Madrona Massage Therapy, Sidney, BC Videos

Videos by Madrona Massage Therapy in Sidney.

18th year of being an RMT! ❤️

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18th year of being an RMT! ❤️

Today is my (Kristi)18th anniversary of being an RMT! I've been at Madrona Massage Therapy in Sidney the whole time! I can't imagine a better place to have built my practice. I'm so grateful for all of my amazing clients and staff and I don't see any signs of slowing down yet! I love what I do and I love Sidney!❤️❤️ To celebrate I am going to be donating a percentage of this week's income to @doctorswithoutborders. They do important humanitarian work all the time, everywhere and they need regular ongoing support! If you're in a giving mood, you can go online to their website and donate directly to them or add to the charity jar of the month here at the office next time you're in ❤️ @madronamassage @exploresidney

Pain-reliever Cryoderm and Arnica Fisiocrem make great stocking stuffers 🥰🎄Lots in stock!

The first shoebox came in the other day! Let's keep the momentum going! You have until Dec 15th to drop off here. See previous post for tips and tricks on how to make a shoebox and a difference in someone's life this holiday season. You can also visit The Victoria Shoebox Project for more info. #shoeboxproject #givegenerously #helpwomeninneed #supportlocal #spreadkindness

The charity jar is back! This month and next will be dedicated to the Saanich Peninsula Food Bank @saanichpeninsulafoodbank Toss in your spare change and help make a difference. You can also donate to them directly. Food is great but cash is better as they have better buying power at the grocery stores. 🍊🍌🍉🍍🍏🍗🍠🥑🥒🥔🥝🫘🧀🌽 #foodbank #givingseason #sidneybythesea #saanichpeninsulafoodbank

Protecting myself and those around me in my community! Thank you, Sidney Pharmacy ❤️ #flushot #covidshot

Already figuring out how to escape! There's downsides to having a smart dog lol🐶

Patients often ask how my hands don't get sore working all day... Meet the team: On the left is Steamroller, on the right is Crusher😁 AKA Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod😁 AKA Shake 'n Bake😁 AKA The People's Elbows... My forearms and elbows are very useful tools and have a lot of nicknames lol

Wondering where all the snow from the streets has gone? Into the ocean!! Yesterday there was a literal mountain of snow trucked into the boat it's all but gone! Big thanks to the Town of Sidney workers (and their contractors) who have been tirelessly working day and night (since Sunday!) trying to get rid of all the snow and get us back to normal👏💯⛄👍❄ #sidneybythesea #toomuchsnow #wedontdosnowwell #noparking

Need a good laugh? Here's Liezl scratching her butt 😉🐕❤