James Keith - Financial Advisor at DFSIN

James Keith - Financial Advisor at DFSIN

James Keith - Financial Advisor at Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network


Tax season is upon us! Have you made the most of your RRSP contribution room?
Making deposits in your RRSP within the first 60 days of the year provides excellent tax benefits that can still be applied to your 2023 return!
Give me a call at 647-472-3469 to find out more! Or email at [email protected]


Could your small business use $20,000 of free funding? Have you heard of the Desjardins GoodSpark Grants program?
Every year, Desjardins gives out 150 grants of $20,000 to small businesses in Canada who provide a product or service that helps promote sustainable development, health and well-being, innovation and community impact. Does this sound like your business?
If your business falls into one or more of these categories, or if you could use this grant to help shift your business to a greener initiative and reduce your carbon footprint, then we need to talk!
This year’s grant applications are closed, but we can start right away to prepare your proposal for next year’s grant allocations, and ensure your business is in the top running to receive a grant and accelerate your business into the future.
Sound like something you could use? Give me a call at 647-472-3469, or email me at [email protected] to set up a meeting. Let me help you take your business to the next level! 100% free of charge, no application fees, no hidden charges, just one business professional helping another, for the better of the planet and community.


Planning on buying a home? Or do you need insurance for your existing home to ensure your mortgage is paid for in the event of the unthinkable? It’s not something we like to think about, but something we should all be prepared for.
Many mortgage providers will work CMHC insurance into your mortgage, at a cost of anywhere from $23K to $37K added to your principal amount for an average home in the GTA. This insurance increases your monthly mortgage by upwards of $1000 per month and will only pay for the balance of your mortgage, even if you’ve mostly paid it off.
Let me show you options that could save you up to tens of thousands of dollars on your mortgage, that will pay out the full value of your initial mortgage to your estate or beneficiaries, often for less than $100 per month. This means your home is paid off completely and your loved ones are left with the balance, to help them cope and continue to enjoy life after you’re gone. All while allowing you to enjoy more of your money while you’re still here.

Call to book a free appointment at 647-472-3469, or email me at [email protected] to learn more.


For my wife and I, our plan is to retire around 50, and never NEED to work again. We will surely continue working in some capacities, but that will be out of a desire to do something we enjoy, not out of necessity. The financial plan I've outlined for my wife and I gets us where we want to be, when we want to be there.

What is your retirement goal?

If you don’t want to keep working through retirement, you shouldn’t have to. I can help you build an all-encompassing financial plan to get you to the retirement you envision. And the earlier we start, the sooner we can get you there.

Call me at 647-472-3469, email at [email protected], or message me here by clicking the link below!


Purchasing your first home is the biggest financial undertaking you will experience in your lifetime. In today’s economy, especially for those of us in the GTA, this seems like an impossible mountain to climb. With the newly available FHSA, combined with the features you can take advantage of in RRSPs, first time home ownership is a very real possibility.

Are you tired of spending thousands on rent every month with nothing to show for it? I can show you how homeownership is possible and guide you every step of the way. As an independent advisor, I have access to options most banks can’t give you, and I can show you the dedication and personal attention you deserve.

Call me at 647-472-3469, or email me at [email protected] to learn more!


Now that the kids are back in school, they’re one step closer to the fateful day when they pack up and leave for college. Though it may be some time away, are you already preparing for the costs?

Saving for your child’s education as early as possible can make a major difference in how financially prepared you are when the day finally comes. Start early enough, and your child may never know the burden of spending 10 years paying off student loans, something many of us know the sting of all too well.

We opened a RESP for Sebastian right after he was born, and if he goes into a similar program as me, his first 2 years of tuition are already completely covered. He's not even 2 yet!

Do you want this peace of mind for your child as well? Let me help you prepare for your child’s education, to provide them with the opportunities and support many of us never had.

Call today @ 647-472-3469, or email me at [email protected] to find out more!


Are you a successful small business owner? Have you built a winning team you know you can count on, but you’re worried about those employees potentially finding a better offer elsewhere?

One of the biggest challenges of being an employer is talent retention. Not only finding those one-of-a-kind employees that help grow your business and maintain your success, but making sure you maintain your position as the best choice to be their employer. One of the most effective ways to keep your essential team members on board is to make sure they’re taken care of on all fronts. Not only on the job and through competitive wages, but also in helping care for their families and preparing for their future. This is where a competitive benefits package can help attract and retain the best of the best, and I’m here to help make that a simple process.

I help successful business owners build a better benefits package than they can find anywhere else. Give me a call and I can structure an affordable, tax efficient, and comprehensive retirement and benefits plan for your company and employees. Already have a retirement and/or benefits plan? Let me review your coverage, I bet I can do better. Why deal with random call center staff, when you can have a single reliable advisor ready for your call, anytime?

Reach out to [email protected] , or 647-472-3469 to set up an appointment.


Ever heard the phrase "Insurance is a scam!"? Depending on the products offered by your current advisor or bank, I can understand the perception. Many insurance products seem like an empty pit for your hard earned dollars.

What if I could show you a different insurance path? One that builds value for YOU to enjoy while you're still alive, while simultaneously making sure your loved ones are taken care of when you're gone? Sound better?

Give me a call to set up an appointment, and I can show you how to make your money work for you.

Call me at 647-472-3469, or email me at [email protected]

Meetings and consultations are always free!


Tax season is upon us! Have you made the most of your available RRSP contribution room? Are you aware of the tax advantages that investing in RRSPs can provide? Let me show you how to make your money work for you, whether for your child’s education, your first home purchase, vacations, or future home renovations. I can show you how to reach your retirement and savings goals faster. Investing doesn’t have to be complicated.

Providing investment services for RRSP, RESP, TFSA and more.

Available for in person meetings, video chat and phone consultations, 100% free of charge. Give me a call or send me a message and let me help you plan your future.
