My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée

My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée

Leadership and parenting coaching


I don't want to help you feel confident sometimes.

When things are going really well.


I want YOU to tap into a source of DEEP unwavering confidence,


At any moment!

Whenever you need it.

And never doubt whether it is there or not.

To TRUST you are enough ALL the time.

Imagine how that would feel...

Many people SEEM confident on the OUTSIDE.

But FEW truly FEEL confident on the INSIDE.

A life lived with CONFIDENCE,

feels drastically different than a life lived in doubt and fear.

It feels balanced,

It feels productive,

It feels aligned,

It feels harmonious and easy.

It feels pleasant!

Deep self confidence is available to you.

But you need to choose it.

If you are ready to start owning your power,

And having 100% unwavering faith in yourself,

Then now is the time to jump into
my new 1:1 coaching opportunity
launching today!

6 weeks.

You and me.

We go deep into what is blocking you from having everything you want and more!

I promise it will change your life for ever!

Become the Master of your own Destiny!

Today! You got this!



Dernière journée pour profiter de mon offre de coaching à mon plus bas prix de l'année!

6 sessions : Toi et moi en tête à tête

Pour trouver TON BONHEUR, ton équilibre, ta force


Emoji en commentaire et je te partage les détails


Peu importe ton passé,
l'opinion des autres,
ou les circonstances de ta vie actuelle,
tu as le droit d'être complètement heureux
ici et maintenant!

Sois maître de TA DESTINÉE!



Acting out of FAITH, feels good and expansive. Acting out of FEAR feels heavy and restrictive.
Acting out of fear limits potential.
Acting out of FAITH propels you
further than you could ever imagine!


***CONTEST ***

I have reached 300 followers! 💥💥💥
Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Time to celebrate this milestone!💝

If you share my page or tag a friend on this post,
your name will be entered in a draw for a gift certificate for HUMA Spa - a wonderful roof top spa!💦🧘‍♀️😌

When you feel replenished physically and mentally,

You can Master your own Destiny!




ALIGNED ACTION leads to amazing RESULTS!
When you feel CONFIDENT,
it is easy to take actions
in ALIGNMENT with YOUR values,
needs and desires.

When you feel confident,
you DONT need others'
approval of your choices.

You simply connect with yourself
and know INSTANTLY
which action is right for you.

You DONT doubt,
procrastinate, or
second guess.

You just GO!

If you are doubting
which action to take today,

Take a moment to check-in
with your level of confidence.


Let's get ready to take action in full confidence,

Ready to create massive impact in your life,

Ready for easier decision making,

Ready to feel grounded in your own power!


DM me for details about my 6 week
Destiny Maker program.

💛 one action at a time!


When you have CERTAINTY about your worth and your capacity, NOTHING can bring you down. NOTHING!


Where are you focusing your energy?
Balance and harmony are always the answer!

Photos from My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée's post 09/03/2022

Yesterday, I celebrated International Women’s Day by presenting to a group of smart, strong, engaged, open-minded, caring, devoted, hard-working leading women! 🥰🙏💫

Thank you for jumping on the bandwagon and sharing your stories with me ladies! You all touched my heart! Everytime I am invited to speak, I always walk out enlightened and uplifted by others’ presence, personal stories and courage!

If you and your team need an event to rebuild the human connections between colleagues worn out by the virtual world, over the last 2 years,
DM me for details and dates.

My key presentation/workshop topics include:

Self-leadership for personal, work and home life,

Emotional Mastery,

Managing stress in a high paced environment,

The power of intentional thioughts,

Female leadership and empowerment,

Trusting your inner wisdom voice,

and more!

Thank you all for sharing this info with your family, colleagues, friends, and supervisors.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Women's Day!

We should celebrate ourselves and others like this everyday 🎊🥰🎉

Thank you to Michel Girard, a man who supports women in his actions everyday, for organizing such a fantastic event!🙏




Croyez-le ou non, les restaurants Cora fêtent leur 35e anniversaire d’existence cette année en 2022. Oui, oui, j’ai ouvert le premier petit resto CORA le 27 mai 1987. C’était un tout petit bouiboui de 29 places assises situé sur un boulevard achalandé du nord de la grande ville de Montréal. Ce vingt-sept mai 1987 était aussi mon 40e anniversaire de naissance. Maman divorcée avec trois ados sur les bras, j’étais très loin de me douter qu’en ouvrant ce tout petit resto, je recevrais le plus gros cadeau au monde : LA CLÉ QUI ALLAIT M’OUVRIR LA PORTE D’UN AVENIR MIROBOLANT.

Bien sûr, je l’ignorais à l’époque. Tout ce que je désirais c’était de pouvoir nourrir mes enfants, payer notre loyer et travailler assez fort pour que le bouiboui nous apporte l’argent nécessaire à notre survie. Après un divorce sans pension alimentaire, j’ai travaillé en restauration six jours et demi par semaine pendant sept ans, jusqu’à ce qu’un violent « burnout » immobilise mon esprit. Mon père avait dit un jour que j’étais une force de la nature; forte comme un cheval, avait-il ajouté. Dieu merci, mes deux parents étaient déjà morts lorsque le « burnout » étrangla mon esprit. Les pauvres ne m’ont pas vue en petite souris, immobilisée de peur dans sa trappe. J’avais travaillé comme une forcenée lorsque soudain, sans crier gare, l’épuisement s’empara de tout mon corps; je devins incapable de cuire une soupe pour mes enfants, incapable de réfléchir, incapable de réagir.

J’ai passé deux longs mois étendue sur le divan du salon à ne plus savoir qui j’étais ni où j’allais; comme si mon énergie s’était enfuie de mon corps. Heureusement qu’un jour, quelqu’un parla à mon plus vieux d’un docteur qui s’y connaissait en la matière. Je me souviens encore de cette rencontre. C’était un homme très âgé ressemblant beaucoup plus à un antique philosophe en toge blanche qu’à un médecin d’aujourd’hui. Il m’a pourtant dit qu’il n’existait aucun médicament pour guérir une extrême fatigue, juste du repos; beaucoup de repos. Le « burnout », conclut-il, ça se guérit à force de se faire plaisir!

J’étais complètement déboussolée. Comment allais-je me faire plaisir? J’étais incapable de réfléchir à ce sujet. Depuis que j’avais abandonné mes études pour me marier obligée, j’avais traversé 13 ans de déplaisirs quotidiens. Puis, j’avais dû travailler comme une déchaînée pour répondre convenablement aux besoins de mes enfants. Et c’est pourtant eux, ces bienheureux adolescents qui ont trouvé la solution, le remède magique pour me guérir. Maman, pourquoi n’écrirais-tu pas? Tu aimais tellement ça lorsqu’on était petits; tu écrivais même en cachette de papa, la plupart du temps. Pourquoi ne pas essayer maintenant? Je te donne mon cahier à anneaux, de dire le plus vieux. S’il te plait maman, je te prête mes stylos, ajoute sa sœur.

Et c’est ainsi que, ligne après ligne, très tranquillement, deux ou trois petits paragraphes par jour, l’encre a raconté l’histoire du mauvais mariage; l’assassinat de la belle jeune fille que j’étais et la dure survie d’après. De jour en jour, mon corps reprenait vie; comme si les morceaux d’un casse-tête s’assemblaient d’eux-mêmes dans ma tête. Les enfants déposaient des petits plats sur la table du salon; ils me faisaient des thermos de café que je buvais avec de plus en plus de satisfaction. Le vieux docteur allait avoir raison. FAIRE CE QU’ON AIME NOUS GUÉRIT.

Puis un matin, la plume s’est asséchée. Soudainement, je n’avais plus rien à dire. Mon corps et ma tête prenaient du mieux; ils voulaient se lever, aller dehors, voir le soleil et marcher dans l’herbe. En jaquette et en pantoufles, j’ai commencé par sortir la balayeuse de l’armoire et nettoyer le tapis du salon où des milliers de miettes de pain et de biscuits étaient tombés de mes collations. Sur la table basse, trois tasses à café vides attendaient que je les ramasse. Et j’avais le goût de le faire, de nettoyer tout mon campement de fortune, et de ranger quelque part mes précieux brouillons d’écriture. Peut-être qu’en l’écrivant, j’ai fait fondre la montagne de chagrins que je transportais depuis toujours?

Le vieux docteur philosophe avait eu raison : FAIRE CE QU’ON AIME NOUS GUÉRIT. Il m’avait prescrit trois mois et demi de repos, mais je n’ai pas eu à compter les jours puisqu’un miracle est arrivé, un extraordinaire miracle, mille fois plus gros que l’éclosion des premières jonquilles. J’allais bien et je commençais à chercher un endroit dans les alentours où aller prendre un café avec un calepin d’écriture. Et, le surlendemain d’avoir conduit ma Renault 5 pour la première fois, le plus vieux m’annonce qu’il y avait grève des autobus et que j’allais devoir le conduire à Montréal pour une entrevue d’embauche. J’ai tout de suite dit OUI, sans réfléchir et surtout contente de pouvoir enfin être utile à ce grand garçon débrouillard. Je m’en souviens encore, j’avais rougi mes lèvres et tressé mes cheveux en couronne sur ma tête. C’était bon signe.

En traversant le boulevard de la Côte Vertu, dans le nord de Montréal, j’ai soudainement été happé par une affiche de RESTAURANT À VENDRE placardée au premier étage d’un petit immeuble plutôt défraichi. Je n’oublierai jamais ce moment. Je savais qu’il se passait quelque chose dans ma tête, un revirement de situation qui plus t**d me ferait penser à Paul de Tarse tombé de son cheval sur le chemin de Damas. J’ai fixé la pancarte et je me suis promis qu’après avoir déposé mon fils, je reviendrais m’informer.

Après sept années à l’emploi d’un très grand restaurant populaire, j’avais acquis une excellente réputation, un poste de direction et un salaire hautement suffisant. Et tous ces gens, patrons, employés et fidèles clients, attendaient mon retour avec impatience. Je l’ignorais à l’époque, mais j’étais quasi irremplaçable. Et voilà que dans un seul instant, ce petit restaurant abandonné, fermé depuis deux longues années, est entré dans ma tête comme si c’était la chose la plus normale à faire. Lorsqu’ils ont appris que je ne reviendrais pas au travail, ils m’ont tous traitée de f***e, d’inconsciente et, le pire, « d’encore malade ».

Le miracle, bien souvent, c’est de réaliser que lorsqu’on travaille comme une véritable f***e pour atteindre ce qu’on croit être l’idéal, on oublie d’écouter les forces de l’Univers à notre disposition.

Lorsqu’on néglige notre équilibre, nos besoins fondamentaux et notre bienveillante sérénité, l’ultime architecte de nos vies nous ramène à l’ordre. Il fait arriver des miracles aussi souvent que nous en avons besoin pour comprendre. Sans crier gare, sans que nous le réalisions bien souvent, il nous envoie des idées mirobolantes, des rêves prémonitoires et des clés magiques.

Le plus grand miracle à m’être arrivé, c’est d’avoir cru, sans vraiment comprendre, tout ce que cette affiche de RESTAURANT À VENDRE avait à me dire.

Photos from Mel Robbins's post 02/03/2022

If you need to start changing your life,
stop thinking, start doing.

You can start by reading this book!

I suggest this book to all my clients.
It is simple, yes, but also effective.

And, the author is relatable, which is soo important.

(Secret, i rarely read, but i listen to audio books while i drive, clean, exercise, etc...)


What if I told you, that you don’t need to be an enforcer parent to create respect in your family.

Enforcer parents actually create MORE resistance and MORE opposition.

This dynamic creates a vicious cycle of provocation, opposition and retaliation.

As a positive Leader Parent, you won’t have to be the bad cop issuing punishments anymore.

Want to learn more?

Register for my upcoming Thriving Family Masterclass, for FREE!



If you are looking to create more balance and harmony in your family,
check out my next LIVE Thriving Family Masterclass.


If you want to ensure you are creating the brightest possible future for your child,

REGISTER TODAY for my FREE upcoming Thriving Family Masterclass!

Click here for easy access:



Lots of parents are asking:

How should I address the Ukraine crisis with my children?

My answer:

*Be calm
*Be authentic
*Try to remain neutral
*Stick to the facts
*Keep an open line of communication
*Share age appropriate information
*But dont keep the news on 24/7
*Take action to help support the cause
*Preserve your energy
*Try to be a positive force


Good little reminder... i personally love an impromptu kitchen dance party or a car karaoke sessions with the kiddos to let off some steam!

If You Want Smarter Kids Teach Them Music, Not Coding, According To MIT - Awareness Act 22/02/2022

However, one should not exclude the other in my opinion.

If You Want Smarter Kids Teach Them Music, Not Coding, According To MIT - Awareness Act Most parents want their children to be intelligent and successful. And while some experts have pushed parents to teach their children coding, new research is...

Rockin' Parent Masterclass 22/02/2022

Ever dreamed of being a rockstar? 👩‍🎤👨‍🎤🎸🎙

Watch my free ROCKIN' PARENTS MASTERCLASS to propel you into st**dom status with your kids today! 🎉🎉🎉

Rockin' Parent Masterclass This Masterclass provides my top tricks on how to create memorable adventures with your kids! Raise happy thriving kids without completely depleting yourself!

Photos from My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée's post 18/02/2022

Hershey and Evia love reading time 🤍🤎💗📚🤓

READING is a key predictor of a happy, healthy, successful adult life because it impacts all aspects of our life.

As a Positive Leader Parent, we can make reading, fun, easy, relaxing, and pleasurable for a winning outcome! 🥰🥳👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Happy reading to you and your thriving family!


Did you manage to get some "me" time in your day today?

My morning didnt go as planned, the bus didnt show up!🤷‍♀️

My lunch time didnt go as planned, phone calls and pre-work meetings.🤦‍♀️

My evening didnt go as planned, too many things to do, not enough time or energy!🙆‍♀️

But still I try to get some "me" time in my day, even if it means my dirty dishes and laundry are pilling up!🍽🍴🥣🧦🩲👕👖👚

How do you get your "me" time in your day???

Exercise, walking in nature, meditation, yoga, music, painting, singing, writing, cooking, ...?

Which one is your favorite?

What is your best excuse for NOT doing it?

Work, kids, house stuff, low energy, dont know where to start, all of the above???

Love yourself enough to choose a way to connect with yourself each day!

It makes a world of a difference in everything you are and do!

You are so worthy if this!!

I challenge you to try it for 3 days!


Photos from My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée's post 10/02/2022

What are you choosing to fill your mind with today? Your mind is stronger than your body.

Resilience is something kids learn!!!

After a cancer diagnosis side-lined him after the 2018 Olympics, came back stronger and won a gold medal 🥇 in


After a cancer diagnosis side-lined him after the 2018 Olympics, came back stronger than ever and upgraded his slopestyle silver medal 🥈 from to a gold medal 🥇 in

Canada's FIRST GOLD of these Games🙌


Parenting TECHNIQUES are important, but WHO you are while using the technique, is what determines the outcome.


Do your kids get along?

Do you see them looking out for one another?

Do they have those inside jokes,

Those secret handshakes?

Those crazy laughing sessions?

Those late night quiet chats?

Those moments when they defend each other's honor,

or, build each other up after a tough day or game?

Do you see them consoling each other or giving a peptalk?

Sharing their favorite meal or treat with one another?

My kids do that....

And it is the most amazing thing to witness as a parent!💛💛💛

It is so reassuring that one day, when i am gone, they will still have each other to count on.

Brother--sister bonds last forever,

And when they are built on solid foundations,

They can be an incredible source of love.🥰

But this doesnt happen by chance.💫


For some families,

there are more screams, cries, and fights

than happy times between sisters and brothers.

In some families,

parents have to keep kids apart in order to keep the peace.

In some situations the tension is CONSTANT!!!

This can be absolutely EXHAUSTING for parents and kids.

It puts a strain on every person and relationship in the household.

It pushes parents to lose their $h%t and scream to the top of their lungs,

To issue constant threats,

Or, even to get physical with their kids.

It creates tension between spouses.

It turns parents into detectives and bad cops!

Always looking and listening for the culprit and issuing punishment is exhausting!!!!!!!!

It puts everyone on edge...not knowing when the next battle will begin.

It even takes the fun out of family outings.

It makes meal time unpleasant.

These moments CAN and SHOULD BE pure gold!🛎

Sibling rivalry robs parents and kids from making those beautiful lifetime memories together.

In my opinion the tone for the brother-sister relationship needs to be set by the parents.

By focusing on a few key principles,

you can bring the peace back into your home.

This is my jam.💛

If you want a little more HARMONY in your family,

I will be sharing my FREE Masterclass for Destiny Parenting very soon.

Link for the masterclass will be sent to those who are interested.

Just leave a 🙋‍♀️😃😍 below to get the link.

Be the MASTER of your DESTINY!


Photos from My Destiny Coaching Ma Destinée's post 02/02/2022

Have you tried this technique?


Friday funnies...🤣


Are you brave enough to live out your BEST LIFE?

Do you even allow yourself to think about what you want most out of life?

If so, maybe you get a glimpse of what you want…

But do you take any action at all in that direction?

Or, do you simply let it pass…

And console yourself with thoughts like:

🛑I don’t need this in my life really…

🛑I can easily survive without it…

🛑I am lucky t have what I have already…

🛑Tons of people don’t even have half the life I have…

🛑It is not even possible for me to reach that dream desire anyway…

🛑I don’t deserve it.

🛑It would require resources I don’t posses…

🛑It is too much work or trouble, and not worth the effort…

🛑What if I try and I don’t succeed…

🛑Then, I would be hurt, and disappointed…

🛑Yep, definitely not worth the effort.

Status Quo feels much easier and safer!
Your brain makes you feel safe
when you keep the status quo.

✅What if in 2022,

✅you ALLOWED YOURSELF to, at least,

✅contemplate your best life and

✅what that would look like for YOU!

✅What if you actually held that thought long enough

✅to let your brain think of ways

✅in which you could maybe make this happen?

✅THIS is the first step in manifesting your BEST LIFE!

Living your best life is not for the faint of heart,

but once you give it a try,

you will know what the hype is all about!



Making the best of our last days of holiday.💛

I enjoyed my lunch while Evia read out loud.
Have you and your family ever read a whole book out loud together?
If so, i would love to hear your suggestions.

Here are some of our favorites:
The Sign of the Beaver
The Giver
Harry Potter series
Percy Jackson
Un été au zoo
Agatha Christie
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Videos (show all)

How to address the Ukraine crisis with your children!
Perfect time of year for transformation!
