Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy

From the Founder & CEO of Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise (LIFE) this page will share information about i

Feeling Low? The Hidden Link Between Low Iron And Mental Health 07/24/2024

“Researchers found that individuals with iron deficiency held a significantly higher risk of anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and even psychotic disorders”

Feeling Low? The Hidden Link Between Low Iron And Mental Health Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a global health issue that impacts close to a billion individuals globally. We often recognize it by its physical symptoms like fatigue, weakness and pale skin, but the impact of IDA on mental health often goes unnoticed. Recent research underscores the connection bet...

Discussing Pride Month 06/27/2024

Throwback to the discussion I had with Drag Race pit crew star and super sweet guy Bruno Alcantara about being an entrepreneur and member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community

Lucky Iron Life Rupaulsdragrace

Discussing Pride Month


🚨 The recently released UNICEF Child Food Poverty Report 2024 highlights a critical issue: 181 million (27%) children under five are living in severe food poverty, affecting their growth, development, and survival. The latest UNICEF Child Food Poverty Report highlights the urgent issue of child food poverty, revealing severe impacts on early childhood nutrition, education, and socio-economic mobility.

Severe food poverty results in stunting (low height-for-age) and wasting (low weight-for-height) at significantly higher rates. Nutrient density is critical for children, whose smaller stomachs require more nutrient-rich foods. Inadequate diets lead to widespread micronutrient deficiencies, including iron deficiency anemia, which leads to weakness, poor cognitive function, and inadequate bone and muscle development.

Child food poverty also affects middle and upper-income households, with 54% (97 million) of affected children from these wealth quintiles. This underscores the pervasive nature of the crisis, driven by poor food environments, harmful marketing, and inadequate feeding practices.

We need a multifaceted approach to this issue. Health systems must provide essential nutrition services, including iron supplementation/fortification. Social protection measures like food assistance and affordable childcare are crucial. School feeding and midday meal programs that provide nutrient-dense food are essential to addressing this crisis. Transforming food systems to make nutritious, diverse, and healthy foods accessible and affordable is imperative.

We need all sectors to commit to ending child poverty. Together, with concerted efforts from governments, organizations, businesses, and communities, we can ensure that every child has the right to a healthy start in life.

One in four young children at risk of ‘irreversible’ harm due to poor diet – report 06/06/2024

“The after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, conflicts and the climate crisis are among the causes of high food prices, the report, published on Thursday, found. However, household income was not the only driver of diet quality, with children from wealthier households in some countries also in severe food poverty due to a predominance of unhealthy and non-nutritious foods, and a lack of knowledge among parents about what a healthy diet should look like”

One in four young children at risk of ‘irreversible’ harm due to poor diet – report UN report highlights risks to growth, brain development and survival prospects, with millions eating only two food groups a day

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 05/10/2024

“Canada knows that a diverse economy is a strong economy. There are over 100,000 2SLGBTQ+ entrepreneurs in Canada employing over 400,000 people generating $22B in economic impact. By continuing to support trade for diverse businesses we can grow the opportunity for Canada directly through employment and tax revenue, and indirectly by strengthening Canadas inclusive brand…Doing business with a diverse supplier isn’t charity, it’s smart business”. Thank you again for including me on this important panel discussion about supplier diversity and inclusive trade

Canada's 2slgbtqi+ Chamber of Commerce

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 05/09/2024

The inaugural + trade mission to exceeded all expectations! Proudly representing Lucky Iron Life, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Canada's LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce and Trade Commissioner Service - Global Affairs Canada for their invaluable efforts in ensuring the mission's resounding success. A highlight was participating in a panel discussion championing supplier diversity and the imperative of inclusion in global trade alongside esteemed colleagues Laurie Reemeyer and Darrell Schuurman.

I staunchly advocate for the belief that a diverse economy breeds strength, and our support of diverse-led Canadian businesses abroad promises significant social and economic gains. Engaging with diverse-led companies isn't an act of charity; it's good business
🍁 🌈 🇧🇷

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 05/02/2024

Lucky Iron Life is excited to share that we came in second place for Meridian Credit Union Small Business Big Impact Award (Innovation Impact category)! The award comes with a $25,000 grant which we will use to support a program focusing on indigenous health services in Canada and an iron deficiency alleviation program in India.

This recognition is a testament to our dedication to being a socially and environmentally conscious business. Thank you to everyone that has been a part of our journey. Here's to continue working towards our mission of alleviating iron deficiency globally! This was a team effort and I am incredibly proud of the entire Fish Family who helped make this happen.

Meridian Credit Union established the Small Business Big Impact Awards businesses doing exceptional work across the categories of community, environment, and innovation.

More on our website



International Women's Day is March 8 and did you know that is both a factor and a fallout of ?

Advancing is critical for women and girls' and

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 02/28/2024

Last week I attended the CGLCC trade mission to NYC. It was great to connect with other Canadian 2SLGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs with the goal of furthering trade between Canada and the US. I was impressed with the commitment the corporate attendees had to furthering supplier diversity, and I’m looking forward to hearing all of the success stories that come from the mission. Thank you CGLCC and NGLCC for organizing the event and Trade Commision Service (TCS) for the support. We know that an inclusive economy is a strong economy, and now more than ever we need big names to show up and support diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Canada's LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce NGLCC - The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce Lucky Iron Life Trade Commissioner Service - Global Affairs Canada

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 02/21/2024
Photos from Lucky Iron Life's post 02/16/2024
Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 12/25/2023

2023 was an amazing year with some notable wins for Lucky Iron Life and the nutrition sector!

✅ 123 countries signed a declaration on the connection between health (and food) and at

✅ Lucky Iron Life donated 3,365 Fish to address and

✅ The Micronutrient Forum galvanized much-needed momentum to meet the ' promises for protecting and

✅ Co-hosted a national event in Benin with CARE, l'Université d'Abomey-Calavi and Carleton University that looked at ways to scale up anemia programming, including the use of the Fish in Benin

We are excited to see what 2024 brings and wish our partners, supporters, and everyone a Happy Holidays and New Year!

12 Days of Alumni Gifting: Your Holiday Gift-Guide | Alumni | University of Guelph 12/12/2023

Thank you University of Guelph for featuring the Lucky Iron Fish in your holiday gift guide!


Lucky Iron Life

12 Days of Alumni Gifting: Your Holiday Gift-Guide | Alumni | University of Guelph As the festive season approaches, the excitement of finding the perfect gifts for loved ones is in the air. This year, the spotlight shines on the innovative and diverse offerings from our talented alumni through the "12 Days of Alumni Gifting" event. This exclusive holiday gift guide is a celebrati...

COP28 raises the need to highlight the link between nutrition and climate change 12/01/2023

COP28 will be an important moment for the world to come together and share a global vision for nutrition smart climate actions. Threats to the nutritional content of food will occur in a world where billions of people are already impacted by food insecurity.

COP28 raises the need to highlight the link between nutrition and climate change Climate change is impacting what we eat. As we approach the start of Conference Of all Parties (COP28), a key area to highlight is the impact that climate change has on nutrition, particularly micronutrients. Threats to the nutritional content of food will occur in a world where billions of people a...


As the colder weather approaches remember to take steps to boost your immune system. This morning we added iron enriched water to some ginger turmeric shots.
More ideas here! https://luckyironlife.com/blogs/recipes

Lucky Iron Life

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 11/15/2023

The Lucky Iron Life book launch / 10 year celebration went swimmingly! A massive thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate. I can't believe its been 10 years of Lucky Iron Fish (now Life). We've had a tremendous amount of impact over the past decade and we are just getting started. Together, we can put a Fish in every pot

World Breastfeeding Week | Lucky Iron Fish 08/03/2023

The scale and consequences of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and anemia in girls and women is often overlooked and underrecognized and, in the face of cascading global health, economic, and food crisis, it is likely there will be even more cases. It is important to design interventions that recognize the unique circumstances that make women and girls more vulnerable to and likely to have IDA.

World Breastfeeding Week | Lucky Iron Fish As we enter World Breastfeeding Week, it is important to discuss the impacts that iron deficiency anemia (IDA) has on mothers and their babies. When people who give birth are healthy before they become pregnant, they are more likely to have a healthy pregnancy, which increases the likelihood that th...

Lucky Iron Fish: A Social Enterprise Tackling Iron Deficiency 07/27/2023

For the past 10 years I’ve been telling the story of how we turned the simple idea of Lucky Iron Fish into an international social enterprise, and how a challenging childhood motivated me to become an impact entrepreneur.
Working with Herb and Dundurn Press, we’ve decided to write a book about this journey 📘

I’m humbled with this opportunity and hope the is an encouragement for those looking to make a difference

Pre-orders are available here

Lucky Iron Fish: A Social Enterprise Tackling Iron Deficiency Lucky Iron Fish: A Social Enterprise Tackling Iron Deficiency


While Pride is an opportunity for celebration, we must remember that it’s origins are rooted in protest. The increased attacks on the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are a reminder that the progress we’ve made is fragile. From laws targeting the trans and gender non-conforming community to heated debates about pride flags, this years Pride season feels different.
See our statement below.

June 1st marks the beginning of Pride Month, a month where we celebrate love and identity in all its forms and the resiliency of the 2SLGBTQI+ community — while also advocating for the immense work that remains to be done. This year, we are especially reminded that the progress seen over the last few years could be short-lived. The world largely continues to attack the rights and safety of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. We see examples of this in government (anti-homosexuality laws in place in Uganda this year, drag shows being banned in Tennessee, anti-trans rhetoric even in Canada), in media and culture, in day-to-day lives where LGBT+ communities are targets for violence, and even in schools (Pride flag taken down at Ontario school).

Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise stands in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQI+ community. We are a proud certified supplier with the Canadian Gay Le***an Chamber of Commerce, and believe a successful economy is an inclusive economy.

This Pride Month and every other day, we refuse to be inert in the face of the hate and violence targeted to members of this community. We stand for a safe and inclusive society where all its citizens are allowed to thrive.

- Dr. Gavin Armstrong , Founder & CEO of Lucky Iron Fish

An iron deficiency could be behind your deteriorating mental health: An expert explains 04/12/2023

Iron is vital for the upkeep of your mental health. Its deficiency can lead to issues such as stress, anxiety, and impaired cognitive function

An iron deficiency could be behind your deteriorating mental health: An expert explains Iron is vital for the upkeep of your mental health. Its deficiency can lead to issues such as stress, anxiety, and impaired cognitive function.


Honoured to be listed among The Peak's 2023 Class of Emerging Leaders. I read The Peak every morning, so this was a delightful surprise!

Full list available here


Lucky Iron Fish The Peak

2022 Giving Report 02/24/2023

2022 remained a challenging year for several communities around the world. The global level of inequalities is at an all-time high as characterized by the rising costs of food, supply chain challenges, and the lack of access to nutritious foods. As a result, we saw an increase in the rate of malnutrition, including iron
deficiency anemia. Impact continues to be at the core of what we do at Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise (LIFe). Check out our newly published 2022 Impact Report to learn about all the ways we worked to give back last year. Over the past 10 years we have helped improve the lives of over 1M people around the world! This was only made possible with the support of our partners, customers, and team, Check out the report and drop us a line if you have any questions!

Lucky Iron Fish

2022 Giving Report The Lucky Iron Fish is a small iron cooking tool that infuses your meals with iron to help prevent and treat iron deficiency. It’s simple to use and provides a natural source of iron for everyone, including athletes, vegans, women and mothers. Each purchase also helps undernourished communities ar...

Vogue Retail: Beauty & Wellness 01/26/2023

Spotted across the pond! The Lucky Iron Fish was featured in British Vogue. Check it out below

Vogue British Vogue Lucky Iron Fish

Vogue Retail: Beauty & Wellness Beauty, Wellness, Products, Revitalise, Skin, Moisturiser, Makeup, Hydrate

Podcast Episodes | Something About This 01/16/2023

Check out my discussion with the “I Can Do Something About This” about pivoting to create (and maintain) social

Podcast Episodes | Something About This

Think you might be low on iron? Here’s what to do about it 01/09/2023

"Because iron is needed for many different functions in the body, deficiency symptoms can vary among individuals. The most common sign, though, is fatigue – even a mild dip in iron stores can make you feel sluggish and weak.

Here’s what to know about iron deficiency anemia – how to identify and treat it, plus diet strategies to maintain healthy iron stores"

Think you might be low on iron? Here’s what to do about it Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, with women and young children being affected the most

We've crafted all-new recipes to fortify your mocktails with Lucky Iron Fish. 11/17/2022

Check out these iron fortified cocktail/mocktail recipes from Auburn Lane. Perfect for holiday parties or just chill nights in

We've crafted all-new recipes to fortify your mocktails with Lucky Iron Fish. Iron deficiency can be a drag to treat. Pills can be a burden to remember and a struggle to digest. Instead, we fortify our diets with Lucky Iron Fish + Leaf, an easy way to fortify your diet.

Photos from Dr Gavin, The Lucky Iron Guy's post 08/11/2022

Lol it’s true. It was a remote locker lock. The lawyer opted not to followup until they could speak with my parents. I even had to look them up using the yellow pages!
Needless to say that wasn’t my big break but I’ve always been interested in innovation and building new things.

Lucky Iron Fish
Startup Guelph


We’re honoured to be be featured in CANIE’s newsletter issue number 5! Read the full article by visiting the link in our bio.💙

“We are so inspired by the ingenuity and resourcefulness that our network delivers, motivated to address regional, national, and/or global issues.”

-Anna Ren, Innovators and Entrepreneurs Foundation

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Toronto, ON

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