Regency Sound

Regency Sound

We specialize in hearing assistive technology such as counter intercom systems and hearing loops. Ch

Regency Sound 09/09/2021

As hearing loops continue adoption in the market place and the last accessibility barrier is torn down, Regency Sound is there to serve. Let us help your business serve ALL of your customers, including those that struggle with hearing something as simple as human communication.

Regency Sound, optimizing your hearing experience.

Ask your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist about activating your hearing aid telecoil today, so you too can experience the power of the loop.

Regency Sound Regency Sound introduction video.


Yesterday we said goodbye to our little Mocha Bear. She was a part of our family for over 13 years and she will be deeply missed. Rest easy now girl. ❤️

Hearing Assistive Technology Experts. 17/02/2021

For many people who are hard of hearing, navigating day to day interactions can leave one frustrated and confused. A situation only made worse by protective barriers and facemasks.

There is a simple solution and every business can easily contribute by simply installing a portable hearing loop device (plug and play). An inexpensive portable unit (Large room loops are also available) can be installed at your main counter(s) to help support the interaction with the hearing aid community.

When interactions become unbearable, people have a tendency to not engage, isolate and get further frustrated. This does not have to happen!

Check out our website to learn more.

Hearing Assistive Technology Experts. The Industry leader in window/counter intercom systems and Hearing Loops.


Helping businesses communicate clearly with their customers.


Premium counter intercom systems and hearing loops. Serving South Western Ontario.


A daily practice for success!