Sapphire Lotus Nail Studio, Parksville, BC Videos

Videos by Sapphire Lotus Nail Studio in Parksville. Fully certified nail technician (gel and acrylic) and esthetician with over 2000 hours of training an

Other Sapphire Lotus Nail Studio videos

LCN Thermo gel in Coral/Yellow and Smoky Quartz sparkles. Text 250 640 2338 to book an appointment. Please check the about section for prices :)

LCN Violet Amethyst and Purple/Magenta Thermo gel with real crushed seashells. Text 250 640 2338 to book at appointment. Please check the about section for prices :)

LCN Green/mint and White/Anthracite thermo gels with Akzéntz Aurora Silver. Text 250 640 2338 to book an appointment. Please check the about section for prices :)

LCN Thermo gels. Dark when cold, bright when warm :) text 250 640 2338 to book an appointment. Please check the about section for prices :)