McGill University - Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Montreal, QC Videos

Videos by McGill University - Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology in Montreal. The Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP) is committed to the advancement of sc

Philip Cutler on McGill24 2024

McGill B.Ed’13 and CEO of Paper, @Philip Culter, wants you to help unlock a $100,000 donation to McGill’s Faculty of Education. You can help by donating a gift of any size today, on March 13th because it’s #McGill24!

Other McGill University - Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology videos

Philip Cutler on McGill24 2024
McGill B.Ed’13 and CEO of Paper, @Philip Culter, wants you to help unlock a $100,000 donation to McGill’s Faculty of Education. You can help by donating a gift of any size today, on March 13th because it’s #McGill24!

Peter Balyta McGill24 2024.mp4
Proud to be part of #McGill24 and proud to be shaping a better future in education, hear what McGill Education alumnus, @Peter Balyta has to say about the impact our Faculty has today and every day:

2022 npd
Impact that reaches far and wide. Made by you. Today, on National Philanthropy Day, we acknowledge the invaluable role of McGill donors — that’s you — in turning ambitions and creativity into reality and innovation. Our students, researchers, faculty and staff have a simple but heartfelt message: Thank you for the support you provide to the McGill community. Learn more:

McGill 24% 2022 ISA
Reason #199 The ISA team shows their support for students each day. Why not support them today on #McGill24? #200ReasonstoGive

#McGill24 is just one week away! ❤Join the global McGill community for our University’s day of giving by making a gift to support the next generation of students, researchers and leaders. Every single gift counts no matter the size. And thanks to matching funds and challenges, your gift to McGill Education is amplified.

A reason to celebrate – McGill Education’s Fall 2021 Convocation is in person! Not sure how to wear your academic regalia? We’ve got you covered: #McGillGrad #McGillEducation

Return to Campus Trailer

As this year marks McGill’s bicentennial anniversary, the graduating class of 2021 has something extra special to celebrate! Join past and present McGillians who represent 200 years of excellence. Learn more: #McGillGrad #McGill200

ISA McGill24
The team at the Internships and Student Affairs Office (ISA) has an important McGill24 message for you — plus some outtakes to get you laughing! All kidding aside, ISA has supported Faculty of Education students all year long. Pay it forward and show your support for them on #McGIll24.

Peter Balyta - McGill24
Peter Balyta has a shout-out for McGillians! As a proud McGill Education alum and Faculty Advisory Board Chair, Peter is doing his part to spread #McGill24 spirit! Whether you graduated last year or decades ago, we are all connected as part of the Education community.

McGill24 Education Challenge
Are you up for a challenge? Your gift to McGill’s Faculty of Education could help unlock $25K benefitting today’s students and tomorrow’s leaders. On #McGill24, we challenge you to stand and be counted as one of the100 supporters we need to unlock these Challenge Funds:

McGill24 Clock
TODAY IS THE DAY. 24 hours of giving starts now! Join us for #McGill24 and make an online gift to the Faculty of Education! 100 donations are needed to unlock $25,000 in Challenge Funds. Each donation amplifies the impact of our collective giving. Will you help get things started?

BEd Video
For fourth-year B.Ed. students approaching the end of their programs, knowing what path to take after graduation can be challenging. Whereas many B.Ed. grads are eager to pursue careers in teaching, training, pedagogy, youth programming, or other employment sectors, others may not feel ready to join the job market just yet. Some students may want to broaden their knowledge and skillsets, become more specialized, or expand their career opportunities. To help DISE and KPE Bachelor of Education students become more aware of the graduate programs available to them, the Faculty of Education has developed a new video: "Beyond the B.Ed. Your Graduate Studies Options". Discover a graduate program that's right for you within our three departments.

BEd Video
For fourth-year B.Ed. students approaching the end of their programs, knowing what path to take after graduation can be challenging. Whereas many B.Ed. grads are eager to pursue careers in teaching, training, pedagogy, youth programming, or other employment sectors, others may not feel ready to join the job market just yet. Some students may want to broaden their knowledge and skillsets, become more specialized, or expand their career opportunities. To help DISE and KPE Bachelor of Education students become more aware of the graduate programs available to them, the Faculty of Education has developed a new video: "Beyond the B.Ed. Your Graduate Studies Options". Discover a graduate program that's right for you within our three departments.

McGill Ed At Home Intro Video

McGill at Home (V4)

McGill Goal

Team McGill