Genna Broome

Changing my lifestyle was the best thing I ever did for myself and my family


I started my journey with Beachbody in October of 2017 overweight... physically limited... scared for the future

I was desperate for something that I could stick to... that would help me fix all the things I was battling. I needed direction... inspiration... guideance to relearn every bad habit I'd allowed myself to follow

And it worked, which is why I decided to join the company and share the life changing tools I had learned along the way

But when people asked what company I was with I often shied away from being forthcoming with the name because "Beachbody" just didn't ring with the depth of what this company had to offer

And I wasn't alone... another really cool reason to surround yourself with like minded people... and fortunately for us... cooperate was listening

Bodi... Where Every Body Matters... is exactly the breath of fresh air I want to align myself with

But the best part... besides the rebranding... besides the new fitness platform (new live classes and trainers)... besides the new products... is the new options to be a part of this ever evolving company

You can workout with me... try one of our 3 nutrition programs... let me help you and cheer you on in a safe community

You can love our products and share that with your friends and family as an affiliate

Or you can join our amazing ever growing team of partners who want to share what this company has done for them throughout their journey while helping others along the way

Something for every body... where every body matters

Drop a ❀️ for more information


This season in life feels like a bit of a train wreck mixed with a dumpster fire... not to be overly dramatic πŸ™ƒ

Everything seems to take that much longer... simple things feel that much more complicated.. and it's easy to get overwhelmed

So how do you not lose your sh*t while taking care of your family... taking care of your home... doing the 782625 things that need to be done??

You make sure you take care of yourself

It doesn't have to be perfect... kids are 100% unpredictable (like my little anti napper πŸ™Š) but I keep showing up... I keep trying because I know the difference it makes

It doesn't have to take much room... like my little corner of the basement which shares space with our homeschool supplies

It just has to be πŸ’•

What are some things you do to make sure you're taking care of you ??


Forever having a split second dance party with my favorite preworkout because it makes me happy

Would you believe it if I told you I got to this point completely unintentionally??

That this shy Mama who was physically challenged did a complete life changing 360... and then some

Sure I wanted to change and grow... physically... but that mental shift is what I'm talking about

I started to BELIEVE in myself... my capabilities... and stopped caring what other people thought... for real. The old me would have literally died if I was caught on camera doing anything because I was that insecure

It took effort... but it was made easier by having the tools and the community in my corner to get here... and I celebrated every small victory along the way

If you're someone who needs that sort of shift in her life... who needs that extra accountability... I'm a message awayπŸ’•


I made a decision 5 years ago that enough was enough... something needed to change

At the time I was about 75lbs overweight... life was unnecessarily hard. I struggled doing basic everyday actions and was genuinely concerned for my future

Through a post shared by a friend I decided... out of sheer desperation... that I would commit to a one week challenge

And it change my life

It gave me hope that if I kept going... if I sprinkled in a bit of exercise... if I kept showing up within the group... if I started to work on shifting my mindset... that I could be the person I knew I could be

And I found her... but better yet I found a new purpose

I made a commitment to keep going... to share my story... to help others acheive the growth I've experienced... to help them feel good in their skin

And I'd love to share these things with you too... to see you take the same chance... to see you have that life changing shift

Let's do this together ❀️

Photos from Genna Broome's post 11/10/2022

At no point in my life would I have even considered getting into a car with basically complete strangers, drive 3 hours from home and spend the night

That was simply unheard of and absolutely terrifying... what middle aged woman does that?

But with a warm invitation, a gentle nudge and major butterflies... I did it... and had the privilege of doing it many times since

Every. Single.Time. I walk away with a camera roll of memories and a renewed purpose

We are meant to have more and be more in this life and having a community to share it with is key

There will always be room for growth... you can grow with us too πŸ’•


There are 50 days left of 2022 🀯

I don't know about you but it's been one hell of a year and somehow I kinda let myself got lost along the way

It happens... life gets busy... but we are still worthy of feeling good... of taking a few minutes for ourselves... of being confident and creating energy to get through our busy days

So what do you do?

You find a group of like minded people to cheer for you and end the year feeling pretty dang proud of yourself for making positive changes

What's included?

30 minute workouts
Sustainable nutrition program
Mindset growth
Private support group

Drop a πŸ₯° below for more info

Let's do this together ❀️


Today I learned

It's ok to cry

Emotions are normal and returning to work after having a babe is a big deal... for everyone

Deligating isn't a negative reflection

Asking someone to help you doesn't mean you aren't capable... work smarter

Keep promises to yourself

You'd go out of your way to keep a promise to someone you loved right... why not one to yourself?

Very thankful for a strong start to what easily could have been a rough day and grateful for the time to reflect on the things that made the day right πŸ’•


Restless sleep
Night sweats
Babe who wouldn't settle

I rolled into Monday less than thrilled

Wondering wtf am I doing??

It's ridiculously easy to get stuck in those feelings... who wants to smile and radiate positivity when overall you feel like 😴

Buuuttt on the other hand who wants to stay in that moment... feeling like a crazed hot mess?

Not me... not today... not anyday

Doesn't mean I didn't have my pitty party to my husband... but it does mean I'm done and moving on ✌️

Good food βœ”οΈ
Movement βœ”οΈ
Gratitude βœ”οΈ
Community βœ”οΈ
Shower βœ”οΈ
Giggles and Snuggles βœ”οΈ

Not necessarily in that order but all definitely important to make me FEEL 100 times better

Our days are too short... too precious to linger in negativity... flip the script πŸ’•


Things are 100% better when you do it together... it just took me a while to figure that out

I didn't think I needed accountability, community... why would I want to expose myself and my weightloss struggles to a group of strangers? How would that help me?

Well it helps you because it gives you accountability and community

When I finally admitted that doing this alone was not benefitting me... wasn't helping me through the hard days... wasn't encouraging me when I was feeling defeated... I started to flourish

Because I wasn't alone anymore

I want everyone to feel what I feel when I check in with my groups... accepted, supported, included, missed

I want everyone to feel the JOY of belonging to something... it's not just about losing the weight!

It's the confidence... the mindset shift... the personal growth... the things that can be life changing

I want you to come take a walk in my shoes for a week... do what I do... trust the proces... and make the commitment to choose you

No fees... no long term commitments (but that's definitely an option)... just a chance to be a part of something... to create a bit of joy and make a few simple changes in hopes of creating healthy, sustainable habits

Will you join me??


Pretty sure this is our first picture as a family of five.

Life is beautifully chaotic and busy... remembering to take pictures when we're all together and in reasonable humor often gets forgotten.

Sometimes I wish I was the Mom who gets the matching outfits and the stunning backgrounds with breathtaking shots... but I'm just not and that's ok.

I'd rather have a hundred photos of eyes half closed and goofy grins that show the genuine personalities of my quirky little turkey's any day πŸ’•



Make them your reason... not your excuse.

I know it's hard... that life can be a bit much sometimes... but they need you to be your best because when you're not it affects them too.

Where the heck can I find the time for myself in the run of a day homeschooling two big kids, meals, lessons, activities, appointments, everyday responsibilities, work seasonally, plus a 4 month old??

I schedule it in.

It might not be in the same time frame everyday but it gets done because it's a non negotiable... because I matter too.

Self care... of any kind... is NOT selfish.

Weither you're a stay at home Mom, a working Mom, a little bit of both kinda Mom... whatever you're doing is hard especially when you don't get days off.

Take the walk, do the nails, read the book... do something for you! You'll be better for it πŸ’•


Four and a half years ago I made the decision to take care of myself.

Not a fad, a diet, a drop 10 lbs per week ad... but an actual educational program that taught me about real foods, portion sizes and that less wasn't better.

I'm not ashamed to say it took FIFTEEN years, two babies and a slu of health issues before the light came on and I stopped looking for that quick fix, that magic pill, that hot trend that was going to help me lose weight.

I could lose allll the weight I wanted... if I didn't fix my relationship with food, didn't fix my mindset, didn't accept what the junk I was eating was doing to my body... nothing was going to change and the weight was going to come back.

And it did... EVERY DAMN TIME.

I don't share these comparisons for likes or praise. I share because I want to reach the old me.

The me with depression, anxiety.

The me who felt embarrassed, ashamed that she let herself get to that point.

The me who was frustrated, who felt like a failure.

The me who didn't have the energy to play with her kids, who couldn't bend over to tie her shoe.

I know you're out there and I want to tell you that you can do this... that you can make the changes you need to have a better quality of life.

It's not impossible and I'm here for you πŸ’•


I could never eat what you eat

Girl... you have no idea

It took me 35 years to eat mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, mango, raspberries... I can't even remember what else

The thing about choosing a healthier lifestyle... reducing your sugar intake, choosing more organic foods and lean or veggie protiens... we all have to start at the beginning

My entire family hated bruseel sprouts and sweet potatos the first time we had them... but we kept trying them different ways and in different things until one day someone said " Hey... I like those that way"


And the things we don't love I chop up into small pieces and throw into other meals because I know how much nutritional value they hold

Tough love... there's no quick switch... no secret weapon... no magic spell that's going to make you want to eat everything that's good for you

But when the alternative is being unhealthy, feeling like garbage, having health concerns... all of which can easily be improved by simple changes... what do you choose?

Tips, resources, life experience... I got you

πŸ‘‡ Tell me you're ready to make change πŸ’•

Photos from Genna Broome's post 03/24/2022

Have you ever counted the number of plants you eat in a week... just for fun??

You really don't think about it so when someone asks if you could count 30 your eyes kinda buldge and you think "There's no way I could eat 30!"

But it's really not that hard!

Red Onions
Bell Peppers
Brussel Sprouts
Green/Yellow Beans
Snap Peas
Bok Choy
Green Onions

And that was just today!

I want to feel well so I need to eat well because they're connected in so many ways!

For the next 4 weeks I (along with a group of ladies) are making it a priority to eat allll the plants while we focus on our gut health and learn what triggers might be affecting us... and it's going to be great!

If you're struggling with indigestion, bloating, gas, exhaustion, headaches, skin breakouts... I got you.

πŸ‘‡ Let me know what plants you've never tried and when we can get you started!

Photos from Genna Broome's post 03/19/2022

What's a good habit you've created over the past few weeks? months? years!?!

Water Intake?
Waking up 10 minutes earlier?

For me... it's Breakfast veggies

For just about 2 years I've been making them as a way to ensure I'm getting enough veggies in everyday because it's something I struggled with for a long time.

The idea came from a quick favorite family supper.. sausage pan... and I thought "Why couldn't I incorporate that into my breakfast?".

And better yet... " Why couldn't I add veggies in that I don't exactly love that are good for me??"... enter (at the time) brussel spouts πŸ˜„

So I made them every week... then twice a week. Now get complaints when there are no veggies in the fridge... kids eat em most days too!

It's crazy how something so simple can make such a difference.

What's something you've made a habit in your life??


At 24 weeks pregnant I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

I honestly wasn't upset. I saw it coming from my previous pregnancies... I knew I didn't do anything wrong. My body (which was doing something incredible!) just couldn't keep up to my and babe's needs.

So I changed my diet... removed some carbs... increased my protein and leafy greens and made the best of the following months.

And you know what?

I felt better.

I had more energy... well as much as a pregnant woman can have πŸ˜„ My skin cleared up... the bouts of heartburn stopped... and it got me thinking.

If simple diet changes could make me feel better pregnant... how could I feel postpartum πŸ€”

But before I knew it life got busy and exhaustion dissuaded me from paying attention to how I felt... until I felt like garbage.

Bloating... indigestion... sugar cravings... exhaustion... no energy... my body was once again telling me it needed help.

So I started back with the basics... but this time I wanted to LEARN what foods were triggering me... I wanted to know HOW MUCH BETTER I could feel.

And then the universe sent me exactly what I needed... a program to teach me about gut health and show me how the things I eat impact my body and allow me to feel the way I deserve to feel.

I was quietly going to work through this process alone... until I realized that I'm not the only person who is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

So I'm giving back to the universe by offering to help three friends learn about their gut health... to improve their daily lives... and help them feel good on the inside because who doesn't want too??

Drop a πŸ₯°... send a πŸ“¨... I got you πŸ’•

Photos from Genna Broome's post 07/25/2021

Don't miss out on making memories waiting for the perfect moment.

I'm an overthinker... a packer... a planner. A family vacation or a weekend away usually stresses me the f out.

What time are we arriving? What are we eating? What activity are we going? What time are we swimming? What food are we bringing?

I legit drive myself... and more than likely my family... crazy.

Winging it just isn't my thing... so when the opportunity arose at 430 on Friday to have a weekend away I said ok.

No plan... no forethought... just threw some clothes and a toothbrush in a suitcase and we were out the door in 45 minutes.

I'm tired of waiting for perfection... of saying maybe later.

Memories were made... fun was had... and I survived winging it πŸ’•


Photos from Genna Broome's post 07/21/2021

Do you focus on the controllables?

For me that's...

πŸ‘‰ fueling my body with nutritious foods
πŸ‘‰ staying hydrated
πŸ‘‰ supporting a positive mindset

It seems so freakin simple but yet we tend to find ourselves feeling unmotivated... in a rut... focusing on the things we can't do instead of what we can.

Early on in this pregnancy I chose to focus on good nutrition... meal planning... prepping... because I wanted keep up with good food choices and give our babe the best start possible!

I had no idea a few months later I'd be relying on those habits and mindset to get through a rough patch while waiting to see if I could resume some form of an active lifestyle.

I easily could say f*** it and feed my frustration all the unhealthy things ... but it wouldn't just be me that I was hurting.

Learning to let go of presumed expectations and steering away from other's unrealistic ideals of what it means to be "healthy" has given me the freedom to focus on what I need to do for me... and our little turkey πŸ’•



I'm leaning in hard.

I'm allowing myself to feel the feels while taking the time to process my thoughts and acknowledge that this time around things are different.

I'm not embarrassed to talk about how I'm feeling, I'm not ashamed about my growing body and I refused to even consider that I'm ruining my progress... those negative thoughts have no place here.

I'm celebrating the strength that comes with being a woman, the mental growth that's happened with persistence and consistancy and the fact that (despite the bumps along the way) I still feel I'm moving in the right direction... my path has just shifted a bit.

This journey is not just about losing weight. It's about doing the things that bring more value to my life... about feeling strong and making choices that make me feel good... about accepting the change that comes with life.

Change your mindset... change your life... no truer words have been spoken πŸ’•



It's amazing how much things can change.

This time last year I was beaming with pride as I confidently preached .

I embraced the loose skin... the stretch marks... the cellulite and made the most of the first
summer I've been home in seven years... while being comfortable in my skin.

This year things are a bit different.

Most of my clothes don't fit over my growing belly... the stretch marks are more prominent and more are starting to show... and I've come to the realization that (because of scars and loose skin) I'll never get to experience that perfectly round baby belly.

But... despite alll the hormones and emotions... I'm embracing this time in my life.

Everyday I make it point to remind myself that I'm growing life... that my body is doing incredible things... that I'll see many more changes in the months to come... and that it's ok.

I refuse to waste my energy on feeling bad about something I can't control... something that's unrealistically impossible... something that doesn't really matter πŸ’•


Change is hard.

Createing a healthy lifestyle, repairing your relationship with food, improving your mental health, learning to love yourself... these things take time and effort.

But so does learning to accept and appreciate your growing and changing body.

The upside... we get to choose how we get through these moments in life.

We can choose to love and embrace, to learn and grow... or we can dwell in negativity and miss out on some pretty amazing things πŸ’•


Just keep moving.

If I had a dollar for every time I've said that phrase.

I've said it on good days where I felt like a Rockstar and I've said it on bad days where I was dragging my a**.

I've said it while weight training and trying to push my limits and I've said it while running and trying to finish that first 5 k.

The day I did my first workout I knew in those moments that the wonderful, encouraging support system I had in place wouldn't matter if I didn't believe in myself.

Now more than ever I need to be my own cheerleader... to push myself to show up... to remind myself that's I'm stronger than I give myself credit for.

My range of motion might be starting to reduce... my breathing more of a struggle... but I promised myself that I'll just keep moving πŸ’•


It's been a hot minute... but I'm still here!

I'm still trying my best to fuel my body... despite morning sickness, nausea, heartburn, taste and smell sensitivities.

I'm still trying to move my body... while navigating leg cramps, headaches, dizziness, dropping blood sugars and hyper sensitivity.

But I refuse to give up... and I wouldn't trade the last couple of months for anything πŸ₯°

Now more than ever I want to make good choices and take care of myself and my changing body.

My last two pregnancies I struggled with numerous health concerns... high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, sciatica... but I'm determined to do what I can to avoid those complications (if possible) this time around.

Having the tools and resources to help guide me through this stage in life is a blessing in disguise... and one more reason to be thankful I chose to invest in me πŸ’•


We still have a promo code to offer a new friend!

What you get :

πŸ‹β€β™€οΈ A year's access to over 75 fitness programs

πŸ₯— 2 sustainable nutrition programs and resources

πŸ§‹ A month's supply of a supplement of your choice

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Access to my VIP accountability groups and community

Price : πŸ’° $116

Expiry : 🌠 Tonight at midnight

There's no better feeling than feeling better... having more energy... finding your confidence... knowing you're setting a positive example for those who look up to you πŸ’•

Are you ready??


Random fact... I've never started any of our fitness programs on a Monday.


Because when I decided to press play for the first time (at home) I remembered that every other diet or fitness program I ever tried and failed... started on a Monday.

I wasn't going to fail this time.

Almost 4 years later and it's a habit I still keep.

It reminds me of the power of choice... the power of mindset... the power we have to make change.

I chose to start my journey on a Tuesday... because I associated Monday with failure... because I was determined to learn how to take better care of myself and my family.

Obviously the day of the week has nothing to do with succeeding in a healthy lifestyle change but back then it was the difference between giving up and pushing forward.

You do what you have too... you do what works regardless of how silly it sounds because at the end of the day that "silly" thought process could be the key to finding what works for you.

Wear the lucky sports bra... carry the lucky coin... read the same affirmation everyday.

You do you πŸ’•

Photos from Genna Broome's post 05/03/2021

You watch my stories everyday.

You comment and support my posts.

You pop in my inbox to chat... and you forever say " I wish I could do what you do".

Girl! Why can't you??

You don't need a huge space.

You don't need a lot of equipment.

You don't need matchy workout clothes or cute headbands... they're just an added bonus πŸ˜‰

Is it time? Fear? Money??

What if I told you I could offer you a year's access to the programs I use... a year of support, accountability, community... for $0.35 a day.


What's the catch?? I can only help two new friends and the offer is only valid until Wednesday.

So... why not you?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Forever having a split second dance party with my favorite preworkout because it makes me happyWould you believe it if I...
My 35 minute workout took an hour and 18 minutes today... but I'll take that any day if she wants to do it with me.It's ...



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AbigaΓ«l Totty Homeopath, Reiki Master, Spiritual Mentor AbigaΓ«l Totty Homeopath, Reiki Master, Spiritual Mentor
362 Beech Point Road
Kensington, C0B1M0

BSc (hons) Hom UK. International Homeopath , Shamanism, Soul Midwifery, Birthwork, Reiki, Retreats