Wiser Education
Simple, Efficient, Actionable Education
Do you want to read faster and retain more? Stand out from the crowd by reading quicker and retaining more!
The solution is simple. Give reading the finger. Use your finger to guide you as you read. This anchors your eyes and mind.
Studies show this increases your reading speed from 25% to 100%.
Intelligence and genius comes in many forms.
Mirror Neurons. This bundle of specialized cells in the cortex of our brains has been compared to neural Wifi. These neurons cause us to pick up on others physical actions but also their emotional state and intentions.
Being conscious of our attitude and energy is important. The way we speak, act, and feel effects those around us. If we feel angry, those close to us will become angry. If we feel happy those around us will feel happy. This happens at an unconscious level. The lesson? Be mindful of how we are feeling. If we want those around us to be happy and positive, we need to be happy and positive.
Get to the point. Do you have a pitch, a tough conversation, or do you need to give someone feedback? Don’t bury your main thoughts under too many words and ideas. Be direct, clear, and concise.
No one ever said failing is fun. Taking perceived failures or mistakes and learning from them is essential for growth. Experience is a great teacher.
When things get tough, take action.
The less we know about something, the more intimidating it can be. For example, public speaking is the #1 fear of Americans and the #2 fear of Canadians. Of those who listed public speaking as their #1 fear, how many had training on how to speak publicly? Very few.
The lesson? If you are finding something scary, lean into that feeling. Do research, practice, and ask for help. The more you know, the less fear and anxiety you will have.
OBT. One Big Thing. 20% of the effort gets you 80% of the results. What is one task, phone call, conversation, or email that will bring the biggest results in your day? Prioritize that one big thing. Accomplish it, and your day is a success.
Perfection is the enemy of ex*****on.
Are you learning a language. Here are some numbers to keep in mind. 50% of average human conversations are made up of 100 words. Are you learning a new language? Start by learning those 100 words.
Are you learning a language? Here are some numbers to keep in mind. 50% of average human conversations are made up of 100 words. Are you learning a new language? Start by learning those 100 terms.
Sleep. High quality sleep needs to be a priority. A lot happens when we sleep. Our Glymphatic System literally cleans out central nervous system, including our brain.
The type of light we expose ourselves to leading up to bed time can have a very negative effect. Blue and white light signals our body that it is daytime. This can prevent proper amounts of melatonin from being released. If we watch TV or are on our phones directly before trying to sleep we may have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. Even if we do fall asleep, the quality can drop significantly.
Warmer colours of light like red and orange do not have the same effect. These are the colours we see in the sunset. This lets our body know to prepare for sleep. The lesson? Avoid white and blue light before bed. Use programs on your devices to change the light colours from white and blues to orange and red. Your body and brain will get proper rest. You will function much better the next day!
What does it cost to lose your temper, be rude, or come across as aggressive? According to the Harvard Business Review, the cost is substantial. 48% of employees intentionally decreased their effort. 66% said their performance declined. 25% admitted to taking their frustration out on customers.
The lesson? How you treat your team matters. Leaders, managers, and owners need to develop the skill set to control their emotional state. Those who do will see a big impact on their bottom line.
Gratitude is the antidote for anger and anxiety. It has been proven that it is very difficult, if not impossible to feel deep gratitude while at the same time feeling anger or anxiety. The lesson? Take time every day to reflect on the reasons you have to be grateful. Think deeply about those reasons every day. This can help you to deal with anxiety and anger.
How many hours does it take to become proficient at a new skill? Research shows it’s 20 hours! That’s roughly 20 minutes a day for two months.
Decision vs Ex*****on. A decision is a singular point in time. Deciding to do something is relatively easy. The hard part is the ex*****on. This takes time, patience, hard work, and perseverance. Ex*****on trumps decision in importance.
Whether you are Bill Gates or Elon Musk, we all get the same amount of time this year. You can make more money, but you cannot make more time. Use it wisely!
How much of the communication in a day do Gen Z (Born after 1997) and Millennials (1981 - 1996) perform digitally? 74%. More communication takes place digitally than face to face. Studies show Gen Z prefers to use instant messaging apps and text messaging. Millennials tend to use email more.
The lesson? Are you trying to reach someone in that demographic? Communicate with them in a way they are comfortable with.
Check out our short course on face-to-face communication. It is delivered via text message every day for one month. It takes less than three minutes a day. Do you know someone that could improve their ability to communicate in person? Sign them up! Here’s the link:
The box breath. 5 seconds breathing in through the nose. 5 seconds holding the lungs full. 5 seconds exhaling fully. 5 seconds holding empty.
Are you feeling anxious, stressed or nervous? When we feel this way our breathing becomes short and shallow. The quickest way to take control of your physiology is to focus on your breathing. Try doing this for one minute and see how you feel!
All experiences are individual. No one experiences events the same way as you do. Likewise, you don’t experience events the same way as someone else. The lesson? Don’t equate your experience with someone else’s. This is true even if you have been through a similar event. In other words, don’t say, “I know exactly how you feel.” You don’t.
Have you heard of the reticular activating system? This bundle of nerves in the brain stem acts as a filter. This allows you to have a conversation in a noisy room. It filters out most of the other sights and sounds so you can focus on your conversation.
This filter can shape your view of the world too. If we focus on negative things we are programming our filter to pick up on negative events and filter out the positive.
If we focus on positive things, our RAS filters out the negative and alert us to positive events. What we focus on tends to become our reality.
Mirror neurons. We all have them. Mirror neurons fire when we see someone doing something, like smiling. The effect? We feel as if we are the ones smiling. The lesson? If you want someone to feel happy, try smiling at them. If you want someone to learn, set the example.