Island Healing

Island Healing

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Hypnosis Worldwide
Hypnosis Worldwide
806-A Townsite Road Hi my name is Gypsy Hart.

Welcome to Island Healing and my philosophy of care in providing spiritual and holistic wellness on Vancouver Island B.C. Here to educate and empower individuals towards greater health, well being and harmony with the earth and each other - through spiritual and holistic healing.


Hecate, Goddess of the Moon and Stars, I call upon you to bless this day with your luminous energy. May your light illuminate my path and guide me toward greater health and well-being. May your wisdom help me to make the right choices and decisions along the way. ✨️


Sat, September 14 (10am-5pm)
SHARE on your social media platforms.



Please invite your friends and family to this FREE Admission, FREE Parking, FREE Lectures FOOD Truck on premises


About Gypsy



Attention all past clients who have taken a PAUSE on Island Healing services over summer.
This is a notice to start your fall/winter self-care wellness starting September.

I will honor your 3pk special and EXTEND the pre-paidvoffer if you have been a past customer.

I would like to extend a “Return Client” offer 60-90 minute special rate packages. This offer expires in September 5 and rates go back to regular prices. Use offer over 3 months.

Shiatsu & Thai Combo Massage

“Pressure points East to West”

Shiatsu is acupressure, stretching, and Western massage.

Shiatsu involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body in order to maintain physical and mental well-being, treat disease, or alleviate discomfort.

Thai massage brings benefits and comfort to the massage table. Treatment consists of stretching the entire body. It moves deeper into the mechanical functions of the body working with deep muscle tensions.

* Fully clothed table massage

Raindrop Massage

“Magic with 9 Essential Oils”
Combines aromatherapy, reflexology and massage to create healing and cleansing through structural and electrical alignment to the body.

The use of essential oils helps to dispose of these viruses within the spine, helping its structure return to normal.

Relaxation Massage

“The art of relaxation”

Defined by its smooth movements it does not have the same intensity as deep tissue massage for example.

The benefits of a relaxation massage include but are not limited to alleviating tension in the muscles, improved circulation and an overall boost in mood.

Deep Tissue Massage

“Breathe with healing pressure”

A deeper massage in which the fingers, thumbs and elbows are used to release chronic muscle tension, using slow deep pressure. I work across the length of the fibres of the superficial muscles, with the intent of massaging connective tissue that lie underneath. Helpful for chronically tense areas such as neck, low back, and shoulders.

60min Shiatsu & Thai Massage 3pk (no sauna)

reg. $185

Special pre-paid $405 + $20.25gst =$425.25

SAVE $150

60min Raindrop Therapy 3pk (no sauna)

reg. $110

Special pre-paid $270 + $13.50 gst = $283.50

SAVE $60

60min Relaxation Massage 3k (no sauna)

reg. $375

Special pre-paid $285 + 14.26 gst

SAVE $90

60min Deep Tissue 3pk (no sauna)

reg. $435

Special pre-paid $375 + $18.75 gst

SAVE $70

ADD-ON to any service:

30min Reflexology $35 + $1.75gst

3pk Infrared Sauna reg $75 special $50 + $2.50gst (get one free)

Appointments for these special can be scheduled 2, 3 or 4 week consecutively. Must be used within 3 months of purchase.

Etransfer [email protected]

Use this link to only view the calendar for availability 60-90min and get back to me by email on the 3 dates you wish to book. Special offer must be used within 3 months and Pre-purchased continually.

Don't book online as it charges the regular service rate than the offer I'm offering you above.

CALENDAR -d7c0-440d-a71e-2b62819f316a


Bring some routine back into your life.
FREE Videos LIKE Nama-Stream Virtual Yoga

Transformation Consultation 08/25/2024

Island Healing
Transformation Life & Business Coach

Let's connect with a 'heart to heart' consultation. In-person/virtual programs available.


Transformation Consultation Book your consultation to establish our working fit. Those who have clarity around purpose, personal values, and personal priorities can in turn, interact with the world as their highest self. Let's connect with a 'heart to heart' consultation.


One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of our personal progress is discouragement. Whether you’re trying to form a new habit (reading, meditation, exercise, waking early) or taking on a meaningful project, or just getting your life in order … discouragement is one of the biggest reasons you’ll get stopped.

Here’s the “bad” news: discouragement is unavoidable. You will encounter it on your path, if you’re taking on anything challenging or meaningful. It’s a part of the meaningful path. I actually don’t think it’s really bad news, it’s just how the path looks.

And here’s the good news: discouragement isn’t a problem. It’s a property of learning, of growth, of trying. Just like heat is a property of the sun or fire.

Discouragement is a property of caring and having hope.

So with that in mind, how do we deal with it when we encounter discouragement on our path?

Some people will just crush hope, and try not to care or get optimistic. If we don’t hope, we can’t get let down right? But that just means our hearts are shut down. Similarly, they might not even try … because if you try, you might fail, right? But that just means we can’t create any new possibilities that we care about.

The way to deal with discouragement isn’t to shut down our hearts to trying or caring or hoping … it’s to take it as part of the package. Just like a hurt heart is a part of loving, or soreness is a part of exercising. When we care, and hope, and try … we will get discouragement.

Then when it comes, just let yourself feel it. Take care of it — do you need a hot cup of tea, a talk with a friend or a therapist, some love? Let discouragement be an opportunity to practice loving yourself and taking care of yourself.

Then care and try again. Get your heart back to hope & possibility. Take the next small step. Create something new, one tiny motion at a time.

Discouragement isn’t the end of the journey — it’s a place to stop and lick your wounds, tend to your heart, catch your breath, and then start again.

You’ve got this. 🔥

Island Healing Transformational Life & Business Coach

Let's connect with a 'heart to heart' consultation. In-person/virtual programs available.



Ooh this is good. We are all addicted to something. Some healthy some not. How would you feel if you didn’t have your phone for 24 hours?


How to recognize that divine power is helping you..??

These 11 signs can realize that there are many people in the world who get divine help in their lives. Someone more and some less. There are some through which divine powers make good work. The question arises how do the common man identify whether his divine powers are helping or his worship and prayer is being affected? These 11 signs we can feel it-

1. Good character -

The scriptures say that divine powers help only those who understand the sufferings of others, who abstain evil, who abstain negative thoughts, who regularly worships his favor or who is engaged in the work of virtue. If you understand that I am like this then surely divine powers are helping you. You just need to focus a little that you are on a good path and you are watching the higher powers.

2. Brahma Muhurta -

Scholars say that if your eyes open every day in Brahma Muhurta between 3 to 5 am you know that divine powers are with you because this is the time when Gods are awake. If you have been waking up between this time from your childhood to your youth understand that divine powers want to get something through you or they are thinking you are a good soul signal that get up now. This life is not meant to sleep. You have so much to do in the world. It is also said that people with good qualities get up automatically in this period. According to Ayurveda, the air that flows at this time is called Amrutulya. This is nectar vela. It is said that only 13 percent of the people of the world sleep in this period.

3. Visiting God in dreams -

If you keep dreaming of a temple or a place of God. In dream you keep flying in the sky or in dream you keep conversing with goddesses and goddesses, then you understand that divine powers are kind to you.

4. The Forecast -

If you already know or you are predicted of upcoming events, you know that divine powers are blessed with you.

5. Family love -

Your wife, son, daughter and all your family are obeying you, they all love you and you also love them so you know that divine powers are pleased with you.

6. Faster than luck -

In life you suddenly get benefits. Nothing of your work is obstructed by any kind and everything comes to you very easily, so you know that divine powers are helping you.

7. The feeling of fragrant atmosphere -

If sometimes you feel like there is someone around me or you smell around you for no reason just know that supernatural powers are around you to help you.

8. Pleasant air -

You are worshipping and if you think suddenly the pleasant breeze or light punj came and the body starts running. If this has never happened before then understand that goddess or goddess are pleased with you.

9. Cold breeze circle -

Even while on earth sometimes you realize there is a punishment of cloud or cold air around me so you understand that supernatural or divine power surrounds you. This often happens to a person who worships too much.

10. The punj of light -

Suddenly you see the sharp lights you can't imagine or you suddenly hear sweet music in your ears and you wonder there's no music playing around here yet it's like whistling in the ears If you hear, then you understand that you are in the presence of divine power. It often happens to those who are constantly chanting the mantra of their Lord.

11. Making someone's voice be heard -

You're sleeping in a deep sleep at night and you think someone called me and you suddenly wake up, but then you realize there's no one here. But the voice was clear. If this happens to you many times then you understand that you are blessed by a supernatural power. In this way you meditate and thank Hanumanji.



Don't argue with anyone about your beliefs, or who you are. It's like pouring water onto a rock. They're not capable of absorbing what you are saying. Know the difference between who is actually listening to you to understand you, and those not capable of taking anything in. They're not hearing you, their just waiting for their turn to talk. Save your words, and energy for those who are open. The ones who are already seeking the truth, and are wanting to understand it, and you. ❤️🕊️


Hecate, Goddess of the Earth and the Underworld, I call upon you to bless this day with your grounding energy. Help me to stay centered and focused on my healing journey, Guide me toward practices that support my overall well-being.

🌙✨ Celebrate Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, intersections and choices. She is often associated with darkness and light, guiding those seeking knowledge and protection. Hecate reminds us of the importance of honoring our intuition and finding balance in our lives. May we always seek your wisdom at the crossroads we meet!


I love this message by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.
It shows clearly that true beauty is found within.
Found in our feelings, our courage to be authentically ourselves. Found in the growing love we have for the natural world, for our deepening connections to other beautiful hearts. Found in the self empowered ways we step up, step forward, and let ourselves be seen.
And beauty is found in our realisation that self care, self honouring and self love opens our hearts to holding the space of love for others, this world and all sentient life.

~ Janine Savient 💛


It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.

I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true

I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, ‘Yes.’

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.

I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Gratitude to the unknown Artist



Most people think that cats do nothing, are lazy and do nothing but eat and sleep...

It is not so!
Do you know what a cat's mission is?

All cats have the power, every day, to remove the negative energy accumulated in our body... as soon as we fall asleep, they absorb that energy. If there is more than one person in the family, and only one cat, it can accumulate an excessive amount of negativity by absorbing energy from so many people...

When they sleep, the cat's body releases the negativity it takes away from us. If we are too stressed, they may not have enough time to release all that negative energy, and so, as a result, it accumulates as fat, until they can release it. So, they get fat and you think it was the food you were feeding them... or because they don't move enough... and the truth is, they don't. It is nice to have more than one cat in the house, so that the weight is divided between them.

They also protect us during the night, so that no unwanted spirits enter our house or our room while we sleep... That's why they like to sleep in our bed. And if they think we're fine, they won't sleep with us. If there was something strange around us, they jump into our bed and protect us... If a person comes to our house, and the cats feel that that person is there to harm us or that he is bad, the cats surround us to "protect" us...

If you don't have cats, and a stray cat comes into your house and adopts it as a home, it's because you need a cat at that particular time... So the stray cat volunteered to help you. Thank the cat for choosing your home for that job. If you have other cats and can't keep the stray cat, find a place for him. The cat came for a reason unknown to us on a physical level, and in dreams you can see the reason for the appearance of the cat at that moment. There may be a debt, some karma he has to pay... "So don't freak out or frighten the cat." Well, "he" will have to come back, one way or another, to fulfill this obligation...

Cats heal us.
Cats are adorable creatures, and they love their owners above all else, but they have a different way of loving...

Their love is true, so don't doubt it. They are our great and true friends and above all good companions.

Repost by Island Healing 🌙


Music & Mystic Entertainment - “A Fun & New Concept in Party Entertainment”

Are you looking to host a house or backyard/patio PARTY this summer? Gatherings like birthdays, anniversaries, engagement, bridal or wedding events?

♥ Instrumental guitar performance by Dave Hart Music. Featuring popular songs and world themes on classical guitar. Evolving musical interludes from ambient acoustic to light jazz, to popular songs and electric blues.

♥ Enchanted introductory readings by Gypsy Island Healing, unveiling discoveries through Palmistry, Tarot Cards and Tea Leaf.

Learn more:



Medusa is a powerful and much debated figure in mythology.
She was a sacred priestess to the Goddess Athena and had dedicated herself to her temple. She was said to be a beautiful maiden and that many men sought her hand in marriage, to which she refused as she had taken vows of chastity. This didn’t matter to the God Poseidon.

The Sea God broke into the Temple of Athena and forced himself upon Medusa. She tried to fight him off but he was too powerful. This angered the Goddess Athena greatly. Medusa was transformed from beautiful maiden to monstrous Gorgon, with snakes upon her head and a gaze that could turn men to stone.

Medusa was punished for actions that were not her own, both cursed and blessed with a crown of serpents upon her head. They would be her protection, but they would also be her downfall. In her suffering we see our own, silenced and turned into monsters by those who are the true demons.

Did the Goddess curse Medusa or give her a gift to defend herself?
The Ancient Gods were well known for toying with mortals in whatever way pleased them at the time. Zeus turned Io into a heifer to hide his infidelity from Hera, his angry and often scorned wife. Apollo cursed Cassandra with prophecy that would never be heard because she wouldn’t love him. No one believed her and it contributed the fall of Troy.

As many myths, Medusa’s story doesn’t end well. She was feared and destroyed for the power that would keep her safe from the intrusions of others. Perseus received a mirrored shield from Athena that would mirror The Gorgons gaze back to her, and while she slept he crept into her temple and took her head. Perseus went on to save the beautiful Andromeda from a sea creature with the severed head of Medusa. As so often occurs in these patriarchal hued myths, he slayed the demon, saved the princess and was rewarded as the hero.

But where is the justice for Medusa? Where is the crown of heroism for the maiden who tried to fight off a God? She was sold out by the very Goddess she was dedicated to and that transformed her in the first place. When maiden rose up to protect herself, she was disposed of as a monster.

Medusa teaches us that we have the right to defend ourselves.
So often we are taught that we need to put up with the actions of others in a quiet way, demurely accepting what others would put upon us. She shows us that we need to stand our ground when someone would do us harm. We are not here to quietly accept the intentions of others. We have the right to be safe.

Medusa tells us to know our power and to honor the gifts that swim within our veins, even though sometimes it may feel like more of a curse than a blessing. She brings us the wisdom of the snake, of transformation and of rebirth. She asks that we too hold up the mirrored shield towards those that would wish us ill and reflect back upon them what they have created.

Medusa reminds us that there will always be those who will spit venom at us, in word and deed. That does not make them right. We are not here to be the plaything of others. We are Sacred Priestesses of the Divine. And we will not back down.



Restorative Yoga & Sound
Healing Meditation

Restorative yoga is a gentle and nurturing form of mat yoga that includes using props to support your practice and the many benefits that come with it. Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses sound and music to promote healing and
balance in the body and mind. You will be guided with relaxing sounds and the use of mantras and guided meditation.

Instructor: Gypsy Hart
Thu, Sep 12-Oct 24 | 9-10 am | $56/7 | 126243



The healing energy of the Blue Moon is helping you mend wounds that have been hurting for years. The heartache you've been holding onto hasn't allowed you to move forward with those you care about. This luminary will push you to let go of repressed emotions, which will create a fresh mindset for love 🫶 💚

According to some superstitions, blue moons come from the old word for blue, 'belewe', which means 'to betray'. So keep your friends at a distance this weekend, and expect betrayals on the night of the blue moon... or worse, discover that you're the betrayer.


Mermaids are ancient water spirits who once existed more fully in the physical world. While some mermaids still exist in physical form in the deep, hidden parts of the ocean, most now reside primarily in the spiritual realm. In their physical existence, mermaids lived in vast underwater societies, connected to the Earth’s oceans and rivers. These societies were harmonious, guided by an intrinsic balance with nature, with mermaids serving as stewards of the waters. They left the Earth as human activities began to disrupt the natural world, causing harm to the waters and ecosystems they protected. This withdrawal allowed them to continue their work in the spiritual realm, though their influence still lingers in the waters.

Mermaids had a complex relationship with humans. At times, they were revered as sacred beings with deep knowledge of the mysteries of the sea. Many cultures across the globe have legends of mermaids offering blessings to fishermen, sailors, and coastal communities, often protecting them from the dangers of the ocean. However, there were also darker periods when humans, driven by fear or greed, sought to capture or control mermaids. There are stories of violence and exploitation, with mermaids being hunted for their magical abilities. This discord contributed to their retreat from the physical world, as their existence became too vulnerable to human interference.

As a totem, they represent emotional depth, the ability to navigate through difficult emotions, and a connection to the subconscious. People with a mermaid totem are often deeply intuitive, empathetic, and attuned to the cycles of the moon and tides. Mermaids as a totem offer the gift of emotional healing, helping individuals to dive deep into their inner world and heal wounds from the past. They also guide people toward embracing their sensuality and personal power, encouraging them to flow with the natural rhythms of life instead of resisting change.

As guardian spirits, mermaids are protectors of water and the emotional realm. They guard the oceans, rivers, and all aquatic life, ensuring that the balance of these ecosystems remains intact. Mermaids are guardians of emotional healing, guiding individuals to cleanse their spirits and release emotional blockages. For spiritual healers, mermaids sometimes offer their energy, granting them the ability to work with water for healing purposes, including purifying and balancing emotional energies. Healers who are aligned with mermaids often possess enhanced intuition, a deep connection to the emotional body, and the power to assist others in clearing emotional trauma.

When mermaids reach out as spirit guides or totems, their presence is often signaled by dreams of water, visions of the ocean, or encounters with seashells, pearls, or water creatures like dolphins. People may experience heightened emotional sensitivity or a call to spend time near bodies of water. Mermaids want humanity to reconnect with the natural world, particularly the water element, and to honor emotional truth and healing. Their intentions are to help humanity flow with life’s currents, release emotional burdens, and embrace the deeper, mystical aspects of existence. In the broader universe, mermaids serve as cosmic stewards of water, ensuring that the balance between the physical and emotional realms is maintained across dimensions.


THE 888 PORTALS ✨ AUGUST 8-17-26, 2024

Dear friends, 2024 is a very special energetic year, and so far it has not disappointed. Our sun is moving through an intense solar cycle reaching new levels of activity, and sending waves of solar winds that keep triggering inner shifts in our human fields.

From a more energetic resonance perspective, this year harbors the signature vibrations of number 8 (2+0+2+4=8). This year we are moving an octave higher in frequency, compared to the last few years, so it will take time for the planet and our bodies to adjust to this new vibrational level.

And within this year, August the eighth month, is the time period that holds the most concentrated amount of these empowering and transformative lightcodes. It is for this reason that this year’s 888 Lion’s Gate portal has been extremely deep for many of you, specially for those who are energy sensitives. The climax of this energetic resonance was August 8, however, there are two more key dates that will be vibrating with these empowering lightcodes. One is Saturday August 17 and the other is Monday August 26. These are called fractal portals of the main 888 gateway. Therefore, this month we truly have three 888 portals.

This trinity of 888 portals creates a square geometrical shape/matrix that supports the solid energetic foundations for this year’s higher octave. This very same energetic configuration will be happening again in the year 2033. Now, if you add each column and row, 3x8, you get 24x6=144, a master Fibonacci number that represents spiritual awakening, unity, perfection, and the connection to the Divine realms.

During this upcoming final phase of this month-long 888 portal, and assisted by the ongoing solar geomagnetic storms, our bodies may feel tired and weary. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, blurry vision, constant ear ringing, muscle tension, and heart and digestive issues may be present as our nervous system keeps integrating and recalibrating to these lightcodes. Please rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated. An overall sense of uncertainty may also be present as we shift into the new higher frequencies. A new inner and outer world is unfolding below our feet.

This activation is most beneficial during periods of energetic shifts, personal challenges, experiencing energetic clearings, and life transitions in general. It will connect you energetically to the core of our planet and induce feelings of safety, relaxation, and inner balance.

We are moving into a different energetic second half of the year, post 888 portals, in which our energetic sensitivity will be higher compared to the initial months. Our planet is also changing, increasing its frequency day by day at much faster rates now after crossing this August landmark. This may create a bit more instability in our fields, therefore it is important to ground our energy more frequently as we move towards the end of the year.

Eclipse season, with its powerful two-week energetic corridor, will be arriving by mid September, and will be bringing with it more opportunities for healing, growth, and evolution. These energies will keep pushing us to reflect on our past so we can rebirth a new future. You can envision this whole month of August 2024 as a cosmic master key unlocking doors to new opportunities, manifestations, and spiritual awareness. Like a master locksmith, the universe has fine-tuned the alignment of our inner and outer worlds, granting us access to hidden chambers of potential.

As we integrate the energies of this powerful portal, may we continue to unlock our deepest soul desires, manifest our dreams, and step into the limitless expanse of our true divine potential. The cosmic key may be withdrawn as we move into the next month, but its legacy lives on, illuminating our path and guiding us toward a future filled with promise and possibility. Have a wonderful weekend. Much love 💖



Dragons are not mythical creatures, but ancient beings that once roamed the Earth in both physical and energetic forms. These powerful, majestic entities are woven into the fabric of countless cultures and mythologies, reflecting their deep spiritual significance. Dragons existed in a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms was thinner, allowing them to manifest more fully in our world. As humanity’s consciousness shifted and the Earth’s energy became denser, dragons withdrew into higher dimensions, though their presence and influence remain accessible to those attuned to their spiritual essence.

Dragons possess immense spiritual properties, often symbolizing strength, wisdom, and transformation. They are elemental beings, embodying the primal forces of nature. As guardians of ancient wisdom, dragons hold the secrets of the universe and the mysteries of creation. In many spiritual traditions, dragons are seen as protectors of sacred knowledge and gateways to higher states of consciousness. They represent the power to transcend limitations, ignite personal transformation, and harness the latent energy within oneself for spiritual growth.

For those who resonate with dragons as a totem animal, this connection reflects qualities such as leadership, courage, and a deep inner knowing. A dragon totem suggests that the individual has a strong, transformative energy and an innate ability to navigate the challenges of life with resilience and strength. Those with dragon energy often possess an old soul, carrying within them a deep sense of purpose and spiritual authority. As a totem, dragons offer guidance in embracing one's true power, protecting one's spiritual path, and achieving balance between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Dragons also serve as powerful guardian spirits, often protecting not only individuals but entire lineages or sacred spaces. They guard treasures, both material and spiritual, ensuring that sacred knowledge remains hidden until one is ready to receive it. Dragons are the guardians of wisdom, ancient mysteries, and the divine blueprint of creation. They take on this role because of their connection to the elemental forces that sustain life and their understanding of cosmic order. As guardians, they help those under their protection navigate spiritual challenges, offering strength and insight during times of transformation and growth.

When dragons reach out as spirit guides or totems, they often communicate through powerful symbolism, such as recurring dreams, visions of serpentine creatures, or synchronicities involving fire or water. Those experiencing the presence of dragon energy may feel an intense surge of inner strength or a call to embrace transformation. Dragons want humanity to awaken to its true potential, urging us to harness our inner power and live in alignment with universal truths. Their intention is to guide us toward spiritual mastery, protecting the sacred flame of wisdom within each of us. On a broader scale, dragons play a vital role in the universe as protectors of cosmic balance, maintaining the harmony between creation and destruction, and reminding us of our interconnectedness with the forces of nature and the divine.

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Videos (show all)

Despite the many challenges that we are facing today, I feel optimistic that with a growing appreciation of how intercon...
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It's fresh, warm energy has ...
I am asking those who love the outdoors to post a picture. A picture that YOU took.  No description.  The goal is to reg...
WANTED EXHIBITOR / SPEAKERS / SPONSOR INVITATIONIsland Healing is proud to extend a special invitation to be part of the...
Visit Island Healing
Saturday, May 13 (10am-5pm)
SAVE the DATE Sat, May 13



Nanaimo, BC

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