Northern Voices Rising

Northern Voices Rising

We work towards safety, liberty and fulfillment for our communities and are committed to immediate and meaningful action.

We are a BIPOC & QTBIPOC collective in the Yukon working towards safety, liberty, and fulfillment for our communities and are committed to immediate and meaningful action. As a group with varying intersections and identities, we centre QTBIPOC & BIPOC voices in our consensus-based organizing. As a collective, we believe there is strength in a common understanding of our values, understandings and

Photos from Western Arctic Youth Collective's post 26/11/2021

We are so grateful to have had an amazing collaboration with Lyndsay Carla, Western Arctic Youth Collective, Rising Youth and support from Council of Yukon First Nations to have an incredible Podcast Training!

It has been in the works for the past 1.5 years and it has finally become reality. Big thanks to everyone who came out and we hope to see the podcast training to continue in other parts of the north!

So many amazing podcast ideas and powerful young voices!

For more information: [email protected] or [email protected]


• CGL, RCMP *OUT* OF Wet’suwet’en Territory!! •
📍Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Territory, Dawson City, Yukon

Timeline photos 23/11/2021

Tomorrow, folks in town organized to show support. Let's hold space together for land defenders. Show up!



There are still spots for the podcast available, if you or someone you know is interested please e-mail [email protected] with your idea to get more information!

Northern Voices Rising and Lyndsay Amato have partnered to create an opportunity for youth, especially encouraging Q***r, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour to learn to make their own podcasts. This will be a pilot project that we hope to take to more communities across Yukon!

Are you or do you know someone who is interested in learning how to produce, edit and launch your own podcast? There are so many issues that need to be talked about and we hope that this can help provide a platform for youth to express themselves.
Mental health, the pandemic, colonization, climate change, art and social justice, effects of racism in health care, language revitalization, performance as healing what ever it is here is a place to talk about it!

There are five paid training spots available to youth ages 15-30 ish. You will have an opportunity to learn how to create the idea, do interviews, edit and then we will launch them.

Send inquires to [email protected]

Please share with your networks!!


**Opportunity for Yukon youth THIS FRIDAY**
Please share with accompanied text as poster has some details missing 🙂
This Friday 5:00 p.m at Splintered Craft at 6159 6th Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon to learn more about how to produce your own podcast!
Northern Voices Rising and Lyndsay Amato have partnered to create an opportunity for youth, especially encouraging Q***r, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People of Color to learn to make their own podcasts. This will be a pilot project that we hope to take to more communities across Yukon!
Are you or do you know someone who is interested in learning how to produce, edit and launch your own podcast? There are so many issues that need to be talked about and we hope that this can help provide a platform for youth to express themselves.
Mental health, the pandemic, colonization, climate change, art and social justice, effects of racism in health care, language revitalization, performance as healing what ever it is here is a place to talk about it!
There are six paid training spots available to youth ages 15-30. You will have an opportunity to learn how to create the idea, do interviews, edit and then we will launch them.
Come out this Friday night the 20th come to an information session to learn about the process and the first training date with be this Saturday, 21st from 10-3 p.m in Whitehorse. Access to a laptop will be helpful!
Send inquires to [email protected]
Please share with your networks!!


This event is happening in Dawson Monday May 31st at 3:00 p.m. They are asking women to wear long dresses, and everyone is encouraged to wear an orange t-shirt.

Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet march held in Toronto as anniversary of death approaches 29/05/2021

On May 27th, we remembered that it has been a year since the death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a black-indigenous person living in Tkaronto. She fell to her death from her balcony while police officers were in her home. It was a mental health call and what she needed were people to support her. Instead, the police was called and she ended up dead.

“It’s critical for us to defund the police and redistribute that money back to communities to create sustainable supports around care. Police should not be the first responders in situations where there is mental health or a situation where someone is in crisis,” Beverly Bain, a representative with No Pride in Policing Coalition

Those 6 police officers involved have recently been cleared by the Special Investigation Unit... After hearing about the SIU report, people took to the streets and are demanding policy changes, especially around defunding the police.

We need to remember now more than ever, that the structures around us that have been built on racist, oppressive and violent ideologies need to be dismantled. Police, healthcare, educational and justice systems are among those structures that are pillars supporting and maintaining white supremacy. We have to defund and dismantle these structures as we have lost and continue to lose precious lives.

Link to article:

Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet march held in Toronto as anniversary of death approaches "They (Regis Korchinski-Paquet's family) find themselves marching up and down Toronto trying to send a signal to the authorities change has to come, and now is the time."


Know a Yukon business that's owned/run by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour)? Let us know here or by emailing [email protected]!

Send us the business/owner name, location, a brief description and website or other media. We're pulling together a list of BIPOC businesses in the Yukon for ppl to support ✨ and encourage ppl to check with owners before letting us know.

21 Black Futures: What is the future of Blackness? | CBC Arts 18/02/2021


Yes.. Radical as this is unprecedented in the world of Theatre. WATCH, SUPPORT & SHARE these 21 beautiful black pasts, presents and futures!

21 Black Futures: What is the future of Blackness? | CBC Arts 21 playwrights, 21 directors and 21 actors respond in this urgent anthology series now streaming on CBC Gem.

« Je suis pour la protection de notre belle langue française, mais pas au prix de ma noirceur, de ma sexualité ou de mon genre. Je ne peux pas parler de la protection de la langue française sans parler du manque de reconnaissance des pronoms non-binaires. »

➡️ Glissez pour lire des commentaires puissantes sur la réalité de vivre à l’intersection d’être noire, q***r, non-binaire et francophone. 

➡️ Cette publication a été créée en partenariat avec @NorthernVoicesRising et le réseau Enchanté. 18/02/2021

Hello everyone!

February is Black History Month, Yes!..But we understand that every month is Black History Month.

We have been busy! Here is a little bit about what we have been up to.

First, big shout out for the collaboration with BYTE,, Yukon Pride Centre and Northern Voices Rising for creating the Gender Gear Program. ​This program provides Yukoners with access to gender gear including: chest binders, breast forms and bras, gaffs, packers and packing straps or pouches, STP devices and shapewear. Participants must be currently residing in the Yukon (including communities) to qualify for the program!

To learn more check out this link: https://www.q***

Also big shout out to The Enchanté Network / Le réseau Enchanté whom we have been working with to shine light on the experiences of Black, trans, women activists and the reality of being black, q***r and francophone. Let's appreciate their hard work in recognizing the contributors of QTBIPOC folks!

Check out one of the posts below:

We have also been working on some material on Anti-Black Racism. We are slowly chugging along and looking forward to spring when there is more sunshine

« Je suis pour la protection de notre belle langue française, mais pas au prix de ma noirceur, de ma sexualité ou de mon genre. Je ne peux pas parler de la protection de la langue française sans parler du manque de reconnaissance des pronoms non-binaires. » ➡️ Glissez pour lire des commentaires puissantes sur la réalité de vivre à l’intersection d’être noire, q***r, non-binaire et francophone. ➡️ Cette publication a été créée en partenariat avec @NorthernVoicesRising et le réseau Enchanté.

Northern Voices Rising, un collectif pour les voix étouffées du Nord 16/12/2020

Merci L'Aurore boréale de partager notre histoire!

Northern Voices Rising, un collectif pour les voix étouffées du Nord Défendre la justice sociale et représenter les communautés minoritaires sont deux des objectifs du récent collectif yukonnais Northern Voices Rising (NVR).


December 6th & 7th : Take Action
Call (613) 992-4211, Leave a message with the Office of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Northern Voices Rising Stand in Solidarity with the Vuntut Gwich'in to protect the Lizhik Gwats'an Gwandaii Goodlit.

As Trump & Trudeau are rushing into selling oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Gwich'in People need your support !
"Restoring protections in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a priority." KKKanada needs to Respect Indigenous Traditional Rights & Ways of Life !

Please join us in Calling the Prime Minister to help protect Iizhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit.

This morning, the U.S. Administration announced that they will be proceeding with a lease sale of the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on January 6, 2021.

On December 6th, the 60th Anniversary of the recognition of our sacred lands as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and December 7th, the day the U.S. Administration will describe which lands are being offered for lease, we need everyone to stand with us and ask Prime Minister Trudeau for his immediate action.

Vogue 101: Workshop 19/11/2020

Excited to see you all TONIGHT at the Vogue 101 workshop! Don't forget to grab your ticket ($10 PWYC or by donation)!

Vogue 101: Workshop Cassidy Noir will teach the 5 elements of Vogue: catwalk, hands, spins and dips, duckwalks, and floor performance


This panel discussion will feature iconic artists, activists, and contributors of the QTBIPOC community on Turtle Island. Panelists Victor Guzmán, Shanese Indoowaaboo Steele, and Grey Capot-Blanc will each bring their own experiences while speaking on the importance of their identity and being "seen".

This event is planned in partnership with Yukon Pride Centre: Community Conversation for the "Unapologetic Abundance" event series. Also check out "Vogue 101" and "Black Grrl Magic"!


Coming up this week, in partnership with Yukon Pride Centre: Community Conversation, we're proud to present... the Unapologetic Abundance event series!

Shade the Theft Away:
Vogue 101:
Black Grrl Magik:


Thank you so much to community members Chelsea and Leigh for creating a fundraiser for Northern Voices Rising! Please share to your networks and add items to donate if you can!

Photos from Spring Magazine's post 27/10/2020

Thanks so much Dan Bader, Chris Tse and Ashley Swinton for taking these beautiful pictures.

Thanks everyone who came out in person or online!

And thanks Spring Magazine for sharing.



Join us today at 1:00PM !! Bring noise makers, signs, masks, warm clothes and solidarity!

With all the events occurring in Canada at the moment, Indigenous voices need to be heard! From protests on the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Secwépemc Territory/British Columbia all the way to Mi'kma'ki/Nova Scotia and the disregard for treaty rights. All forms of government and the RCMP need to start creating change and put those words of support into actions. Systemic Racism is becoming more talked about and Indigenous people are needing change. When Indigenous people don't want to go into a hospital because they would be discriminated against , there needs to be change. When Indigenous people don't want to call the police who are sworn to protect them , there needs to be change. When Indigenous people are threatened for exercising their rights , there needs to be change. Come out and support Indigenous rights on Sunday October 25th, 2020 at 1pm-2pm outside of the RCMP building.

Covid restrictions mandatory. There will be hand sanitizer and extra masks at the event. 2m apart is encouraged.

Massive fire destroys lobster pound in southern Nova Scotia 19/10/2020

The Mi'kmaki are under attack for exercising their traditional rights to fish for lobster. Where are the consequences for the colonizers that have now destroyed this building, burnt a van, killed 1000s of lobsters, and threatened and attempted to hurt and kill the Mi'kmaki?

BIPoC can be shot and/or killed for asking for help with a flat tire, for having a mental health emergency, or for simply walking down the street. But when BIPoC's rights are infringed upon and their lives are threatened, there are no consequences.

Why have Justin Trudeau and the RCMP stood idly by? This is the continued genocide against Indigenous people and they're just watching it happen.

Here is a document of ways that YOU can support the Mi'kmaqi and their inherent and treaty affirmed right to fish.

Massive fire destroys lobster pound in southern Nova Scotia Yarmouth County RCMP said in a statement Saturday morning that the fire is considered "suspicious" and an investigation is ongoing.

Photos from Northern Voices Rising's post 16/10/2020

No Neutral Ground, a zine created by our co-organisers: Pascale Youkali (elle/she/her) and Ismaël (il/he/him).

Artists • Art Institutions • Art Lovers

This one is specifically for U!

Thanks for the support ❤️


One of our co-organisers, Pascale Youkali (elle/she/her) , was featured by Tout Feu Tout Femme shedding light on the need for fellow artists and Art institutions to be anti-oppressive.

Alongside fellow co-organiser Ismaël , they created a Zine, No Neutral Ground, available on our fcbk page and Instagram.


September 30th, , the beginning of school and the fall season, is an important time of year to commemorate the survivors and the ones who never made it back home. It is the time of year that most Indigenous children were taken from their homes to residential schools...

"Yukon had residential schools in Carcross, Whitehorse, Dawson and Shingle Point, and one school in northern British Columbia for Yukon Indigenous students, according to the Yukon Residential Schools Bibliography." The territory's last school closed in the 1970s. 1996 was the year that the last residential school closed in Canada, in Saskatchewan. Even though these schools aren't operating today, the inter-generational traumas are still deeply felt. THE RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL EXPERIMENTS WERE NOT JUST "CULTURAL" GENOCIDE... We think it is important to understand how this violence continues to be perpetuated in today's educational systems and child "protective" services. We think that RECONCILIATION can't happen without EDUCATION and a commitment to address systemic racism in our society.

We think that the demands in the Call to Actions of 2015 ( were not fully implemented and that MUCH more work is needed to address these violences! Meanwhile, we want a Canada-wide recognition and implementation of !

We'd also like to share with you this strong initiative from University of Toronto- Scarborough campus and . We'd like to show our support as they're calling for a students strike against Anti-Indigenous & Anti-Black systemic racism in post-secondary education. Check out their demands at :

Photos from Northern Voices Rising's post 29/08/2020

In a time where BLACK, INDIGENOUS AND PEOPLE OF COLORS ARE BEING KILLED in the streets, in their houses, in their work places, in front of their kids... (and so on) and their murders are being recorded for everyone to consume... When WHITE SUPREMACISTS can carry acts of terrorism in front of complicit police forces and medias. THIS IS THE TIME YOU CHOSE TO STAND WITH... KARENS ?

While there is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT things to deal with... We need to hold our local businesses accountable so that we can continue to create a safer Yukon for all. But meanwhile... WE CALL FOR A BOYCOTT OF G&P PIZZA UNTIL THEY ENGAGE IN A REAL AND PROFOUND PROCESS TO ADDRESS THEIR INTERNAL RACIST BIAS.

This event was not only a marketing mistake, but it highlighted underlying racist ideologies in G&P Pizza's management in a decision to support "Karens" rather than BIPoCs folx, who are actually suffering from real state sanctionned violences.

The fact that some of y’all were quick to shed tears for , only to turn your backs on us, for DUSTY-ASS PIZZA, in less than two days, is very telling.

If you’re a Karen (legal name, or acting like one), take this as an educational moment. DO BETTER. Read between the lines. See and hear the ANTI-BLACK RACISM , and stop participating in it. And finally, don’t ask your one Black friend why they are upset. Google it....all of this for goddamn pizza.

Before you present public apologies, you need to take accountability for your racist bias and analyse the roots of the problems at cause. You need to educate yourself and make quick profound changes in the ways you make your business inclusive and accessible to members of a diverse and ever evolving Yukon population.

Photos from Defend the Sacred AK's post 25/08/2020

Northern Voices Rising stands in solidarity with the Iñupiat and the Gwich'in people rights! We stand against the Trump administration serving the interests of the oil and gas industry.

“The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Western Arctic are lands that sustain our spirits, wellbeing, and traditions, since time immemorial. These lands are under attack while our communities are being left behind. Both Gwich’in and Iñupiat need caribou to sustain our ways of life and have been divided by oil and gas for far too long. We must stand in solidarity to protect our sacred ways of life and use our voices together.” -Siqiñiq Maupin, co-founder of SILA stated.

Iñupiat People Demand Justice press release :

Donate - Northern Voices Rising 20/08/2020

Thank you to everyone who participated, shared and watched our first webinar on ReDiscovery Day this past Monday!

If you haven't watched the webinar yet, you can see it on our videos page!

Please consider donating to Northern Voices Rising to support current and future work! The funding from donations will be used as honorariums for speakers in addition to support upcoming projects.

The link to the donation page is below!

Donate - Northern Voices Rising


A webinar featuring and uplifting the BIPoC voices living in the aftermath of the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush and shedding some light on hidden stories and less common perspectives of "Discovery Day" in Yukon Territory.


Paul Gowdie | he/him
Mellisa Ka-Yan Murray | she/her
Duane Gastant' Aucoin | he/him


Since we have new followers, we'd like to re-introduce ourselves!

***Who are we?***

We are a collective, living in Yukon, working for safety, liberty, and fulfillment for BIPOC Folx. As a group with varying intersections and identities we center Black, Indigenous and POC voices in our consensus based organizing. Consisting of Whitehorse and Dawson based members we are committed to immediate and meaningful action.

We value
- Open and honest communication
- The celebration of our intersections and identities
- Commitment to practicing anti-racism
- Building networks of support for BIPOC Folx
- Solidarity, standing together
- Consensus-based decision making
- Bravery

We understand
- The changes we are hoping for will create changes in our society, jobs will become obsolete, and our systems will cease to serve white supremacist power structures.

- We must allow space for transformation and change, we must be patient and supportive.

- We are on a journey, we are neither the beginning nor the end but we are integral to this next step.

- Governments, NGOs, and the private sector all have made statements/policies in regards to anti-racism that they are not living up to.

- Our action must be meaningful, thoughtful, and intentional in order to protect those involved.

- All of our work is happening on the traditional territory of the Yukon First Nations.

We intend
- To uplift and center BIPOC Folx, and bring their voices, stories, and experiences to forefront.

- To address racism, discrimination, and oppressive power structures in ALL aspects of society (healthcare, workplaces, justice systems, social work, recreation, etc).

- To heal, ourselves and each other.

- To provide concrete actions for Yukon Territory Folx to mobilize, activate, and engage.

- Effect immediate and long lasting change.

Community Alert: Unwelcome RCMP Presence at Yukon Pride Festival 09/08/2020

“He apologized at first and then justified his presence at the flag raising ceremony, clearly demonstrating that he did not respect or understand why we have a policy on police participation in Pride.

He also accused Q***r Yukon of “practicing an ‘eye for an eye’ approach” and “discriminating” against police before adding that we should “show more tolerance.” The officer also insisted that Q***r Yukon help the RCMP without mention of financial compensation.”

Ain’t this some sh💩t! 😡.

Our communities continue to be targeted by the police and RCMP. Yes, here in the North, and yes, in 2020.

While some people think 2020 is all about the COVID pandemic, RCMP reminds us that our very existence is seen as a pandemic and our erasure is vital to their work, presence and goals.

Solidarity for Black and Indigenous Lives also includes our Q***r, Trans, 2Spirit, Gay, Le***an, Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Leather-wearing, Bear-loving, B**M and more identifying- FAM !

Community Alert: Unwelcome RCMP Presence at Yukon Pride Festival August 9, 2020 This statement is to let our community members know that there was an unwelcome RCMP presence at Yukon Pride Flag raising ceremony on July 31, 2020. We personally told the...

How to watch Being Black in Canada, other Emancipation Day shows on CBC | FR24 News English 01/08/2020

How to watch Being Black in Canada, other Emancipation Day shows on CBC | FR24 News English Lifestyle How to watch Being Black in Canada, other Emancipation Day shows on CBC July 25, 2020 0 48 Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Linkedin ReddIt Email Print Tumblr Telegram Mix VK Digg LINE Viber In recognition of Emancipation Day, CBC will broadcast special programming over the next w...

Whitehorse Daily Star: We want to broaden the spectrum of local opinions 07/07/2020

Times are changing, eh?

Whitehorse Daily Star: We want to broaden the spectrum of local opinions The Whitehorse Star has listened attentively to the chorus of Yukoners who were disappointed in an editorial decision we made last week.