Pure Strength And Nutrition

Helping women build a strong body and strong mind
🥕Ditch the diet mindset, eat food you love
✨Make time for you-without guilt
💪🏻🧠 Get stronger


Think of your habits in seasons rather than a do-over

Summer often means all of these amazing things
-more sunshine
-more time outside
-bbq’s with your friends and family
-outside activities rather than lifting weights inside

None of this means a start from scratch! Staying healthy and active for long term also means enjoying what you are doing and not missing out for fear of having to start again

Many of my clients strength train less in the summer, move more outside -kayaking, hiking, swimming and then ramp up the lifting in the winter when there is more inside time

Have a plan for your year rather than beating yourself up with the have to start over

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 08/28/2024

Patricia was skeptical.

She had tried it all. Diets and hours of exercise. Only to fall back into old habits and frustration.

By digging into her mindset, celebrating even the tiniest wins, Patricia is now loving life and how she feels. Strong, confident, capable and able to say really great things about herself!

If you are struggling with where to start and tired of the same no results on repeat. DM me “EAT and let’s talk.


Constantly comparing yourself to where you used to be will keep you stuck.

Trying to keep up with a schedule you held before kids, full time job , university…it’s won’t work!

Life is different, YOU are different!

Start from where you are NOW

Here are some areas to focus on:
-be realistic with what your schedule is like now
-start an exercise routine that is manageable, not extreme
-learn how to eat sustainably rather than a diet
-pick one thing you can work on right now
-ask for help!


To see change, you have to DO the work

How many times have you collected all of the data, sure you now “know what to do” but did you actually implement any of that knowledge?

Sometimes all of this knowledge can create clutter and make it difficult to get started on your journey to being your healthiest you.

Need help? Let’s talk and figure out where you can start.
DM me “work” and I will reach back

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 08/19/2024

Do you find yourself stuck repeating the same patterns? Doing what your neighbour or co-worker has done that has worked for them?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Time to do what works for YOU. Keep it simple and start with one habit at a time.


Let's shift our thinking --> ​​​​​​​​​
Instead of restricting treats, and always striving for the number on the scale to be LESS, what can we add MORE of?

- more veggies with every meal
- more protein
- more steps (park further away and take the stairs!)
- more hydration

Not sure how or where to start? Let's chat!


Stop selling yourself short.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Stop making excuses, having a negative mindset and thinking that you don't deserve or you can't make change.

You DO deserve change and yes, you CAN. It's your time.


^ This is NOT what happy bubbles are suppose to look like....

How about we change this to ....

- walking in the sunshine
- strength training
- nutritious food
- quality time with family
- and chocolate, yummm...

What is in your happy bubble this week? Let's chat!


Meet Evan. Soon to be Mom of three, who has made herself a priority to set an excellent example for her children and to ensure she can show up as her best self, no matter what life brings her way.

Evan came to me initially, ready to build strength, become confident lifting weights and learn how to create healthy eating habits without dieting.

Growing up, Evan played hockey and felt she had lost her way as a young adult. She was looking to find her former athletic self and LEARN how to build healthy, sustainable habits.

Evan showed up ready and willing to learn how to eat without dieting. How to get strong using weights and how to create a balanced lifestyle with habits that felt good for her. With the thought that one day she was wanting to have children, be able to continue with a healthy lifestyle that included her growing family.

Fast forward to Evan now being pregnant with baby #3💕

Evan is “feeling her healthiest, most mobile, and has the most energy now” Evan has continued to lift and have a great understanding of the choices she is making for her health on a continual basis are ensuring she is feeling her best. Getting stronger has allowed Evan to continue to play hockey, rollerblade and keep up with her little ones!

If you have been feeling stuck, on the rollercoaster of diets and on and off training. You are ready to make changes that are going to last for life, I would love to help you get there.

DM me “HABITS” and let’s talk.


I figured it was about time I reintroduced myself, so much has changed over the last year around here.

I have been working in the fitness industry for 20 years and I celebrated my 50th birthday at the end of last year. So much has changed since I started coaching many years ago. In a good way💕

When I first started in this industry the primary focus was esthetics…there is SO much more to being your best!

I am so grateful to spend my days working with other women to gain confidence in themselves. Gain strength…body and mind and overcome obstacles such as years of dieting.

We work together to build a life that feels amazing, that ensures they are making time for themselves to feel and be their very best. Strength, nutrition and mindset.

I live in beautiful British Columbia and have been here my whole life. In high-school I wanted to be a PE teacher and it took me until I was almost 30 to follow that path! A great reminder that it is never too late.

I am a Mom to two beautiful young adult children and I have an adorable kitty Munchie, who loves to be my office side kick.

When I am not working with clients I love to get outdoors, stick to my own gym routine, dress up and enjoy local restaurants AND I love checking out different grocery stores🛒

The women I am coaching come to me to work on:

1. Learning how to eat without another diet.

2. How to celebrate their wins, love themselves and take time for themselves WITHOUT guilt.

3. Learn to get stronger, lift weights and become confident training from home or a gym.

4. Learn how to have fun again! Whether these women have lost their way, stopped playing competitive sport or had a beautiful little baby, focusing on their health is always a priority.

I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare of some sort. Self care is the healthcare I chose and I am so thankful to be a part of women figuring out who they, how to take the best care of themselves and live a long, strong and healthy life.

I am grateful you are here♥️
photo .co


Book time for you.

You want to get stronger, eat better, feel better, look better, yet you don’t make time to make any changes.

Time to take out the calendar and book in
-your training days and times
-food prep time whether this is a certain day per week or a bit daily
-go for a walk, get outside everyday
-go to bed earlier

Which will you book in for this week?


Don’t believe everything you hear🙉

Certainly if you are always in a calorie surplus, you will gain weight….eating fruit probably is not the culprit!

Why eat fruit🍑 🍉

1. A great nutritional upgrade for a snack rather than a granola bar or handful of cracker’s!

2. Fruit is an excellent source of fibre, which can help lower our cholesterol ♥️ and keep us full for longer…plus helps with 💩!

3. Fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals AND antioxidants

4. It is portable-think apples, oranges, grapes and containers of berries work too!

5. Fruit is high in water content, especially important to help with hydration during the summer months☀️

6. Relative to their volume, fruit is low in calories

Do you have a favorite fruit for the summer?


Don’t believe everything you hear🙉

Certainly if you are always in a calorie surplus, you will gain weight….eating fruit probably is not the culprit!

Why eat fruit🍑 🍉

1. A great nutritional upgrade for a snack rather than a granola bar or handful of cracker’s!

2. Fruit is an excellent source of fibre, which can help lower our cholesterol ♥️ and keep us full for longer…plus helps with 💩!

3. Fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals AND antioxidants

4. It is portable-think apples, oranges, grapes and containers of berries work too!

5. Fruit is high in water content, especially important to help with hydration during the summer months☀️

6. Relative to their volume, fruit is low in calories

Do you have a favorite fruit for the summer?

Would love to hear below 🍉


How the time flies

How often do you find yourself saying
-I’ll start next week
-next month
-when we are less busy
-when the kids are bigger
-after I lose some weight

Before you know it another six month has crept by

Are you ok with not prioritizing you?

Today is as good a day as any to get started on creating new habits that will allow you to feel your very best💕

Ready to say yes? Message me and let’s talk.


Are you constantly changing directions?

Have you stopped for long enough to see if what you are working on is giving you results?


Are you continually outsourcing.

-reading every book to find a magical answer
-doing what best friends neighbour did
-doom scrolling social media only to create more clutter in your head
-hiring a coach yet still looking for answers everywhere else????😳😳

How about slow down, stop being a squirrel 🐿️

Give what you are working a reasonable amount of time before you say “it doesn’t work” and be honest with yourself. Have you really put the work in to get to to the goal you say you want.

Need help with the a plan? DM me “steady” and let’s see if we are a fit!

Sound like someone you know? Please share❤️


Conversation with yourself always the same?

THIS is why you are not seeing change.

Change your mindset, create a positive space for you and have the honest conversation with yourself.

If you want to live your life in a different way, stop kidding yourself with the negative words that change is not possible for you. That is an uncomfortable excuse.

Show up, do the work, take care of yourself!

You are CAPABLE ❤️‍🩹

Was this helpful or do you know someone else who needs to hear this? Please share!


How you speak to yourself matters.

Are you doing all of the things yet, you don’t feel any better?

You have⬇️
-lost weight
-made changes to your nutrition
-fit back into your clothes that did not fit last year
-started being active
-gotten stronger
-taken an active roll in your health



Have you ever stopped to really pay attention to where you are putting your focus and how you speak about yourself?

Are the changes you are making EVER good enough?

Something to think about as you shift into feeling ♥️ towards yourself.

What is something positive you can say about yourself, let’s hear below ⬇️ OR dm me and let’s chat.


Is your current space a mess?

THIS may be what is holding you back from making change.

Time to tidy🧹 and start fresh!

Let’s start with a kitchen clean out ➡️where to start?

-assess your cooking tools-unused and unwanted-out
-clean out the cupboards and donate any unwanted items
-does that storage container have a lid, if not 🗑️
-food in the house you can’t resist, time to get rid of it
-how is the fridge looking😳 time for a clean and organize

Why organize first? Adding in more to do’s when you space is already not working is just going to add to the clutter.

Book some time to tidy and set yourself up for success to be able to prep in an environment you enjoy.

Did you find this helpful? Please share!


Next weekend will be better🤯

Sunday evening after the hectic weekend schedule has come and gone, do you sit in regret over what you ate?

Tomorrow will be better.

Until…..next weekend

Check out theses easy eating on the go ideas -

-2 hard boiled eggs and an 🍎
-protein shake and an 🍊
-beef jerky and a piece of cheese
-Greek yoghurt and fruit
-veggies and hummus
-smoothie to go
-pack a salad and protein
-cook extra protein and pack a picnic for the road

Hitting the drive through-prioritize a protein, veggies and a water rather than the pop

Better yet, stop in at the grocery store! Lots of fresh items there to grab and go!🛒
Reframe your thoughts on the weekend and what are some small change your can make so you feel good going into Monday.

What can you do today to ensure you feel your best.


Are you ok with just being ok?

You are MORE than ⬇️

-the number on the scale
-the amount of time you spend on others without prioritizing yourself
-the size of your clothing
-“I’m just a mom” (most important job in the world!!)
-the extra clean house or the hours you accumulate in the office
-societal expectations

Who are YOU?

What fills your cup and allows you to end each day saying “that felt good”

Prioritizing your selfcare will allow you to tap into your FULL potential with a clearer mind💕

Showing up for yourself FIRST = showing up better in other parts of your life.

TODAY is a perfect day to do one thing for you, what will you choose?



I am currently accepting new clients!

Are ready to become the best version on yourself? ♥️

Are you sitting in fear with summer ahead, planning which diet you will be starting for this year?

Sure, you can try that again…..OR

Let’s dig in to change and get you some results that stick around for good.

Welcome to the Strong Body, Strong Mind Method➡️ My 12 week online coaching program to start the journey to become your best self.

This is NOT the place for you if you want
-another diet
-hours of cardio per day
-an unrealistic amount of more things to do in your already busy schedule
-a cookie cutter program

Instead here is what my clients are doing:

🌸Client P-has schedule in her strength training 3-4x per week and prioritized protein with all of her meals. P is learning to shift her mind from the scale to celebrating that she is feeling so good, has improved her energy and her jacket she bought in 2016 fits!!

🌸Client A- has shifted from an extreme training schedule, eating less to get results to being able to balance life with shorter training sessions, eating to fuel her body and being able to do this while working and going to school full time. Client A is getting stronger and not feeling burnt out!

🌸Client T-loves to kayak! We have built her program to ensure she is going to be strong enough to get in and out of the kayak on her own. Mobility and strength have been a main priority here. Client T is excited to head out on the water this summer, stronger than before💪🏻

What do all of these women have in common? They are working on implementing habits that help them feel THEIR best. Individualized programs to meet the needs, wants and lifestyle of each person.

Building a healthy mindset, a health and strong body to ensure they never miss out on LIFE!

I am looking for a few specific women…

✅you may be scared, you are committed to finally making change
✅you are coachable, open to change and willing to work on a positive mindset
✅you are ready to get uncomfortable and lean into being you, 2.0 version💕💪🏻

If this sounds like you DM me “CHANGE” and we will get on a call to see if we are a fit.

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 05/24/2024

NO more diets here!

This is what Patricia has been doing over here the last few months AND feeling great!

-walking daily, now her husband joins in too💕
-prioritizing protein with every meal
-lifting weights 4x per day💪🏻
-enjoying some hikes
-gardening and no longer feeling exhausted when she is done!🌸
-getting more sleep

How is Patricia feeling?
-less tired
-more energy!
-excited for the change
-more open about not having to diet to see results ❤️‍🩹
-ok with not eating treats if they are around as she is feeling fulfilled with what she is currently eating

Now what is on the agenda?
-keep applying the same habits so they become Patricia’s new “normal”
Working on getting stronger to be able to complete a bigger hike this summer 🥾

Keep following along to see more of Patricia’s changes along the way! Please share🎉

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 05/21/2024

Protein is the main player this season🍳

Since we love the juice details of good diet, I’ll keep it simple and let you in on a secret.

Protein will change your life.

Yes, it’s that simple.

Add in some protein with each and start to pay attention where changes happen in other parts of your day.

You don’t feel snacking all the time!
You feel less tired!
You have MORE energy
Oh and wait….your body start to change🎉

Are you eating protein every day?


What is the 2.0 version of you?

The one you keep dreaming of being.

You want change, you want to feel better, move better and stop feeling stuck!

Check out my guide-let’s get you started with being the best YOU

DM me “2.0” and I will send you your free guide!


How many times have you lost weight only to spend all of your time stressed about when you will gain the weight back

If you keep doing the same thing, you will always get the same results

Restrictive diets don’t last
Over complicated training programs become exhausting
Doing hours of cardio to “burn” off that food you ate

Having an all or nothing mindset will only hold you back from building habits that last for life

There is more to you that losing weight

There is an easier way to long lasting results♥️

Does this sound like you or someone you know?


With change is their guilt?

Are you coasting through life and dreaming of what you would like life to be for you?

Do you have a wish list that looks something like this⬇️
-feel better about myself
-have time for myself
-not feel guilty about taking time for me
-get stronger and learn how to lift weights!
-keep up physically
-enjoy this summer and wear those darn shorts!!
-be able to keep off that lb without gaining it back for the last time
-feel supported ❤️‍🩹

You are not alone and WHY shouldn’t you be able to live your best life. Happy, healthy and guilt free for taking time for yourself so you can show up even better in other parts of your life.

I am certain the advice you give to others is to make time to take care of themselves, remember YOURSELF.

Stop questioning and start doing.

Need some help on where to get started? DM me “MORE”

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 04/17/2024

Extremes don’t work.

How many times have you gone on a diet only to regain all of the weight or even more?

How many extreme exercise programs have you started and stopped.

What you tried before isn’t sustainable. It did not work before and it won’t work now.

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with where you are spending your time.

You don’t have to change everything at once.

Small, manageable changes over time add up! Patricia is proof in her results in the last two month. Excited to see where the next year takes her♥️

Do you want to learn more? DM me Change and let’s talk

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 04/13/2024

Time will pass, and quickly.

You can stay in that comfort zone that really isn’t serving you anymore or you can put in the work to become the 2.0 version of you♥️

Sure, you can keep up with the habits that feel comfortable.

Do you feel good though AND are these habits really serving you.

Not sure where to start? DM me “change” and let’s talk.

Photos from Pure Strength And Nutrition's post 04/10/2024

Just like that, my baby girl is 20 plus a day!♥️🎂

Happy birthday to my sweet, thoughtful and extremely funny daughter. You fill my heart with love, my days with laughter and I wish you a happy and healthy future🌍

Stella is my why I started to take my health seriously. I did not want either of my children to grow up knowing I felt crummy about myself. Having both of my children was the eye opener of “I wanted to be around for a long time”, to set a good example of a healthy life and to be able to keep up for a long time!

Stella-Never stop learning, keep saying yes to adventure and continue to be the sweet and thoughtful soul that you are.

Happy birthday kitty♥️
Love Mumma xxoo

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