Cynergy Coaching

Cynergy Coaching

Cynergy Coaching helps people "Be their Best" and "Live an Awesome Life!"
Dream big and take inspired action toward your goals. Well that's wonderful news!

Strive for excellence in every are of your life: your Relationships, your Health, and your Contributions. Are you overwhelmed, stuck, and frustrated with your life as it is right now? Being AWARE of this is the first step to deciding to DO something to change it! And it all starts with thinking about your thinking! Your Thoughts create your Feelings, which create your Actions, which create your Results. You CAN change your thoughts!


"Knowledge is Power"... 🤔

Only if you actually 💥USE💥 it!!

So many wonderfully talented people get hooked on learning... taking courses, acquiring more and more certifications... going to seminars, reading books...

(I know, because that was 'me' for many years!!)

I'm all for personal growth and never ending learning... honing your skills in your specialty,

but if you're not applying what you're learning on a consistent basis, it's not going to do you much good.

Making changes in your life takes work, and it takes a great deal of persistence, on a consistent long-term basis!!

Knowledge isn't necessarily power...

But the *Application* of Knowledge sure can be!


This misunderstood quote in the attachment cracked me up tho!! = France is Bacon! 🤣


I feel that this is a message that many people need to hear right now. 💝🤗


The days when you cannot bear to exist within your own body, are the days you must really sit there and feel the vessel you live in.

Consider its structure, the layers, the insides.
The many miraculous functions it carries out in every moment.

If it lives with disability, consider the pressure that brings to each and every sinew.

If it is fighting illness, imagine that war within you.

Stare at your body, absorb it. Touch it.
Let the feelings of shame and disgust engulf you, and then send them away to the universe to dispose of.
You are not your body.
You are a guest in your body and you are currently rejecting it daily, hourly.
This rejection creates disfunction and estrangement.
It is little wonder you feel uncomfortable within your own skin.
You are.

You, my friend, did not ruin your body, or let yourself go.
You are merely living, and life takes its toll, as it absolutely must.

The days when you cannot bear to exist within your body, are the days when your body needs you, so very much, to check in.
To accept.
To apologise.
To connect.
To befriend.

Be grateful, as every guest should be.
Be tidy, be respectful, be clean.
But most of all, be good company.

You are not here for long.

Donna Ashworth

Art by Visithra Manikam

Sacred Divine Feminine


Which one of these do you think would make the biggest positive impact in your life right now:

Self-Confidence, or


My walks on the beach are times for deep contemplation.

Today on my walk I thought about an amazing lady who booked a Breakthrough Session with me.

She had filled out the application saying how she lacked Self-Confidence, didn't feel "worthy", she wanted to get a better job, and to be in a loving relationship.

Yet she had soooo many disempowering thoughts that kept holding her back!


This was the SECOND time she had booked a call with me...


Do you believe that God answers your prayers?

I do!

I believe that the support and the resources we need are available to us right when we need them!

In divine timing!!

You ASK for help
when you cry yourself to sleep at night....

You can't TAKE it anymore!!

Your life NEEDS to change!

But when "help" shows up,
what do you do?

This was the SECOND time this lady didn't show up for the call that SHE booked with me.

It breaks my heart!

Because when you ASK God for help...
And help becomes available...

You see a message that resonates with you and you trust your intuition
and you "book a call"...

And you don't do YOUR part to "show up",

How do you expect your life to change?

The answers and solutions you seek ARE available...
There are people who have figured this out...

and you continue to listen to your doubts and fears and self-sabotage inside your own head...

What can possibly improve in your life?

Have you heard the saying,
"How you do SOMEthing is how you do EVERYthing?"

I can guarantee that this lady is also NOT "showing up" in potential relationships and in her work environment!

That's WHY she needs a Coach to support and guide her and hold her accountable!

I'm not judging her.

Trust me!
I know this SO WELL
because it used to be ME!

Einstein said 'No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it!"

You cannot solve YOUR OWN problems by rolling them around more inside your OWN head!

You need someone with a *different* perspective to guide you and to show you where your "stinkin thinkin" is keeping you stuck!
Someone who is trained in how to help you shift, and see the amazing person you truly ARE, beneath all the wonky beliefs that you're carrying around that are keeping you stuck and playing small!

And please, look around you!

Your prayers *ARE* being answered!!

Perhaps YOU just aren't doing YOUR part and showing UP for the call!


How awesome is THIS realization! 💞


It's Day 5 of the free online "Living in Integrity" interview series. This interview with Allen Klein is both AWEsome and WONDERful! Join us


I'm hosting my FIRST ever online summit!
Check it out! It's FREE to attend.

"Living in Integrity" :
Empowering "People Pleasers"
to Stop Procrastinating,
Learn to Set Boundaries,
and to OWN Their Unique Awesomeness!

It starts on Tues, Sept 7th and if you sign up now you'll be able to catch the early reg'n Bonus speaker talk about Self-Love.

I am interviewing 21 incredible experts: authors, PhD's, therapists and coaches.
All sharing their expertise and insights on how to be your best and live an awesome life!!

Please join us, and share this link with anyone else you know who might be interested in this very popular topic! 👊😍

Addicted to Personal Growth, But Your Life Isn’t Improving? 03/04/2021

Here's my latest article that was published on Thrive Global! 🤗 😘💕

Addicted to Personal Growth, But Your Life Isn’t Improving? Signing up for an online program or buying a new self-help book feels like we are doing something to improve our lives, but are we?

It Takes ONE Minute to Rekindle Your Relationship 02/19/2021

Does your relationship need a spark? 👊😍 Here's my most recent article published in Thrive Global!!

It Takes ONE Minute to Rekindle Your Relationship Has the 'spark' gone out of your marriage or relationship? You can rekindle the magic in just one minute a day!


Here's a great quote by Allan Cohen from his book "Why Your Life Sucks"!
😳 => 👊😅

How are "you" playing small right now?
Where are you procrastinating and not taking deliberate action?
You're cramped and stuck in patterns that are keeping you from Growing and Flourishing!

Let's work together to change your perspective so you can grow 100s of TIMES more awesome than you already are! 🤗
Imagine that!!! 🥰

Milton's Secret - Feature Film Based on the Book by Eckhart Tolle and Robert Friedman 11/22/2020
I just watched this and cried my eyes out it's so beautiful! (that doesn't take much for me tho, I'm a real sap!)
This movie is inspired by Eckhart Tolle's teachings and is free on Nov 21, 22 and 23.

Milton’s Secret is a transformational film that speaks to the heart with its lessons about love, being present, nurturing, tenderness, and moving beyond our thoughts of fear and worry... and being mindful instead of reacting to what's going on around us.... plus taking a lot of deep breaths to calm those thoughts!! (ALL my favorite topics!!!) 🥰

Milton's Secret - Feature Film Based on the Book by Eckhart Tolle and Robert Friedman Mindful Parenting comes to life in this feature film that aims to bring the Power of Now tools to the lives of our children through Presence in the Family.

Precious Onungwe - You Matter (Official Video) 06/26/2020

"You Matter, I Matter, Our Lives Matter" 🎶🤗🥰
I often get "earworms" when I listen to songs! Phrases repeat themselves over and over in my mind for days!
This is one earworm that I'm really enjoying!

What perfect timing for a song like this. 💓

(Great job on filming and editing the music video -my friend- Tony Quiñones)

Precious Onungwe - You Matter (Official Video) Hey Fam, I am super excited to share with you the official video of my new single, You Matter. The song celebrates you and your uniqueness, me and my uniquen...

Regina Real Estate Tycoon Frances Olson's Success In A Then Male Dominated Field 06/05/2020

This popped up again today on my newsfeed! Frances Olson is 92 years old now and is still a "marvelous" woman!! 🥰

Regina Real Estate Tycoon Frances Olson's Success In A Then Male Dominated Field There's a new documentary screening in Regina tomorrow night... It's called "Up the Ladder-- in High Heels" and it reflects on how Regina real estate tycoon ...

Aging and EmPOWERment with Joy 06/03/2020

Celebrating awesome people! 🥰
I'd like you to meet this incredible role model who is an inspiration to us all!!

Joy Brown decided to become a competitive M4 Powerlifter - *** in her 70's!! ***

EnJOY this mini-documentary showcasing her strengths and talents! (It was my pleasure to work with Tony Quiñones again on this project!!)

Aging and EmPOWERment with Joy What are YOUR beliefs about aging? Do you believe that when you get older that you will become weaker, and feeble... lose your memory, and have to move to a ...


Your thoughts control what's possible for you in your life!

If there's something you'd like to be doing and you're not actually doing it.... that just means that there's something funky going on with your thoughts!
Don't just let them spiral out of control and ruin your potential. 🤗😍

Self-Made Billionaire: There Are Three Levels Of Reality, And Most People Are Stuck In Level One, But They Have No Idea 04/20/2020

An extraordinary article written by a friend of mine, on one of my favorite books! ("Principles" by Ray Dalio) 🥰

Self-Made Billionaire: There Are Three Levels Of Reality, And Most People Are Stuck In Level One, But They Have No Idea The brutal truth is that most people aren't even aware of Level 2 or 3 One commonality of great thinkers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs throughout history is that they see reality on a deeper level. This helps them figuratively play chess while everyone else plays checkers.

Cristóvam - Andrà Tutto Bene 04/01/2020

Oh my!! So powerful!
Everything will be alright! 🤗

Cristóvam - Andrà Tutto Bene Realizador / Director: Pedro Varela Musica & letra / Music & Lyrics: Cristóvam Misturado & Masterizado / Mixed & Mastered: Pedro Villas Silva @ Namouche Stud...


This is so beautiful! 🥰


This is so beautiful and so true!!!
😍 Find a way to he your Best and RADIATE love and you will never have to search for it ever again!

Photos from Cynergy Coaching's post 12/17/2019

What a beautiful way to live your life!
Of all the things you Think, Say or Do
Ask yourself:

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair?
Will it build good will & better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to ALL concerned?

My first Rotary Club Christmas luncheon -- with the marvelous Frances Olson, Alison Green (thanx for inviting us!) and some new-found friends!! 😍

I always say, "When you hang around with awesome people, their awesomeness rubs off on you!!!"


I -L💓ve- this quote by Bashar!!

"Waiting for circumstances to change so you can feel good is like looking in a mirror waiting for your reflection to smile first." 😁

Secret to a Happy Marriage: Put Your Spouse First 12/13/2019

Here's a bit of a controversial topic!!!
(One I almost learned the hard way.)

The secret to a happy marriage is to put your husband first!!!
As a mother we automatically put our kids first! It's completely natural... because our kids "need" us, and then it feeds our ego how much they "love" us.

But if you put your kids needs "before" your partner, over time you and your husband will grow apart.
Your kids will move out and you'll end up staring at the person there in front of you, from whom you've "grown apart" over the years.

I truly do believe that the secret to a happy marriage is putting your spouse first!! 😍

Secret to a Happy Marriage: Put Your Spouse First If you want a long-lasting marriage, give it the attention and care that it needs.

How To Get Yourself Out Of a Funk! 11/22/2019

How to Get Yourself Out of a Funk (two part video) -- You will love all the suggestions, and the Elephant in the Room reveal in the 2nd video! ;D

How To Get Yourself Out Of a Funk!

GO WITH THE FLOW 11/07/2019

Let this wonderful 91 year old woman inspire you to really LIVE your life! No matter what "age" you are!!

Your age is just a number.

It's not the years in your life but the LIFE in your years that counts!!

This is how I aim to live my life too! 😍

Please help us share this story and inspire others!

GO WITH THE FLOW The fastest and easiest way to "be your best and live an awesome life" is to hire a personal Coach! Submit your application form at: https://www.CynergyCoach...

Photos from Wascana Toastmasters Club Regina's post 10/31/2019

Happy Halloween from the Wascana Toasmasters club! (Look at the photo below, of the snacks at our last meeting!! 🤣😳😱)

I joined Toastmasters in March this year.
If you would like to improve your communication and leadership skills and develop your confidence and personal growth.... plus have a lot of fun! ... join us on Tuesday nights at 7 PM.

Or find a Toastmasters club near you.
There are clubs all around the world!


Funny story!!
Some of my Coaching clients have difficulty talking to "strangers". I keep telling them to just practice... every chance they get!

Strike up conversations wherever you go.
It gets easier the more you do it!

"People are people" and most are starving for someone to talk to them, notice them... have some laughs together.

Today I went to the grocery store because we had a TP crisis in our home!
No toilet paper in all 4 bathrooms! 😳

I told the guy ahead of me that I'm opposed to giving "poison" to kids for Halloween (that part is true!). I've given juice boxes in the past... but that's just liquid sugar too!!

I told him that this year I'm giving Toilet Paper because everyone needs that!
He said "No sh*t!"
We had the whole checkout line laughing!

Happy Halloween my friends!!
Have fun today with fellow humans!


EVERYbody needs a coach!
Love this!! 😍

Photos from Cynergy Coaching's post 10/07/2019

I have a continuous jar of kombucha on the counter... have made dill pickles and sauerkraut... canned tomatoes for years, home-made jam!!
We love these old-fashioned wholesome things that come from the Earth!

I always love trying something new!

Yesterday we made Kimchi for the first time - (with my son Ray!) Two levels of spiciness. Super hot for me!

Our house smells a little kimchi-ish and I don't mind a bit!! 😁

As I'm not a rule-follower in general, we started with a "recipe" ... and then went a bit free wheeling! 😳
I'm excited to see how it's going to taste!
(We can start eating it in 3 days...) 😍

Any taste-testers out there who want to join us?

Dumping Overwhelm, Restoring Sanity 09/05/2019

Overwhelm is "part of the human experience"! It's not just because of our modern age, with so much technology and distractions. Even the 'greats' had to deal with it centuries ago.
It's not going to go away! Best learn how to cope with it.

Darren Hardy (past editor of Success Magazine) has some useful tips on how to deal with it... and uses a very creative analogy that you will never forget!! 🤣
Thanks for being "wierd" my friends! 😘💕

Dumping Overwhelm, Restoring Sanity No more stress, overwhelm, and anxiety.


Do you have "Friends in Low Places"? One day you might need them!
If you ever have Sewer or Water troubles, then the people to call are Cary's Trenching & Trucking Ltd Watch this video to find out more about them, what they do and how they can help you. (Watch it to the end!) ;D

In this video you will get to know Marny, Trev, and Dale. You'll see exactly what they do... and how they will take care of you when you need them. They're super conscientious, hard-working, and a lot of fun!

In the time of emergency we tend panic and don't think clearly, so it's great to know (in advance!) whom to call when you need this kind of work done! Write their contact info down somewhere where you can find it. And please share this video with your friends and family so they know whom to call as well! I love these peeps!!!

It was my honor to work with them on this promo video script as well as coaching tips on how to be comfortable on camera. My very talented friend Tony Quiñones did all of the video capture and editing. Please contact us if you need an awesome professional business promo video!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Regina?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Up the Ladder in High Heels Documentary of Frances Olson




Regina, SK

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm