ONE Holistic Nutrition

Nutritional Weight Loss and Hormone Balance for Women 40+
Follow me on IG: @oneholisticnutrition


Happy Mother’s Day to my peri/menopause sisters!

One day (or one morning or one hour) isn’t nearly enough but just a small token of the enormous impact you have on your family and the world.

For all the meals you cooked, all the kitchens you cleaned, all the loads of laundry, and all the chauffeuring you do.

For all the meetings you chair, all the patients you’ve helped, all the businesses you run, all the projects you managed, all the students you’ve taught, all the teeth you’ve fixed, all the meals you serve and all the groups you lead.

For all the attitude, disrespect, tantrums, sleepless nights, fatigue and drama you’ve had to endure.

For all the boo boos you kissed better, and all the hugs and love you give constantly everyday even though you don’t always get it back.

For a the sh*t you put up with from everyone everyday and then you cook them dinner.

For all the mom’s dealing with teen AND peri/menopause, the worst combination out there!

For a role that has more put downs and criticism than appreciation and admiration.

Take some time today to acknowledge the superwoman you are and how irreplaceable you always will be.

And lastly to all my clients who take the time to recognize their worth and contribution to to this world and who practice self care so they can feel their best.

I’m so privileged to be on this journey with you.

Happy Mother’s Day Supermom 🌷


Beautiful before and after but feeling a lot better after!

The COMPLETE BODY RESET program provides more than just weight loss.

10 lbs down
No more excruciating PMS cramping and acne
Better sleep
More energy
Sugar tolerance down…no need for the sugary coffee drinks anymore!

No starving, no counting calories/points, no pills, no eating gross diet food or spending hours at the gym.

Just real delicious food for her body using the one of kind nutrition plan.

This easy to follow plan is simplified and customized to each individual body and lifestyle.

Ditch the diets and give your body what it needs. It’s time to feel like yourself again.

DM me to get started.


This amazing woman’s success story is just one of many who have entered the COMPLETE BODY RESET program.

Not only did she reach her 10lb weight loss goal in under 3 weeks, she also improved her digestion, sleep, energy, headaches, skin, hair and more.

Now further into the program, she’s able to maintain the positive diet and lifestyle changes she’s made. As well as the additional health and vitality benefits!

Awesome progress LD! You’re and inspiration to other women!

100% natural, drug free, no starving, deprivation or counting calories or points. Just eating whole real foods your body is asking for.

The best part about this program is it’s more than just weight loss! And you start to see the results in under 2 weeks!

When you sign on with me, we go over the list of your wellness goals and we focus on all them (not just weight loss) throughout the program.

This program has literally been life changing for many women who had tried everything, were told “what they’re feeling is normal”, or where offered pill after pill.

Through 100% natural, customized..right down to your blood values using the customized nutrition plan..and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle plan, you CAN reach your weight and peri/menopause symptoms goals.

And I’m right there with you, your fellow perimenopause sister battling this stage as well, to guide you, provide support, knowledge and accountability.

There is hope out there, yes even for us peri/menopausal women!

Are you ready to start your journey?
Do you want to feel like yourself again?

DM me or book in a free consultation (link in my bio) and let’s discuss if the COMPLETE BODY RESET program is right for you!

Also, check out my FREE webinar:
Weight Loss and Peri/Menopause Symptom Relief for Women 40+
coming up on March 28 EST.

Here I’ll dive into what’s causing your weight and peri/menopause symptoms and how you can naturally and effectively sail thrive through these years. Sign up through the link in my bio and pass on to anyone you know can benefit!


Happy Women’s Day! 🌸

Everyday should be women’s day, right?

Ok while we know we’re likely not going to get daily recognition for the amazing creatures we are, that doesn’t stop us for recognizing our selves and the numerous accomplishments we achieve every single day.

On this Women’s Day I’d like to give a shout out to all the incredible women out there that take care of themselves while they are taking care of others. Who invest in their well being, who show self love, acceptance and respect and who know their value to their families and to the world. Your worth and necessity to this world never changes, no matter how old, how may wrinkles or how run down you feel. You’re irreplaceable!

Yes, I’m talking to you, peri/menopause goddess! Self care is not selfish!

To all the beautiful women I have had the pleasure of working with, you are a true inspiration to me and other women. Your determination, strength and perseverance are incredibly admirable and motivating. I feel so blessed to be a part of your transformation to better health, energy, hormone balance and confidence.

Take this day and everyday to revel in your greatness and continue investing in YOU!

XOX Diana ❤️


I’m so incredibly proud of this women for all that she has achieved. She is a true inspiration to other women looking to not only lose unwanted weight but improve their health and best of all FEEL better. Coming off medication is no easy feat and this superstar did just that by following the guidance of her nutrition plan.

You’re a rockstar Teri! More great things to come for you!🌟

If you’re over 40 and struggling with weight gain or other health issues, I’m hear to tell you the right nutrition for YOUR body can have such a dramatic impact…and it doesn’t take long to start noticing the difference and feeling better.

Reach out if you’re looking for a 1:1 customized nutrition plan with coaching.

I have helped women 40+:
👉Lose weight
👉Sleep again
👉Balance hormones
👉Increase energy
👉Eliminate joint pain, night sweats/hot flashes, bloating, irritability, PMS, brain fog and more!

🌟100% customized

👉No starving, counting calories/points or eating gross diet food.

🎉Head to the link in my bio for free stuff or to book in a free virtual consult.

Photos from ONE Holistic Nutrition's post 02/29/2024

How does the COMPLETE BODY RESET compare to diets?

What is the COMPLETE BODY RESET program?

It’s a holistic customized program that incorporate all pillars of health:

stress management
toxin load
sleep hygiene

with the gaols of :
weight loss to your ideal weight
peri/menopause symptom relief of: insomnia, hot flashes/night sweats, moods, anxiety/depression, headaches, PMS, bloating, joint pain, brain fog and more!

While it has an extremely high success rate for women 40+, it’s also very effective for high for men and women of all ages including those with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol as well as weight loss.

Unlike diets, there is no calorie or point counting and meals are design to meet YOUR nutritional needs so you can balance your metabolism and hormones, achieve your weight goals, improve metabolic blood values and eliminate problematic symptoms.

The focus isn’t weight loss, but weight loss is a side benefit of the program from achieving a healthy, more balanced metabolism.

Long term success is achieved because it teaches you what foods work and don’t work for you, how to build a balanced plate to achieve satiety and eliminate cravings and how to enjoy foods guilt free while acquiring the nourishment your body is asking for.

Starting with a medical history, analysis of over 30 blood values, foods likes/dislikes a customized Metabolic Balance (R) plan is created for YOU including whole real foods from a variety of sources.

Meal planning, recipes along with coaching and consulting are also included to ensure success on the program.

This 100% natural program also includes:

Sleep optimization
Toxin removal
Exercise for YOUR body
Stress management techniques

Because it’s not only nutrition that plays a role in weight and hormone balance.

Are you ready to stop dieting and instead learn how to eat for you body? Do you want to stop suffering from PMS or peri/menopausal symptoms? Do you want to feel good in your skin again and increase your confidence? Do you want to finally feel like yourself again?

Follow for more weight and hormone balance tips for women 40+


Calling all pasta lovers!

If you’re like me, you love pasta. And you don’t need to have an Italian background (like me) to really enjoy it.

But here’s the thing, pasta can be extremely high carb and lack the protein we need not only for weight maintenance but also hormone balance, gut health and peri/menopause symptom relief.

Does this mean we should give up pasta all together? Heck NO!

But it does mean that we may want to find some other pasta alternatives to work into our diets.

This is a delicious chickpea pasta recipe that includes high protein, healthy fats, veggies, vitamins/minerals, fibre and more. Checking all the boxes, it adds up to a balanced delicious meal that won’t lead to bloating (unless you don’t tolerate legumes), fatigue, gut issues, headaches, weight gain and other issues many experience with too much wheat.

This delicious easy 30 min meal is great for the whole family and will keep you satiated for the whole night. Win-Win!

1 box of Chickpea pasta (I used organic spiral chickpea pasta- can find at Costco or organic section of most grocery stores)
3-4 cups veggies of your choice (I used left over broccoli, cauliflower, yellow beans and sauteéd garlic and bok choy)
4 Chopped garlic cloves
3-6 tbsp of Olive oil
Sea salt/ground pepper, garlic powder, oregano

Boil the chickpea pasta according to package instructions.
Sauteé garlic and veggies in 3 tbsp of olive oil in low heat in a large pan until soft. (I added pre steamed broccoli, cauliflower and green beans)
Add sea salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste.
Drain pasta and pour into the veggie pan. Add more olive oil if desired.
Top with Parmesan cheese and oregano.



It’s December and the Christmas Season is officially upon us!

I am already in the Christmas spirit and am offering up some amazing gifts and deals!

Sign up for the COMPLETE BODY
RESET program before Dec 19 and receive $100 off!

Plus a FREE METABOLIC BALANCE Holiday Recipe ebook with 16 delicious recipes you can try over the holidays!! Wow your guest with these delicious and nutritious recipes that are also quick and easy to make!

Looking to lose weight and tackle those peri/menopausal symptoms of hot flashes/night sweats, insomnia, headaches, irritability, fatigue, bloating and more?

Want to have a system in place for post holiday weight loss?

Sign up before the 19th, save $100 and start in the new year.

Sign up for any of my programs and receive your FREE METABOLIC BALANCE Holiday Recipe ebook!

Visit for more details on programs.

DM me or book in your free consultation (link in bio) to see which program is right for you!

PS. Looking for gift ideas for the person that has everything? Give the gift of health with a ONE HOLISTIC NUTRITION gift card. I work with male clients for weight loss too!

DM for more info or to purchase yours.


Starting Monday November 20 and ending Friday November 24,  Black Friday Sales are on and you don't want to miss out!
🎉25% off COMPLETE BODY RESET program.
If you're struggling with weight loss, peri/menopause symptoms of insomnia, night sweats/hot flashes, moods changes, fatigue, anxiety/depression, bloating, headaches and more. 
This all natural customized nutrition and lifestyle, plan based on your blood values can help you get to your ideal weight and finally feel like yourself again. 
Purchase now and start now or after the holidays. DM me or head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation to see if CBR is right for you!
🎉10 DAY BODY RESET DETOX only $59!!
Do you need a reset before the holidays? Parties coming up and you want to look and feel your best? 
Are you feeling fatigued, have unwanted weight, insomnia, bloating, skin issues, digestive problems? 
Or do you just need a reset? Then you are in need of a RESET DETOX! 
This program contains 10 days of delicious recipes designed to detox and cleanse your body so you can lose those extra pounds, increase your energy and feel great! 

Purchase now and start anytime!

Head to the link in my bio to grab yours!

Photos from ONE Holistic Nutrition's post 11/08/2023

Do you add lemon to your water? Do you drink a glass of water upon waking?

Adding lemon to your water can give benefits over just plain water by itself.

Here are 3 benefits of adding lemon to your water:

1. Liver Cleansing
Lemons are a great food to help support liver cleansing. Our liver has over 500 functions, some of them being detoxing our blood and hormone balance. 2 factors important for weight management and peri/menopause symptom relief Lemons help to stimulate and cleanse the liver

2. Vitamin C
Citrus fruits like lemons contain vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. These help protect your cells from free radicals and the resultant inflammation. This can lead to weight gain, hormonal imbalance a number of diseases.
Vitamin C is good for your skin, your immune system and it promotes collagen, protein metabolism, iron absorption and hormone production.

3. Aids Digestion
This citric acid from lemon can increase stomach acid which aids in digestion of nutrients to render them more absorbable.
It has also been show to promote peristalsis- wave like contractions that move food through our digestive tract- which also aids in digestion.

So next time you reach for that glass of water, squeeze some lemon in it!

In my free newsletter this week I dive deeper into the benefits of hydration for weight loss and hormone balance and how much water YOU should be consuming.

Get on the list! (Link in my bio)


This lovely lady came to me because she felt her she could no longer control her weight by methods used in the past.

She also felt like her hormones were unbalanced as she was suffering from various symptoms on top of weight gain like worsening PMS, bloating, insomnia and headaches.

She know she had to address her hormonal imbalances to not only relieve her symptoms but also lose weight.

Because just focusing calories was not going to help her in the long or short term and was definitely not going to help her hormones or symptoms.

It’s a different game after 40 and she knew she had to do something different this time.

And boy was she glad she signed up for the COMPLETE BODY RESET Program because just after a matter of weeks she:






All this in just a matter of weeks!!

⭐No starving, counting calories or points, eating fake food or spending hours at the gym.

These results are typical of what I see with my clients when they follow their clear and sustainable program.

It all begins with taking a thorough medically history, analysis of over 30 different blood values PLUS food likes/dislikes.

From here a customized plan is created for you that not only includes nutrition but lifestyle factors such as stress management and exercise.

Customized supplements are also suggested (but not mandatory for the program).

1:1 unlimited virtual coaching (for your convenience) for 6 months is also included.

Want to lose weight and eliminate your peri/menopausal symptoms?

Want to sleep through the night, increase your energy and finally feel like yourself again?

😊DM me or Book in a free virtual consult with me to find out more. (Link in bio)

I want my next client success story to be about you!


Why go it alone when you can sign up to a proven program and experienced nutritionist to guide you through?

What have you tried?

Counting calories or points
Skipping meals
Going gluten free
Low fat
Low carb
Low sodium
Fad diet after fad diet
Random meal plans
Increasing exercise

Do you know many of the clients that have come to me have tried many of these things. They’ve struggled and starved just to end up back at square one plus some weight.

Only now they’re frustrated and feel defeated.


Because fad diets don’t work! And trying to “figure it out on your own” many times doesn’t work either.

What does work?

Filling in nutrition deficiencies

Balancing insulin (even if you’re not diabetic) because insulin affects so much in our body when it comes to weight loss and hormones.

Incorporating the right exercise

And other customized lifestyle factors

Hiring an experienced consultant who has worked with many women just like you to get them to their ideal weight, balance their hormones, get them sleeping again and more energized…without the nasty PMS or peri/menopause symptoms too!

This lovely lady came to me tired, couldn’t sleep, irritable and with joint pain, cravings, bloating and rosacea.

Not only did she lose over 20 lbs but was able to sleep through the night again, increase her energy, eliminate her rosacea, joint pain, bloating and feel all around amazing!

She stopped dieting and focused on filling her body with the nutrients it required so she could feel like herself again.

If you’re looking for weight loss, more energy, better sleep, no bloating, night sweats/hot flashes and more, reach out for a free consultation!

And share with anyone else struggling with these same issues.


HELLO! There are a few new people around here so let me introduce myself.

I am Diana Ragno, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who specializes in weight loss and perimenopause symptom relief for women 40+, so they can finally feel like themselves again… or better than ever before.

I do this by incorporating personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans based on their unique blood values.

Your plan is not only specific to you but 100% natural, sustainable and designed to be adaptable to your lifestyle and schedule.

As a busy mom of 3, I know how difficult it is to fit in healthy eating and lifestyle along with work and family obligations. I help you navigate this journey through 1:1 private coaching/nutritional consulting along the way.

I have help many women:

Lose weight and reduce belly fat
Sleep through the night and wake rested
Increase energy
Reduce/eliminate hot flashes/night sweats
Lower blood pressure, blood sugars, cholesterol
Eliminate joint pain
Improve moods, depression and anxiety
Eliminate bloating, constipation and other digestive issues
Eliminate headaches
Eliminate PMS
AND More….

While I specialize with women 40+, I also have successfully worked with teens, men, couples and families including clients with type 2 diabetes/prediabetes.

My programs are customized, 1:1 and easy to incorporate into your schedule and I conveniently see my clients from anywhere through virtual appointments.

No starvation or gross “diet food”, I promise!

Are you struggling to lose weight or have your hormones taken over?

Do you want to feel “normal” again and sleep through the night?

Do you want to learn how to nourish YOUR body and NEVER DIET AGAIN?

I would be happy to guide you on your journey to your ideal weight, more energy and hormone balance so you can sail through your peri/menopause years.

Check out the link in my bio for resources and also check out my IG testimonials highlights where you’ll see that :

VDR got to her goal weight and eliminated her hot flashes and night sweats


CI lost 30 lbs in 2 months!

Drug free.

DM me to find out how you can finally feel like yourself again.


Stressed, anxious, insomnia, indigestion, upset stomach, gas and nausea.

Camomile contains a flavonoid called apigenin that induces sleepiness and decreases anxiety.

It’s a medicinal herb that was used in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome and works great for all of these issues.

Do you drink camomile tea? Tell me in the comments 👇

Photos from ONE Holistic Nutrition's post 07/19/2023

Are you over 40 and noticed your cycles are going wonky? You used to have a 28 day cycle like clockwork and now your cycles have shortened or become less predictable?

After women turn 40 in their perimenopausal years, period changes can be the first symptom of the hormonal changes that are taking place.

One of the first signs of perimenopause is shortened cycles. Due to the changing levels of estrogen and progesterone, cycles can shorten our 28 day cycle by 2-4 days.

Worsening PMS in the form of moods, emotions, bloating, cravings, cramps, breast tenderness and a new one…night sweats! These exacerbated (and sometimes new symptoms) are also due to changing hormone levels.

You may also find your periods are getting heavier, or are filled with clots or new onset mid cycle spotting.

Then as we move closer to menopause those cycles and time between bleeds lengthen out.

The good thing is that you can affect this hormonal rollercoaster and the life altering symptoms (hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, anxiety/depression) that accompany it, naturally with the right nutrition and lifestyle for YOUR body.

I’ve worked with many women who have eliminated their PMS, night sweats/hot flashes, headaches, clots, breast tenderness all the while improving their moods, sleep and getting to their ideal weight. All natural, no drugs, starving or “diet foods”.

In my newsletter this week I dive into the changes that occur to our menstrual cycles after the age of 40. To get on the list, head to the link in my bio.


Happy Mother’s Day to all you superwomen out there that work 24/7 for your family.

One day (or one morning) isn’t nearly enough but just a small token of the enormous impact you have on your family and the world.

For all the meals you cooked, all the kitchens you cleaned, all the loads of laundry, and all the chauffeuring you do.

For all the meetings you chair, all the patients you’ve helped, all the businesses you run, all the projects you managed, all the students you’ve taught, all the teeth you’ve fixed, all the meals you serve and all the groups you lead.

For all the attitude, disrespect, tantrums, sleepless nights, fatigue and drama you’ve had to endure.

For all the boo boos you kissed better, and all the hugs and love you give consistently everyday even though you don’t always get it back.

For a role that has more put downs and criticism than appreciation and admiration.

Take some time today to acknowledge the superwoman you are and how irreplaceable you always will be.

Happy Mother’s Day Supermom.


Are you over 40 (or close to 40) struggling with weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, digestive issues or hormonal imbalances manifesting as mood swings, irritability, night sweats/hot flashes, headaches and more.

Are you eating less and moving more but still not losing weight?

Did you know what you’re eating or lacking can be exacerbating these symptoms?

Grab your FREE 3-Day Hormone Reset Guide!

This guide gives you 3 days worth of balanced meals (plus 1 bonus delicious dessert!) that provide all the nutrients to start you on your path to hormone and weight balance.

I am Diana Ragno, a hormone and weight loss nutritionist who through customized nutrition and lifestyle plans, works with busy women 40+ to naturally achieve their ideal weight, increase energy, improve sleep, balance their hormones and rid themselves of those nasty peri/menopause symptoms mentioned above.

I’ve created this guide FREE for you because it’s time to feel like yourself again.

Grab yours here:

AND don’t forget to post pictures of your meals and tag me in them!



t’s HERE! For more info and to grab yours go to the link in my bio.

10 Day Body Reset Detox!!🍋

You’ve spoken, an I’ve heard. I’ve listened to you tell me how you struggle with:

Weight Gain
Hormonal issues
Bloating, Gas
Digestive issue, constipation
Skin issues
Hot flashes/night sweats
PMS and more…

That’s why I created this program with you in mind because there’s a good chance what you’re eating right now keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle.

This complete 10-Day “Body Reset” will help you rebalance your hormones and take back control of your metabolism using the power of whole food eating and toxin elimination.

How does it work?

* You will be given 10 days worth of whole foods recipes (delicious cleansing smoothies/drinks, breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with dessert and snack options).

* No processed meals or drinks. Everything is made from scratch by yourself from whole ingredients.

* You can choose from either Omnivore or Vegan menus or choose meals from both.

* You will be eating 3 meals a day, plus snacks if needed. NO STARVING!

* Simply follow your meal plan, drink your suggested water amount, get some movement and sleep, and let the detoxing happen.

* If you have questions during the program, you can reach out to me via email at anytime.

* Once you’ve completed the 10 day detox, you will receive a FREE 30 min nutritional consult call to go over how you did on the detox and steps you can take to keep the momentum going.

+ you’ll start noticing changes well before the 10 days are up!

What’s included in this program:

* 10 Day Body Reset Detox guide
* Kitchen clean out guide
* 10 Day Omnivore and Vegan Menu and recipes including desserts and snacks
* Superfoods Guide
* Suggested Supplements Guide with discounts on high quality supplements as well as protein and supergreen powders.

Plus Bonuses!!

Bonus #1: Free 30 minute post program consult
Bonus #2: Grocery Shopping Guide Ebook

What you can expect once you’ve completed the 10 detox:

Weight loss
Less or no bloating
Less constipation
Improved digestion
Better sleep
More energy
Clearer skin
And more…

🎉Get your guide now for a special limited time introductory offer that won’t last forever. Sale ends April 15, 2023

For Men and Women!

Regularly $414 but on sale now for only $85!!

Head to the link in my bio to grab yours. Don’t miss out! This sale won’t last forever!

DM me with any questions!

Now let’s get that spring detox on!💫

Photos from ONE Holistic Nutrition's post 03/26/2023

44% of women with breast cancer compared to 39% of women without breast cancer were on hormonal birth control, which included:

*oral combined
*oral progestagen-only
*injected progestagen
*progestagen-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs)
-for an average of 3.1 years bf BC diagnosis

“Our findings suggest that there is a relative increase of around 20% to 30% in breast cancer risk associated with current or recent use of either combined oral or progestagen-only contraceptives”

“15-year absolute excess risk associated with 5 years use of oral combined or progestagen-only contraceptives in high-income countries was estimated at:
-8 per 100,000 users from age 16 to 20 years and

-265 per 100,000 users from age 35 to 39 years”

“Given that the underlying risk of breast cancer increases with advancing age, the absolute excess risk associated with use of either type of oral contraceptive is estimated to be smaller in women who use it at younger rather than at older ages.

Such risks need be balanced against the benefits of using contraceptives during the childbearing years.”

Some other birth control pills (BCP) facts:

-Birth control pills contain SYNTHETIC HORMONES and not estrogen and progesterone as they are made to mimic

-BCP do not regulate our hormones. They actually shut down our own hormones and the synthetic versions take over.

-BCP increases your risk for blood clots, heart attack and strokes as well as cervical & liver cancer (especially after 35)

-If you’ve been taking the BCP for a while, it has been shown to decrease your risk for uterine and ovarian cancer for 15-20 years after stopping the pill.

BCP decreases B vitamins, Vitamin C & E, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc. These are important for mental health, anxiety, depression, sleep, immune and breast health, and anti-oxidant support. (NIH)

BCP are labeled a class 1 carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer

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