Ruchi Chopra Wellness, Toronto, ON Videos

Videos by Ruchi Chopra Wellness in Toronto. Nutrition is the foundation of good health and wellbeing. My goal is to inspire YOU to feel YOUR best

🌟 Client Win 🌟 Shoutout to my client, Andrew who is just starting on his fat loss journey! “I’m loving the way my body feels and looks. I’m so glad I did this! It’s changed my life.”A lot can happen in 2 months when you keep showing up for yourself… ✅ Down ⬇️ 20 LB in 2 months ✅ Eating more food to support overall health, fat loss, and building muscle✅ Getting stronger in the gym with 3 workouts a week ✅ Better quality of life (energy, sleep, mood)Do something that your future self will thank you for!I am looking for 5 busy women and men who want to optimize their health, feel empowered, and create sustainable habits that will last a lifetime. 💫 You will get a personalized plan that works for YOU and your goals. Each plan is unique because we look at your blood values, your body measurements, and your personal health data. 💫 You will learn how to make sustainable changes in your diet and exercise routine so that you don't fall back into old habits after reaching your goals. 💫 Having someone keep track of your progress will hold you accountable to your goals.💫 The right plan will help you achieve the results you want faster, with less effort. 🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let's Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more or click the link in my bio to schedule a complimentary call Follow @ruchichoprawellness@metabolicbalance

Other Ruchi Chopra Wellness videos

🌟 Client Win 🌟 Shoutout to my client, Andrew who is just starting on his fat loss journey! “I’m loving the way my body feels and looks. I’m so glad I did this! It’s changed my life.”A lot can happen in 2 months when you keep showing up for yourself… ✅ Down ⬇️ 20 LB in 2 months ✅ Eating more food to support overall health, fat loss, and building muscle✅ Getting stronger in the gym with 3 workouts a week ✅ Better quality of life (energy, sleep, mood)Do something that your future self will thank you for!I am looking for 5 busy women and men who want to optimize their health, feel empowered, and create sustainable habits that will last a lifetime. 💫 You will get a personalized plan that works for YOU and your goals. Each plan is unique because we look at your blood values, your body measurements, and your personal health data. 💫 You will learn how to make sustainable changes in your diet and exercise routine so that you don't fall back into old habits after reaching your goals. 💫 Having someone keep track of your progress will hold you accountable to your goals.💫 The right plan will help you achieve the results you want faster, with less effort. 🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let's Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more or click the link in my bio to schedule a complimentary call Follow @ruchichoprawellness@metabolicbalance

Here is a Friday reminder:In 2 weeks you’ll feel it…In 4 weeks you’ll see it…In 8 weeks you’ll hear it Keep going! 💪🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I’ve Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let’s Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word “READY” to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

🌟 Client Win 🌟 Meet Harleen, the incredible woman who redefined her self-perception through fitness and nutrition. From self-doubt to self-love, she's proven that transformation is within reach. Watch her inspiring journey and learn how you can too! ✨✅ 30 lb in 6 months ✅ Improved energy✅ Improved skin✅ Travelling and able to maintain ✅ Eating more food #foodisfuel🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I’ve Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves💫 Let’s Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word “READY” to learn moreFollow @ruchichoprawellness

Think about this for a moment - how about making your life partner your accountability partner as you both seek a healthier lifestyle? Shoutout to this husband and father who decided to embark on a health journey 8 weeks ago! Not to mention his wife who has supported him throughout his journey, asked questions, and was involved in the process 💫In 8 weeks: ✅ Down 20 lb✅ More energy and feeling good in his skin✅ Eating the right food for his body, hormones, and metabolism✅ Consistency over time = results “Here's my progress photos side by side after 8 weeks. Wow, amazing!... Thanks so much for all your support and being there whenever I have questions. I should of started this a long time ago... To be honest I can't believe how easy the diet is compared to others and just fantastic results! Thanks again for everything! “This is ALL possible for you too when you follow a proven step by step process to reach your health and fitness goals 💫🏋️‍♀️ Nutrition and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let's Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more or click the link in my bio to schedule a complimentary call Follow @ruchichoprawellness

What a great way to finish the week! We started off the week with a Nutrition Seminar and closed off today with a meditative yoga flow. There needs to be a work-life balance so whether you’re working, taking care of your children, or simply always on the go - it can slowly wear you down mentally and physically. In just 10 minutes a day, you can reap the benefits of a mindfulness practice - and yes you can energize your mind and body! We all have 10 minutes in a day to nurture and care for ourselves. Taking care of yourself is priority; everything else will follow naturally and will thank you because of it. Self care is not selfish, it’s essential. Self care requires checking in with yourself and asking yourself how you’re doing physically, mentally, and emotionally. It was a pleasure teaching yoga after a long time and hope everyone left feeling rejuvenated and relaxed 💫 Thank you @Hydroone for having me part of your Appreciation Week!

We have less than 100 days left until the New Year! 🗓️ There’s a lot to be accomplished between now and the new year, and delaying action only loses you valuable time. It’s best to approach your goals by taking small, consistent steps towards change. A new lifestyle doesn’t happen over night - and those who take action now are more likely to stick with it. Not sure where to start? Book a complimentary call with me so we can chat about your health and fitness goals. ⭐️ October Promo ⭐️ Those who sign up this month will receive a smart digital scale + 1 month free with any package. 💫 You will get a personalized plan that works for you and your goals. Each plan is unique because we look at your blood values, your body measurements, and your personal health data. 💫 You will learn how to make sustainable changes in your diet and exercise routine so that you don't fall back into old habits after reaching your goals. 💫 Having someone keep track of your progress will hold you accountable to your goals.💫 The right plan will help you achieve the results you want faster, with less effort. 🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let's Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

💫 MONDAY MOTIVATION 💫 Nothing changes if nothing changes. Read that again ⬆️ If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will continue along in the same spot, day after day, month after month, year after year. And I get it. Change can be difficult and overwhelming. We sit in our comfort zone because we feel safe. We know what to expect. We have a way of doing certain things and the unknown can be overwhelming. But the real change happens outside of your comfort zone. Shoutout to my client for putting in the work for the past 5 weeks 🙌 This weekend she went to the zoo with her family and sent me the cutest video of her running with her kids. “Half the reason I want to be fit is to be there for my kids”! 🙌And it’s never too late xx🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 Let's Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

From strength to motherhood, Reshmi's health journey unfolds beautifully. Working with Reshmi towards her health and fitness goals has been a beautiful journey to watch. Most often, the main focus is always “weight loss” for many people and it was amazing to see her perspective shift -- which primarily focused on health as #1 priority. Our primary focus was to reset the body, hormones, and metabolism by following a structured plan. This means focusing first on her nutrition and moving her body in a way that feels for her, plus building habits along the way. One year post-program, Reshmi's story stands true to the power of resetting not just the body, but also the relationship with food, health, and self. Here's to making weight loss a byproduct of newfound vitality and self-love 💫It’s not just about shedding pounds, it's about embracing a holistic shift that revitalizes your body, mind, and spirit 🌟 🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves💫 Let’s Achieve a Strong and Healthy Body Through Fitness and Nutrition. DM me the word "READY" to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

Proud of my client, Harm who continues to challenge herself and push herself out of her comfort zone. Someone who went from a sedentary lifestyle to looking forward to her home workouts. Someone who went from not eating enough to eating 3-4 x per day + prioritizing protein. Someone who made herself a priority and set the example to her children that it’s never too late to feel good from the inside out💫 You have to believe in yourself, challenge yourself, & push yourself. We don't grow when we stay inside our comfort zone! 🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach 🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 DM me the word "READY" to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

I had the privilege to speak with @deloitte’s consulting team about Health and Wellness. We all know that nutrition is the foundation about good health and well being — but for some it can be overwhelming. We spoke about:💫 Why Diets Don’t Work💫 The Truth About Your Metabolism💫 The Glucose Roller Coaster💫 How to Fuel Your Body with a Busy Schedule💫 My Top 10 Key Take Aways to Boost Your Metabolism I hope everyone left with 1-2 simple changes they can make today to incorporate into their daily life and maintain it. Thank you @nomz for the delicious energy bites. Thank you @organikahealth for providing samples of electrolytes. Thank you @unicitynorthamerica for creating a great product towards better gut health. The #balance and #unimate are the easiest tools to incorporate into your daily routine. We live in a world where we are over consumed, yet under nourished on key nutrients for optimal health. It’s time to take control of your health. It’s never too late!🏋️‍♀️ Health and Fitness Coach🍏 I've Helped Busy Women Transform Their Health & Become The Best Version Of Themselves 💫 DM me the word "READY" to learn more Follow @ruchichoprawellness

🌟 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT 🌟 Let's talk about wins! This awesome client, Pam is a busy and hardworking mom. Despite her busy schedule, she took action and finally decided to make her health a priority. 🙌 Like you, she didn't want to spend hours on the elliptical every day or starve herself... so she followed my nutrition guidance + customized workouts + never missed a check in! It's not easy, it takes a lot of hard work! 💪 It wasn't until she started believing in herself and decided to take action that she finally got the results she was looking for. 🔥 That's why I love working with my clients, because I see them not only transform their bodies, but also their mindsets. 🧠 They start to believe they can do anything they put their mind to, that they can achieve greatness and nothing can stop them! And when you see clients transforming like this, it's so inspiring that it’s never too late to put yourself a priority!

🌟 4 Exercises to Work Your Glutes 🌟 If you spend most of your time sitting, it’s likely that your glutes are weak or underworked. It’s important to keep your glutes strong to prevent any injuries down the road. In addition, these exercises work the largest muscle group which means you can burn more calories throughout the day🔥. 1️⃣ Squats 2️⃣ Curtsy Lunge - Right Leg 3️⃣ Curtsy Lunge - Left Leg 4️⃣ Sumo Squat 5️⃣ Kickbacks - Right Leg 6️⃣ Kickbacks - Left Leg Don’t forget to save this workout!

Happy Saturday! Here is a quick workout you can do this weekend! 4-5 rounds of 30 seconds each exercise. 1️⃣ High Knees 2️⃣ Skaters 3️⃣ Reverse Lunge and Hop 4️⃣ Jumping Jacks 5️⃣ Mountain Climbers Don’t forget to save this post for later! Enjoy 😊

🌟 My Journey as a Mother 🌟 The last 4 years of my life in a nutshell. It’s been a long journey, and it’s given me a whole new appreciation for my body. Being a mom has taught me to be completely present in the moment. Health and wellness goes beyond just the physical – mental and spiritual wellness are just as vital. Trust me, I know the struggle. The results above didn’t happen in 3 or 6 months. I was fortunate to be home at home for 3 years with my babies. I had no gym – just basic equipment. If you think of giving up, don’t. I practice what I preach and ANYTHING is possible if you put in the work. Most importantly – once you change your mindset and ENJOY the process you will begin to discover new strengths about yourself. Stop with the excuses, set a realistic goal for yourself, and create an action plan and START. Don’t give up! ❤️

🌟 AB CIRCUIT 🌟 Here is a 10 minute ab circuit for all you busy moms out there! No equipment, all body weight exercises. 1️⃣ Full Sit Ups 2️⃣ In and Outs 3️⃣ Bicycles 4️⃣ Oblique Twists 5️⃣ Plank 6️⃣ Mountain Climbers Perform 3 sets of each exercise for 30 seconds 💪 Enjoy! #weightlossjourney #exercises #bodypositivity #weightloss

Avoid These Common Treadmill Mistakes ❌ Avoiding Hanging Onto The Treadmill This is one of the most common mistakes people make. Although you’re burning more calories on an incline, the machine is supporting your body weight. ❌ Avoiding Stomping Your Feet This puts so much pressure on your feet and legs and can lead to long-term injury. Lastly, you may think by going fast you are burning more calories, as the treadmill data will show a higher calorie burn right? Wrong. You burn LESS calories. That doesn’t factor in the lost effort of holding the handlebars. Instead: ✅ Slow down your treadmill speed. If it is too fast that you have to hang onto the handrails, it is too fast and you aren’t benefiting. ✅ If you feel like your pace is too slow, but you can’t effectively go faster, use the incline. Increasing your incline without holding onto the handrails will help keep you challenged without going too fast. ✅ Run softly – think of yourself as “fleet-footed” rather than “pounding down the miles” as you run. Next time you catch yourself holding onto the handrails, reduce the speed or the incline and walk naturally as you would walk outdoors. If you found this post helpful, like, tag, and share with a friend!

Walking into Monday like … . . . There’s something about starting on a Monday that makes you feel like you’re off to the right start. Monday sets the tone for the week. Nothing feels great after a workout, right? Now, stop scrolling and go crush your workout 💪 #fatlosscoaching #mondaymotivation #fitnessmotivation