
Pure Heart Intelligence is a concept which invokes a value system beyond limitations.


This is Truly a powerful way to think.
You can almost feel the message.

For when we think of those who follow in our footsteps.
What kinda of lessons and examples are we setting.

For when it comes to utilizing our Truth Potential, it's the heart that holds all the knowledge we will ever need.

Teach from the Heart and lets Reverse Engineer what it truly means to be HumanKIND.


One must begin to "Feel" what the truth is amongst all information their presented with.

Use your Intuition, use your common sense, do not just listen blindly to rules which hinder/harm or limit your life or others.

Stay True to your Heart , we are a Global Family trying to break free from the boundaries of Fear,Misinformation and limitations we have been taught.

If we wish to predict the Future let's collaborate and collectively work together and Create it based on Strong Core Moral Values.

For there are things in life no Pricetag can be place.
Truth, Peace, Integrity, Morality, Ethics, Forgiveness, Communication, Trust, Transparency, Hope, Empathy... etc

These are the building blocks of Sustainability for life. If we Honor these teachings and value systems we all thrive as a Global family/ Community.

What makes a Great leader is one who can bring people together, not tear them apart.

Fear and Ego is the enemy to our own sustainable future.
We are the ones who hold the keys.

Friendship Intelligence Can Everlast Any Storm.

Choose where you send your Attention and beliefs, where attention goes energy flows.
What kind of future do you wish to live in.

Everything in this world first started with a Tought in someone's Imagination, their thoughts and words are not any different then your own.

Look into the unknown with courage , for their is more love in this UNIVERSE then you could EVER imagine.

Raise your believe system and all those around you.


Shared from a fellow Traveler of consciousness. Rise on ,vibe on

Even though our society and world has been fully controlled, twisted and manipulated to function and run under a highly dysfunctional way of being, massive hypnosis and limited mind-set within the mass collective and its slavery system that was intentionally set by design - I envision and trust in a world mostly focused on the solutions and not the 'fighting against', with co-creative collaboration, connections and endeavours of like-minded individuals, pioneer leaders and visionary soul groups coming together beyond the fragmented little "self" and lack, willing to transcend the self imposed limitations and able to embody a new paradigm and higher perspective of "we" in our physical life-experience without the need to wait for others to be ready - bringing a whole new expression, opportunities and possibilities to the morphogenetic field of our collective consciousness and fully claiming our heritage and birthright as conscious co-creators beyond any labels and programming. It might feel uncomfortable and unknown as we step into a greater version of a collective dream but we can do it - and if we can tap into this, it's because it is already happening.


In this energetic video today I talk about the concept of removing fear from your life.

Within the mind and imagination all becomes possible.

What you believe to be true becomes true, where attention goes energy flows. These quotes have such a powerful meaning behind them because it showcases the true collective potential that thought and belief structures have in our daily lives.

Collective Consciousness creates the reality of what we live in. And as co creators its our duty to help create together the best possible world for all to thrive in.

Fear ,Doubt, Greed, and Ego are all states of mindset which hinder our individual and collective energy.

Do No Harm should be a way of life.

-Love is the cure
-Courage and Compassion brings out the best in you and others
-Peace and Forgiveness heals the Mind,body, heart and soul of all creation

Our True purpose is one of a united world, a world without Limitations, Fear, Control, or lack.

Abundance is our Birthright, Truth is a fundamental prerequisite towards moving forward as a collective family.

Shine your light into the world and help brighten up the hearts of those near and far.

Vibe on family Vibe on.


Right in front of our eyes is one of the most powerful organic healers to teach us the ways of sustainability.


We are blessed to be able to live in a world where we can breath the air naturally, swim in the water freely , and grow our own food organically with love and care as the main ingredients needed.

We have much to be thankful for, everything is provided as long as we care for the planet in return.

Our body is like an extention of the planet. You must keep your body pure and clean for it to thrive and heal on a daily basis.
You must protect yourself from toxic substances and situations.

You do not need to put harmful substances into your ecosystem, it puts your internal body at war with itself, which in return harms your existence and others in your life.

Your connection to Nature and love can heal you beyond any pill or drug Synthetically created for profit.

Nature charges you nothing EVER, it only ask to give back some energy when you take some.
Nature is a harmonious system in itself.

To protect nature and the environment is a pricless jobs that should be above all other factors.

Without clean and healthy air, water and soil nothing else matters because we won't be able to live here period.

We must change the ENTIRE FOOD SYSTEM

We must look into FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY and sustainable developments projects.

We must stop focusing on what it cost to make this world a better place.
There should never be a limit put into sustainability and our ability to thrive as a species.

The only factor needing to be applied is Truth, Trust , Love, Peace, and Protection.
Core Values are what matter the most.

Redirect your attention into the bigger picture, if money cant get the job down. Then it's going to come down to people working together for a common goal regardless of the cost factor.

Free Energy technology comes from us doing what's right out of the kindness of our hearts because with our freewill we chose to make a difference, and that's all that should matter.

There is no limitations when it comes to energy, money should never be a factor when it comes to creating miracles.


When you see the world feelingly through your "heart eyes" you develop a bigger picture as to what is truly possible when we unite for a purpose far greater then you can imagine.

Our collective True Potential would become Limitless, core values would only strengthen as we begin to unravel our True Potential as a global family.

Within each of us we hold a piece to this bigger picture. And we need to all find it in our hearts to put aside our indifferences and come together to transform our way of living and loving forever.

Could it just be that simple ?
Could this action alone transform our lives forever.

Deep down you always knew you were going to help change the world forever.

Maybe love all along was all it took to heal our world...

Please pass this message along and join me in this grande adventure into the unknown together.


Instagram s.m.hope2share




When it comes to the possibilities of existence limitless is only the beginning.
The journey to get their faster comes when we collectively focus on our true purpose in life.

To create a life truly beyond the limitations of Imagination.

Truth will always be pricless, when shared from the heart.





When it comes down to being able to create the most beautiful existence for all what main factors come to mind?
Is there a better way to trade our time and energy effectively to better the world we live on and all its inhabitants?

When it comes to creating a better world is it more effectively accomplished in a competitive or coopative way?

Ask yourself these questions and try to FEEL what is the better answer.
Allow your heart to help guide you through life's journey into the unknown.

We are a collective global family trying to accomplish something no one person can do alone.

1 million people living together in harmony can accomplish more then 1 billion working against each other.

Close you're eyes to the distractions of separation, and see the world through your heart to feel what is the best path to follow.


What is the true limitations of HumanKINDS potential. The journey to solve some of the biggest questions in life, starts from taking one step each day towards becomes your best self.

We are more then human, we are Evolution in motion. Unity is the way forward, you were born for this.


Today we are faced with many obstacles to overcome.

I believe our health is directly connected to how we treat each other, the world and other life on this planet.

We are more then a physical body, we are also mind and spirit.

I believe energy plays a vital role in our wellbeing.

If energy can heal us, we must redirect our collective attention into utilizing our services to better one another.

A free energy society starts from doing things out of the kindness of your freewill. Without expecting anything in return.

FriendvestmentFreedom creates Pricless Value.

Comment and share your thoughts, I'd love to discuss more indepth topics.

Vibe on global family.
Share your truths


Your imagination is limitless and has the potential to completely change the way you live forever.

How you choose to focus that energy is up to you.

Collective Consciousness Creates Reality.

What you believe to be true becomes true.

Magic is all around you.


I believe we are all on a path to become our higher self. And the best journeys in life are always shared with others.

Love is always the way forward, we can always help make this world a better place for all to enjoy.

We're are HumanKIND for a reason.
Let's put aside our indifferences and focus on the bigger picture.

All is possible, when we come together to create miracles.


Limitations were ment to be broken, true love breaks all the rules and laws to create meaning.

We are a global family, anything becomes possible when we collectively focus our attention on the bigger picture of Unity.

Love always brings us back together.

vibe on family.

I'm here to talk if anybody needs any help.
Drop me a message anytime.
That's what friends are for


Copied and shared by another fellow healer of consciousness.

Pass it along

Important share - Things may seem rough out there. How we can we help and make a positive contribution in the world?

Foundational understanding: We are all always affecting each other, because at an invisible level, we're all energetically interconnected, and ultimately, One.

The more I focus on the craziness in the world, the lower I feel my energy sink. From that level, not only do I start to feel like cr*p but I'm no help to anybody else. My mood spills into the collective field, which is not helpful.

But when I shift my energy (eg. shut down all the external stimuli, go within and re-connect to my higher self and source, or extend kind, generous acts or expressing gratitude), I move up the scale of energy back towards the light, and I feel so much lighter and better (happiness is an inside job) AND I'm simultaneously helping to counterbalance the destructive energy in THOUSANDS or even MILLIONS of my brothers and sisters. Now we actually have a chance of advancing and "waking up."

According to Elena and Alejandro, the latest measurement of the collective human race is at 230. The more people we can get raising their own frequency, the more it helps the whole. This requires becoming very mindful of where we are directing our attentional energy, all day long. But it really starts with just us. We simply aren't responsible for anyone else. One single person can have a massive impact on the masses (as per the attached chart).

While it may sound like we should be "trying" to raise our frequency through effort and striving, that's misleading because our natural frequency IS pure and high. Need to let go and release all the lower density associations. Basically, replace our own fear, hatred, judgment, anger and attack with forgiveness, compassion, understanding, helpfulness, caring and laughter. 😄

The current predominant approach has been painfully slow, just watching the crazy world, getting upset by it, and in turn, further perpetuating more crazy news. We get more of what we focus on. If I'm always angry at the injustices, I will continue to always be angry at the injustices. Occasionally yelling at others to "wake up!" I don't recall that's ever actually worked. "Hmm, someone yelled at me to wake up so I did."

There's another way. But it involves transcending to a higher level and working from there. Think levels of consciousness. From contracted states to expansive states.

Take-away: evolution is moving up the frequency scale back to our natural state of awareness as pure spirit with no limits, instead of prolonging all the madness by dwelling in the lower heavier levels. DECIDE what you want, in terms of how you want to feel. Re-prioritize what is important to you and spend your time on that. Guard your mind, don't let your self-sabotaging thoughts pull you back into the mud. As light beings made of love, we deserve so much more. When you see the next upsetting news story, don't feed your emotional juice into it. And once we're in our right mind, our innate guidance leads us to the next right actions and inspired solutions.

Blessings to you 🙏✨💖


I do not consent to any of this. I do not consent to seeing my brothers and sisters placed in such states of fear that they have abandoned reason and logic. I do not consent to seeing children walking around with their beautiful voices shut off and closed down. I do not consent to the lying and manipulation that is being used everyday, in every arm of media, in order to maintain the illusion which such forces require to continue their way of life. I ASK for the help of the divine. I ASK for the aide of those beyond the perception of veiled reality. I ASK and it will be so.
Please join me in asking for this assistance.


One positive change a day can change your entire life.
When compounded by the entire population...... creates miracles on a daily basis.

Miracles should be a way of life we all deserve to be healthy, wealthy, fulfilled, and able to live a life truly filled with magic and adventures.

I full heartedly believe Consciousness Creates Reality, and when we collectively focused our attention the right way. Everything can change in a instant.

-Global debt paid off
-Past Karma Healed
-Ecosystems restored to full health
-All diseases cured and healed
-World peace ✌
-Drastic advancements in all aspects of life
-Interglatic adventures into the unknown

Truly value comes from our ability to build relations out of thin air with ALL forms of life.

If we can change the polarity of the planet back into a positive garden of hope. ALL LIFE CAN THRIVE.

We are powerful healers, Guardians and protectors of creation.

Love is our wand, truth is our sword, and courage is our shield.

Do not allow lack and feelings of limitations into your life.

You are here right now because generations before you CHOOSE LOVE VS FEAR.

All your ancestors choose love, and that is why without a doubt in my mind I full heartedly know how powerful loves connection can be.

When ever you are presented with an obstacle or a choice, always remember its your choice which path you choose to walk.

Focus your energy into HEALING
Speak HEALTH into the world

We are co creators of our Future timeline.

Fear holds no power in a world United by love.

Rise above limitations, you are that walking miracle.


I do not believe in the concept of "US VS THEM"
For the ego mind wishes to see things from a point of view of duality or competition.

To break these belief structures imagine for a second that a part of you is in every lifeform you meet.

What if your life becomes more magical and blessed as their life gets better also.

Everybody deserves to live a life truly filled with Mirclacles and adventures.

Cooperation, Trust, Honesty, Love , Forgiveness.... when it comes to value .... we must remember what is pricless in life.
For what is pricless, is what we cannot live without.

Rise above the fear and ego.

You were created from love , because your ancestors choose love over fear along time ago.... remember that when you are faced with a decision.

Love is truly that POWERFUL.


I just wanted to take some time out to say I appreciate you all more then words can even describe.

Everytime we do something to help another person out we send ripples out into the world to make our home a better place for all.

Everytime you choose to speak from your heart you heal another.

Everytime you speak your truth you enrich the life of another.

Everytime you help someone in need its gets paid forward.

With your choice of freewill we can truly create miracles everyday.

Our collective Efforts can heal worlds, enrich entire civilizations, regenerate ecosystems, we are a collective builder race of limitless potential.

Within our Imagination all is possible.

And when we truly put aside our indifferences and unite for a common purpose anything and EVERYTHING becomes possible.

Global debt could be paid off
World peace can be solved
We can create abundance in all aspects of our lives
All ecosystems can be healed and restored
Are collective potential is limitless.

With every friend you make, every choice you make we are changing the world one heart at a time.

We may stumble and fall but what makes us unique is that we don't give up. We have evolved and been able to make it through every storm due to our ability to choose love over fear.

We are still here today because of love.

Never forget how truly powerful an idea can be when it is believed and accepted into the hearts of the world.

One idea can change the world, one simple act of kindness multiplied by many can heal many lives.

When love is compounded it creates something more valuable then anything you can imagine.

True love extends infinitely outwards and has the ability to create limitless miracles.

You are proof of such miracles, one candle can light a billion more.

You are that candle. Shine on.


The only sickness in the world is a negative polarity, nothing grows in a negative world.

We have been misinformed on how this world truly works.
The most targeted thing in the world is your perception on reality and your belief systems.
As co Creators it is duty to help those in need when we see an opportunity.
The best way to do this is the SERVICE TO OTHERS PATH.

To live is to give. As we help others, in return it compounds and helps transform our word one heart at a time.
One small act of kindness compounded by many people truly helps creates a world where anything is possible.

The main way to achieve this is to see the world through your heart instead of just your mind.

As a collective global family we must take care of each other regardless of indifferences.

When you see someone in need, your moral instincts should kick in.
The more this world changes its polarity back into a positive state. The more Mirclacles become a natural way of life.

Negativity is the disease, and the cure is Love and treating each other with mutual respect.

The more we care for each other and find common ground the faster this world heals.

Covid is not the issues, the main focus should be centered on how can we reconnect to our hearts and help each other heal through our pains and Traums.

The bring out the best in others is a natural super power. Sharing without expecting anything in return is pricless.

We are here to rise above indifferences and showcase the true strength of HUMANKIND'S potential.

Love has always been the way forward , ever since the dawn of time.

True love breaks all the rules and laws to create purpose.

Shine your light into the dark and lets help lead the way to a world beyond limitations.


The book Food Fix by Dr Mark Hyman shows us clearly that if we changed the food system we could completely reverse cronic illness worldwide, save trillions of dollars per year , save billions of lives, and reverse the damage we have done to the planet so fast it would be considered a miracle.

Eating from the garden renews life, eating from the grave takes it away.

We as a collective family have to work together to change this flawed system.

Food is medicine, taking care our our planet gives us everything we need to Thrive.
Love is the only ingredient which enriches all our lives.

The meat industry is completely not necessary. We are Herbavoirs and some of the biggest strongest plant eaters in the world showcase the true potential of that diet. Gorillas, Elephants,Buffalo etf.

Our Anatomy is that of a herbavoir, research it yourself.

We have been taught that we need meat for quality protein intake, which is a big lie.

All protein comes from plants first, animal protein makes you sick and is second hand protein.
No animal deserves to suffer for our taste buds. And in eating them they kill us in return.

We all deserve the best health and so do our animal friends.

Take a chance on making a change , and lets see how healthy we can become as a global family.


Not all Heros ware capes.

Some of the most pricless values we hold dear in our lives are the relationships we build and forge along our journey into the unknown.

We have the ability to befriend all forms of life!!!

Animals are Alien to our own species.
We don't understand their language yet they give us so much in return just for showing them love and affection in return.

Building relationships regardless of indifferences are a fundamental factor to the sustainability of our future.

With on simple goal achieved worldwide we could truly grow as a global family.

TRUTH is the main language spoken to create miracles
PEACE and seeing the world through the eyes of the heart can unlock many doors along our journey into the future.

The Puzzle of Peace will create Abundance for all life in this world.

We all deserve A life truly filled with positivity, Miracles, Abundance and Happiness beyond what the eyes can see.

Shine on global family. You are all amazing.

Incase your wondering yes my dog does do this to himself, he's my superman


for a moment that you were for a mission.
The most difficult mission you could ever imagine.
If you life would begin to unfold into the most where everything becomes possible.

And in your hands you held a piece, everybody you knew had one as well.

And to see the bigger picture all we had to do was unite as a global .
To solve the PUZZLE OF .

What we collectively to be becomes true, if you speak about something you are to it.
Your words are , your beliefs have the power to what you believe in.

This mission is for us all to together.

You were born and , feed your mind,body,heart and soul only that which makes you feel inspired and healthy.

Eat as pure as you can, exercise or and as you move,share your love as it heals those around you as well.
And remember we are for a reason.

If possible do not watch anything that hinders your that you don't wish to help create in this world.

You were born from love , it is one of the forms of .

You are ready for this mission, Healers United ;)

i.s.m.hope2share Send a message to learn more


are to our own species yet they show us love no matter the .

We dont speak the same language, but we look after each other because of and .

That feeling of and caring for one another is the of life itself.

We are here to help and assist in the of .

If there was ever a lesson to learn from animals it would be that Love has the ability to build relationships across all forms of life.

It is the form of creation and has the ability to bring species of any kind.

This simple concept could end wars, solve indifferences, Fear, regenerate ecosystems, diseases , create , solve the soultuion to , the world , and pay off all debts worldwide.

Could the answer be so simple?
Has it been infront of our this entire time.
Is love truly that ?

The civilizations before us left us signs , stories, maps and pictures trying to leave behind clues of how they together.

Not because they were asked to but to help those generations that followed.

Love has always been the way forward, and we are still here because of it.

this story and message with those who's may need a boost.
Add to it and pass it along.

Love is a gift that keeps on .

Its always been the cure in times of need.

on global family

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Right in front of our eyes is one of the most powerful organic healers to teach us the ways of sustainability.Nature IS ...
When you see the world feelingly through your "heart eyes" you develop a bigger picture as to what is truly possible whe...
Today we are faced with many obstacles to overcome.I believe our health is directly connected to how we treat each other...
Your imagination is limitless and has the potential to completely change the way you live forever. How you choose to foc...
Limitations were ment to be broken, true love breaks all the rules and laws to create meaning. We are a global family, a...
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