Jilian Saweczko

Jilian Saweczko

Serial Investor. Bring me your projects. Real Estate. Buying n selling businesses.


Giant 16th-Century ‘Colossus’ Sculpture In Florence, Italy Has Entire Rooms Hidden Inside.
This epic colossus, half man, half mountain, was erected in the late 1500s by renowned Italian sculptor Giambologna as a symbol of Italy’s rugged Appenine mountains. This mountain god, fittingly named Appennino, stand 35 feet tall over the ground of the Villa di Pratolino in Tuscany.
The rugged, mountainous statue hides a wonderful secret – his interior hides several rooms with different functions that made this colossus come to life. The monster that his left hand holds spewed water from an underground stream, and it is rumored that space in his head was made for a fireplace which, when lit, would blow smoke out of his nostrils.


The spiritual principles and values you choose to live by either limit or unleash your potential.


Recovery from concussion sooner than everyone expects. Got the right mindset thanks to my many coaches and mentors I’ve met through JT Foxx, Raymond Aaron and my various businesses. Especially my parents CS and Osra Ramsey and my ancestors. I’ve been blessed by God Almighty - Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And Mary, Mother of God.


Wacko is a good word for this

The Last Words Of Pope John Paul II Before His Death | Revelation about the end of times? 01/05/2024

I learned more interesting and spiritual facts about Pope ST Jogn Pail 11
Very inapiring and challenging too. :-)

The Last Words Of Pope John Paul II Before His Death | Revelation about the end of times? The Last Words Of Pope John Paul II Before His Death | Revelation about the end of times?Welcome to the Jesus Eternal Light channel.Our channel is your daily...


I refreshed my page


figuring how to connect to Woman on Fire Atlanta

AMAZON — Remove This Movie — FOREVER! 12/09/2023

Check out this page on America Needs Fatima! https://americaneedsfatima.org/petitions/amazon-remove-this-movie-forever-e23625 Amazon. Please STOP this hating of my Roman Catholic faith. Why should I support your business only to use profits like this? Shame.

AMAZON — Remove This Movie — FOREVER! Amazon has resurrected the 1988 blasphemous, nasty, hateful movie–The Last Temptation of Christ, and is streaming it worldwide. SIGN THIS PETITION!

Modern Day Millionaire Secrets - Proctor Gallagher 12/09/2023

Modern Day Millionaire Secrets - Proctor Gallagher Andrew Carnegie started the movement that changed Bob Proctor’s life. On November 14th, 2016, Bob will share The Modern Day Millionaire from the living monument to Carnegie—the magnificent Carnegie Hall.


The Last Chance Library by Freya Sampson Author is like a hug for library people. At its core, the novel is about the community that forms in libraries and, conversely, how vital libraries are to the community. I would highly recommend for a summer read!

-Sarah, Librarian

Borrow The Last Chance Library: https://ow.ly/wKnl50PA2tq


This quote underscores the importance of resilience, perseverance, and a positive mindset in achieving greatness. ⁠

It's about learning from failures, staying determined, and maintaining enthusiasm despite setbacks. This approach enables incremental progress, fosters adaptive learning, and inspires both personal growth and leadership. 💡⁠

In essence, the quote emphasizes that the journey to success is a path marked by challenges, but enthusiasm and tenacity keep us moving forward.

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All 12/09/2023


1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All The report starts with a proposition everyone with an ounce of gray matter agrees with: Scientists should study science and politicians should stay out of it.

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All 12/09/2023

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All The report starts with a proposition everyone with an ounce of gray matter agrees with: Scientists should study science and politicians should stay out of it.

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All 12/09/2023

funny too.

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All The report starts with a proposition everyone with an ounce of gray matter agrees with: Scientists should study science and politicians should stay out of it.

A Prayer to St. Michael to Fortify Your Home - Pslam 23 Prayer - Prayers for Protection & Miracles 07/08/2023

Please pray.

A Prayer to St. Michael to Fortify Your Home - Pslam 23 Prayer - Prayers for Protection & Miracles In our journey of faith we often face trials that test the strength of our resolve and the depth of our devotion. Yet we find solace in our heavenly allies,

White Coat Physicians Bring 100,000 Signatures To Supreme Court In Opposition To Fauci 29/07/2023

Listen to them people. Become educated.

White Coat Physicians Bring 100,000 Signatures To Supreme Court In Opposition To Fauci The white coat physicians including Simone Gold, Stella Immanuel & Robert Malone are in Washington again, this time to bring new signatures in opposition to the leadership of Anthony Fauci.

PETITION: Stop Tedros' WHO Pandemic Treaty 15/07/2023

Very important to stop this. No government must have this control over your/my money and life

PETITION: Stop Tedros' WHO Pandemic Treaty SIGN and SHARE to oppose the WHO's power-grab


WOW. went #1!
Experience the collaboration between Vanilla Ice and Greatness in “Bands Out (Remix)" | Official Music Video.

URGENT: Stand with Bp. Strickland as Rome conducts ominous 'visitation' 24/06/2023

Please sign. Catholic's need him. Jesus, I trust in You.

URGENT: Stand with Bp. Strickland as Rome conducts ominous 'visitation' Rome must not silence this faithful shepherd.

