Hormone Rebalance Centre

Welcome to our page! Here we will be sharing the latest tips on weight loss, hormone imbalance, meta Welcome!

At the Hormone Rebalance Centre we focus on hormonal concerns, weight loss and chronic stress and fatigue in women and men of all ages. We offer a variety of specialized programs and services to address your concerns, metabolic imbalances and restore your health and vitality!

Timeline photos 04/17/2022

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we are wishing you and your family a Happy Easter! 🐰

Timeline photos 04/15/2022

For those who celebrate, our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, would like to wish you a Happy Passover!

Timeline photos 03/08/2022

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day!

We wanted to honor all the wonderful women out there for everything that you do. For your accomplishments and for your contributions to those around you.

Here’s to your hormones, health, and happiness! From your team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, Happy International Women’s day ❤️

Timeline photos 02/22/2022

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we are wishing you a Happy Family Day!

Timeline photos 02/14/2022

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we hope your day is filled with sweet treats, and so much love.

Happy Valentine's Day!⁠ ♥️⁠

Timeline photos 02/08/2022

Cauliflower Shepherd's Pie

1/2 head Cauliflower (chopped into florets)
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (divided)
1/2 Yellow Onion (diced)
1 Garlic (cloves, minced)
8 ozs Extra Lean Ground Turkey
1 1/2 cups Mushrooms (sliced)
1 Carrot (diced)
1 stalk Celery (diced)
1 1/2 tsps Italian Seasoning
1/8 tsp Sea Salt

1. Preheat oven to 350ºF (177ºC).
2. Place cauliflower florets in a medium sized saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Let the florets boil until they are soft, about 15 minutes.
3. While the cauliflower is boiling, heat half of the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, cook for 5 minutes or until onions are translucent.
4. Add the meat, and cook until browned.
5. Add the mushrooms, carrots, celery, Italian seasoning, and salt. Continue to cook for a few minutes, until the meat is cooked through. Remove from heat.
6. Drain the cauliflower and discard cooking water. Return the cauliflower to the pot and add the other half of the olive oil and a sprinkle of salt. Mash well until the cauliflower becomes almost like a puree.
7. Transfer the meat mixture to a casserole or pie dish and distribute into an even layer. Top with the cauliflower mash and spread it evenly across the top.
8. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Turn the oven to a low broil and broil for 10 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven and serve. Enjoy!


Did you Know that …Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more serious form of PMS that affects 1 in 20 women?

PMDD is characterised by more extreme changes in the weeks or days leading to the start of your period. Many women with PMDD experience intense mood changes such as irritability, depression, sadness and/or anxiety.

While these mood changes can be common in women experiencing PMS, often in PMDD these changes can affect those closest to you as well. Missing work or school, avoiding hobbies and tasks once enjoyed and physical symptoms like cramping, bloating, and backache among others, are all signs that you are experiencing more than just PMS.

PMDD is usually the result of the hormonal imbalances created by the menstrual cycle. These hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone, rise and fall during the different phases leading to the start of your period. There is also some indication that changing levels of chemical messengers in the brain, called neurotransmitters, can affect women who experience PMDD.

If you would like to learn more about how to test for hormonal imbalances and what natural solutions are available for your health concerns, book a FREE Hormone Assessment with our team through the link below! 😍



Timeline photos 01/18/2022

Through its impact on neurotransmitters within the brain and its sedative effects, valerian has been used for centuries for to help both sleep and anxiety.

When considering the role of valerian in sleep and insomnia, it’s important to note that while valerian can be effective for occasional sleep problems, patients dealing with insomnia usually need to take valerian nightly for about 4 weeks before any major changes are seen.

Additionally, valerian supplementation during the menstrual cycle may reduce the severity of various PMS symptoms like cramps and hot flashes.

It’s incredibly important to note that if you do choose to take valerian that you avoid using other Central Nervous System depressants, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines at the same time.

For more information about PMS, hormones, sleep or anxiety, please reach out to the team at Hormone Rebalance Centre! Our team of Naturopathic Doctors are ready and willing to help you reach all of your health goals! You can book a FREE Hormone Assessment with our team by the following this link: https://www.hormonerebalance.com/hrc-appointment-request-new/


If you've been told that having PMS, painful or heavy periods is a normal part of being a woman, that is NOT true.

At the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we test hormone levels with every woman, especially those experiencing symptoms related to their periods. There is no need for any woman to suffer from her periods and that is our mission!

Having bothersome symptoms could mean that you have underlying hormonal imbalances that can be tested for and corrected to make sure that you are living the best quality of life you can.

Book a FREE Hormone Assessment with our team to learn more about our comprehensive testing options and natural solutions for your hormonal concerns.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Timeline photos 01/04/2022

Looking for an easy, high protein, low carb salad option? Try this!


1 Egg
1 1/2 cups Mixed Greens
1 3/4 ozs Smoked Salmon (sliced)
1/4 Avocado (sliced)
1 tbsp Avocado Oil
Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste)


1. Hard boil the eggs by placing them in a small pot of cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, remove them from heat. Cover and let stand for 12 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of ice water to cool. Once cool, peel and slice into halves.
2. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl and toss gently before serving. Enjoy!

Timeline photos 12/31/2021

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we would like to wish you a happy new year!

May 2022 bring you health, happiness, love and joy. May this year be your best year yet and may you live every moment to the fullest!

Timeline photos 12/27/2021

Try this easy, simple and delicious snack pack!


1/4 Yellow Bell Pepper
1/4 Carrot
1 stalk Celery
1/4 cup Hummus


1. Slice your pepper, carrot and celery into sticks.
2. Line up 4 small mason jars (we like to use size 250 ml). Fill the bottom of each with ¼
cup hummus. Then place the veggie sticks into the hummus so that they are standing
vertically. Seal the jar and place in the fridge until ready to eat.

Timeline photos 12/24/2021

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre👩🏻‍⚕️, we would like to wish and your loved ones a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! 🎄

May this year be filled with health, happiness, love, and prosperity. ✨

Timeline photos 12/16/2021

Did you know that up to 70% of women will develop a uterine fibroid before the age of 50?

Uterine fibroids, often referred to as fibroids, are non-cancerous masses that develop between the layers of uterine tissue. In many cases, fibroids are not discovered until pregnancy, a hysterectomy or until they pose health challenges. The growth of fibroids is related to hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone and because of this, fibroids can vary in size.

Some major challenges faced by women dealing with fibroids include pain and bloating, heavy or prolonged bleeding, painful or urgent urination and back pain. Often this pain can change throughout the month as your body produces varying levels of estrogen and progesterone in response to your menstrual cycle. Because of the hormonal link, many women with fibroids and associated symptoms experience some relief during menopause.

At the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we believe that women should not suffer from their hormones and that it is their right to understand what is going on in their bodies and our duty to educate them about their health options.

Take our Hormone Quiz to assess which imbalances may be standing in your way of being symptom free and feeling your best! Feel free to send us a direct message if you would like to chat with someone on our team or book a FREE Hormone Assessment! We are here for you!


Timeline photos 12/10/2021

We often hear that our patients are struggling to know what to eat, how to manage their meals, getting creative meal ideas and getting a better handle on healthy portions.

So we would like to give you FREE access to our 7-Day Low Carb Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan!

Email us directly at [email protected] and we would be happy to share it with you :)

Timeline photos 12/09/2021

1 tbsp Ginger (grated)⁠
1 cup Organic Coconut Milk (canned)⁠
1 cup Water⁠
1 tsp Turmeric (powder)⁠
1 tbsp Raw Honey⁠
1/2 tsp Cinnamon⁠
1 1/2 tsps Coconut Oil⁠
Looking for a healthy, warm winter elixir? Try this! ⁠

1. Grate the ginger then squeeze the juice out of it into a saucepan. Discard the pulp. Add the remaining ingredients to the saucepan and place over medium heat. Heat through for about 3 to 5 minutes, not letting it come to a boil. Whisk continuously.⁠
2. Carefully transfer into a mason jar and seal with a lid. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds, or until a foam starts to form. (Note: You can also use a blender for this step, but the turmeric can stain the blender cup.) Pour into glasses through a sieve and enjoy!⁠

⁠ ⁠

Timeline photos 12/03/2021

As we are approaching the end of the year, many benefit plans will be expiring by December 31 and renewing in the new year. If you have not used your naturopathic benefits yet, don't let them go to waste!🗑️

We continue to service all of Ontario through telemedicine, so you can continue taking care of your health from the comfort of your home!

You may be able to use your benefits towards:
-Consultation fees
-Specialized testing, such as hormone testing, food sensitivity, thyroid testing and basic and comprehensive blood-work
-Our Hormone Rebalance Program

Existing patients: please reach out to our patient coordinator to book a follow up at [email protected] or call 416-548-7459.

New patients considering our services: please book a free hormone assessment with one of our Program Advisors, to review your health concerns, discuss your testing and treatment options and review our fees and program structures.

Book through here: https://www.hormonerebalance.com/hrp-appointment-request.

Not sure what you are covered for? Ask us to send you our Insurance Inquiry Form so you know exactly what kind of questions to ask your insurance provider!

We are here to help if you have any questions!

Timeline photos 11/28/2021

Our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre would like to wish everyone in the Jewish community a Happy Hanukkah!


Have you ever heard of estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance is a state of higher estrogen levels in the body, relative to progesterone levels, leading to symptoms such as:

-Heavy, painful periods
-Irregular periods
-Anxiety and mood fluctuations
-Breast tenderness and/or cysts
-Fibroids and endometriosis
-Bloating and weight gain

This state is very common, especially for women over the age of 40 that may not ovulate with every cycle and produce enough progesterone to balance estrogen levels.

In this 2 minute video, Dr. Inna Lokshin, ND explains what estrogen dominance is, what causes it, how to test for it, and why every woman with period concerns needs to know about it!

If you would like to learn more about how to test for your imbalances, get targeted and individualized solutions to your health concerns and feel like your best self again, send us a message to book a FREE Hormone Assessment! 😍

Timeline photos 11/16/2021

There seems to be one taboo topic when it comes to hormonal changes: vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness is one of the early signs of reduced estrogen levels and is a common concern for women over the age of 40, and even more so over 50, as women enter menopause.

As estrogen declines, this leads to reduced lubrication and moisture in the vaginal area, which not only causes discomfort and pain, but can be the cause of yeast infections, urinary tract infections, painful in*******se and overall reduced libido.

In our latest blog post, Dr. Inna Lokshin, ND shares 4 tips to support vaginal health during times of hormonal changes. Check it out here: https://www.hormonerebalance.com/vaginal-dryness-supporting-vaginal-health-during-times-of-hormonal-changes/

It's important to remember that hormonal transitions are totally normal but it doesn't mean that women should suffer through them! Just because others aren’t talking about it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Reach out to us to learn more about your hormone testing and treatment options!


To all those who have served, and those who continue to serve… Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

Lavender has been used for centuries for its calming and sleep-inducing aromatherapy, but did you know that within the last number of years, lavender supplementation has been studied for its role in treating anxiety?

Lavender essential oils, sprays and body care products are marketed towards those who want a deeper and more relaxing sleep, and studies show that in some people, this type of aromatherapy is very beneficial!

More recently, capsules containing a supplemental form of lavender have shown great efficacy for treating anxiety. When consuming supplement-grade lavender oil, patients have experienced similar effects and less side effects than SSRI and benzodiazepine drugs - two of the most common prescription treatments for anxiety disorders.

It’s important to choose a quality brand of supplemental lavender for maximum efficacy (and to avoid ingesting lavender essential oils). If you have any questions about using lavender in reaching your health goals, please reach out to our team at Hormone Rebalance Centre! Our team of Naturopathic Doctors are ready to help you get back to feeling like your best self!

Poor Sleep? 3 Hormonal Imbalances That Can Be The Cause 11/05/2021

Struggling with poor quality sleep?

Whether it's difficulty falling asleep, 2-4 am wake ups, or early rising despite still feeling tired and exhausted, hormones can be the cause! This is especially true for women that are going through hormonal transitions.

In this 2 minute video, Dr. Inna Lokshin, ND talks about 3 hormonal imbalances that can be the cause of poor sleep.

With that being said, there are certainly other factors that need to be considered when it comes to poor sleep and therefore the best results come from comprehensive testing and personalized medicine.

If you would like to learn more about your testing options, our targeted and individualized health solutions, and how you can feel like your best self again, book a FREE Hormone Assessment with us!

Hormone Re-balance Program - Toronto Hormone Center

Poor Sleep? 3 Hormonal Imbalances That Can Be The Cause Struggling with poor quality sleep?Whether it's difficulty falling asleep, 2-4 am wake ups, or early rising despite still feeling tired and exhausted, hormon...


Struggling with poor quality sleep?

Whether it's difficulty falling asleep, 2-4 am wake ups, or early rising despite still feeling tired and exhausted, hormones can be the cause! This is especially true for women that are going through hormonal transitions.

In this 2 minute video, Dr. Inna Lokshin, ND talks about 3 hormonal imbalances that can be the cause of poor sleep.

With that being said, there are certainly other factors that need to be considered when it comes to poor sleep and therefore the best results come from comprehensive testing and personalized medicine.

If you would like to learn more about your testing options, our targeted and individualized health solutions, and how you can feel like your best self again, book a FREE Hormone Assessment with us!

Hormone Re-balance Program - Toronto Hormone Center

Timeline photos 11/03/2021

The most common form of anemia among women of reproductive age is iron-deficient anemia. This type of anemia is often due to heavy menstrual bleeding, but has other causes as well.

Iron- deficient anemia directly affects production of red blood cells, whose role is to keep oxygen moving throughout your body. This can leave women with anemia feeling fatigued, tired and burned out.

Women with iron deficiency anemia often suffer with heavy periods, both as a cause and result of the lack of iron available for red blood production.

Lacking iron can also lead to dry, pale skin and hair loss. More general symptoms of iron deficiency include headache, leg cramps, cold hands and feet, chest pain and heart palpitations.

Untreated iron deficiency can lead to more severe problems such as heart failure, infertility and hypothyroidism.

Luckily, iron status can be tested through a simple blood test. You can find more testing information at https://www.hormonerebalance.com/investigative-functional-tests/.

It can also be taken through supplementation and eating more iron rich foods, such as good quality beef, chicken, turkey, seafood, and plant based sources such as lentils, beans and spinach.

At the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we believe that women should not suffer from their periods. Reach out to us to learn about testing and treatment options!

Source: https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/prevalence-of-anaemia-in-women-of-reproductive-age-(-)

Timeline photos 10/31/2021

From our team at the Hormone Rebalance Centre, we wish you and your family, a happy and fun Halloween!

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Videos (show all)

If you've been told that having PMS, painful or heavy periods is a normal part of being a woman, that is NOT true.At the...
Have you ever heard of estrogen dominance?Estrogen dominance is a state of higher estrogen levels in the body, relative ...
Bone loss is a very concerning problem, especially for women as they age. The best way to treat it is to prevent it alto...
Ever considered that your hormonal imbalance could be hindering your weight efforts? How do you even know if you have ho...
Most women in their lifetime will have fibroids. In fact, up to 70% of Caucasian and more than 80% of African-American w...
Experiencing period related symptoms? Excess estrogen is one of the most common concerns we see in menstruating women of...
Decreased libido in women is a common yet overlooked health concern, especially for women who are experiencing hormonal ...
Bloating...while not life threatening, it can definitely be bothersome and uncomfortable! It can be tough to know if thi...
Anxiety is one of the most common concerns we help our patients with at the Hormone Rebalance Centre. It is also no surp...
Hormone changes are normal and healthy for women to experience throughout their life. However, how do you ensure that th...
***Sorry for the audio issues, please forward 3 minutes in.Are you a woman who has gone though a hysterectomy or is cons...
Did you know that research shows that during the reproductive years, up to 80-90% of menstruating women will experience ...


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