Ananda Corporate Wellness

Ananda Corporate Wellness

A corporate wellness company that partners with business to develop and maintain a positive mindset


You can have both. They’re connected.




Happy International Women’s Day


We either leave something for people or we leave something in people. I am uber uncomfortable having hard conversations too. I understand. But no progress has ever been made without awkwardness. We move forward together.....or not at all.
🎥Brené Brown /Marie Forleo

Let’s really work at the art of mastering difficult conversations. We’ve got a workshop for that!


Isn’t that a fantastic question?
Have I rested enough to do my most meaningful work?


I am treating myself this afternoon to a live Tony Robbins conference on becoming unshakeable. This graphic represents the power of changing our movement, our language and our thinking to improve our state of being.


Isn't this the truth?


Be intentional about being a great leader


All the very best to my clients and colleagues.


Sometimes more


Don't feel guilty about abandoning a project if you need to. Super successful creators do it all the time.
It’s necessary to stop and re- evaluate. Sometimes the right answer is, we need to stop this work to start on this new idea.


As a result of a number of factors, employee wellness is on the decline. Providing Employee wellness training can change this trajectory because employees feel supported by your investment in their well-being. Message me -let’s chat about which wellness training workshops would bring your team the most value.


Haha It's usually me.

Cha cha cha /animation meme 22/11/2022

Yesterday while working with clients from Sheridan College, we talked about doing a fun Cha,Cha,Cha review of events in your life and work. A Cha,Cha,Cha review is where you review events from a CHAnge, CHAllenge and CHAmpion perspective.
-What was the impact of the change in your life?
-What challenge did it represent?
-In what ways can you/did you CHAmpion the Challenge?
What a fun way to analyze our own self mastery.

Cha cha cha /animation meme Ча ча ча для того щоб розбавити час очікування до ПКВ 4

Sorry, but stop saying sorry | LinkedIn 08/11/2022

We apologize for EVERYTHING! Habitual I'm sorry's can create a power imbalance. Here are some ways to stop saying I'm sorry so much.

Sorry, but stop saying sorry | LinkedIn Are we overusing the phrase "sorry?" Workers are arguing yes, and as a result "sorry has lost its meaning."


“When business and impact are interwoven, we feel whole.”
Tony Robbins
Find Your Why… Think about the ways in which your daily outcomes might serve a greater purpose.
Maybe it’s cultivating an environment for your employees to grow and thrive, not just a place for them to clock in and take home a paycheck. Or maybe it’s incorporating your contribution into your business day. Making money feels good, but there’s nothing like seeing joy on another human’s face after you’ve given them something they truly needed. This is what I love most about Workplace Wellness.


When I think about the mentors in my career I think about how much faster I learned what I needed to know, because if their coaching. Does your organization have a mentoring program?

Photos from Ananda Corporate Wellness's post 29/10/2022

It’s wonderful to be doing in person /on site workplace wellness workshops again. This workshop was on Optimizing Our Energy. This group had some powerful insights on how they use natural elements to cope with challenge. 👏🏼


In life and at work


A well rested mind is at the heart of every well considered decision.


Self care is taught as an important success strategy in an Ananda Workplace Wellness Workshop

Why Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life | Catherine Price | TED 22/07/2022

Great TED talk in why fun is the secret to a happier life.

Why Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life | Catherine Price | TED Have you had your daily dose of fun? It's not just enjoyable, it's also essential for your health and happiness, says science journalist Catherine Price. She...


ACW Workshops on Empower Your Connections and Improve your Influence - Learn about wise leaders that empower and energize people.


We retain our personal power and ...



The future of leadership is kindness 13/05/2022

Strength, Kindness and Empathy - Triple Threat Leadership.
ACW - Teaches Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace. Check out the Empower your Energy Wellness Workshop

The future of leadership is kindness Command and control-style leadership will not help organisations attract and retain talent anymore. Now, the focus must be on empathetic leadership.

The case for a 4-day work week 12/05/2022

Juliet Schor is conducting studies on a four day work week. Have a look! Thoughts ?

The case for a 4-day work week The traditional approach to work needs a redesign, says economist Juliet Schor. She's leading four-day work week trials in countries like the US and Ireland, and the results so far have been overwhelmingly positive: from increased employer and customer satisfaction to revenue growth and lower turnov...


Ananda Corporate wellness teaches about empathy and patience as it relates to the workplace 🙌🏼


Today April 28th we remember those lives cut short due to a workplace accident.


Three Tips about Self Doubt before a job interview:
- Expect self-doubt to arise. When you have an interview for a new job, especially if you're excited about it, know that your brain will offer up self-doubt.
- Choose not to listen to self-doubt. It is born out of nervousness and is not necessarily true.
- Proceed, despite self-doubting thoughts.
The Ananda Wellness Workshop - Mindset Matters teaches strategies on how to mitigate negative thinking and its limitations.


Dean Rusk was the longest serving American Secretary of State. He served during the Cuban missile crisis and the Vietnam war, so no stranger to conflict and sensitive negotiations. He learned that when we listen sincerely, the other party is less likely to resist our message. How much more persuasive could we be if we stopped trying to assert that we are right and shifted our focus to listening sincerely?


Karl Albrecht defined four types of workplace stress. The most prevalent is "Time Stress" The kind of stress we feel when we are in an unproductive meeting, while a deadline is approaching for work we should be doing. We have all been there. Learn about Albrecht's four types of workplace stress and how to mitigate each of them in the Ananda workshop on Stress Management.


We can train our minds to think more positively.
Choose Ananda workshop Mindset Matters. 09/03/2022

Wednesday Wisdom: What’s yours?


Happy International Womens Day to all the women I’ve worked with, that drive greater job satisfaction, more organizational dedication, who bring more empathy to the workplace and less burn out. 👏🏼 Hats off to you.
You are amazing 🌷


Continuous work without periods of rest can be counter productive. Productivity requires hard work yes AND self care.


Food for thought:
If a team runs itself for 6 months without a manager. …
If a department runs well for 6 months with an acting manager….
Then you shouldn’t be hiring; you should be promoting 🙌🏼


In the holiday season, there can be a lot of pressure. And when you're not feeling strong, it can be especially overwhelming.
Here's some good advice to get through the season with more ease.
1. Awareness - Check in with what’s important to you during this holiday season. What do you really want to do? Who do you really want to be with? How do you want to feel during the holidays? Focus on the how you want to spend your time, and how you’d like it to be.
2. Connection - Instead of spending time on social media comparing your holidays to others, create a gratitude journal you can reflect on, things you’re thankful for, even the small things. Gratitude improves your mental health and can reduce stress.
3. Permission - Let go of trying to please everyone and give yourself permission to say no. There's no such thing as a “perfect” holiday. Take care of yourself during this season and politely decline anything too stressful or things you don’t really want to do.
4. Balance - Find balance during the season. Instead of beating yourself up for eating too much, eat what you love but watch your portion sizes. Sugar, salt, and fat can impact our energy and motivation, Drink more water and eat healthy fruits. Choose to smile, even if you don’t feel like it. The act of smiling can uplift you and change your experience.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00