Golden Light Healing

Golden Light Healing

At Golden Light Healing, our mission is to empower you to connect with your self on a deeper level.

We offer Reiki classes as well as Reiki and Intuitive Sound Healing sessions.


Greetings brothers and sisters!

We are entering into a new age which will require new ways of living our lives. Getting aligned with our Spiritual selves and learning to listen to our intuitions are going to be more and more important as time moves forward.

We all have tremendous potential stored inside of us and it is my mission to keep uncovering that for myself as well as help people who are ready to do the same.

Since the 1960's, there have been highly evolved souls that have been incarnating on Earth to help raise the vibration and create a new way of living for future generations.

I am one of those souls and have been helping others to connect with their true nature for the last 10 years of my life through Reiki Energy Healing and Intuitive Readings.

I have created this page to share knowledge and wisdom I have gained over the years of working with energy, clairvoyance and intuition. I have had countless supernatural experiences and have learned a lot about how to connect to our Higher Spiritual selves.

Stay tuned for content to help you build and develop your Spiritual practices and raise your frequency so you can live healthy and happy lives.

Much love,


