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On a Remembrance Day where we are reminded that the Armistice did not stop wars on our planet but that the killing go soldiers and civilians is still going on....lets work together to find peaceful resolution to what appears as unsolvable issues of land, rights and power over others. Maybe not a realist thought but so many are grieving today not just for the lost of loved ones in the past but also loved ones in the present killed/lost/hurt in the current conflicts.

To Remember is to work for Peace!


Busy these days with a community radio station I chair and in improving my cross-country skiing skills. Here in Strathcona County, I have been focussing on the work of the Diversity Committee.

Expect posts shortly on how to give overseas (not through Operation Christmas Child); why as we give to the food bank or Christmas Bureau we have to advocate for a living wage; and why we need to push Strathcona County to move towards EV chargers in community facilities.

Timeline photos 16/11/2022

No data for Sherwood Park unfortunately but for Edmonton the Living Wage is 21.40 and St Albert 22.40. If we are wondering why so many are using our local food bank and are signing up for the Christmas Bureau or struggle to find affordable housing, it relates to the hourly wage needed to be able to afford rent, transportation, food, utilities, school fees etc. It is a well accepted measure to gage the cost of living in a community.

The 2022 Alberta Living Wage numbers have been officially released!

Check out the new living wages across the province, the changes we made to our methodology and our certification program for employers on our website:

Timeline photos 16/11/2022

The 2022 Alberta Living Wage numbers have been officially released!

Check out the new living wages across the province, the changes we made to our methodology and our certification program for employers on our website:


Switching this page to link with my website on a non partisan basis. If you want to continue to follow me as I work on grassroots advocacy projects, please do so. I may occasionally reflect on theological perspective or issues that are more global than just the greater Edmonton Area.

While I will continue to reflect progressive viewpoints, I am no longer active in the NDP.


Wednesday is voting day to select a candidate to represent the NDP in Sherwood Park. Vote is between 4:00pm and 7:30pm at the Learning Centre.

If you need a ride or directions to the poll, let me know.

During a campaign we ask voters to make a plan to make sure to vote. Tonight is a good time to make sure that you go out and vote for me tomorrow. Every vote will count as it does in general elections.

Thanks for your support. 26/09/2022

I thought I would do something different in the last email I send before Nomination Day, so I did a modified Proust questionnaire and answered questions that might NDP members might be wondering about me.

Where and when to vote:
Wednesday, September 28, 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm at the Learning Centre (141 Broadway Blvd, Sherwood Park).
A short program will be held to announce the results after ballots are counted on the Wednesday evening. You are invited to attend this social starting at 7:30.
If you need a ride to the polling station or the event, please contact me.

Where were you born: Paris, France

Where did you learn English: When I moved to New York at the age of nine where my father worked for the United Nations. I may also have picked up a bit of British English when I went to boarding school in England at age 15.

Where did you finish High School: I graduated from the United Nations International School in New York with the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and also have 7 Ordinary Levels from England.

Why did you come to Canada: I came to attend McGill University in Montreal so that I could be in a French and English environment. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Ecology. I became a permanent resident and obtained my citizenship in 1977.

Do you have children: My husband and I adopted two boys from a Thai orphanage when they were toddlers. We were working in Thailand for several years. They are now in their 30’s.

Why did you come to live in Strathcona County: My husband was born in Edmonton, grew up in Red Deer and has lots of family in the Edmonton region. We wanted to be closer to them and I was fortunate to obtain a post working for the County.

Why did you get involved with the NDP: I have deep roots in advocacy through my work or volunteer involvement. I honed my public advocacy skills through campaigning for childcare that is safe and affordable when my boys where young. My work was non-partisan, but I build relationships with the NDP. I became partisan when was no longer working for a governmental organization and started the NDP constituency association here in Sherwood Park.

What part of your work did you like best when you were an MLA: Been part of a government that was progressive and cared for the wellbeing of all Albertans. I liked the ability of the MLA office to help constituents with problems they had with government departments, provide access to program information, act as Commissioner of Oath (free service), meeting with various sectors in the community and the ability to bring their concerns to a Minister’s Office for resolution, supporting community events.

What was the most challenging: It was not always possible to find a solution to issues identified by constituents or to have all projects funded or the needed policies or regulations changed.

Why did you want to put your name forward as a candidate again: I enjoyed the work of an MLA, and there were several projects I had started that I would like to follow up on.

What do you do for relaxation: I started cycling in earnest about 15 years ago and I find road cycling a good way to relax and keep fit. I also enjoy reading, watching films and going to concerts. I am a folk fest volunteer and often reflect on the importance of folk music to social justice.

Feel free to give send me an email if you have other questions.

Facebook: and Annie McKitrick
Twitter: Mckitrick_Annie
[email protected] NDP Nomination Candidate for Sherwood Park


If you have not gone to the 501 Gallery to see the Janvier exhibition....go before it is gone. Love the way the paintings have been arranged, the video of Mr. Janvier and the catalogue that is available for taking home. Nice to live in a community that is moving forward with providing exposure to the indigenous community and working on the TRC recommendations.

An NDP government was sincere in moving forward with the TRC recommendations and genuine dialogue with our indigenous communities. The one elected in 2023 will be able to continue the work it began in 2015.


Thank you Aidan Theroux for endorsing me. I have gotten to know Aidan over the last couple of federal elections when he agreed to be the candidate. If you attended a federal candidate debate you know how well spoken he is and how he has stood up to our conservative MP. Follow him on Twitter to read his punchy responses to MP Garnett Genius.

"I’m Aidan Theroux and I’m endorsing Annie McKitrick for the Sherwood Park NDP Candidate Nomination!
Sherwood Park deserves a representative who knows the community, and few know it quite like Annie! When I ran for the NDP federally in Sherwood Park, I got to see first-hand just how big of an impact Annie has made in the community! During her previous term as MLA, she worked tirelessly to represent the Park’s progressive values in the Legislature. Unlike Jordan Walker, Annie engaged with her constituents and remained always active in the community.
Alberta needs a government ready to move this province in the right direction by improving access to healthcare, developing, and creating jobs in renewable energy, and standing up for the rights of workers. Annie’s got the experience and the progressive principles to fight for these issues and many more! That’s why I’m supporting Annie to be the NDP’s candidate in Sherwood Park!"


Important dates to keep in mind:
Sunday, Sept 25 - Advanced polling 12 - 2 PM
Wednesday, Sept 28 - Nomination Day Voting 4 - 7:30 PM
Nomination Meeting 8-9 PM.
Special Guest: Sarah Hoffman
Refreshments and mingling from 7:30 PM
*We will be using preferential ballots.
All events take place at 141 Broadway Blvd.

If you need a ride to the advanced poll or nomination day poll, let me know and I will make sure you can get to the poll.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact me through [email protected] or through facebook.


The Sherwood Park Constituency Association had a meet and greet candidates event on Monday night. Below is the speech I gave. It was very encouraging to see 80 persons come out to hear the speeches by the four candidates. There is a new orange wave in Sherwood Park! I had the opportunity to answer questions about Orphan Wells, education, my interest in sustainable development, climate change and community engagement. I also discussed what are some of my interests if elected.
If you have any questions on what I said or have a question you would like to ask me, please contact me at [email protected] or through Facebook.
Good evening, bonsoir
As MLAs in an NDP government, we started all speeches with a land acknowledgement, a practice that the UCP discontinued. One of the many ways that they are showing how little value this government places on upholding relationships with the indigenous communities and so many other groups. We are here tonight because we are all committed to re-electing an NDP MLA in Sherwood Park and having Rachel Notley as premier again so that upholding relationships can once again be central to government policies.

My NDP credentials come from a series of life-long commitments. These include working towards inclusive affordable communities with thriving business sectors and active community groups. Working towards environmental stewardship and supporting the transition to a greener economy while supporting local economic development. Working toward creating safe communities, ones where we can all feel safe from racist comments, discrimination based on how we look, where we come from, which faith we adhere to, our choice of life partner or which pronoun we use.

If you look up my profile on LinkedIn, both my career path and academic studies reflect the values and advocacy I have engaged in.

In 2014, with a handful of people including the Wodaks, we organized and ran the first real NDP campaign in Sherwood Park. Eight years later, it is a delight to see so many of you demonstrating how popular the NDP is.

When I was elected in 2015, the values that had driven me since my early 20’s drove who I was as an MLA: creating an inclusive, supportive community with a voice for residents, businesses, and not for profit organizations. I also chose to use my experiences and academic training to work to support a diversity of sectors, including championing micro generating opportunities for renewable energy, supporting our local industries in transitioning to be more sustainable projects, hospice and palliative care, and opioid treatment at our hospital. I have continued my involvement in these projects since 2019. My time as a school trustee and master’s degree in education served me well when I was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Education. A fully funded education system where all students can achieve their best is at the core of a strong democratic government.

In selecting me, you will have chosen a deeply committed, energetic, experienced, and passionate candidate that knows this community, and who has a track record of caring and serving the community they wish to serve as an MLA.

Don't forget to vote in the advance poll Sunday September 25 from noon to 2:00pm or at the nomination meeting on September 28 from 4:00pm to 7:30pm. Let me know if you need a ride or .....


Come to hear me and other candidates make a speech tonight
Monday, Sept.19 at 141 Broadway Blvd from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Please note that persons testing positive for covid or displaying covid like symptoms must not enter the building. 08/09/2022

Just a few more days to buy a membership in the NDP to be able to vote at the upcoming nomination meeting, September 28. Deadline is Sept 14 at 4:00pm to get your membership. contact me if you need me to pick up your filled out membership form with a 10 dollar check. I never thought in 2014 when with a few persons we organized the constituency that the support for the NDP would grow as much as it has. Be part of the mouvement, join and get involved!
We need to win this constituency again so that Sherwood Park residents have an MLA that cares, that provides constituency services to residents and is part of a government that supports public health care and education, supports the vulnerable in our community and knows how to support all interests in Alberta. That does not just cater to a few!
Let's make sure that we have a government in 2023 that keeps our seniors safe, provides enough funds to public schools to provide needed support to students, values health care professionals, supports improving working conditions for all workers and values parks and the environment. NDP Nomination Candidate for Sherwood Park

Membership 04/09/2022

The role of an MLA is not simply to make speeches in the Legislative Assembly but to bring together community residents and organizations to pursue how best to meet community needs through provincial programs, laws, and policies.

Having worked for Family and Community Service in Strathcona County I already had a fair knowledge of what the issues faced residents, when I was elected MLA in 2015. I had lunch with the then mayor the day after the election and the Executive Director of the Chamber two days later. This was the start of fruitful cooperative relationships without which an MLA cannot represent their constituency.

Since I had identified through my work with the County, community priorities I was able to immediately start creating community advisory committees to work with me and the constituency office staff to explore how provincial programs could support these priorities.

Three priorities were on senior programs and services, the need for a hospice and affordable housing. These were files I had worked on not only in Strathcona County but in the County of Newell and in BC.

Below are comments from 2 community members on the work I did.

“One of Annie’s early initiatives in community initiatives was the Senior’s Committee. For the first time, a Sherwood Park MLA brought together concerned community members to share concerns about seniors; issues, in a community with the highest proportion of seniors in Alberta. We had the opportunity to describe our concerns and consider practical as well as policy responses to those issues. They included housing, eldercare, transparency and accountability for services, a national senior’s strategy, clarification of current provincial strategy and the delivery of services, transportation, accessibility, the need to evaluate the current service delivery systems, the Seniors’ Advocate role, care quality, and later, the need for improved respite and palliative care services. Those issues remain, long after the committee ceased its work, and certainly demonstrated the fundamental need to involve the community in identifying issues and proposing solutions and policy development.”

“Annie was very supportive of our Affordable Senior's Housing committee during her time as MLA for Sherwood Park. We were looking at innovative ways to assist Seniors that were in the "in-between income category" of a little too much for subsidized housing but not enough for the private developer housing. She understood our concerns and was instrumental in opening doors for us that we could not access on our own. Annie set up and invited us to attend meetings with the Minister of Affordable Housing, the Mayor, Councillors and Planning Department Director for Strathcona County. Her support was greatly appreciated.”

I have continued to advocate for issues touching seniors including the mean-spirited policies that the UCP government that has impacted seniors such as fees for driver license renewal, removing dependents aged below 65 from senior health benefits, and de-indexing senior benefits.

I am still working towards a greater diversity of affordable housing options through innovative mixed models such as equity co-oops, buildings with both private and not for profit housing and a focus on older single women whose pensions or health limit their choices of options.

I know that with an NDP government we can gather community interests again and explore innovative ways to ensure the well being of seniors in our community and a wider range of affordable housing options.

To vote in the upcoming nomination, you must be a member by September 14 at 4:00pm. Join at

Membership We're moving Alberta forward. Join us by making a donation today.


I am involved in cycling safety and this reminder to be aware of students of all ages cycling to school is timely.

My provincial involvement in cycling safety initiative arose out of the opportunity I had to have a private member bill debated in the Legislature. As a cyclist involved in the cycling community, I knew that many juridistions had a safe passing law. Private member bills are limited in scope so have to be thought through carefully. A safe passing law fitted the criteria for a private member bill. I gathered cycling groups and cyclists and we discussed the kind of changes were needed in the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. Our discussions took an urgent turn as a result of a very serious accident between a car and a group of cyclists on the Sherwood Park Freeway. We formed the Alberta Cycling Coaltion as a result of our discussions, met with the Mininister of Transportation and I tabled my bill. Unfortunately the 29th Session was ended before the bill was debated. But the Alberta Cycling Coalition is pursuing advocacy to have the Alberta Traffic Safety Act changed to include a safe passing law.

The opportunities one has as an MLA to take up advocacy on much needed reforms to legislature or policies are endless. While in my case we have not as yet have had success to change the Alberta Traffic Safety Act, we now have a provincial organization devoted to improve cycling safety and we were able to have Calgary and Edmonton pass safe passing law as they are Charter communities.

As people of all ages head back to school, we will see increased traffic of all kinds. Let’s take this time to reset and be mindful on the roads and shared paths.

📚Early mornings are dark, make sure you are visible (reflective tagging + lights)

🖇Ensure all of your lights are working and turned on before heading out

✂️Be predictable on your bike

🔐Don’t forget your lock!

✏️Ring your bell when passing/approaching people


For those of you wondering who to support in the upcoming nomination contest to represent the NDP in Sherwood Park, I am posting every few days blog on some of the important issues that impact our province. Today it is about my deeply held views of support for public education. I include in the blog some of my background and how that has impacted my determination to see public schools governed by elected trustees as the number one priority in educational funding.

Please feel free to DM me and give me your feedback or questions you may have on what I believe.
Last week school staff began their school year by prepping their classrooms to receive students. There are many things on the mind of parents at this time such as how many students in my child class, will there be an educational assistant for my child who needs extra supports, how much money will the Parent Council have to fund raise for to provide for the necessary equipment for the schools (musical instruments, sports, arts, field trips, enrichment programs), how can our family afford the bus and school fees this year….

I no longer have children in school, but I remember pondering these questions when I did. Of concern to our family was the availability of hearing consultants and supports as both of my sons were hearing impaired. One of the reasons I became a school trustee was to ensure that schools remained inclusive and fully funded to provide programs for all students.

I often have spoken about my own educational journey mostly in private schools overseas (due to my father’s career) and how I have a deep commitment to the importance of a well-funded inclusive public system accessible to all students. As public schools see their funding decrease, and they have less funds for educational assistants, enrichment programs, equipment, specialist teachers i.e., librarians, music teachers it encourages parents to leave the public system as they seek to fund the educational experience their children need. Since K-12 education is a provincial responsibility, it is important to have a provincial government that is committed to fully funding public schools.

I am seeking the NDP nomination in Sherwood Park because I believe:

We must end the devaluing of public education through inadequate funding. Choice in education is good if the commitment is kept to fully fund public/Catholic school boards.

We must go back to the ready to be implemented new curriculum that the PC government started and the NDP government finished with widespread support from parents, teachers, educators, indigenous and francophone communities.

We must stop devaluing the professionalism of teachers and other school staff. Instead, we need to listen to their advice, concerns, and suggestions.

Providing education is a partnership between parents, teachers, support staff, school trustees, professional associations, and community members. We need to create an environment where all partners work together to provide the best educational outcomes for all students.

As an MLA and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education, I demonstrated my deep commitment to our school boards and the need for funding for inclusive education. This commitment has not changed.

As a school trustee for 9 years, I was involved in many committees in our community on issues that affected children’s education: poverty, affordable housing, safe affordable and quality childcare, creating an inclusive environment. I would love to see a greater role for trustees as was my experience in another jurisdiction and an affirmation of the leadership role that trustees have in our communities.

Wishing all school staff, students, parents and guardians a great first week of school.

Membership 28/08/2022

To vote in the upcoming nomination meeting for SHPK, you need to be a member by September 14. Information on becoming a member at Let me know if you want me to pick up the membership form if you chose to do it with paper. Nomination meeting is September 28 with advanced poll and mail in ballots available. Always open to a meeting, phone call or zoom meeting.

I was honored to serve as your MLA between 2015 and 2019 and would feel as honored to be the candidate for the NDP in 2023.

Membership We're moving Alberta forward. Join us by making a donation today.

Photos from's post 26/08/2022

There are so many reasons as to why I am seeking the nomination for the NDP in Sherwood Park.

Today as I rode my bike on range road 223 and 222 towards Fort Saskatchewan, I was reminded of the importance of preserving agricultural land near urban areas. Food security is one of the areas that I researched when I managed a national research institute. I saw first hand how uncroaching housing development made it impossible to keep agricultural land healthy due to changing water levels, increased traffic and complaints about agricultural activity and smells when I lived in Richmond BC. A NDP government in BC created the Agricultural Land Reserve that might not have been successful in preserving agricultural land in all urban areas but saved many rich agricultural sites from disappearing. When I was an MLA, my colleague from Strathcona-Sherwood Park and I listened carefully to the concerns of residents and their interest on having our support to preserve as much agricultural land as possible around urban areas.
I am seeking the nomination as I would love to work within an NDP caucus to continue the work of supporting urban growth policies that preserve agricultural lands and policies that support small scale market gardeners in urban areas to provide local grown vegetables and fruits.
I am thankful that as a cyclist, I am able to view the richness of our agricultural areas up close and watch as I cycle crops been harvested, seeded, watered and looked after. As the saying goes - thanks a farmer at every meal.

Full disclosure: this year I actually put my money where my values are and bought an acre of crop through an innovative CSA. So one of the acre of wheats planted in Strathcona County is in part mine.


Last week the video from Lisa LaFlamme touched many of us who are older women. After years of fighting for equal pay, equal access, and equal worth as a woman, I never thought that the fight would start all over again once we got older. We are constantly being put into situations that require us to demonstrate that we are still capable, smart, strong women with much to contribute. Like Lisa LaFlamme, I struggled with the issue of whether I should dye my hair to hide the grey. For a while as my hair was greying, I did dye it close to my natural colour, but about 8 years ago, I decided to let it go grey. What I did do is begin to colour a streak or two of my hair in purple or blue. It helped give me the strength to continue to be an individual and demonstrated that being older did not equal conformity. I have never regretted putting purple in my hair and I am thankful to my former and current hairdressers for their skillful and supportive ideas on how to make my hair reflect my personality.

As I am reminded when I work in the areas of homecare and supported living/long-term care, the average age for a person requiring supports or assisted living is 80 or above. Many older adults have fruitful working lives past their 75th birthday and others continue to be fully involved in consulting, leadership, volunteering, and for some exploring entirely new careers. For those of us who cycle for fitness, commuting, or for sustainability reasons, we know that it is the older adults that are the most active on our multipurpose trails. The Rocky Mountain Senior Club has over 600 cycling members who once or twice a week can be found on trails/roads throughout the region. The rise of pickleball courts has been spearheaded by older adults.

As an older adult I am also aware of the importance of mentoring and supporting younger people, and that there occasions to let go of a position to make room for a younger person. I personally work hard at encouraging younger people in their advocacy work. I often tell the story that the best years I spent as an elected school trustee was when we had a university student as an elected member of the board of trustee I sat on. It is young people who are giving leadership to climate change activism and changing working conditions in many industries.

Like Lisa LaFlamme, I want to continue to pursue my calling – to work towards more equal just society – and that is why I am pursing the nomination for the NDP in Sherwood Park. And just as it is important to encourage young people to become active in elected office, it is also just as important to have older adults in elected positions. A broader range experience in our elected officials means better representation for all our communities.

Donate to Sherwood Park 20/08/2022

Sherwood Park NDP nomination meeting - deadline for becoming a member September 14 at 5:00pm
We have set the date for the nomination meeting and the deadline for persons interested in voting to become a member. If you want to support me in becoming the candidate, this is the time to become a member of renew. Contact me if you want to check if you are a member. If you have never been a member of the NDP, a 10 dollar donation through the URL gets you a membership. If you would like to do it through filling out a membership form, contact me [email protected] at and I will drop off a form or send you one through email.
Please share this widely with your friends/family who live in the riding of Sherwood Park. Clover Bar is the dividing line between Sherwood Park and Strathcona- Sherwood Park. Thank you.

Donate to Sherwood Park We're moving Alberta forward. Join us by making a donation today.


I am in the process of sending an email to persons who would like to support me in the upcoming nomination contest. If I do not have your email, please contact me at [email protected]


Annie McKitrick
August 9 at 8:18 PM ·
Shared with Public
I was going to post about FolkFest.
However the news about the contest for young women sponsored by UCP MLA and Associate Minister for the Status of Women has so disturbed me that I must rant about how the ideology of the UCP is impacting not only us in Alberta but a well respected international institution the Commonweath Women Parliamentarians Association. There is no way that the "Minister" did not know about or approve of the third placed essay. Ministers have staff whole role is to make them aware of potential issues. The awarding of the essay prize has also politized the role of the Legislative Assembly staff who work with MLAs when they are appointed to parliamentarian associations. They are always careful to coach and support MLAs in these roles. I know this well because I represented the Assembly with a francophone association. I always took their advice knowing that they had my back and my political reputation. How in the world did Ms. Armstrong-Homeniuk disregarded their advice?
At least some reflection should have been made by Ms. Armstrong-Homeniuk as to what this young woman would face by having such a racist, hateful, misguided essay posted and promoted by the government.
I could not have children so we chose to adopt "foreign" children from Thailand. My involvement in politics began with advocacy for safe, accessible, affordable childcare...............and is continuing as I fight the misguided ideology of the UCP. The young woman who "wrote" the essay has a right to her opinion but not the right to win an essay prize on strengthening their communities and bring about change with a career in politics.