodyeveryday #wellnessreport #ylw #realkidsreallife