Dr. Maille Devlin, ND

Dr. Maille Devlin, ND

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND, Health & Wellness Website, Toronto, ON.

Dr. Maille Devlin, ND is a licensed and registered Naturopathic Doctor in Ontario with clinical interests in: stress management, anxiety, heart health, gut health, weight loss and chronic disease.


Are you stuck in the planning phase? It’s easy to get overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to do for your health. Often, it’s best to start simple and slow. You could likely improve where you are at if you get more sleep, increase water, movement, protein and vegetables. Start simple. No need to have the perfect plan. Just start.

Here are some good starting action items

- make a simple bed time routine and stick to a bed time and wake up time
- go for a daily walk
- make sure you’re drinking water throughout the day
- decrease alcohol consumption
- get enough protein at breakfast
- add in an afternoon fruit of veg snack
- get outside more
- take more breaks from sitting throughout the day
- join an activity like a sports team, running group, gym, fitness class
- don’t eat and work at the same time
- track all of the symptoms you are experiencing
- book an appointment with a health professional
- ask questions when things don’t make sense in your appointments. Advocate for yourself.

Sometimes we don’t need more knowledge in the area, we need to start with action! Get started today. Stop putting it off.

Photos from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND's post 05/09/2023

Looking to stay connected with friends while you’re making healthier changes? You might have to be the one who changes up the activity that you and your friends usually do.

What are some activities that you and your friends like to do that help you stay accountable to your health goals? 🤔


If you were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during a pregnancy, you should have your oral glucose tolerance test redone in the postpartum period.

You should also have your HB A1c and fasting glucose measured each year to assess your risk for type two diabetes.

Has it been a while since your last blood test? 🤔 It might be time to book an appointment with your GP or your naturopathic doctor. 😊

Photos from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND's post 05/02/2023

💫 LDL= low density lipoproteins are often referred to as bad cholesterol’, however this is not quite accurate. LDLs are actually a type of protein which carries cholesterol throughout the body. The reason LDL is seen as ‘bad cholesterol’ is because these particles are what build up in the artery wall, starting the process of atherosclerosis.

💫Endothelium = The endothelium is a one-cell layer which lines the arteries.

💫To read the full blog with images explaining this process- head over to mailledevlin.com

Do you have high LDL-cholesterol levels? Send me a DM. I have an upcoming offer I’d like your input on.


Hi there! I thought I’d take some time to introduce myself 😊

If you’re new to my page, welcome.

My name is Maille. I am a naturopathic doctor and I see patients virtually across Ontario. My main focus in practice is to help my patients improve their healthspan.

Health span is the length of time that a human has on earth free from disease and disability. Although, I think there’s a little more to it than that official definition. I believe that when your health is optimized (not just normal) every part of your life gets better. You show up as a better mother, father, student, employee, business owner, friend, partner, stranger. Life gets better.

We often talk about lifespan in healthcare (the length of time on earth) and this is very important. But how someone feels and what they are capable of doing during that lifespan is what I believe we need to spend more time and energy on. We don’t just want to lengthen your life, we want to lengthen the years that you feel healthy and alive.

Conditions that impact individuals later in life have several modifiable risk factors. This means that the way we live our lives as young adults influences our risk for disease later in life. My focus and practice is to help patients live healthier lifestyles which in turn hopefully reduces the risk of chronic disease later in life.

Some of these common diseases are

High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

I try to share titbits of information on this account that hopefully give you new information or motivation to empower you to take charge of your health but in order to focus in your individual risk, it’s always best to work with a practitioner.

My bookings are currently open right now for new patients in Ontario. For online booking, please go to mailledevlin.com

Any questions can be sent to [email protected]. I try to answer DMs as well but you will have a better response time by emailing.


Did you know that’s cholesterol levels often change significantly after menopause?

Estrogen is protective for cardiovascular health and keeps cholesterol levels in check. However, after menopause, when estrogen levels decrease, cholesterol levels can rise.

One of the most significant changes in cholesterol levels after menopause is an increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can build up in the walls of the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease.

On the other hand, levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, may decrease after menopause which may exacerbate the effects of an increase in LDL cholesterol.

It’s important to have a baseline level of your cholesterol before you go into menopause so that we can track this change.

Are you going through menopause? Are you over the age of 40? When’s the last time you had a lipid panel done? 🤔


If you want to see changes to your health, there’s effort that needs to be put in.

Doctors, coaches, trainers, healthcare practitioners can support you, provide you with information and hold you accountable, but at the end of the day, you have to be the one responsible for your health.

Making health changes is hard. It is time consuming, there are expenses, and it can be uncomfortable. But the end result is invaluable.

If you want health, you have to choose health. Over and over again. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you have to remember to come back to it.


If you stop taking iron because it causes symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, or constipation, you might just need a different form and dose.

Often, high dose iron supplements like FeraMax are prescribed for patients with low iron and if tolerated, a high dose is often best to get your numbers up quickly. However if you cannot tolerate the supplement and it resulting you not taking it, it’s not very helpful.

An iron bis glycinate form is often very well tolerated and absorbed. Most bisglycinate supplements come in about 25 to 35 mg doses which is much lower than the originally prescribed 150-300mg doses.

It may take a little bit longer to get your iron levels up with a lower dose. But you can take multiples of the low-dose and find your own tolerance level. The form is easier on your digestive tract which usually also contributes to less side effects.

If you have not been tolerating iron and this results in not taking your supplement, chat with your naturopathic doctor about finding a solution that works for you 😊


If you are over the age of 65, and live in Canada, guidelines suggest you have a bone mineral density scan. If you have not been scheduled for one, it may be time to reach out to your family doctor.

Additionally, Postmenopausal women and men 50 – 64 with risk factors for fracture should have earlier scans.

These include
* Fragility fracture after age 40
* Vertebral fracture or low bone mass identified on x-ray
* Parental hip fracture
* High alcohol intake
* Current smoking
* Low body weight, i.e. less than 132 lbs or 60 kg
* Weight loss since age 25 greater than 10%
* High risk medication use: prolonged glucocorticoid use, aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer, androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Other disorders that may contribute to bone loss

* Younger men or women (under 50) with a disease or condition associated with low bone mass or bone loss:
* Fragility fractures
* High-risk medication use (steroid use, aromatase inhibitors, androgen deprivation therapy)
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Other chronic inflammatory conditions
* Cushing’s disease
* Malabsorption syndrome
* Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
* Primary hyperparathyroidism
* Hypogonadism; Early menopause (< 45)
* Other disorders associated with rapid bone loss/fractures

BMD scans are extremely important to help us assess your risk for osteoporosis.


Here are a few tips for increasing the likelihood that you will exercise:

1. Set specific, achievable goals for your exercise routine and track your progress.

2. Schedule your exercise sessions in advance and make them a priority, just like you would with any other important appointment.

3. Find an exercise partner or join a group fitness class to stay accountable and motivated. Start a walking group or a competition with a group.

4. Experiment with different types of exercise to find activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle. Exercise doesn’t have to be lifting weights in the gym. It can include dance, tennis, gardening, swimming etc.

5. Reward yourself for stuicking to your exercise plan. Non- food related.

6. Keep your workout clothes and equipment easily accessible. Lay these out the night before

7. Use reminders and alarms on your phone or calendar to help you stay on track.

Reminder- start small and increase. If you do too much at once, it won’t work and will impact your confidence in starting again. Start slowly and build confidence. 😊


Trying to prevent osteoporosis? Your nutrient status plays an important role. 🦴

Calcium - The most well known bone health mineral. It is essential for building and maintaining strong bones, and can be found in dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified foods like orange juice and cereal. 🦴

Vitamin D- Is needed for bone health as it helps the body absorb calcium. Without adequate vitamin D, you will not be able to get enough calcium in your body, even if you have high intake levels. Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods, as well as when the skin is exposed to sunlight. 🦴

Vitamin K - Is also important in regulating the body's use of calcium, and can be found in leafy green vegetables, such as kale, spinach and broccoli. 🦴

Phosphorus - Another mineral that contributes to strong bones, and it is also essential for the body's energy metabolism. It can be found in meats, fish, dairy products, and whole grains.🦴

Magnesium - This mineral interacts with a number of other nutrients, specifically: calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. It also plays an important role in the function of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is responsible for regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. 🦴

Other essential minerals for bone health include zinc, fluoride, and boron. These minerals can be found in a variety of foods such as nuts, shellfish, and fruits.🦴


Apo B (Apolipoprotein B) is a protein found in the body that plays a crucial role in the metabolism of fats and lipoproteins. It's primarily found in LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein).

Reminder- LDL particles are atherogenic, meaning a high volume of LDL- cholesterol in the blood, leads to atherosclerosis (the hardening and thickening of the arteries due to plaque formation). So we want a LOW number of these LDL particles which carry cholesterol behind our vessel walls, creating these plaques.

Testing for Apo B is more accurate in assessing cardiovascular risk than just measuring LDL cholesterol levels alone, as it measures the NUMBER of LDL particles rather than just their size. LDL- cholesterol, which you’ve probably seen on your blood work if you’ve had a lipid panel done, is the DENSITY of these particles.

Sometimes the LDL- cholesterol number (density) is within normal range but the number (Apo B) of these particles is too high. This is particularly important for people with a family history of CVD, diabetes, high blood pressure, or who smoke.

Apo B is best interpreted with a full lipid panel. If you’ve never had your Apo B checked and have a family history of cardiovascular disease or have any of the mentioned risk factors, it might be time to talk to your healthcare provider about testing. 😊


Vitamin D is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in Canada, which is why it's important to have your vitamin D levels tested regularly. 🌞

Adequate levels of vitamin D are crucial for strong bones, maintaining the immune system, reducing inflammation, and regulating blood pressure.🩺

Low vitamin D can result in dry skin poor bone health, increased risk of autoimmune disease, low mood, poor immune function, and fatigue. 😴

If you haven’t had your vitamin D levels tested recently, it may be time to have some lab work done 🩸

Testing is the first step in maintaining healthy vitamin D levels to improve our overall quality of life!


Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in Canada, affecting over ¼ of the population.

The high fructose and saturated fat content in our diet is largely to blame, along with excess caloric consumption.

But there's hope 😊 Healthy lifestyle changes like lowering saturated fats, fructose, exercising, and losing weight can significantly improve liver function.

Don't forget to check in with your healthcare provider and get your liver function tests done to ensure your liver is healthy. 👍🏼


Your heart health and metabolic markers are essential to monitor in order to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders.

Here are some tips to help you keep track:

1. Check your blood pressure at least once a year, or more if you have high blood pressure or other risks for cardiovascular disease.

2. Get a cholesterol test done if you are over age 40 or have risk factors

3. If you have diabetes or are at risk, check your blood sugar regularly.

4. Measure your waist and hip circumference regularly to identify potential risks.

5. Track your physical activity levels to identify areas where you can increase your activity.

Not sure if you’re at risk or if you’re due for testing? It might be time to talk to your healthcare provider. 😊


Did you know that your social life could help you live longer? 👭🏻

Research suggests that having strong social ties can lead to physical and emotional benefits like reduced stress and increased purpose.

Cultivating a robust social life is an act of self care. Reminder, it’s about the quality of your relationships, not the quantity.

Who in your life makes you feel supported? Who makes you laugh? Maybe do you need to step outside your comfort zone and join a sports team, volunteer, or find a way to meet new people? Spending time to create a community could be the key to a happier and healthier life! 😊


One of the best investments you can make is learning how to cook for both financial and health reasons 🍲

A study in the International Journal of
Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found that those who cook often are:

🍲24% less likely to have excess body fat.
🍲28% less likely to be classified as overweight
🍲Have higher fruit and vegetable intake.

Cooking at home is one of the biggest determinants of health.

Further info: This was a cohort study with 11, 396 participants. In the study, these stats were comparing cooking at home 5 times per week or more vs. those who cooked less than 3 times a week.

The study adjusted for: s*x, age, alcohol intake, smoking status, age at leaving full-time education, physical activity, working status, and overtime working, with supplementary adjustment for family history of diabetes for the outcome of HbA1c.

Although this wasn't a randomized control study and dietary studies are tricky to do; this is some fairly convincing data that demonstrates that home cooked meals are an easier way to control what exactly you eat and this translates into benefits for overall diet.

Reminder- it doesn’t have to be complicated 😊


Heart disease is the number one global cause of death. Screening is important so we can prevent disease later on in life . ♥️

Your genetics play an important role in your cholesterol levels. ♥️

Lifestyle choices can impact cholesterol but they are not always the cause of high cholesterol. ♥️

Being healthy and symptom free isn’t a reason to avoid your cardiovascular screening, especially if you have any family history of heart disease. ♥️

Have you had your cholesterol checked? Talk to your family doctor or naturopathic doctor to see if you should have a lipid panel run ♥️


Don’t worry if your New Years resolutions didn’t stick. They don’t usually make large health impacts anyways 😊

What you eat for breakfast, how much you move in a a day, sleep at night, and manage your stress on a regular basis make the changes.

Start by focusing on one of those things and go from there. Consistency and ver perfection. 😊


Now that the New Years goal-setting excitement has worn off, many of us tend to slip back into our usual habits.

This is where the goals we set out for ourselves turn into “I’ll get back to than when things calm down” or “Lol as if I thought I could stick with that” or “I’m going to get things together in the spring” or “I’m going to start walking when the weather is nicer”

🌱 I’m planning a group program to help support patients and non-patients through their healthy changes.

🌱 Patients- this is a way for you to stay on top of your treatment plan between visits. 📝 Note- this is best to start after your second appointment. If you are a new patient, reach out and we’ll figure out the timing for you.

🌱 Non-patients – this is a great way to stick with health goals that you have developed yourself or you are working on with another practitioner.

Interested in learning more? Click the link in my bio to sign up in order to learn more.

Questions? end me a DM 😊

Photos from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND's post 01/23/2023

Blood work can provide us with a lot of insight into what’s going on in the body. Just make sure whoever orders the blood work knows how it will impact your risk assessment and your treatment plan 💫

Photos from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND's post 01/19/2023

Sometimes when we hear the same things over and over again, they become mundane.

Things like

- make sure you’re getting enough sleep
- eat fruits and vegetables
- exercise
- eat protein
- drink water
- don’t smoke
- reduce alcohol

But the thing is- these are the things we KNOW can make a positive impact on your life.

I know the newest supplement or ‘hack’ can be exciting and there’s nothing wrong with learning more about these things. I personally love researching and learning about new finds in the longevity space. But the possible positive impacts of these herbs, mushrooms, pharmaceuticals, life hacks etc. don’t compare to the wealth of research we have on the basics above.

Where are you in your health journey? Are you exercising daily, getting enough fibre, protein, water, sleep? Awesome, maybe it’s time to look into how we can optimize.

But if you’re struggling to hit sleep and movement goals, and nutrition is something that comes and goes based on your motivation that day. Lets start there. Or else It can get quite overwhelming out there in the wellness space 💫

Looking to creatine a health plan? Let’s chat 😊


Stop thinking about exercise as an all or nothing activity.

Exercise is movement. Move When you can. If you can't do a full workout, don't write off movement for the day.

Walk around on a work call, take some 1 min activity breaks, do a quick down dog between sections of studying,
go for a short mid day walk, go to the gym for 30 mins instead of 1 hour.

Your exercise for the day doesn't always have to be structured. Some is better than none. Just MOVE as much as possible 😊

Photos from Dr. Maille Devlin, ND's post 11/29/2022

Menopause is about more than the loss of your period. Some of these changes may be a sign you’re entering the menopausal transition, perimenopause.

Make sure you have a practitioner who makes you feel supported during this time. 😊


If you’ve noticed your hair thinning, and you feel like you’re losing hair,
research tells us that you are going through a bout of hair loss and it’s not just “in your head”.

If this is the case, likely need an iron panel. Along with other tests. However, iron deficiency is a likely cause especially if you are someone who menstruates each month.

Note- an iron panel is different than just your ferritin. Your ferritin (the storage or iron) can be elevated when there is inflammation in the body, so ferritin alone is not always our best marker. The level of ferritin we are aiming for is much higher than that which rules out anemia.

Stop thinking your symptoms are in your head and talk to a health care provider who takes your concerns seriously.

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