Corbo Chiropractic

Dr. Celia Corbo is a chiropractor in Etobicoke focusing on the holistic practice of chiropractic.


Welcome to Activate Health & Wellness Reboot by Dr. Celia Corbo (in collaboration with the Health Hub).

In this group, you will find free guides to help restart your health and get you back on track. This is a safe space for you to share your goals & success. I look forward to having you join!

In good health,
Dr. Celia


My people 🤍🤍

Corbo Chiropractic would not be what it is without the support of these beautiful faces (miss you sis and bro🤍).

To many more years of happiness, challenges that allow us to grow and laughter!

I am truly blessed 🤍

Dr. Celia🤍


A healthy sleep routine encourages optional nervous system function 🧠✨

Let’s focus on the DO’S of this post!:

We should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep EVERY NIGHT! Some of you may think, “I function just fine off of 4-5 hours a night”. Reflect on things like stress, body function, cognition, caffeine intake, etc. If you are drinking multiple cups of coffee a day, or feeling quickly agitated from life, maybe it’s times to hit the snooze button and sleep longer 😴

Incorporating a sleep hygiene routine is a great way to prepare the nervous system for sleep — our nervous system like to form habits from repetition✨

Exercise regularly! Exercise trains and conditions the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic & sympathetic) to stress. This results in our nervous system adapting to stressors in our everyday life and enabling higher activation of our parasympathetic nervous system before bed 🛏

Manage stress & anxiety! 😵‍💫 No doubt, these are very difficult to manage. One strategy is journaling 🖊 This is great to implement and help organize the brain, regulating sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and less distracting thoughts at night when it is time to unwind 💆🏻‍♀️

Deep diaphragmatic breathing 🫁 will engage the parasympathetic nervous system, slow down heart rate 🫀 and increase our vagal tone! Try doing 10 belly breathes before falling asleep 💤

Do you have a sleep hygiene routine or tips/tricks that you follow to get a proper nights rest?

Comment below👇🏻

Dr. Celia ✨

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 04/04/2022

✨P I R I F O R M I S ✨

This muscle may be the culprit in aggravating and uncomfortable sciatica nerve symptoms 😖

Receiving adjustments from a licensed chiropractor will improve mobility and function of the piriformis!
Don’t forget to do your active rehab homework to stretch and strengthen the muscle. Video reel coming soon 🎥😉

Dr. Celia✨

Of the Hands - Corbo Chiropractic 03/23/2022

I am very excited to share my Q&A interview with all of you that Subkit took the time to put together!

Of the Hands - Corbo Chiropractic I am now fortunate to be the doctor I always wanted to have, offering my patients clarity and getting to the root cause of their health concerns.

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 03/13/2022

Do you see it? 👀

This patient presented in my office with symptoms of headache 🤦🏻‍♀️ dizziness 🌀 left shoulder muscle vibration and some numbness and tingling in the fingers 🖐🏻. Upon completing a physical examination and providing a diagnosis, I proceeded to treat them with adjustments, including the neck. They mentioned that they felt incredibly better immediately after the adjustment — less dizzy and the shoulder stopped hurting 👍🏻

This patient had an MRI scheduled in two weeks from the time I first met and treated them. They started second-guessing about getting the MRI, as they were feeling better after adjustments 🤷🏻‍♀️

Low and behold — a central disc herniation at C5/C6 that extends 3mm into the spinal canal was discovered. The radiologist called the disc herniation “small” and their family doctor told them NOT to go see a chiropractor, yet did nothing to help with treatment or reducing pain symptoms 🧐

This patient continues to come to my office. They are still getting adjusted (even in the neck) and we have introduced a rehabilitation program of neck and scapular stabilizing strength exercises, which we go over together and they continue to do at home as part of their homework💪🏻

The long point to my story is … go with your gut. This patient had a “feeling” something was wrong. They explored their options in healthcare instead of just resorting to one source (their family doctor) and sought out a second opinion. If they hadn’t, they probably would have been shuffled to surgery or prescribed heavy narcotic medications to “help” ease the pain 💊

A chiropractor doesn’t just “crack necks and backs”. We are doctors trained to look further, dive into the ROOT cause of the problem and provide patients with the quality of life people deserve to have 🙌🏻

Dr. Celia 🤍


Staying in the same habitual routine limits our ability to form new neuronal connections⚡️

Here are 4 SUPER-EASY tasks you can slowly incorporate in your day to keep your nervous system dynamic:

1️⃣Move for 30-minutes a day 👟
Coming home from a long day at work can be exhausting and the last thing you want to do is move your body. … I get it!
Try waking up a bit earlier in the morning and getting a walk/workout in before the day starts ⏰ or schedule a time during the day when you have a break!

2️⃣Spending time with people 👯‍♀️— this one may be hard for those that are dealing with depression, anxiety, etc. However, even going out for a walk and smiling at other walkers passing by can release serotonin (a feel good hormone). Call someone up, send someone a meme and start a convo on IG — it just takes 2 seconds to initiate a positive interaction 😁

3️⃣Picking up a new hobby — lately, I’ve taken to reading instead of resorting to Netflix. Although this isn’t a “new” hobby, it is something new in my routine … and i’m loving it! I recommend picking up something new (if you have the time!) or re-introducing a hobby 📚

4️⃣Limit electronics — this is a HUGE one! Blue light can mess around with our nervous system, specifically with the hormone melatonin🌀. This hormone regulates the bodies internal clock (circadian rhythm). If melatonin is out of whack, we will be out of whack 🌀

What other this’s and that’s do you do that you would like to share? Let me know in the comments 💁🏻‍♀️

Dr. Celia 🤍


Low back pain isn’t just one muscle… but here is ONE of the major players in generating symptoms of discomfort.

Check back soon for some stretches on how to temporarily relieve tension in this muscle specifically throughout your day!

Dr. Celia 🌸

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 01/12/2022

Let’s talk fiber 🍎🍌🥑🍞🌽

Fiber is not one ☝🏻 thing … but two ✌🏻and they both help you 💩

It is either Insoluble and/or Soluble.

The recommended daily intake for women is to consume 21-25 grams and men 30-38 grams. Drink lots of water when increasing your fiber intake, as it may cause constipation.

Swipe left 👈🏻 to read more about the additional health benefits of consuming both insoluble & soluble types of fiber.

Dr. Celia 💩

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 01/08/2022

Precise. Immediate. Cure

P.i.C is a unique acupuncture technique focusing directly on the musculo-skeletal site for pain management (unlike Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses meridians/channels). The benefit of being precise and targeting these painful spots results in an immediate therapeutic benefit and relief of symptoms as quickly as the first treatment 🤗

There are 8 regions of the body that P.i.C therapy can help in treating, upon diagnosis of each patients condition:
1. Head Pain
2. Face/Jaw pain
3. Neck/ Shoulder pain
4. Shoulder blade and middle back
5. Middle and Lower Back
6. Low back pain
7. Knee
8. Ankle/Foot

Many patients who received P.i.C therapy have had ongoing chronic pain symptoms for many years -- some as long as 20-years 🤯 They have exhausted all therapeutic options, making P.i.C a last resort.  By no means does this undermine the therapy, but rather is a testament to how successful and powerful it is. Based off of clinical observation, patients feel up to 50% relief after the first session, and ~80% after 5 sessions.

If you are interested in more information regarding P.i.C, send me a DM!

Dr. Celia

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 01/07/2022

It is more than just your back.

It’s your brain-body connection✨

All nerves that enter & exit the spine act as a relay centre sending and receiving messages from the brain to the body and vice versa. Ultimately, controlling all systems/organs of the body 🫁🫀👃🏻👂🏻💪🏻

Even if you are not in physical pain, getting adjusted strengthens and enhances the brain-body connection 🧠

Swipe left 👈🏻 to read which segment of spinal nerves innervates the body🧍🏻‍♀️

Dr. Celia🧠

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 01/05/2022

🔥 or 🧊?

A common question I get from patients is: should I put cold or heat on my injury at home?

I prefer and recommend a reduced heat application (so the skin doesn’t burn). However, a combination of the two, 5-mins of heat, 5-mins of cold and repeat, is also recommended.

At the end of the day, it comes to personal preference and what feels the best for you!

Which do you prefer? 🧊 or 🔥?

Dr. Celia


New year…New clinic hours ✨
The clinic is located at:
555 Burnhamthorpe Road, Etobicoke ON

Call (416) 732-1540 to book your appointment today!
Or follow the link in the bio to book your appointment online!

Dr. Celia 🌸


Welcoming 2022 ✨

A year that we hope will be full of positive change, better health and prosperity. A new year where we look forward having learned from the past. A year to start anew.

The new year is always seen as an opportunity to change, reinvent and start fresh — to make this our “best year yet”.

These changes don’t happen overnight. It is a constant work in progress.
However, one thing is certain on our journey in becoming our best: keep showing up for yourself every 👏🏻single 👏🏻day.

Whether it is a small daily win of making your bed, cooking a healthy meal; or something bigger like buying a home, getting that dream job or starting a family — You write the story.

I wish you all a safe and healthy new year ✨

Dr. Celia✨


Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 12/23/2021

Yes! Text neck is a thing 📱
Instead of looking down at your phone, bring it up to eye level to reduce the strain in the back of the neck!

Dr. Celia📱



Wow! This has been quite the year of learning and growing, but it’s just the beginning and I cannot wait to see what is to come!

A special thank you to all my wonderful patients who have trusted me with your healthcare. Without you, none of this would be possible 🤍

Dr. Celia 🤍



Contrary to what everyone thinks and wants, healing is not a linear, smooth progressive process.
It’s full of twists and turns and ups and downs🌀
We’re human, which means we’re moving, sitting, standing, bending, lifting, stretching, twisting 🕺🏼🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏾🧘🏻‍♀️🤸🏿🏋🏼

All of these movements, although essential for us, can trigger a period of pain/ injury again 😖

But one thing is for sure, our bodies know what to do to get us back to feeling good again.


Going to a chiropractor will help with pain symptoms and get you feeling and moving better!

In the meantime, be mindful of your movements, and most importantly be patient (that’s why you are called the patient 😉)

Starting January 2022 I will be offering lifestyle coaching for those who want to enrich your lives by eating and moving better. Send me a DM if you are interested in joining!

Dr. Celia 🌸

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 12/09/2021

Healthcare is geared towards improving your health and preventing disease and injuries.

In Ontario, there are different healthcare disciplines who all specialize in different methods of treatment, while working together to help you feel your best 👍🏻

As we approach the end of the year, a lot of people let their extended health benefits go to waste. Don’t wait until until January to prioritize your health 🍎
The initial consultation and start of treatment is when the highest investment will be made in kick-starting your health journey. I encourage patients to use their remaining benefits at the end of the year, this way, come the New Year, you can focus on receiving treatment over the course of the year!

Dr. Celia 👐🏻

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 11/10/2021

Motion is lotion!
Exercise is the best medicine!
Keeping active during the winter months will help keep you body in check and your mind fresh 💫

Don’t forget to sign up for the 5km walk on Sunday November 14, 2021 in support of

Send me a DM or email [email protected]

Dr. Celia 👟

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 11/01/2021

November is the month to focus on Men’s health 👨🏻
From a personal observation, men are not encouraged (as much as women) to advocate for their health and take care of their mental, physical and emotional bodies.
Let’s encourage boys and men to make health a priority😁

I am fundraising for Movember and would love if you could support by going to:
Search “celia corbo” in the search bar!

Stay tuned for some exciting announcements this month regarding MOVEMBER🥸

Dr. Celia 💙


There are 9 weeks left in 2021! …Where did the time go? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Don’t let your health benefits go to waste!

Now is the perfect time to use your health benefits, especially if you are a new patient 💆🏻‍♀️

Here’s why: initial consultations are usually more expensive than the subsequent treatments.  Using your benefits now will get the initial assessment covered … that way next year you can predominantly focus on treatment!

Contact Corbo Chiropractic to book your initial appointment today (info in bio)

Dr. Celia 👩🏻‍⚕️

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 10/27/2021

Your brain and your gut are best friends 👯‍♀️

Your brain regulates the movement and function of the gastrointestinal tract (sensory & secretion) and mediates the stress response on gut function. The gastrointestinal system can affect your central nervous system through cognition, behaviour and even pain tolerance.

This is why it is SUPER important to consume a diet that is low-inflammatory, low in refined sugar and take supplements that help promote healthy gut bacteria (probiotics), reduce inflammation (omega 3s) and help with cell health (vitamin D).

If you know any healthy meal recipes comment below!

Article: Arzani M et al. Gut-brain Axis and migraine headache: a comprehensive review. The Journal of Headache and Pain. 2020. 21:15

Dr. Celia 🧠

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 09/25/2021

Movement is important to feel good, but it is also vital in strengthening bones and soft tissue structures (muscle, tendons and ligaments) to help prevent future injury and to recover properly if you’ve been injured💪🏻

My favorite way to move is walking/running! 🏃🏻‍♀️What’s yours?

Dr. Celia 🌸

Photos from Corbo Chiropractic's post 09/18/2021

Happy 126th Birthday Chiropractic 🥳

The modern history of Chiropractic was founded on September 18, 1895 by a man named Daniel David Palmer (DD Palmer). He performed the first chiropractic adjustment on a partially deaf janitor named Harry Lillard — after which, Lillard could hear again 🦻🏼

DD Palmer is considered the philosopher and founder of the chiropractic profession. His son Bartlett Joshua Palmer (BJ Palmer) is considered the developer of the chiropractic profession and was one of DD Palmers early students.

Chiropractic has come a long way since 1895 with more research and evidence to support how manual adjusting skills affect the body. I am so honoured to be a part of this amazing profession and helping people facilitate the natural healing process so they can live their best quality of life 😄

Swipe 👉🏻 for some of my favourite BJ Palmer quotes!

Dr. Celia 🥳

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Videos (show all)

Welcoming 2022 ✨A year that we hope will be full of positive change, better health and prosperity. A new year where we l...
WHY you should get adjusted:✔️Improves the communication between the nervous system and body✔️Releases the joints from r...
Have a Headache 🤯?Try this acupressure technique to help with headache relief.👉🏻 Take your fingers and bring them to the...
We are born belly breathers, but over time some of us lose this way of breathing.WHY should we relearn and practice diap...


302-555 Burnhamthorpe Road
Toronto, ON

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Friday 10am - 2pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

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