
I share helpful tips for woman to shine their natural beauty through haircare, skincare and wellness. White hair transition since June 2021.

Do you have any questions? You can communicate with me through Messenger. I'll be glad to help you.


Why double washing you hair is important?
Comment if you double wash. If you don’t, share why?


Here's how I got my waves back!

I had curly hair when I was a young girl. My hair got cut when I was two and after that my curls never grew back.

For many years I had puffy hair. I used hair care products for hydration, curls, anti-frizz...nothing. I still have much volume but no curls nor waves.

I gave the opportunity to a new brand in the market: Monat. Since then, everything changed. After 2-3 weeks I was able to see some waves again! AGAIN! FINALLY, after 33 years! 🙈

I started with the Renew Shampoo, Advance Hydrating hair masque and the Advanced Hydrating Conditioner. This collection is so hydrating that it gave back life to my waves. But wait, it doesn't end here! 😂

Since curls also need oils, I tried the Super Moisture shampoo, hair masque and conditioner as a weekly treatment. My mind was 🤯! It defined my waves even more. I still use it as treatment until today.

BUT, then came out the Smoothing Anti-frizz collection last year! Hahaha! I also tried it and also fell in love with it. It also defined my waves but this collection I can use it every wash compared to the Super Moisture.

Yes, I also use our Rejuveniqe Intense Oil to give the final touch to my waves.

Voilà how I got my waves back and I'm able to keep them defined. No need of harsh silicones that weight my curls down, no harsh sulfates that dry my strands and contribute to frizziness, no toxic ingredients that could harm my health.

If you're struggling on how to define your curls, I'll make sure to help you grab the collection that's right for you. DM me!


Many of us have dreams and goals. Many have amazing business ideas. Some go for it. Many are too attached to their comfort zone. People say "Well I've always been this way, it's just who I am."

If that's working for you until now, then you keep doing you. 😉

For a couple of years, I knew it wasn't working for me. I decided to make a change and go for it. I started sharing products I love to earn some extra cash and propel myself just a little bit farther towards where I'm going.

It's a simple process but you must not give up. Are you good with where you're at or do you need to cut ties with your current comfortability and make a small shift?

You know I'm always here if you're ready to get your scissors out and say bye to your comfort zone, and there’s honestly never been a better time than now. We launch in yet ANOTHER country (New Zealand) so hop on the rocket ship!

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 10/05/2022

This one goes out to all my influencer friends or those thinking of starting to share affiliate links with brands who aren’t in the direct selling space.

Here’s the difference between them and what I do:

Influencer commission generally ranges from 5-15% and it’s typically only paid out on someone’s first order. After that, you usually don’t get paid another dime if that customer continues to purchase more products from the company.

Whereas network marketing commissions average 35% plus come packed with tons of other bonus opportunities, incentives, travel, and more. Then on top of that you are ALSO earning residually aka when that customer orders again, you’ll continue to earn a paycheck from it.

I see countless influencers on this app doing almost the same thing I do yet they’re earning SO much less because of the simple mathematical difference in pay structure.

If you’re collaborating with brands and want to chat about how different it can be for you, I can fill you in!


How Monations has helped my business.

How can I explain it? 🙈 So much to say!

1. Has strengthened my team's unity. We know each other more.
2. Made me think about my past, my present and my future in every sense of life, and how I can I use this to be a better person.
3. Confirmed that I'm in the correct type of business
4. I'm more in love and share even more Monat values: gratitude, helping others (humbleness), work on myself to be a better leader...and always have fun along the way.
5. Share experience with other amazing women that have their own way of doing the business and love sharing it with others that are doing the same.
6: To be myself and surround myself with those who share the same values
6: Set my priorities and to not forget why I do this type of job.

Do not let anyone turn off your shine. You have dreams, goals, plans...take the actions to get there. Small actions go a long way and persistence will get you there.


New white/silver hair hairdo.

I decided to venture on hairdos on my white/silver strands.
If you're a visual type of person, you will for sure get them on the first try.

White hair is as natural as any other color of hair and should be treated the same.

Before, I would do many hairdos on my dyed hair and I have decided to do the same with my white strands. This is a simple hairdo but I'll be trying more complicated ones for sure. Haha.

Comment below what hairdos have you tried on your white strands.


International Silver Sisters Day! 👩🏻‍🦳

I didn't realize that I started my white hair transition the same month as ISS day! Haha! 😂 What a coincidence!

So officially this month it's a year of my transition you guys! The day is the around the end of the month.

Happy day to all women that decided to love their natural white hair and that never gave up! It's never an easy beginning but definitely a beautiful outcome.

This picture was taken today by my beautiful mother who also started growing white hair since a young age. She's encouraged me through my transition. Although she has not started hers yet, she understands a lot of what I feel. I hope she can join me in the near future.

If you're overthinking of getting started with your transition, you have nothing to loose beautiful! Try it and see what happens. 💛💛

Tell me, have you completed your transition or you're on your way there?


Have you ever worked with a great team leader?

In my case, I'm working with one presently and let me tell you, she's very inspiring.

She started her Monat business while having her dear mom on palliative care. Even though she was going through hardship, she continued. Now, she has build a beautiful team, me being one of them. Five of us were recognized at Monat's Road To Success, she won 3 recognitions and this is just staring. I am so proud to be part of her team. Thank you because even though I don't have my upline with me, you have taken care of me throughout my first year with Monat. I won't let you down girl. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Always cheering for silver sisters!

This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to meet some of the Monat Silver Sisters! They are also making the difference! We are not many but we are growing for sure!

You see, white hair is as normal as any other natural color and guess what!? You can also style it, brush it, braid can do anything like any other natural color! Why should white hair look old!? Noooo! I'm still young and rocking white/silver hair.

Direct sales with Monat is all about community and connections. Meeting wonderful women that want to make a change for their families but also for the community .

If you have been following me for a while and would like to have more information about this wonderful business, don't be shy! I will be so happy to explain how we work. And guess what!! Our next trip is Monations 2022 at St-Louis, Missouri! Want to do the trip with me? 🤓🤓


Staring my Monat business, I never thought how far I was going to go. road to success is my first event in person and I'm loving the experience. Being mentioned as new Managing Market Partner with , having 3 of my girls being nominated, including my mentor, it's just amazing! We are a small team still but definitely growing.

Can't wait for and many other incentives this year.


Grateful for May!

The past month was the month of new ideas and new projects I tried for the first time. It was the month of decisions and upcoming changes.

Yes, through that month, I experience health issues. Nothing major but I had to listen to my body and act accordingly.

BUT this gave me time to think and make plans on how I want this summer to start.

Fibro can really put me down but I'm so grateful to God that I have a beautiful mind that does not give up. My brain always works on the positive side of things. And I'm truly grateful for that.

I thank my VIPs. I love helping them and always answering their questions. They believe in the process to beautiful hair with naturally-based products and they've seen the results by trusting the process.

I'm grateful to have met beautiful women such as , our sales Director for eastern Canada and .al.aire who gave me the opportunity of an interview with her audience.

New things, new changes are always positive. I encourage all women out there to try something new. Go out of your comfort zone. Think of one thing you love and then think on how that can become a project and then go for it. Have the most fun with it and enjoy it.

What's one thing you love doing and have never thought of doing it as a project?

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 05/16/2022

One of my favorite products to help my hair air dry! 😍

This products is amazing for those who use the blow-dry often. Your hair needs a break from the heat. This product does not only leave your hair very soft but et also helps dry your hair faster. It helps you prevent hair damage caused by hot tools and blow-dry.

Here are some more details about the wonderful product.

Send me a message if you'd like to try it.


Hair tips

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 05/14/2022

My beautiful team members!

For over a year, I’ve worked with amazing women who have found the way to be happier. Who have gone out of their comfort zone and are helping others to do the same. Women who support other women that need a change to have more time for themselves, for their mental health, for their family.

Each one of us has a different story but we all want a better way of living stress free. Some of the members are moms, pet moms, single, married, in a relationship, with health issues or not. We are all entrepreneurs helping each other grow.

It has been a little more than a year since I joined this amazing team and I want to thank them for helping me little by little learn something completely new for me.

I’m meeting amazing women within Monat because in this amazing company it’s not only about our team. It’s also about other teams (sidelines) that help each other. Monat is a family business and this value is strong within the company. We all help each other even if we’ve never met.

I decided to represent Monat because of their values and the amazing women that love challenges.

Do you work with an amazing team too?


Do you want to take less time to style your hair?

Who here has abondant hair in their scalp? I've always complained about the amount of hair I have on my scalp. I never liked it because it was suffocating in summer and it took me so much time to style it.

What if I tell you that using the hair products with the correct ingredients can reduce the time to style your hair.

You see, harsh silicones can give shininess to your hair but it can also cause so much buildup that it will take more time to style your hair the way you want to.

By not using these harsh silicones, your hair is at its most natural. Meaning, if you apply a hot tool it will be manageable in less time. Don't forget to use your heat protection (without the harsh silicones).

It would take me minimum an hour to do my hair before. Now, it takes me 15 minutes to style it the way I want to.

Maybe this is the time for you to have less headaches with your hair! 😉

Hit me up to try vegan products without harsh silicones.


How much is a normal hair shedding?

Humans shed between 50-100 strands of hair per day, meaning 350-700 strands per week. You're surprised of the numbers? 😱

You're probably surprised of how many stands fall when you shower. Is it normal to see so many strands? Yes! All the amount of hair we shed does not fall to the floor on one day. Some get tangled between the strands and you only see them fall when you shower, specially when you apply the hair masque or the conditioner.

Don't worry, as long as you don't see white patches on your scalp, you're shedding and it's normal.

If you're having excessive hair loss it might be because of the following stressors. These stressors might cause a long-term hair shedding (this is not hair loss).

* Lost 20 pounds or more rapidly
* Given birth
* Experiencing lots of stress (caring a loved-one who is sick, going through a divorce loosing a job)
* Had high fever
* Undergone an operation
* Recovering from an illness, specially if it includes high fever
* Stopped taking birth control pills
(American Academy of Dermatology Association)

If you've suffered one of these stressors, you will only see the excessive shed 4-5 moths after. It all depends on how each body reacts.

If the stressor is constantly present (like stress), then you will have a long-lived shedding

Did this information give you some sort of relief? 😃


Let me introduce myself.


May is the month where trees start blooming and the sun starts to heat a bit more here in Canada. Just as nature starts a new cycle, we are inspired by it and amazed by the beautiful creation.

For humans, we restart our "cycle" and think of our summer plans. Some plan visiting their cottage every weekend and others plan outdoor activities. For many, it's a time where we start thinking what changes can we make to have more time with our families and be able to enjoy time with them. Some arrange their work schedule and others look for other options, even the ones working from home.

At the end of the day, we all love the hot summer days, specially the ones where we enjoy time with our families.

What is one goal you have for this summer?


"When I am down and out, you have lifted me up to see blue skies"

I don't mention my husband often because he does not like the attention. Hahaha. 😂🙈

But one thing is for sure, he's always been there when I'm down. He has helped me see my potential. He's been behind the cameras encouraging me and cheering for me. He has taught me to be patient and how to listen. Two beautiful qualities he masters. Haha. ♥️♥️

He's the man behind the idea of letting my white strands grow.
He's my partner in crime, my best friend.

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 04/28/2022

Monat Energy arrived to Canada!

This drink is just amazing and unique!
For years I was looking for an energy drink that wouldn't give me a "stress level" after drinking it. The first time I tried it I was surprised by the energy I was feeling but also because I didn't feel the stress level I've felt with many other energy drinks.

This drink contains ingredients known to be used in herbal medicine as an adaptogen to help increase energy and resistance to stress.

Here are some of the other benefits and features of this amazing drink:
* Sugar-free formula with natural berry blast flavor
* Convenient stick packs for on-the-go energy
* Only 100mg of caffeine
* Includes the Methylcolbalamin form of B12
* Free from artificial flavors, artificial colours, and artificial sweeteners
* Not tested on animals
* Vegan

Get yours today by sending me a message through messenger.


This amazing serum is a pure oil with light molecules that pe*****te your skin and strands 3 layers in. This means that all the nutrients are absorbed to help your skin and hair repair. This is why this oil is an anti-aging product.

One of the ingredients come from the Moringa tree. It's components are the following:

* 15 times more potassium than a 🍌.
* 17 times more calcium than 🥛🐄.
* 25 times more iron than spinach 🥗.
* 10 times more Vitamin A than 🥕.
* 4 times more proteins than 🥚🐣.
* 0.75 times more Vitamin C than oranges 🍊.

This is the reason why this oil is so unique. Nobody in the beauty industry has an oil like this one.

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 04/26/2022

-Cutting your hair more often makes it grow faster.- Myth or Fact?

The truth is that it doesn't. The important is to keep your scalp healthy.
Use our Rejuveniqe Oil as a scalp treatment to nourish and hydrate your scalp. It's the only oil in the market that will pe*****te all the layers of your skin and scalp. This is why it's an anti-aging oil. It stimulates your scalp to help your hair stay strong and have a long life.

If you have split-ends, cutting them will keep your strands healthy so that it it won't continue to split. Use our Rejuvabeads that mends split-ends and also give hydration to your strands.


"White hair is not attractive" 🤔

If you're having trouble to accept your white hair because of this reason, let me tell you that you're not the only one that has gone through this phase.

Here are some tips on how you can make the transition easier to your eyes.

✓ Braids: the contrast of colors from your dyed hair and your white roots will just look amazing.
✓ Headband: it will help your grow at least the first centimeters without you noticing it when you go out.
✓ Style your hair: giving a different texture to your hair will definitely help when you're white hair is half through your head.

Remember, I will be there rooting for you!

Photos from Gwhendolyne's post 04/22/2022

Do we need constant hydration on our skin?

The answer is yes! In winter, we are often covered up from head to toe. Because we're so cold, we tend to avoid water somehow. Plus the cold weather dries our skin too. During the summer, we expose to the sun which also dehydrates our skin. The moisture is there but the hydration is not.

At the end of the day, our skin starts aging faster if we don't take care of it.

Our Hydration Booster Serum helps to keep your skin hydrated. It's a non-greasy formula for all skin type. This fabulous product will give you a toned/plumbed effect. You will feel a healthy soft skin.

Ready to start your skin hydration?


When it comes to skin cleanse, it is very important to choose your products. It not only depends on the type of skin but also on the type of products you're choosing to use.

Monat's skincare products will not only cleanse your skin but also maintain the hydration and natural oils from your skin. Your natural oils are important and should not be stripped out by using harsh cleansers.

My favorite ones are the Makeup Vanishing Balm and the Be Gentle Cleanser for sensitive/dry skin. These two can be alternated for double cleansing. The Makeup Vanishing Balm will clean all impurities including makeup. This will help your skin absorb the ingredients from your Cleanser on your second wash.

What if I tell you that you can have up to a 45% discount?


This makeup remover blew my miind.
I've used many that were too oily and made me pop out pimples and others that just dried my skin.

The Monat Makeup Vanishing Balm not only cleanses easily your makeup but it also brings hydration and moisture to your skin without making your skin pop out. Say goodbye to harsh makeup removers that remove your natural skin oils.

What powers this amazing balm is our:
✓ Rejuveniqe Oil (a blend of 17 botanical oils and extract with a patented, activated oil from olive and jojoba seed extract).
✓ Natural Fruit Acid (AHA) that gently exfoliates your skin.

Try it out and see the result for yourself! 😃


My little family.

Since I started working from home, many things have changed. One of them is spending time with my husband and my lovable pets. 🐾🐾

I work in a stress-free environment. This has helped greatly my fibromyalgia.

There's not much awareness about fibromyalgia. Many think that fibromyalgia does not exist. 😱 You don't know it until you have it. At the beginning, many diagnosed people feel lost and abandoned. Many doctors don't understand how to treat it. They can only give you medication to help the pain. They don't know why you have it and when it comes to guidance...forget it. You have to do it on your own.

Many of us get lost with so much medication and others try to get out of them. This was my case. Since 2015, I have been searching on how to live with it. Today I can say that I've chosen the right path.

What I needed was a stress-free environment. An environment where there's positiveness is around. Where I can decide what I want to do each day without thinking of running to an office every morning. An environment where I would appreciate every moment of my life.

You don't get these opportunities every day. Sometimes, you don't even notice that the opportunity is in front of you. This is why I share my story. This might be your opportunity. Who knows.

Have you thought of working from home in the near future?


"You are the biggest project you'll ever work on."

When I read these words, I felt encouraged. I felt as if I was doing the right thing for me!

Many women don't have time to take care of themselves. We are wifes, bosses, entrepreneurs and many are moms. We have a hectic schedule and can't do everything in 24 hours.

But what if we start with 5 minutes per day to do anything we would like? Sometimes just sitting on a rocking chair will do! Others would like to do their skin routine, a bubble bath or even just read a book.

Whatever you would like to do, take 5 minutes to do it today. You are your biggest project. Work on a healthy living. You won't regret it.


Why are hair masques very important for your hair routine?


Do you have dreams or goals to achieve?

Naturally, humans dream of a better life. To work to live and not live to work. Many think it's just impossible because of debts, responsabilities or other life circumstances. Many rely on a 9 to 5 job to have a regular income and are not aware of other amazing options. I was one of them until I realized I was not happy with my life. I wanted more time for myself, for my health. Many people judge MLM's and that's fine because it's their own opinion. But for many many women and men, doing network marketing has brought big changes on their quality of life. In my case, not only do I love the products I consume 100% (not like others who try them for a week and give their opinions) but I enjoy helping beautiful women to have a healthy scalp/healthy hair. Network marketing requires work but you can do it at your own pace. This month can be your month! And what if you join my team and the beautiful Monat family?

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Videos (show all)

Hair tips
Do not shampoo your strands! 🤯  For many years, I would shampoo my scalp and my hair all the way to the tips. In my head...
A different type of business 🤓  How many times have you changed jobs?  Through my years of work experience, I've worked ...
Tips for Dried Damaged Strands.  Do you feel your stands are just to dried, always tangled with split-ends?   First, giv...
Best decision ever made!  Do you feel your skin or your hair asking for help? I'm sure you do. And you're trying many ph...
Haircare ingredients you should avoid. 😲  The truth is that most haircare companies want to sell their products and the ...
How many products do you have and don't use?  Taking hair of your skin and hair is important. But when it comes to stock...
Let me introduce myself.
Do you rush your skin care routine?  As women we multitask many things specially in the morning before heading to work. ...
White hair is not attractive 🤔
What's the most beautiful crown? 👸🏻👸🏻  It's your hair! We wear it everyday! It's loyal to us because it doesn't stop gro...
Greasy hair = daily wash? 🛀  Not exactly. Let me explain it to you. There's many things that can cause your hair to beco...



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