Life Unscripted ca

Life Unscripted ca

Life Unscripted is hosted by Janice Arnoldi about the impact mental illness has on people, their families, as well as solutions and services.

Find Possibilities And Hope From Personal Stories About Mental Health | Life Unscripted 07/02/2024

Find Possibilities And Hope From Personal Stories About Mental Health

Tara Mckendrick, Executive Director of Canadian Mental Health Association, Niagara is on Life Unscripted to about CMHA crisis services and to help to define what is a crisis. Like most communities Niagara has a homeless and addiction crisis but Tara says we can’t just look at solving the problem, we have to find out the story of how a person got to where they are. It will help people think about possibilities and maybe find hope.

Find Possibilities And Hope From Personal Stories About Mental Health | Life Unscripted A New Canada-Wide Su***de Help Line. 9-8-8 ( is a new 3-digit su***de crisis help line is being rolled out across Canada. The line will connect people who are experiencing thoughts of su***de to their to their local su***de prevention lines and make it easier for areas that don’t currently ...


No one likes to have cold feet and most of us take for granted that we can buy warm socks and be comfortable during the winter.
The Socks For Change charity donates thousands of warm wool socks to people who are homeless or struggling financially and aren’t able to buy basic necessities like socks. Founder Sam Baio talks about Socks on Life Unscripted and how people can help give the gift of warm feet by going to the and buying a pair of wool socks for themselves and two pairs will be donated.

Life Unscripted host Janice Arnoldi interviews Sam Sunday at noon on 610CKTB or you can listen anytime at or on your favourite podcast app.


Feed Ontario has released it’s annual Hunger Report which measures food bank use Five million people visited foods banks across the province between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. One in 6 identified as having a job.

Sadly, food bank visits have increased at the same time people’s ability to give has declined.

Food bank use remains at an all-time high with this year marking the seventh consecutive year of food bank use increases. These numbers translate to local food banks.

On the show today are Carolyn Stewart CEO of Feed Ontario and Christine Clark-Lafleur CEO of Port Cares PortColborne and a member of Feed Niagara.

Overdoses From Stimulants Like Methamphetamine Are Rising | Life Unscripted 20/11/2023

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - CAMH - is focusing its no one left behind fundraising campaign on substance use and addiction. Opioid use and deaths are still the biggest crisis with more 7,300 in Canada in 2022. But use of stimulants like m**h amphetamine, also known as crystal m**h, is also increasing.

Dr. Leslie Buckley is Chief of Addiction Services at CAMH and she says mixed drug toxicity, for example m**h and an opioid is a major contributor to overdoses and deaths.

Overdoses From Stimulants Like Methamphetamine Are Rising | Life Unscripted Opioids are still the major crisis in Canada with 7300 deaths in 2022. But stimulants like m**hamphetamine also contribute to overdoses. Dr. Leslie Buckley is Chief of Addiction Services at the Centre for Mental Health and Addiction.

When Does Gambling for Fun Become an Addiction | Life Unscripted 09/10/2023

When does gambling for fun become an addiction? Gambling flies a bit under the radar and is a hidden addiction, according to Marnie Prokator from Community and Addiction Services of Niagara – or CASON. She says you may be surprised to hear what can be considered compulsive gambling. Listen to the full interview on Life Unscripted - Stories of Mental Health and Addiction.

When Does Gambling for Fun Become an Addiction | Life Unscripted More provinces are taking away the right for children to use their preferred name and pronoun. Quest Community Health Centre in Niagara provides counselling to all of 2SLGBTQ+ community, including counselling for children, through it’s Rainbow Niagara program. Quest also offers health care service...

Helping Children Cope with the World They’re Inheriting | Life Unscripted 07/09/2023

Every time I watch the news or read it online I think about how happy I am that I’m older. But I worry about my 15 year old nephew and my nieces and nephews who are now having children of their own. Wildfires are raging at the same time and buring their way through communities and many people had to leave their homes.
Smoke from Quebec covering southern Ontario. Politics in the U.S. is a mess again and the federal government has now put out a travel advisory about 18 states where 2sLGBTQ+ people could experience discrimination.

All this after 3 years of a pandemic.

I’m talking to Erin Clayton from Pathstone Mental Health about how parents can talk to their kids about what’s happening in the world and importantly, how can they recognize when their child is experiencing more persistent mental health problems.

Helping Children Cope with the World They’re Inheriting | Life Unscripted With forest fires raging across western Canada our kids are again facing a situation they may not understand and that can be scary. Parents need to talk to their children and Erin Clayton from Pathstone Mental Health says they can use the skills that helped their kids through COVID.

Tapping Into The Creative Side of People Living With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder | Life Unscripted 17/07/2023

I had the honour to meet some of the artists at Willow Arts Community in Niagara and learn how deeply it has impacted their lives and ability to live with mental illness and substance use disorder.
This is my interview with founder and executive director Shauna McLeod.

Tapping Into The Creative Side of People Living With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder | Life Unscripted The Willow Arts Community is an arts + peer support organization for adults living with mental illness/substance use disorder.


Birchway Niagara (formerly Women's Place) has amalgamated its shelters into one to provide more and better services in South Niagara for women and childeren experiencing domestic abuse.

Executive Director Jennifer Gauthier talks to Life Unscripted ca Unscripted host Janice Arnoldi about the need for a more shelter services as gender violence continues to increase.


Today, March 31st marks International Transgender Day of Visibility🏳️‍⚧️.

The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice.

Janice interviewed, Ally Phillips, who talked about his decision to transition, what its means to his mental health and to the disovery of his faith.

Ally shared this at the end of the interview:

"We can always all do our best to reach for compassion. I might not understand you but I'm in your corner.....don't worry about the right or the wrong, worry about how you are treating people."

Treating each other with compassion is som**hing we can ALL do.

For the full interview visit:


We Need to Talk to Our Kids About Su***de | Life Unscripted 06/12/2022

We Need to Talk to Our Kids About Su***de.

Dying by su***de is the 2nd higest cause of death for kids between the ages of 15 and 19, only slightly behind accidents. Ryan Andres, who works with at risk children at Pathstone Mental Health, says while the number of children thinking about su***de has increased at a much higher rate than deaths, kids need help before it gets that far. He talks about the signs parents and friends should look for.
learn about services at

Walk-in Clinic Hours & Locations
24/7 CRISIS SERVICES 1-800-263-4944
If your child is in immediate danger call 911.

We Need to Talk to Our Kids About Su***de | Life Unscripted Dying by su***de is the 2nd higest cause of death for kids between the ages of 15 and 19, only slightly behind accidents. Ryan Andres, who works with at risk children at Pathstone Mental Health, says the number of children thinking about su***de has increased at a much higher rate than deaths. He ta...

Be Positive About Your Body | Life Unscripted 22/11/2022

Thank you to Lee-Ann Smith from Pathstone Mental Health for talking to me about how children and teens can feel positive about their bodies. Teens often struggle with body positivity because they are constantly comparing themselves to others and never match up.

Be Positive About Your Body | Life Unscripted Feeling positive about their bodies has always been a struggle for teens. Many constantly compare themselves to others and never match up. This can lead to mental and physical health issues and even an eating disorder. Lee-Ann Smith is a social worker at Pathstone Mental Health and a strong proponen...

Life Unscripted | Home 10/05/2022

Calming your brain can be as easy as taking five deep breaths when you wake up, at mid-day and before you go to sleep and of course, anytime you're feeling frazzled. In his new book Managing Wellness, author Darcy Patrick- says falling in love with your breath will help you deal with stress and anxiety. Darcy writes for people struggling with their mental health but his books are for everyone.

Listen to the full interview at
or download it on your favourite podcast app:

Life Unscripted Sundays at noon on Newstalk 610 CKTB

Life Unscripted | Home Life Unscripted is a half hour radio show on 610 CKTB and podcast hosted by Janice Arnoldi all about the stories of people with lived experience and people who work in the field of mental health.

First COVID. Now War. Is it Too Much For Our Kids? | Life Unscripted 05/04/2022

Our children have lived through unprecendented stress during two years of the coronovirus pandemic.

Now they’ve hit with the war in the Ukraine and kids of all ages are afraid there will be a World War. Therapist Angel Graham from Pathstone Mental Health works with children and says, while kids are resilient they have a lot of questions. Angel has some suggestions for parents to help them alleviate their child’s fears.

First COVID. Now War. Is it Too Much For Our Kids? | Life Unscripted Our children have lived through unprecendented stress during two years of the coronovirus pandemic. Now they've hit with the war in the Ukraine and kids of all ages are afraid there will be a World War.

Young and Living with Terminal Brain Cancer | Life Unscripted 09/03/2022

Andrew Dodge was only 38 years old when he was diagnosed with a rare type of brain cancer in 2019. The cancer is terminal. Anyone who meets Andrew will see that part of his skull was removed during surgery to remove the turmor. He doesn’t hide it under a hat. It’s important to Andrew that other young people living with cancer know that it doesn’t have to define them. It’s hard work to stay on track and live life but he and his wife Kat are determined to get the most out of their time together. Andrew is a counsellor at RAFT, a haven for homeless youth in Niagara, Ontario.

or listen to the interview on 610CKTB:

Young and Living with Terminal Brain Cancer | Life Unscripted Andrew Dodge was only 38 years old when he was diagnosed with a rare type of brain cancer in 2019. The cancer is terminal.

Working in a Restaurant Can Be Toxic for Mental Health | Life Unscripted 30/01/2022

Customers in restaurants expect the people who work there to always have a smile on their face and be respectful to their needs. Yet, some customers don't give the same respect back and too often women are subjected to touching, flirting and sexual abuse. Chef Adam Hyndman-Smith from Dispatch Restaurant in St. Catharines talks about the toxic stress on staff mental health and how the food industry needs to change.

Working in a Restaurant Can Be Toxic for Mental Health | Life Unscripted Customers in restaurants expect the people who work there to always have a smile on their face and be respectful to their needs. Yet, too often customers don't give the same respect back and too often women are subjected to touching flirting and sexual abuse. Chef Adam Hyndman-Smith talks about the....

Understanding Austism Spectrum Disorder | Life Unscripted 27/01/2022

One in 66 children and youth in Canada is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the latest study in done in 2018. Autism affects the way a person interacts with the world around them. Engaging in relationships or being able to socialize is often difficult.

Chrissy Sadowski's 11 year old son Darius is non-verbal autistic. He doesn’t speak or understand simple tasks. Chrissy talks about how life isn’t always easy with Darius but Mom, Dad and his brothers and sister understand autism and what Darius needs to be part of the family.

Chrissy is the Fund Developtment and Volunteer Coordinator for Autism Ontario South Region. Below are some sites with information about Autism Spectrum Disorder:

Understanding Austism Spectrum Disorder | Life Unscripted One in 66 children and youth in Canada is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the latest study in done in 2018. Chrissy Sadowski's talks about 11 year old son Darius is non-verbal autistic. He doesn't speak or understand simple tasks.

She Watched Her Dad Die of COVID 19 – A Nurse’s Plea | Life Unscripted 17/01/2022

ER Nurse Eram Chhogala watched her dad die of COVID-19 in the Toronto hospital where she worked. The pandemic is relentles. Eram says that exhausted nurses are burning out and leaving their jobs. She is pleading with people to get vaccinated.

She Watched Her Dad Die of COVID 19 – A Nurse’s Plea | Life Unscripted Nurse Eram experienced an unimaginable personal tragedy when her dad came into emergency room at the hospital where she worked having difficulty breathing. It's impossible to imagine the anguish Eram felt as she watched her dad move to ICU where he died from COVID-19. Please listen to her empassione...

Horses Are Amazing For Your Mental Health | Life Unscripted 13/01/2022

Horses are amazing for mental health. Some therapists are adding Equine therapy to their traditional in-office approach because horses help a person recognize what they’re experiencing in the moment so they can work with their therapist on solutions.

Firefighter Rob Leathen, who I’ve interviewed in the past about his post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), says working with horses has been an immense help in his journey to wellness.

Horses Are Amazing For Your Mental Health | Life Unscripted Anyone who knows me knows that I love horses. Not everyone can own a horse but many therapist are adding Equine therapy to their traditional in- office approach. Firefighter Rob Leathen, who I've interviewed in the past about his post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), says working with horses and do...

Increase In EMS Calls For Opioid Overdoses | Life Unscripted 15/12/2021

One person dying from an opioid overdose death is one too many. This year in Niagara we're on track to have double the number of deaths than in 2019. But there are many more people who are taken to hospital emergency rooms. Marty Mako from Niagara Emergency Medical Services talks about everything from emergency calls and medical intervention to noloxone to available addiction services and how to access them.

You can also listen to the podcast Life Unscripted - Stories of Mental Health and Addiction on your favourite podcast app to hear this and other interviews.

Increase In EMS Calls For Opioid Overdoses | Life Unscripted A half a million people in Canada live with some form of dementia. One in five Canadians have some experience caring for their loved one. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's Disease. It steals the memories of the person living with it until they don't even recognize their family. Familie...

Watching a Loved One Disappear With Alzheimer’s Disease | Life Unscripted 29/11/2021

A half a million people in Canada live with some form of dementia. One in five Canadians have some experience caring for their loved one. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's Disease. It steals the memories of the person living with it. Families watch as their loved one disappears. Cassandra Best helps care for her mom who is living with Alzheimer's. She also works at the Alzheimer Society of Niagara.

Watching a Loved One Disappear With Alzheimer’s Disease | Life Unscripted A half a million people in Canada live with some form of dementia. One in five Canadians have some experience caring for their loved one. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's Disease. It steals the memories of the person living with it until they don't even recognize their family. Familie...

Get Your Plaid On and Support Children’s Mental Health | Life Unscripted 21/11/2021

Amelia Durocher died by su***de in 2019 when she was in first year at Brock University. Amelia's mother Shanta started to raise money for children's mental health and to get people talking about youth su***de, the 2nd biggest cause of death in young people 15-24 years old.

Janice talked to Shanta on Life Unscripted about her daughter Amelia and what means to her.

This Friday is so wear plaid, take a photo and post it to show your support. You can also donate by buying a toque at any Meridian Credit Union in Niagara or at

Listen to Shanta's interview on:
iHeart Radio 610 CKTB
or any of your favourite podcasts apps.

Get Your Plaid On and Support Children’s Mental Health | Life Unscripted Approximately 4,000 people die by su***de each year in Canada, one quarter of them are youth between the age of 15-24. For every death it's estimated that 25 people will make an attempt. launched in 2019 after the tragic loss of Amelia Durocher to su***de. November is Plaid Month, rais...

Want to Help a Child Who is Grieving? Be Honest! | Life Unscripted 18/11/2021

Today, November 18th is Children's Grief Awareness Day- and is observed on the 3rd Thursday of November every year.

Blue is the colour of Children's Grief Awareness Day, and the butterfly is a symbol of HOPE. Join children, teen and adults across the nation and the world in helping grieving kids know they're not alone!

To learn more about supporting kids dealing with grief, listen in on an interview of Pathstone Mental Health children's Therapist, Angel Graham with Host Janice Arnoldi of Life Unscripted ca

Grief Statistics:
-1 in 5 children will experience the death of someone close to them by age 18
1 in 14 children will experience the death of a parent or a sibling by the time they turn 18yrs

Want to Help a Child Who is Grieving? Be Honest! | Life Unscripted Children grieve in different ways than adults, but they do grieve. Kids are often too young to understand euphimisms like "loss". Children's grief therapist Angel Graham says it may seen harsh but adults need to be direct and use real words like died so a child understands that death means they won'...

Attention Managers! Mental Health Is You Priority | Life Unscripted 28/10/2021

Managers and supervisors are having to re-think the way they interact with their teams. Life has been very fluid, with work tied to COVID 19 restrictions and re-openings. The uncertainty has put an immense amount of strain on peoples’ mental health.

Nick Pollice of Pollice Management Group says mental health must be the priority. Recognizing the signs an employee is struggling is only part. There has to be supports in place, a culture where people feel they can talk about mental heath and clear HR policies.

Attention Managers! Mental Health Is You Priority | Life Unscripted There are different techniques and tools to help people recognize and deal with different mental illness disorders. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is ofen used to treat anxiety. Psychologist Steve Abma talks about how accepting situations that make you anxious can be the key to stopping it.

This Will Not Break Me – A Personal Story About Postpartum Depression | Life Unscripted 12/10/2021

As many as 1/4 of women suffer with postpartum depression. When Jessica Gale Friesen had her first baby she thought she’d love him unconditionally but postpartum depression stopped her from bonding. Jessica talks about her new book about her personal journey - This Will Not Break Me.

This Will Not Break Me – A Personal Story About Postpartum Depression | Life Unscripted There is so much stigma and shame attached to postpartum depression many women don't get help. As many as 1/4 of women suffer with postpartum depression. Jessica Gale Friesen has written a book about her her personal journey -This Will Not Break Me.

Wellness Walls in Schools Help Kids Talk About Mental Health | Life Unscripted 04/10/2021

Wellness Walls are going up in every school across Niagara to provide a safe space for kids to talk, take-action and support fellow students about their mental health. Pathstone Mental Health has partnered with the Niagara District School Board and the Niagara Catholic District School Board so that students from JK to grade 12 can put anonymous messages about how they’re feeling on a post-it note on the Wall. Some are from kids who have had the same experience and share their coping skills. Others are encouraged to send good vibes with notes of support.

Wellness Walls in Schools Help Kids Talk About Mental Health | Life Unscripted Wellness Walls are going up in every school across Niagara to provide a safe space for kids to talk about their mental health. Students from JK to grade 12 can put up anonymous messages, other kids can share their experiences or send sends good vibes of support.

Traditional Healing Critical For Indigenous Mental Health | Life Unscripted 30/09/2021

Today, September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

Indigenous peoples are at a much higher risk of mental illness and addiction than the general population. Culture and traditional healing is central to the overall wellness of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples. Renee Linklater, Senior Director at Shkaabe Makwa at the Centre for Addiction and Mental health, says trauma and racism have passed through the generations – especially the horrific abuse and deaths of children at residential schools in Canada. Shkaabe Makwa combines traditional healing with the latest in treatments for mental illness and addiction.

Traditional Healing Critical For Indigenous Mental Health | Life Unscripted Traditional ways of healing are critical to Indigenous peoples who struggle with mental illness and addiction. The Shkaabe Mikaw Centre at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto combines traditional with the latest in western medicine.

A Friend’s Story of Living with ALS | Life Unscripted 23/09/2021

Last June my friend Steve Gallagher shared his story with me about living with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Steve and I talked about living with the disease and advocating for ALS. There are really no treatments. Health Canada has announced a new drug trial but it will be at least a year before testing is finished.

I’m replayling the interview with Steve to put a focus on the need for treatment for people with ALS.

A Friend’s Story of Living with ALS | Life Unscripted Steve Gallagher shares his story of living with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and the .

We Couldn’t Grieve During COVID – Now What? - Life Unscripted 17/09/2021

Losing a loved one is hard. Grieving is hard. But grieving, gathering with friends and family and sharing memories is what helps us slowly deal with loss. The pandemic stole that from all of us. My father-in-law died in February 2020, a month before the first lockdown. It was so hard for our family trying to grieve in total isolation.

Grief specialist Dr. Darcy Harris, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, says as the world begins to open up people may have to face the grief all over again as they see friends and family for the first time.

We Couldn’t Grieve During COVID – Now What? - Life Unscripted Losing a loved one is hard. Grieving is hard. But grieving, gathering with friends and family and sharing memories is what helps us slowly deal with loss. The pandemic stole that from all of us.

Life Unscripted 10/05/2020

School will be a whole new world but what does that mean for kids. On Life Unscripted I talk to psychotherapist Cindy Rose about how parents can help kids prepare.

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Life Unscripted A weekly mental health show, hosted by Janice Arnoldi

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Today, March 31st marks International Transgender Day of Visibility🏳️‍⚧️. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomp...