
Life coaching, fitness coaching, and supporting people to define purpose & fulfill their potential👍


Here's my rule of thumb, and it rarely fails me: Never take advice from people who aren't getting the results you want to experience. If you don't like what you see in the life of the messenger, it's usually best to ignore the message and focus on your focus.

Happy Civic Day 🇨🇦


Unfortunately, the supposed Christians tend to gossip or spread rumour than interceding.

When be privy to certain information about our fellow brothers and sisters, we are to pray and not to take the position of a broadcast radio.

How sad that people rejoice in bad news than goods news.

The Biblical Position

Like so many issues, when viewing things under grace we are not given black and white descriptions of what happened or exactly how to handle the situation. The Bible lays out key principles, the biggest being love. The best way to love someone is not one-size fits all.

Believers are supposed to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading while growing in their own discernment. As they grow in discernment, they will develop an ability to sense what the most loving stance is to take in each situation.

On the one hand, Scripture speaks strongly against gossip.

Proverbs 20:19 - “…do not associate with a gossip.” (See also Proverbs 11:13a; 16:27,28; 17:9b)
Romans 1:29; 2 Corinthians 12:20 – Both differentiate gossip from slander and condemn it as the result of a depraved mind, unfitting for Christians.
1 Timothy 5:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:11 – Both condemn “busybodies” who “speak about things not proper to mention.”

Finally, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I bring you peace ✌️


Changes always has an element of sacrifice to it. It always has an element of self-denial. Any changes that truly results in growth or improvement has an element of pain and discomfort associated with it. But then, is either we take the bull by horn, do the needful and endure the change period, or live with the situation warranting the change. The 🏀 is always in our court


Prayer is good! Prayer is a vital tool!Prayer works like magic! But you can’t pray people out of a situation they don’t wanna be! The conviction and willingness to come out of an unpleasant circumstance starts with the victim!


A gentle reminder👇


Listen to that again!

Everyone can’t be your friend.

Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn't mean they're for you. Just because they say they got got your back, doesn't mean they won't stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn't live far. So know your circle.

Your real circle should be made up of people whose virtues, values and standards fit yours!

Everyone who comes with you, can't go with you. You'll lose friends while you're climbing to the top and that’s totally okay.

You shouldn’t shrink your growth because your friends would rather stay stuck! If they aren’t ready to climb with you, let them go. If you are going somewhere, find the ones going in your direction and befriend them👌


I don’t know who needs this prayer!

Dear God,

Even when my life feels chaotic, I can experience Your peace because of what Jesus did on the cross. Thank You for making this possible by sending us Your Son! He has made a way for us to know and experience You.

Even when life feels out of control, I can cling to the truth that Your peace isn’t based on my feelings or circumstances—but on Your character and faithfulness.

When I don’t feel at peace, please make Your presence known to me. Remind me that You’re in control. Give me Your strength and comfort when the world feels unsafe. Protect my heart and mind from the weight of my feelings and thoughts.

Allow me to sense Your presence, and to live with confidence that You are always near. Let my life be an example of Your peace that surpasses understanding.


Remembered by God.

People may forget your good deeds, but God never does.

Maybe they never said thank you.
Maybe they never publicly honored your service.
Maybe they never remembered what you did…

God always does. People may forget our good deeds, but God never does.
Sometimes, we may wonder if our good deeds matter or will ever be acknowledged. Hebrews 6:10 reassures us that the God who blesses a faithful life will never forget our acts of kindness and service.

Think of it this way: God has a perfect memory, and He sees, knows, and remembers every act of obedience done in His name, even if the world labels it a failure and considers you a fool. Your just and faithful God is taking note, and He will reward you.
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10 NIV)
So, when you're tempted to think your efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated. When you feel forgotten or overlooked. When you’re tempted to think that what you contribute doesn’t matter, remember and hold on to the promise of Hebrews 6:10. Because God won’t forget your kindness, your faithfulness, and your service.
People may forget your good deeds, but God—He never does.


Life is a battlefield. Not everything that comes our way needs to be overpowered or won. Fight only if it worths the energy, otherwise, let it rest!


As we progress through our short span here on this planet, living our lives and documenting them along the way, we may be forgetting…for moments at least…how to actually live. And living, like it or not, means that sometimes we need to disconnect, put the camera down, and enjoy a moment for once.

In order to live in the moment, you need to focus on the now. Focus on what you're doing. Shut off the TV, turn off the computer, slow down, and savor the present.

The past is behind and the future is coming, but what matters is focusing on where you're at right now. Studies actually show that living in the moment makes you happier. Focusing on what you're doing rather than letting your mind wander can make you 66% happier.

Most of us are guilty of over-reliance on social media to some degree. Furthermore, technology addiction can cause people to lose touch with reality and the ability to communicate in real-life situations. Someone once said that if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.

While the goal of technology is to make our lives easier, we can’t rule out the fact that there are downsides that comes along with it such as isolation, depression, anxiety, eyestrains, sleep deprivation, reduced physical activities, privacy concerns and so on.

Dependency on technology will lead to neglecting important life areas such as work, school or relationships at the expense of technology. it’s our Own responsibility to be disciplined and set healthy boundaries around acceptable usage. it’s our Own responsibility to be disciplined and set healthy boundaries around acceptable usage. This could mean to have set time to use it and when not to use it. Thankfully, some of the technologies such as phones have setting to help us control screen time.

Living in the moment, although difficult, can benefit your relationships, productivity, and, most importantly, overall wellness.

Living in the moment is about paying attention to the here and now. Instead of letting your mind wander, you’re focused on your current actions, sensations, and surroundings.



Nice to have if we so desire. While motherhood is beautiful and significant,it does not exclusively (on its own) defines the value of a woman, same with marriage.

Anyone status-shaming a woman for not bearing a child or for being single needs education and mindset overhaul.


I’m sorry only works when a mistake is made, not when trust is broken!

Making the same mistake over and again can lead to a broken trust. When it gets to this point, I’m sorry wouldn’t work. Although it can be difficult for the offended person, as the offender, allow the one you offend to share their feelings about the betrayal. You cannot expect to reestablish trust without a full recognition of the consequences from what has happened. Listen to them without arguing or debating and validating their experience.

Expecting them to keep over looking your errors is gaslighting. You don’t hold someone responsible for how you made them feel. You hold yourself accountable for your actions leading to a broken trust.

Acknowledge that patience is key. It takes much longer to rebuild trust than it did to earn it the first time around.We cannot rush or force the process of rebuilding trust. It is built through small moments over time; everyday moments that may seem insignificant but serve as the building blocks of healing and repair.

To the offended, I do agree that minor breaches of trust can lead to mental, emotional, and physical health problems. However, decide to forgive and forgive yourself of the hurt. Make a conscious decision to love by trying to let go of the past.

Remember the parable of the unforgiving servant in the bible. ”Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭NKJV

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean condoning or excusing the actions of the person who hurt us. Instead, it involves accepting that the past cannot be changed and releasing ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment.

Of course, I’m not saying forgiveness is easy, it can be a complex and challenging process. It may involve acknowledging and working through difficult emotions and may require time and effort to rebuild trust and repair damaged relationships. However, forgiveness is ultimately a choice to make for our own benefit and well-being.


Nothing can be compared with a father’s 💗


In January, Omotola Jalade shared on her IG that she was grateful that at 40, her last child is already in the University. Remember she has four kids and she married quite early.

Funke Akindele (Jenifa) congratulated her on the post. Funke is 41, and just had her first babies in December of last year.

Now, if you try to compare these two women, you'd fail at it because they are both accomplished. Will you say Funke is unfortunate for just having her first babies at 41 while Omotola's last child is already in Uni?

My point? Stop comparing yourself with others! Your life journey isn't the same with anyone, irrespective of societal expectations.

Not everyone will get married in their twenties, not every couple will have a baby nine months into marriage, not everyone will become a millionaire in their thirties, some people will get their dream jobs at 40, it doesn't mean they've failed. Some will become CEOs at 55.

Please learn to focus on your life. I know it's a difficult thing to do in this era of social media where everyone seems to be doing well in life except you. Don't compare your life journey with others, not even your classmates.

There are only CLASSMATES, there are no LIFEMATES. You're your only mate in life.

Whenever you're tempted to compare yourself with others (which makes you to feel pressured and sad), come back to this post and digest every word. So you better save it, because I will too.


, For every result you get today, there must have been a preceding action. Do you take 💯 accountability or are you playing the blame game or making excuses? No one is coming to save you, know this and know ✌️


Tope Awotana’s father was killed in front of his eyes when he was 12 years old.

But he went on to build a billion dollar company that we all use today. Here’s how this Nigerian founder beat the odds.

Born in Lagos, Nigeria, into a middle-class family, Tope’s parents were quite successful as entrepreneurs

However, at 12, everything changed.

Tope witnessed his father get shot and killed in a carjacking and immediately his world was turned upside down.

Despite this tragedy, Tope showed incredible resilience and brilliance, completing school in Lagos at 15 and moving to Atlanta shortly afterwards to study computer science and business management at University.

After graduating he joined software company EMC as a salesperson before leaving after 9 years to invest in this crazy idea he thought might just work.


He poured his life savings ($200K) into the idea and hired a development team in Kyiv, Ukraine to help him build it.

In 2014 Russia invaded Crimea, riots broke out between anti-government protestors and armed police in Kyiv, and things were looking uncertain to say the least.

Despite warnings from family & friends, Tope flew out to Kyiv to work personally with his development team to ensure Calendly was a success - working to the sound of Molotov cocktails and gunfire right outside his windows.

Now, fast forward 10 years, and Calendly is a behemoth valued at $3 billion, making Tope a billionaire.

Speaking on his success in 2022, Tope explained how the death of his father was a major motivator for him, saying:

“I felt like he didn’t get a chance to complete his work. There was a part of me from a very early age that wanted to redeem him.”

I think it’s safe to say that Tope, you’ve definitely redeemed him.

Tope’s story is an incredible example of resilience, dedication and the fearless pursuit of entrepreneurship that we should all learn from.

Repost this to share Tope’s story ♻️


I concur! 👍


Checklist to crushing your new year resolution.

1. Make a plan. Success begins with a well-thought-out plan. Break down big goals into achievable small steps. For instance, if you aim to read 50 books this year, you should finish the first one this week. 🤔

2. Track your progress. Regularly tracking your achievements is incredibly motivating. Use a physical journal, a mobile app, or a calendar to monitor your progress. Observing how your efforts lead to results will be a powerful support.

3. Celebrate small victories. Every step forward, regardless of its size, is a success. Acknowledge these moments! For example, when you manage to exercise for five consecutive days, it's a success — don't overlook it. Small victories lay the foundation for achieving a larger goal. 🎂

4. Set priorities. Right now, decide what is the most important thing that should happen this year. How will you feel when it happens? How will you celebrate your success?

5. Start meditating. Mindfulness is a key component in achieving any goal. It helps to remain focused, concentrated, and live in harmony with your intentions.


Normalize quitting any relationship that doesn’t add value to your life!
Normalize quitting or archiving any group(s) that no longer align with your vision!

These features are included for a reason…… decongesting your life of irrelevances is paramount your overall wellbeing.

Intentionality can never be over-emphasized!



She was looked down on!

I have realized that the most looked down on, the most bullied, the most labelled, the ones who were constantly being shut up and not allowed to expressed themselves end up being the most successful!

In one of her recent interviews, she said during her upcoming days as an actress, producer wouldn’t even trust her with a waka-pass (just appear) role in movies. Their reasons are because they said she was not beautiful, she doesn’t have b***s and backside! And back then, Brazilian butt lift (BBL) wasn’t a thing in vogue!

But guess what, she didn’t allow the opinions of other direct the affairs of her life. She didnt allow the label to define her worth, she persisted, worked harder and boom! The result choke (evident).


Omo Ghetto: The Saga (2020) - ₦636m
Battle on Buka Street (2022) - ₦668m
A Tribe called Judah (2023) - ₦1bn+

And these are just 3 out of the several productions and works she has done.

When people ask for CV or resume, what they are asking is not the schools or courses you have done. They are asking for your RESULTS.

I join the whole Africa and the Nigeria movie Industry to congratulate Akindele for her landmark achievements of her movie “ A tribe called Judah” for hitting and smashing the box office - Highest-grossing Nigerian films of all time in Nigerian cinemas.

Congratulations to the entire crew!



As says,
“Share with people who have earned the right to hear your story.”

Trust yourself to know when you need to set a boundary. Setting boundaries is an act of self-care.🤍


This year, do yourself a favour by becoming intentional about things that matter!

Be intentional about your goals!
Be intentional about your growth!
Be intentional about your personal branding!
Be intentional about your peace of mind!
Be intentional about your diet!
Be intentional about your health!
Be intentional about your mentality!
Be intentional about your fitness!
Be intentional about your association!
Be intentional about your time usage!
Be intentional about your resource consumption!

Your focus becomes your future👌


2024, be kind!!!

Today's the beginning of the new year, a chance for a new start. Last year is gone and with it, any regrets, mistakes, or failures you and I may have experienced. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and we truly do, Lord.

As the new year begins, we look to You for our hope, joy, and peace. Give us the courage to do all that You ask of us. Please also make us brave to not do what isn’t from You. Show us how to walk in grace and embrace Your love for us even more.

Happy new year!!!!


My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. I made it and so do you🫂Wouldn’t you rather be thankful than complain ?

Tomorrow is the start of a brand new year. And a clean slate to make your life everything you want it to be.

Now I have a question for you! Where will the new year take you? You own the choice to step into 2024 with clarity, vision, strategy and new strength!

As we enter in the new year, position yourself strategically and focus your energy only on things that matter. Clarify your vision for the future and ensure that your goals are authentic to you and challenge you out of your comfort zone.

I’m so proud of all your accomplishments this year — and I just can’t wait to see what you do in the next.

Happy new year friends and family🎉


Big shout out to my newest rising fans!

Kwasi Fosu



Drums rolling🍾🍾🎤🎺🎸🪕📢📢📢📣📣
Friends,please help me celebrate my business partners, this power couple Tosin & Austin from 🇨🇦 for smashing it today.

Whaooooo,I was so busy today but this news made me go through the day very energetic and I was smiling ear to ear.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🎉💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🎉🎉🎉💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
These IT consultants join this business less than 6 months ago,and they have already claimed 4 milestones.💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

Sir &ma,I celebrate your hard-work,diligence and allowing yourself to be mentored 👏👏👏👏❤️💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Glad our system delivers and cuts across all walks of life if you apply yourself.

We shall sure celebrate in person soon but go and enjoy your bumper harvest.

If you still doubt this system,there is sufficient evidence for you by now.
Pm me and I will send you details, or visit to register for a free webinar.

Let’s get you started!

Photos from So-thrive's post 04/06/2021

Are you still Skeptical of the online space?

😀I totally get it that the internet space is really a scary spot to be. But unfortunately, almost everything is about the online space these days.

🤗We are a community of professionals leveraging on the internet to make meaningful things for ourselves. Not only did I find an amazing system that has helped me and thousands of other digital entrepreneurs globally to build a sustainable secondary source of income, I also found my tribe of like minded professionals that want more in life, just as we all do.

⭐️⭐️⭐️In my inner team of over 60 professionals, we have 12 Practising Medical Doctors, 13 Registered Nurses 4 Lawyers, 5 Accountants, 8 IT Professionals and so on👏👏👏

Are you still doing this laptop lifestyle? If this resonates, register for our complimentary webinar and save your spot 👇

See you on the winning side👊



The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Without giving it what it takes, success may be far-fetched.

It’s as simple as abc, what you give is what your get. The truth is that there are no shortcut to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, commitment and learning from failure.

The results you achieve today will be in direct proportion to the efforts you have applied.

Are you tired of staying stuck? Need a massive shift? Here is the good news👉🏽

Register for a complimentary webinar that will expose you to life-changing opportunity👇

5pm BC🇨🇦/LA🇺🇸
6pm SK/AB🇨🇦
7pm MB🇨🇦
8pm ON/QC🇨🇦/NY🇺🇸
9pm NS 🇨🇦

In other parts of the 🌍 on Wednesdays/Fridays:
1am London 🇬🇧
4am Dubai 🇦🇪
8am Manila 🇵🇭 Malaysia 🇲🇾 Singapore 🇸🇬 Hong Kong 🇭🇰
9am Japan 🇯🇵 Korea 🇰🇷
10am Sydney🇦🇺


See you on the inside 👌


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Videos (show all)

Unfortunately, the supposed Christians tend to gossip or spread rumour than interceding. When be privy to certain inform...
Listen to that again! Everyone can’t be your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn't mean t...
Know this and know ✌️ If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balanc...
Much ❤️ to our elderlies🫂
Dignity in Labour👌
Prayer for son♥️Lord we fervently ask that You watch over, guide, and always protect our sons. Increase their wisdom, kn...
The Catalyst Code!!!!🔥🔥🔥It’s time to be clear about what you want, based on who you are and set goals to achieve them. I...
Procrastination is a stealer! It’s very good at wasting life and killing dreams.Use time judiciously👌Thanks mama Edna fo...




Regina, SK

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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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