Wear it Clothely

We specialize in selling sustainable women’s fashion and accessories. Our affordable collection ca

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1) All Sales are final except for items labeled “New with tag.”
2) Prices are in Canadian dollars.
3) Local delivery service available depending on your location.
4) Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, delivery/shipping is only within Canada at this time.
5) Payment options: E-transfer, PayPal, Credit Card.


Hi all, I want to thank you for your continued support and love. When I started this venture of selling preloved fashion and accessories, I didn’t think that I would get the over whelming support and encouragement from you. Since then, I have done my best to share content with you to get to know more about my business and what it’s all about.

I know I haven’t posted in like forever but I assure you it was for really good reasons. I gave birth to my second child and I’ve taken on a new venture of self publishing my very first children’s picture book. However, this doesn’t mean that I’m leaving Wear it Clothely behind. It’s on pause momentarily. I’m still working in the background in hopes to come back and share with you all why I love what I do.

As my energy is refocused on my new venture, I will be active here from time to time commenting on the wonderful products that you share and the successes that you have achieved.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will see you soon on this IG account.

You can follow my self publishing journey at Two Tiny Authors

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 03/23/2021

To wear a bra or to not wear a bra? If I had to pick one, I would definitely wear a bra, as long as I find the right one. It’s no secret that most of us can find bras too tight, too loose, itchy, or don’t keep their shape. Years ago, when I first got fitted for a bra it was the best decision that I have ever made. I never went back to trying to guess what could be my bra size and buying so many bras hoping that one of them will fit. Once it is safe to go out and shop, I think you should consider getting fitted for a bra. Here’s why:

1. Supports your back - I’m a sister of three, we all have different cup sizes and yet we used to express the same mannerisms. Like hunching our backs and trying to look small. Doing it repeatedly caused a lot of upper back pains. The day I got properly fitted for a bra, it was a total game changer. I felt supported from the front part of my chest and it automatically lifted the pressure off my back. I could breathe better and be more alert.

2. Boosts your confidence - Getting properly fitted for a bra boosted my confidence. When the pressure was lifted off my upper back, I stood tall and I could walk into a room ready to slay the day. It was like a domino effect, my back was straight, my mood was lifted, I felt confident. This was because I felt relaxed and I could focus more on what I was doing and less on feeling tense.

3. Enhances their shapes - When my “girls” are nestled comfortably in a bra, they look great and fit better when I wear my clothes. There’s no spillage in the front, no shoulder straps digging in my shoulders, or no back rolls hanging out of my back bra strap. I can achieve the effortless look I wanted and my clothes draped better on my body.

4. Fights against gravity - As I get older, there’s no escaping from gravity but I can prolong it catching up with me by wearing the right bra. Our “girls” are made up of fat and glands, and the connective tissues that are holding them together can only do so much before they can’t hold them any longer. The right bra will provide the exact support they need by slowing down the tearing process and keeping them up a little longer, naturally.

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 03/10/2021

Indigo - Colour Series 6: Indigo – Bring back focus to what you need the most.

To me Indigo is an interesting colour. It’s not quite blue or purple. It kind of reminds me of the “is it blue or is it purple?” picture of a dress. For me, indigo gives rise to thoughts of allure and mystery, perhaps because of its relation to the third eye chakra which is intuition and wisdom.

When I think of the indigo, I can feel the silence after a rainfall and see a rainbow appear between the clouds. I can smell the fresh air at the dawn of a spring day or hear the birds sing by the window on a Saturday morning while eating breakfast with my family.

I like my indigo to be grounded and regal. This colour is so rich in the form of a scarf or a statement piece like a ring. I find that, the more I look at it, the more I am consumed by it. As if I am transported to a world where magic is real. Indigo is one mysterious colour that should not be overlooked.

Indigo is a colour that is subtle, yet, it exudes so much power. How do you like to wear your indigo? Comment below 👇

Feeling mysterious ? Check out our indigo collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site


Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 03/09/2021

Happy International Women’s Day! Even though we have a day dedicated for us to celebrate, know that every day is women’s day. We should be proud of who we are and what we have accomplished and about to accomplish for our selves and for the future.


Let us talk about clothes. Come join me live on Instagram tomorrow March 4 at 12pm EST for a fun afternoon to talk about clothes.

Send me your questions by DM or comment below 👇 and I will answer them on my live. Tag a friend to join you!


This quote came to me as a reminder that being consistent and authentic in whatever you do will attract the right types of people in your space. At one point or another in our lives we have fallen into the trap of stepping aside from our light and over extend ourselves to please others. I am guilty of that. ⁠

Fortunately I have made the choice of stepping into my own light and shine so that others who are looking to connect can find me. I love music I love to dance who will dance with me?⁠

Comment below 👇 and let me know if this quote resonates with you? Have you stepped into your own light? Are you ready to step into your own light?⁠

⁠ ⁠


Let us talk about clothes. Come join me live this Thursday March 4 at 12pm EST for a fun afternoon where you get to know more about me and I get to know more about you.

If you have questions about clothes or my business comment below 👇 and I will answer them on my live. Tag a friend to join you!


Get to know more about who's behind Wear it Clothely. Instagram live hosted by Organice.ca


Let patterns be your neutral 🙂


Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 02/16/2021

What if you had a chance to invest in yourself, be an advocate to saving the environment, or be the envy of your friends for finding a great buy?

While you think about these questions, here’s why you should shop secondhand.

1. It’s cheap: If you don’t want to spend $500 on a shirt that you’ll only get to wear once (twice if that outfit is lucky) then buying secondhand might be a good option for you. The best part is that you save your money and put it towards something that you’ve been really saving for.

2. Better than fast fashion: Ok so here’s the T, secondhand clothing were once conceived from fast fashion. Big clothing brands made loads of clothes to meet the “public demand.” Now these clothes have a second chance to be part of your wardrobe collection instead of ending up in the landfill.

3. They last longer: Once upon a time clothes were made to last. The end.

4. Unique finds: There are so many hidden treasures when buying secondhand items. They are not sold in bulk or wholesale style, so you get to have fun and be creative with your outfits without any rules.

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 02/12/2021

Colour Series 5: Blue – Clarity and determination are your allies.

Blue has a bad rap because some people associate it with sadness, being cold, and melancholy. I disagree. Blue is one of the most powerful colours I know. I recently re-learned about chakras and blue is associated with the throat chakra of clarity through communication. Communication, if done right, can move mountains. So, if that’s not powerful, then I don’t know what is.

When I think of blue, I feel calm and focused. I’m taken back to relaxing by the warm inviting water at a resort. I can taste fresh hand picked wild blueberries. I can feel the warmth of my soft fuzzy socks on a cold winter night or the comfort of my blue armchair by the window catching some rays while reading a book.

I like my blue to be bright and cheerful. This colour can be vibrant in a form of a dress or a statement piece like a necklace. Like yellow, certain shades of blue can put a smile on anyone’s face. It can exude fond memories in any season; mine would be the summer. Blue is one amazing colour and it can be bold or shy, it all depends on how you decide to wear it.

I believe blue is beautiful and deserves some positive recognition. How do you like to wear your blue? Comment below 👇

Feeling bold? Check out our blue collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site


Now where did I put that top? 🤔

Top: Burgundy Power, by Joseph A (size large)
Necklace: Black and Silver Waterfall, Avon

Available now: Https://wearitclothely.square.site



Getting ready for the day.


Top: Neutrally Great, Cleo Petites (size large)

Tote: Weekend Bag, Cleo


Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 01/30/2021

Colour Series 4: Green – Never stop growing and advancing.

Through the ground, rocks, and even sidewalks, plants will always find a way to persevere and grow ever green. I always find it fascinating because no matter how hard these green plants get pulled out of the earth they find a way to grow back stronger than ever. Maybe that’s why I feel inspired to keep going when I’m presented with an obstacle. It is because like these plants I know I will survive them.

When I see green, I remember the hot summer days on the streets of Cairo, walking beside my dad and getting a glimpse of the palm tree leaves dancing in the wind as I pass by. I can taste the sweet and salty pistachios on the baklava that my mom used to bake. I can also feel the lightness of a silk scarf on a breezy summer day or the coziness of being wrapped up in a blanket while listening to my favourite album.

I like my green to make a statement like in a form of a pair of pants or a loud bracelet. This colour is far from being shy. I think it is a powerful, regal colour and it should be celebrated for what it is. Ever wonder why people associate money and wealth with the colour green? Well because it invokes growth, prosperity and resiliency. If that’s the case, then isn’t it about time you welcomed more green into your life. 😉

I believe green is here to stay so might as well enjoy it. How do you like to wear your green?

Feeling powerful? Check out our green collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site



Don't they make a lovely pair? You can find them at my online store.


Cardigan: Alfred Sung, Fuzzy peach (size large)

Necklace: Avon north star triple layer pearlesque (comes with earrings)


Welcome our newest arrivals!
Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site

Shop now and SAVE 12% off your order. Enter code: NEW2021
Offer valid until Feb 28, 2021



I love my family. They are my greatest inspiration. When I feel sad, insecure, or not motivated, I think of them and that brings a smile to my face. I feel secure, warm and supported. Inspiration comes in many shapes, forms, and energies. They can help motivate us and give us the strength that we need to succeed in our life’s journey. Any time you need a boost of confidence, seek out your greatest inspiration and watch the magic unfold.

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 01/16/2021

Colour Series 3: Yellow – Time to check your happy meter.

There are so many songs about the colour yellow. Can you name one? And now you have a song all about yellow in your head for the rest of the day...you’re welcome! I don’t have much to say about the colour yellow except that I personally find it to be attractive, youthful, and shy, depending on the shade. When I see yellow I can smell the invigorating juice from a freshly squeezed lemon. I can taste its sweetness in a lemon meringue pie with a side of my favourite tea. I can also feel the softness of a knit cardigan on a cool summer night or grabbing that rain jacket for a stroll in the rain.

I don’t know many who own a lot of yellow clothing, but if you do, congratulations for bringing some sunshine into your wardrobe. As an accessory, it can accent your outfit in a form of a purse, or a swanky pair of shoes. I owned a pair of yellow sandals and they were to die for. After a while I had to get rid or them because they were so worn out and I couldn’t find another pair like that again. I like my yellow as a cardigan or a sweater because I feel that it can lift up the mood on a cold winter day.

Did you know that gold is a shade of yellow? So anyone who says they don’t own anything yellow in their closet is not telling the truth. You know who you are 😆

I believe yellow is such a rich colour and deserves a bit of attention. How do you like to wear your yellow?

Feeling fresh? Check out our yellow collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 01/12/2021

Colour Series 2: Orange - feel confident all over again.

Orange is my ultimate favourite colour. When I see it, its like everything else is in black and white and all I can see is a world full of orange. When I think of orange it makes me feel happy and full of energy. I find it warm, inviting, and it makes my day brighter. When I see orange I can smell the fresh scent of an orange peel on a warm autumn afternoon. I can taste a pumpkin spiced latte on my tongue. I can also feel the warmth of a sweater or being wrapped up in a soft blanket with a warm bevy (insert your fav bevy here).

Owning an orange item of clothing can make your wardrobe warm and cozy. As an accessory, it can accent your outfit and bring attention to an area of interest such as your hands, in a form of a bracelet, or your legs in a form of pants. Also, it can brighten the winter days in a form of a winter coat. I like my orange in everything. A sweater, a pair of socks, a blazer, you name it. I prefer to wear orange during the day as I can appreciated its vibrancy a lot more than at night. I find that it can stand on it’s own or it can be paired with almost everything. I love paring this colour with blue (all shades), grey, and pink. Yes even pink.

I believe this colour is easy to embrace. How do you like to wear your orange?

Feeling confident? Check out our orange collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site

Photos from Wear it Clothely's post 01/09/2021

Red speaks to us in many different ways and can bring out all kinds of emotions. It used to be one of my mother’s favourite colours. It made her feel happy and grounded. She owned so many shades of it that I lost count after the sixth piece of clothing.

Personally, I find the colour red loud, bold, and somehow sophisticated. When I think of red, I smell strawberries on a bright summer day and I can taste the hot chilies from my mother’s cooking. I can also feel the softness of a scarf warming my neck on a cool winter day, or the smoothness of a light weight top on a night out.

Owning a red item of clothing can bring interest to your wardrobe. As an accessory, it can draw attention to an area of interest such as your face, in the form of earrings, or your waist in the form of a belt. Also, it can be easily used as a formal colour such as a red dress. I like having red in a short sleeve top to brighten my look during the day and then I can easily transition it to an evening outfit.

Did you know that red can be your neutral? Well, if you’re wearing prints, you can use the red to add interest and ground the outfit at the same time... how’s that for a two-for-one deal? 😉

The possibilities are endless. How do you like to wear your red?

Feeling inspired? Check out our red collections today https://wearitclothely.square.site



If someone asks me what my favourite colour is, I’d say orange...no wait, I think it’s red...no, I think blue is my favourite by far...or is it green? One of the elements of fashion that I tend to gravitate towards is colour. It's the first thing I see when I notice a piece of clothing or accessory. It stimulates my sense of sight and invokes many different feelings in me such as, excitement, happiness, mystery, and adventure. Colour is a major deciding factor when I’m choosing clothing. It provides that je ne sais quoi I'm looking for. And it is the first thing I notice before I touch, hold, or try on an outfit. In the upcoming posts, I will share with you Wear it Clothely’s colour series and why I love them. If you have a favourite colour please comment on this post and if it is not featured in the series, I will do my best to give it its well deserved props...does anyone use that word anymore...if not then I totally aged myself. 😬


From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Party Print.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Cover Me Red.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Classically Sophisticated.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Yellow Lace.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Flower Power.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, My Go To.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site



From my "Easy Wear Tops" collection, Very Vanilla.

Available at https://wearitclothely.square.site


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Let us talk about clothes. Come join me live on Instagram tomorrow March 4 at 12pm EST for a fun afternoon to talk about...
Let us talk about clothes. Come join me live this Thursday March 4 at 12pm EST for a fun afternoon where you get to know...
Get to know more about who's behind Wear it Clothely. Instagram live hosted by Organice.ca
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