
With embracing a fresh, new start in life, the purpose of Upcycled Energy is to recreate the old

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 05/07/2023

It’s been a pleasure being part of such a spectacular event! Amazing vendors, incredible hosts & the weather kept it together, for the most part!

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 05/03/2023

Spring 2023 has finally arrived!!

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Finally....my vision I coming together 🧡

What makes unique?

It's more than just the physical beauty...

Let help you craft the perfect commemorative gift for someone you love.

Step《1》choose your base.....DRIFTWOOD or 🌳 Of life
Step《2》choose your colour scheme
Step《3》choose significant items to be incorporated
Step《4》brief description of the commemorated
Step《5》trust in the intuitive process

Each & every piece harnesses the resilent energies of our ancestors as a gentle reminder of just how interconnected we all are.

the whole self; mind, body & soul through encouraging ; the beauty of imperfect things

the restoration of one's spiritual self to their organic connection with Mother Nature; to alleviate the generational trauma challenging us today

your essence; the basic, real & invariable raw nature of what your unique BEing significant, resilient & wild

Photos from upcycled_energy's post 11/12/2022

Today we remember 🇨🇦 We remember the soldiers, both past and present, who sacrifice their lives for our freedom.

Private Hilliard Cecil Kidd was the eldest of 12 siblings, my grandpa being the youngest. In fact, Hilliard was killed on the front lines of WWI in France, so he never had the chance to meet his baby brother Allen, my grandpa.

Thank you to Uncle Hilliard and the countless more souls for sacrificing your lives for your country.

I am tremendously thankful for the country I live in today and proud to be a Canadian Citizen.

I am thankful to have had a grandpa so involved in my life.

I am thankful to have the freedoms I have today as a woman.

I am thankful for each and every soldier out there who is still living through a nightmare they have survived not so long ago.

I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to help those soldiers learn new ways of coping with the stressors that come with surviving the war. The companionship of a service dog is priceless, and I am in the heart of making that dream come true for more and more veterans.

Today I thank the creator for the Men and Women who fought for our freedom and continue that fight till this day.

Timeline photos 03/03/2022

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe, it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can become who you were meant to be in the first place."

I am feeling this more then ever!

Un-becoming, what I felt the world expected of me has been extremely difficult, but empowering to say the least.

I'm eternally grateful to my higher self for guiding me through the darkness, reminding me of the beauty that sits in the most ugly places.

The more I relinquish my whole self to the universe, to the creator, the more confident I am in who I am becoming today.

I'm forgiving myself for not having trust in my intuition all these years.

I'm forgiving myself for seeing the best in everyone but me; reassuring my whole self; mind, body & soul, that she matters too.

Embracing her wholeheartedly as we continue this journey for ourselves, unapologetically!

Photos from upcycled_energy's post 03/02/2022


Bring it to me instead!! I will gladly strip that wire & utilize the stunning copper hiding underneath!

Here are a couple projects I've been working on with scraps donated to me from a wonderful auntie of mine. All she asked was that I make something for her out of it!

Challenge accepted!!!

Freaking in love with the copper wire!

Can't wait to finish this off!!!


What ever would i do without my tribe!!??!

Huge shout out to my sista wifey for giving life back to this face of mine!

She my one stop shop for bringing out the beauty within. Nothing makes a girl feel more badass then fresh colour & a tidying up of my gorgeous lashes!!!

Thanks love. Your talent is incredible!!


I choose love over fear, over & over again!

The more I surrender my whole self to this universe, the more I become aligned with my higher self.

I'm eternally grateful to the energies we can't control of the spiritual world, the creator, & Mother Earth; providing me with strength when my physical self was weakened by the negativity closing in on it from all directions.

As I continue my path of healing, the profound respect I have for the vibrational frequencies of this earth, grows exponentially each day!

Being self aware & understanding how interconnected our emotions are to the physical health is crucial in learning to heal, not only the physical self, but also the energies that contribute to our vibrational output!

When in doubt, love it out.

Don't let the hateful words, actions, or the lies of others dictate how much love you show them....Chances are they are disconnected with their higher self & struggling to make sense of the expectations some one else has of them.

Share your light & stay peaceful in your fight for a better tomorrow 🙏 🇨🇦


The Vagal Nerve; an extension of our brain essentially, connecting it to each of our internal organs allowing the brain to communicate with them.

But what happens when this line of communication is blocked?

If our central nervous system doesn't feel "safe" this vagal nerve will shut down & our more primitive nerve, the dorsal nerve, takes over. This dorsal nerve is associated with our "flight, fight, freeze" response.

Our survival instincts are on high alert & we are hyper aware of our surroundings; our central nervous system is responsible for things like our heart rate, breathing & body temperature. When our bodies are stuck in survival mode, it's primary focus is regulating these 3 functions, in preparation for a fight, to run, or shut down.

If we are unable to shut our survival instincts off, then the vagal nerve will not be able to communicate & support the rest of the body....this is when the body starts sending more danger signals to the brain, causing the body's organs to malfunction. This crucial line of communication is so weak it can't carry that message all the way back up into the brainstem.

Think of your "vagal tone" as a vibrational frequency within your nervous system. Your body uses vibrations to communicate with different parts of your body. If your vagal tone is weak, the body's distress signal will not reach your brain. In turn this creates a negative feedback loop internally, resulting in malfunctioning organs, eventually shutting down entirely.

The good news; our body's are magnificently resilent. We can strengthen our vagal tone, just as we could the muscles in our body; it just looks & feels a little different.

Strengthening our bodies with healthful nourishment, exercise & a sufficient amount of watering are the obvious ways to healing the body physically.

What about strengthening our nerves? How do you express sincere gratitude to your central nervous system for keeping you alive, especially if you struggle with it misfiring & unable to turn of?

Vibrational Frequency Meditation; sound therapy.

Stay tuned for more on the dynamic duo of the Vagal Nerve & Vibrational Frequency Meditation.

Much love & light

Photos from upcycled_energy's post 01/23/2022

Sound therapy.

What a transformational experiance; the power the vibration is no secret.

Most of us recognize the power music has; not realizing the theraputic benefits that can come from the vibrations of specific sounds.

Our mind does a superb job of suppressing emotions we don't want to feel; our body's however, will hold on to those emotions and in return, manifest Chronic illnesses.

Sleep is a crucial component to allowing the body to heal & rejuvenate its self; trouble is, most of us have a hard time falling asleep, and in turn staying asleep.

Setting up a bedtime playlist has been a major component to me settling down at night. Nature sounds, specifically water related, has always been a go to for me.

After experiencing my first, mind blowing, gong bath last summer, I've been more intune with the vibrations surrounding me.

Everything has a vibrational frequency; it can either rise our internal vibrations or lower it; when our body's vibrational frequency is low, we are more susceptible to diseases, inflammation & mental health struggles.

Cleansing, adjusting and raising ones own vibrational frequency is how we protect ourselves from those negative external frequencies; we experience every day.

Be aware of what brings your frequency down & incorporate more rituals that raise your internal vibrations; healthy eats, vibrational meditation & exercise to name a few.


I've struggled with shutting my whole body & mind off, especially at night time;
This makes for one miserable morning.

It's hella hard to start the day, if you haven't given your body, mind & soul a chance to recharge its light.

My day needs to start with the night before....i am slowly learning that! stretching, essential oils, less screen time, my 💤 healing frequency playlist, warm baths & meditating are a few of my go to's when I need to shut down the hardware down!!

Be well & share your light ✌ ☮ ❤


Forgive. Accept. Let go.

If it doesn't serve your higher self...

LeT iT Go!

Accept that not everyone will get it when you put your own well being before anyone else.

Let it go!!

Forgive those who have not yet awaken to their true purpose & struggle with the unattainable expectations society has put on them.

Lèt it GO!!!!

Timeline photos 01/20/2022

Self care can take many different forms & doesn't always involve the physical self.

Incorporating self care rituals throughout the day will help your mind, body & soul thrive while being productive & prevent burn out.


Learn. Adapt. Grow.

Don't get stuck with how you dealt with something in the past.

Let the past be the past.

Dedicate your energy to building the future you need to be your authentic, beautiful & loving self!


Feels great to be back!

Where my intuition can run wild with creativity & my soul can ground itself without freezing my toes off!!

Bringing light back into your world, one unique aromatherapy piece at a time.

Timeline photos 01/19/2022

Mornings and I don't always get along....I must change that!

Introducing morning rituals to help me thrive throughout my day, rather than just get by.

Timeline photos 01/18/2022

Timeline photos 01/18/2022

Our mind, our body & spirit; We are one with Nature.

I have always felt that strong connection to Mother Earth, without realizing how disconnected I've become with my own mind, body & spirit.

There has been a great deal of reflection happening over the past weeks...

My mind & body have always been in conflict.

With being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, I've been able recognize that my brain isn't wired like most.

My body has officially reached its limit with my over-stimulated, hyperfocused, sensory overloaded brain, constantly trying to mitigate the signs of serious internal organ damage.

I am grateful for the strength & resiliency my body demonstrates with each new day.

With the help of Mother Nature & the nutrients she provides, I will better serve my temple the wholesome foods she so desperately craves.

Photos from upcycled_energy's post 01/12/2022

2021; another write off. So why bother with expectations going into 2022?

The past 12 months; visiting every emergency room at each of the 3 hospitals in Saskatoon, searching for answers to why I was in debilitating pain. It consumed me. Everything hurt. My body was trying desperately to warn me, it was doing a damn good job at communicating to my mind-Holy hell was she screaming bloody murder.

It only took a year of complete fu***ng hell....but I didn't have anything left in me. I couldn't wait for our corrupt, broken medical system to get to me on when they can fit me into their schedule. So I gently approached the Gastroenterologists office who placed the Stent in, wishing the well and updating them on how uncomfortable thing were getting. The receptionist responded instantly, saying there was a known cancelation on the 21st and would pencil me in; a week later I get a call that an appointment opened up the next day so I jumped on it!

Words can't express the amount of gratitude I have for the boatload of medical professionals taking care of me, giving me copious amounts of serious fu***ng drugs to combat that pain, and not hesitating to run the most insane battery of tests throughout this whole ordeal!

The gallbladder is finally out & I'm taking my life back!!!

Timeline photos 01/07/2022

It can be difficult to hear those whispers in our busy, overwhelming lives.

My world has slowed down long before this pandemic took over; I wasn't phased by the world slowing down, actually it was a sigh of relief for me. I felt like it was my chance to catch up to the rest of the world....until my body literally broke down last summer and holy hell did she scream bloody murder....and gallstones is how she is currently getting her point across!!!

She was trying desperately to drop subtle hints that I was not well, but with a long history of battling chronic back pain, it was passed off by physicians as just that...

You know your body best.

Don't let anyone make you feel like your pain & discomfort is a figment of your imagination!!!

You need to be your own advocate in our health care system more than ever!

Don't settle with the results if they don't feel right to you.

Be pushy about your health! You only get one temple to work with in this lifetime.

Cherish it.

Respect it.

Trust it.

Our bodies are incredibly resilient...... As long as they know their basic needs are taken care of. Be conscious of what you feed your temple, what you water it with; you don't get a replacement.


Mother Nature has a funny way of teaching us valuable lessons...In the midst of a winter deep freeze, we are forced against our better intuition to slow down.

Living in the present moment is not always an easy task. We are constantly looking for something to occupy our racing minds, desperately trying to keep up an appearance that other people want to see....STOP IT!!!

Stop trying so hard to fulfill expectations that someone else has for you & start fighting for your own well BEing!

Slow down. Listen. To not only yourself, but everything surrounding you; plants, animals, the wind, rain, SNOW!!!!!

What is it all trying to tell you?

Embrace the beauty of the NOW.

Don't let these precious moments of life slip into the past without truly embracing the essence of your life.

Stay warm & keep shining that beam of light of yours into the universe!


Photos from upcycled_energy's post 01/05/2022

I have been self conscious with my space, as it tends to look like the Tasmanian Devil made an appearance after I'm done for the day.

Apologizing for my cluttered organized chaos seems to be my auto-response when new souls come visit my shop, but that will be no more.

Over the holidays I came to a realization. It's not about how the room looks to the naked eye. It's about how a person feels when the walk through that door; it's about the energy that person experiances when they step foot into my studio.

Energy is EVERYTHING! Just because your don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

I would much rather have a cluttered, maximalist studio where they feel the radiant loving accepting & embracing energy that I have been working hard at restoring!

Don't let someone else's Expectations ruin your reality. Your reality is unique to you & you only! You need to find what works for you & say F**k the rest.

I am proud of my space. Clutter and all. I am able to create beautiful memories with my littles, while expressing myself through the art of repurposing old vintage jewlery!


🥂 to the new year, full of health, wealth & family.

I am leaving behind a woman who second guesses her intuition & aims to please everyone surrounding her.

I am leaving behind a self conscious woman, who overwhelms herself with everyone else's problems, she forgets to take care of her own self worth.

I am leaving behind a woman who stays silent when faced with adversity.

I will continue to work on being better for myself...

More self care.

More self aware.

More confident.

Be the best you in 2022!


I feel this through & through.

I didn't realize how lost I truly was, until what I thought was my identity as a youth care worker, was shattered to pieces & I was forced to reconstruct myself....to find myself.

It was a radical Bodysex retreat that gave me permission to love myself, for who she was transforming into, and not for who she was...

I have developed a phenomenal group of soul sister's during these retreats who have helped me immensely throughout my journey of finding myself....

Its been a transformational experiance to say the least....to love a stranger so unconditionally & hold space for them unapologetically, while those strangers reciprocate that love back to you.

It gives me hope.

Hope.....for a future where happiness is something that happens organically and isn't forced.

Hope.....for a future where loving one another is the first reaction, instead of hate.

Hope.....for a future where our children learn to love themselves for what makes them different, instead of hate themselves for it.

Hope....for a future of coexistence.

Find your people!! Find your passion!! Find yourself!!

Timeline photos 12/06/2021

"I trust the journey of my unique soul path & those who choose to be part of it"

Ta**us ♉ strong 💪

What is your affirmation for this New Sagittarius Moon ??


If you don't feel like yourself today, read this:



I love receiving personalized requests!

This beautiful set has been cleansed with locally sourced Sage, Eucalyptus & Cedar while being positively charged with the protective properties of each stone.

As a gift with purchase, I have included a 1ml sample of my favourite blend from dōTERRA, Midnight Forest.

This blend includes;
Siberian Fir, Cypress, Juniper Berry, Black Spruce, Frankincense, Wild Orange, Pimento leaf/fruit, Caraway, Cistus, & Labdanum.

There is nothing more satisfying than bringing together the love I have of this earth with the incredible energies it provides us to help alleviate some anxieties & protect others from the negative.

Garnet – is believed to relieve depressive symptoms as it raises one's self-esteem. Garnet is a stone of purity, protection & will help everyone feel more secure within themselves as their spiritual awareness heightens.

Obsidian is a truth-enhancing, protective stone. It aids in protecting one spirit from energy vampires by absorbing negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension, leaving room for more positive intentions.


What an incredible weekend of connection, love & acceptance.

We are such beautiful creatures, it's a shame the mainstream narrative has us constantly comparing ourselves with one another.

It's time we change that narrative; break thst cycle in ourselves thst says we are not enough!!

Stop looking at eachother and think they have it all together ❤ cause nobody does, and that's ok!

Perfection is an illusion; it is an unattainable goal that sets us up for a lifetime of ridicule & self shaming.

What I have learned over the past weekend;
it's the imperfections in life that make it so authentically beautiful.

Our souls are interconnected and together we are breaking that cycle, whatever it may be for you; we are in it together.


Photos from upcycled_energy's post 11/20/2021

It pleases me to see how significant something so simple can be.

I feel the significance of each Feather 🪶 & give thanks to the respective bird for sharing their gift from our ancestors.

While many people may be annoyed with the presence of these particular birds; they can be vocal, possessive, scavengers & downright pests, they also hold a significant role in teaching us how to trust our intuition.

I have never come across so many 🪶 as I have this past year & I'm grateful for listening to my intuition to start collecting yet another gift Mother Nature offers as a lesson in how to co-exist with one another.

I'm pleased to harness the energies of these beautiful gifts from Gaia & incorporate them them into future projects.

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