ASEA Quebec

ASEA supplement Redox pour ameliorer votre sante et qualite de vie


Over history every 100 years there is a storm so big it’s called the PERFECT STORM. It took 100 years for the perfect storm to get here and it will last for the next 100 years
‘’RENU 28’’ and ‘’ASEA’’ Is Your Way to Take Charge of
Your Time, Money & Freedom in the Wellness Distribution Revolution.
INFORMATION * ACCESS * ALLIANCES * INFLUENCE The perfect storm is happening RIGHT NOW ...Are you going to keep tightening your belt as the economy continues to put the squeeze on your wallet or are You going take action and start living the life style you know you deserve? There's good news if You can rise above your perception of MLM TRUTH : Linear Income is trading your hours for dollars: a JOB Just Over Broke = Most people
If most people do it, it usually takes you some place called average… Successful people are those who choose to delay instant gratification, make sacrifices in the short term and enjoy far greater rewards in the long term
Do you really understand the difference between leverage MLM income and linear income?
MLM is people working together networking and leveraging effort to create wealth income which comes from helping others to succeed; cuts the middle man out; saves consumers money on retail and makes money while you sleep; you can will it to your loved ones. It is not a pyramid and has no glass ceiling on how much money you can earn!
Only one company has these exclusive and multi patented products. No copy cats, NO competition
This is your key to look younger, healthier, longer and to protect you from the systemic effects of aging and to repair/restore skin/health conditions..
Contact: Louis Otis, 514-383-5577 Email: [email protected]
Get the facts - an overview about the ASEA biz opp :

Timeline photos 10/27/2020

Is ASEA a business OPPORTUNITY or a personal development program? ASEA associates weigh in at


About Network Marketing

Where else can you work part time, get mentored by millionaires who have an interest in your success, build a second income and get paid for life?


Un évènement à ne PAS MANQUER - si vous accordez de l'importance à votre santé en profitant de la biologie rédox



Those who track our blog may be interested in having their own business. You may know someone who needs extra income or a new challenge. Or you may already be in a network marketing business and you still leave your options open to look at other top wellness opportunities.

In the March 22, 2010 issue of Time Magazine it is stated that “Somewhere between two-thirds and three-quarters of all Americans report that they have considered starting their own business…” Have you ever thought of having your own business? Does the thought of being your own boss, not having a long commute, having greater control over your earnings and having a rewarding business where you can do well by doing good in many ways to others appeal to you?

We encourage you to evaluate our business. It is a real business with a unique array of products in the rapidly growing wellness market. Those who are successful have excellent people skills, are self- starters and are coachable. It is a relatively simple business and, considering the upside potential, the initial investment is not significant. It is a business that you can start part-time and take it full-time when your earnings address your needs. The business is not a get rich quick scheme; it requires real work to be successful.

***A wise person once said: to reject an idea or a project without giving it a serious evaluation is the height of foolishness ! We are seeking a few talented people to join our team – will you take the time to evaluate our opportunity?
To explore if this is a fit for you, please PM or email [email protected] or call ( 514-383-5577) to set up an appointment.
Please contact us if you have questions or are interested in an entrepreneurial opportunity in the fast growing wellness market.



Libérez-vous financièrement avec ASEA GLOBAL
Capturez votre partie d'une industrie de 300 milliards de dollars

* L'argent consacré à la prévention des maladies dépassera celui consacré au traitement des maladies

* Les prévisionnistes économiques prévoient que l'industrie du bien-être atteindra 1 billion de dollars d'ici 2020, des milliards de dollars sont actuellement dépensés pour des produits promettant une meilleure santé, plus de beauté et une vie plus longue

* Des fortunes seront créées ... dans l'industrie du bien-être

* Des fortunes se font déjà avec ASEA GLOBAL

ASEA GLOBAL prévoit un chiffre d'affaires de 150 millions de dollars en 2019.
ASEA Global a atteint la "masse critique" et entre dans la "‘ Momentum ’’

Une entreprise de marketing de réseau créera 80% de ses effectifs commerciaux au cours de sa phase de croissance MOMENTUM.
Dans les 24 à 48 prochains mois - la demande pour ces produits de technologie cellulaire Redox et l'opportunité financière vont exploser.
Vous êtes à l'avant-garde de la vague qui est sur le point de créer 80% des plus gros gagnants d'argent dans ASEA GLOBAL. Le timing est tout… saisissez ce moment MAINTENANT, le timing est parfait.

* ASEA GLOBAL commercialise la plus grande découverte de notre vie en matière de santé alternative

* Le seul produit de santé disponible au monde avec la technologie de signalisation cellulaire redox d’ASEA GLOBAL.

* C’est une technologie multi-brevetée – Ne peut être copié, pas de concurrence

* Le rédox a été étudié, testé, prouvé et validé par des laboratoires indépendants renommés par le même processus utilisé pour les médicaments

* La phase de croissance est rapide et exaltante. Elle peut être étendue par l'introduction ou l'expansion de nouveaux produits dans d'autres pays. ASEA GLOBAL distribue déjà des produits dans plus de 30 pays.

* Des fortunes sont déjà gagnées dans ASEA GLOBAL… plusieurs personnes ont déjà gagné plus d'un million de dollars.
‘’ Participez à la révolution du bien-être aujourd’hui ’’
Pour en connaitre plus - envoyez un message en MP


Mais je n'ai pas le temps...


Dream to bee


Manifest your DREAMS by stepping into the NOW!

Even the most successful people aren't IMMUNE TO FAILURE. We often think "They probably never get the rejection I get..." or "They don't have the hurdles that I've faced."
📌 Successful people fail.
📌 Successful people face rejection.
📌 Successful people make mistakes.
📌 Successful people hit roadblocks.
It's not about AVOIDING GETTING KNOCKED DOWN. It's about not allowing your mind to go "too far" down and not staying down there for long.
"You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.”

On my way to change some lives!


The You Economy

redefining the way we live, work and play

At the YOU Economy Movement we help busy professionals create an additional income stream with an easy and maintainable global online business.

We have a fast growing team of people who understand that we are no longer limited to, nor should we rely on, traditional business or 9-5 employment as our sole plan of income.

Some people love what they do and simply want to create an additional revenue stream, similar to shares or property. While others are working on a financial exit strategy from what they are currently doing. The great thing about the You Economy is that the income is leveraged, residual and unlimited, so YOU get to decide how it best fits for YOU!

We have a HUGE variety of people in our team from all different ages and backgrounds; health professionals, teachers, accountants, childcare workers, mortgage brokers, administration workers, coaches, stay at home mums and dads, beauty salon owners, hairdressers, corporate professionals and traditional business owners. In fact the diversity of all of our skills is one of the driving reasons behind our success.

Profitable in our 1st year of business, with just 1 product, with constant growth every years. Currently open in 34 countries, with rapid global expansion happening right now - we are in our momentum phase!

What really sets us apart however, is the expert mentoring and business coaching we provide through our exclusive online training platform and strategic planning. Not only does it give us the competitive edge industry wide, but it also ensures that no matter how big or small your goals are you can and will achieve the level of success you desire.

The synergy between our company, products, mentoring and global expansion means we're attracting high calibre people and igniting something truely incredible! Along the way the friends that we're making, skills that we're learning and places we're seeing are enriching our lives well beyond what we thought was possible.

For more information or to see if you or someone you know is the right fit, just check us out


Who is recommending Network Marketing?

Warren Buffet prominent investor Berkshire Hathaway
He bought 3 network marketing business. ‘’The best investments I’ve ever made’’

Richard Branson business magnate Virgin Group
‘’I’m a great believer in network marketing, I’m a great believer in entrepreneurs. I think all the future jobs in the next 20 to 30 years will be created by network marketing entrepreneurs around the world. Starting off from scratch and making a real difference in the world’’.

Robert Kiosaki a very successful author
Rich Dad/Poor Dad, - Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, - Network Marketing The Business of the 21st Century for the People who like Helping People.

Paul Zane Pilzer author
Economic Consultant for two presidential administrations
Successful author and economic trends analyst

Tony Robbins motivational author
‘’Love and support network marketing because it gives a person the opportunity and the responsibility to give something back by becoming more’’.

Robert Allen author
5 books on ways to reach financial success, - Multiple streams of income for a new millennium.

Bill Gates Microsoft
‘’If I would be given a chance to start all over again I would choose network marketing’’

Bill Clinton former USA president
‘’You strengthen our country and our economy not striving only for your own success but offering opportunity to others. Your industry gives people a chance, afterwards, to make the most of their own lives and to me that’s the heart of our American dream’’.

Our suggestion in choosing to join a network marketing company is to do your due diligence to make sure the company offers all 5 critical elements to assure your success. Find out about one of these companies that hass these 5 elements that is on the forefront of a new trend called the YouEconomy.



In the past and even today, Network Marketing has had a negative connotation. Some people call it a pyramid scheme, which is simply not the case. In actuality, Corporate America is a pyramid structure, because no matter how hard employees work, ninety-eight percent of employees will never work their way to the top.
There are around 57 million people in mlm companies worldwide and over 100,000 new people join an mlm every week. Given the right company and opportunity, distributors can achieve any level they desire. Before joining a Nework Marketing company do your due diligence, do they have consumable products, are they exclusive, are they patented and cannot be copied. How about the management team do they have a track record in this industry, does the company offer top rated training for the distributors?
Is it easy? No. Does it work? Yes, if done properly.
One only needs to be coachable and teachable.
www.santemax.teamasea. com

Larry King Grills Eric Worre On Network Marketing 09/14/2018

Larry King grills Eric Worre on Network Marketing...

Personal communication skills, as exemplified by talk show host Larry King, are crucial to success in today's interconnected world.

To find out about a Network Mkg company who all the 5 critical elements to enable anyone to achieve the success they dream to realize.

Larry King Grills Eric Worre On Network Marketing For years, I've put out an open challenge to the world - if you feel like you can show a better entrepreneurial opportu...


If people truly understood Residual Income, they would walk through a brick wall to get to it!🔥
Robert Kiyosaki, once said, "The average person goes to work, while the wealthy build Networks." He also teaches that the American dollar has lost 80% of its value over the past 10 years, and how the concepts of saving money is no longer the answer. Most economic experts agree, the key to getting ahead, in today's economic world climate, is by investing in 'Income Producing Assets.' And unlike other business venture, Network Marketing is one of the only business's on the planet that requires little capital to get started, (Investment is your time) minimal risk, minimal overhead, and zero employees.
According to MLM Icon, Richard Brooke, "A Network Marketing business, done right, and in the right company - allows you to build a lifetime, steady flow of pure residual income, regardless of your personal involvement." AKA: Making Money while you Sleep!
And consider this, your NM asset can be worth 10 to 20 times the annual income you receive from it! Example: $5,000 per month, over a period of 12 months = $60,000 passive dollars per year. And could conservatively be valued at $600,000 dollars, or more!
Just curious, how long would it take you to save $600,000? How many hours, days and weeks do you have to put in over the course of a year to earn a $60k per year income?
Network Marketing.....It's not perfect, it's just better!


A serious endorsement

More info:


The Dream Is Real
How long have you wished you could make more money? Or have more time with your loved ones? Or leave a lasting legacy your kids or grand kids would be proud to call theirs?
The dream of controlling your own destiny is one you have in common with countless other people around the world. But like so many others, you may have had trouble figuring out a way to make this dream a reality.
The You Economy trend...
As diverse as the people in the You Economy are, they generally have three things in common:
1. They have more control over how they spend their time than the average employee.
2. They have more control over their income than the average employee.
3. They are actively learning and exploring new ways of creating prosperity.
If you recognize your dream in this list, that’s good news. View a 3 and half minute video to find out more about the You Economy.


🔥 If people truly understood Residual Income, they would walk through a brick wall to get to it!🔥
Robert Kiyosaki, once said, "The average person goes to work, while the wealthy build Networks." He also teaches that the American dollar has lost 80% of its value over the past 10 years, and how the concepts of saving money is no longer the answer. Most economic experts agree, the key to getting ahead, in today's economic world climate, is by investing in 'Income Producing Assets.' And unlike other business venture, Network Marketing is one of the only business's on the planet that requires little capital to get started, (Investment is your time) minimal risk, minimal overhead, and zero employees. According to MLM Icon, Richard Brooke, "A Network Marketing business, done right, and in the right company - allows you to build a lifetime, steady flow of pure residual income, regardless of your personal involvement." AKA: Making Money while you Sleep!
And consider this, your NM asset can be worth 10 to 20 times the annual income you receive from it! Example: $5,000 per month, over a period of 12 months = $60,000 passive dollars per year. And could conservatively be valued at $600,000 dollars, or more!
Just curious, how long would it take you to save $600,000? How many hours, days and weeks do you have to put in over the course of a year to earn a $60k per year income?
Network Marketing.....It's not perfect, it's just better!

🔥 If people truly understood Residual Income, they would walk through a brick wall to get to it!🔥
Robert Kiyosaki, once said, "The average person goes to work, while the wealthy build Networks." He also teaches that the American dollar has lost 80% of its value over the past 10 years, and how the concepts of saving money is no longer the answer. Most economic experts agree, the key to getting ahead, in today's economic world climate, is by investing in 'Income Producing Assets.' And unlike other business venture, Network Marketing is one of the only business's on the planet that requires little capital to get started, (Investment is your time) minimal risk, minimal overhead, and zero employees. According to MLM Icon, Richard Brooke, "A Network Marketing business, done right, and in the right company - allows you to build a lifetime, steady flow of pure residual income, regardless of your personal involvement." AKA: Making Money while you Sleep!
And consider this, your NM asset can be worth 10 to 20 times the annual income you receive from it! Example: $5,000 per month, over a period of 12 months = $60,000 passive dollars per year. And could conservatively be valued at $600,000 dollars, or more!
Just curious, how long would it take you to save $600,000? How many hours, days and weeks do you have to put in over the course of a year to earn a $60k per year income?
Network Marketing.....It's not perfect, it's just better!


Excellent down to earth information

What I learned from 100 days of rejection 04/28/2018

What I learned from 100 days of rejection – Ted Talks
Let’s Begin…
Jia Jiang boldly adventures into a territory so many of us fear: rejection. By seeking out rejection for 100 days — from asking a stranger to borrow $100 to requesting a "burger refill" at a restaurant — Jiang desensitized himself to the pain and shame that rejection often brings and discovered that simply asking for what you want can open up possibilities where you expect to find dead ends.

What I learned from 100 days of rejection Jia Jiang boldly adventures into a territory so many of us fear: rejection. By seeking out rejection for 100 days — from asking a stranger to borrow $100 to requesting a "burger refill" at a restaurant — Jiang desensitized himself to the pain and shame that rejection often brings and discovered ...


You are the You Economy

We are entering a new economic age. This is the You Economy.

With as many as half of American tax payers venturing into the entrepreneurial economy, it’s time to tell a new story. We’re not returning to “the way it was.” There’s an economic alternative to what was. Micromanufacturing, sustainable agriculture, personal development services – people are creating opportunities instead of finding jobs. While politicians want to reignite old industries, the public is creating new ones. While industrialists squeeze more productivity out of workers & machines, creative professionals are savoring true innovation.

The desire for purpose & meaning in work isn’t the burden of a naive generation; it’s the foundation for a new age of commerce. The truth is that you & I have more control over our shared economic future than any politician, industrialist, venture capitalist, or banker. But you won’t hear that on the evening news, you won’t read it in the newspaper, and you certainly won’t catch a policy maker stumping on that truth.

Life in the old economy has been all about shimmying our skills & strengths into too-tight job descriptions, ingesting a diet of pure conspicuous consumption, and exercising the need for more and more productivity. Life in the New Economy is about the balance of value & values. It’s about satiating our collective desire to create, to collaborate, to do better, to be better. Goodbye compromise, hello consciousness. The New Economy puts individuals at the center, the chief engine of economic growth.

You have the permission to make your own set of choices, to see each choice as an opportunity, and to use each opportunity as a means of maintaining the integrity of your purpose.
In that purpose, you will find the productivity to create a more prosperous world.


This is a true pyramid...wonder if it is legal?

The Six Reasons 10/03/2017

Does having more money make one happier & even healthier? No, you say? To those who struggle or settle because of not having enough of it and may be STRESSED because of monthly bills or having debt or really not loving/liking what they do to make it... you better believe it can make people happier and healthier. If you need more of it, perhaps your reason for wanting to know more should be #6, here:
No one need struggle nor settle. Opportunities exist. Find one and get started, today.

Louis Otis 514-383-5577

The Six Reasons When something sounds too good to be true, many assume that it must be. Those of us who KNOW (through review of the scientific data and, more importantly, through…

The Science of ASEA - USA (Full Video) 09/13/2017

Redox biotechnology - Empower your body and Reduce Oxidative Stress
David C. Nieman, DrPH, FACSM, of Appalachian State University conducted a double-blind crossover on 106 women consuming four ounces of ASEA Redox Supplement per day for 90 days. The participants showed significant results, experiencing reduced oxidative stress biomarkers. ASEA Redox Supplement ingestion over 12 weeks was associated with lower 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) (reduce oxidized LDL) , an oxidized nucleoside of DNA and biomarker of generalized. (reduce oxidized DNA). Video on clinical trials - Info – Louis Otis 514-383-5577

The Science of ASEA - USA (Full Video) We live in a fast-paced society that keeps us on a constant quest for more energy, better concentration, greater vitality—anything that will help us perform ...


Redox Signaling= a vital molecule

Why do I need ASEA?

Imagine a health technology that will have as much of an impact as the discovery of Penicillin and DNA.
This redox technology has the potential of spearheading some of the greatest advancements of health in the world. Dr Gary L. Samuelson, Phd, medical atomic physician.

Introducing the first ever Redox Signaling Supplement.

Info: Louis Otis, 514-383-5577


RENU 28 Ultimate Un-Toxic Skin Care. Take a look at over 1000 before and after pictures of people who have used ASEA’s RENU R28 Bio-tech. Cellular Therapy whole body skin care gel to treat and repair their skin, from burn, wrinkle and other skin issues in the last 2 years. before and after pictures of renu28 - Google Search
RENU 28 has been double blind clinically tested by independent labs, If you have a challenging skin condition and you are fed up using treatments that don't work with products from over the counter or your dermatology practitioner. If you actually want to use a native to the body scientific technology that rejuvenates your skin using redox signalling molecules then contact us to find out how? www.santemax.teamasea.comR

Google Celebrating Henrietta Augusta Dugdale!


I've just got to share this story. A little over 2 years ago i was struck with a very annoying problem with my eyesight. The eye doctor's verdict that nothing could be done and that I would have to live with it.
Then a few months ago a friend recommended that I drink a health product called ASEA and that I could also spray it in my eyes. After around 3 months I noticed a significant improvement and by the end of the 4th month my eyesight was totally restored. This beneficial experience stirred my interest in getting all the facts about this one of a kind ASEA redox signaling mixture.
What I learned on the company's website is so astounding about the power that ASEA has to replenish the body with molecules to empower the cells to achieve their full health potential. This revolutionary scientific breakthrough product has now given the people worldwide a new way to take care of their health enabling them to stay younger longer and growing old graciously later.
As I feel that everyone who are serious about their need to know that such an amazing product is available. I am now on a mission to promote ASEA to everyone I know.

ASEA Advancing Life

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