Mindful Solutions Clinic

www.MindfulSolutionsClinic.com We are LGBTQ-friendly, inclusive and affirmative. Our services are covered by all Canadian extended health insurance plans.

At Toronto's Mindful Solutions Clinic, our goal as your psychotherapist, counsellor and life coach is to create a supportive environment in which you can explore your emotional needs, and overcome barriers that limit your full potential. We take an open-minded approach to client wellness and consider your work life, family traditions, cultural/spiritual beliefs, and sexual identity.


Excellent talk on with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Oprah!


I first heard this proverb about twenty years ago, spoken by the Dalaï Lama to all of us in attendance at one of his talks in Toronto. Yes, we live in a busy world and we all have SO MUCH to do and not enough hours in the day to DO them all. But research actually shows that meditation can help relieve stress and lower blood pressure. A regular meditation practice has also been shown to increase our performance because it helps train the mind to focus rather than be constantly distracted. Simply put, it trains our Monkey Mind, which, on average, has about 60,000 thoughts a day. Sixty THOUSAND thoughts. Talk about a distracted mind!

The remedy to this problem of distracted mind is meditation. It’s a simple brain training practice that has been shown, time and again, to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and increase concentration... which can only enhance our performance... which will boost our career (and life) success.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

Photos from Mindful Solutions Clinic's post 06/11/2020


So many white people are only now awakening to the deeply rooted systemic racial issues in our societies. The path toward awakening begins with a kernel of curiosity, which grows into understanding, which then blooms into compassion. There are no shortcuts. So we can't rest comfortably in our beliefs that we are compassionate, non-racist "woke" people when we haven't ever really put in the (difficult) work to deeply self-reflect (that means warts and all, people!) on how we have unconsciously contributed and perpetuated racism through our every day actions and our choice of words. We are living through an historic time of great change. This is our opportunity to look inward. Deeply. And to check ourselves. Systemic change can only happen when each of us commits to becoming aware of our blind spots. Our hidden biases. Daily. Moment by moment. And once we become aware of these, we have a choice to make. How can we do better? How can we be better humans? We are the ancestors of future generations. What legacy will we be leaving behind? Will your descendants be proud of your choices, your behaviours, your language? Or will they carry deep shame for the role you played in how humanity treated its brothers and sisters in the year 2020? Each of us has the ability to change the course. To right the wrongs. The question is, which side of history are you standing on?

Societal change begins inside each of us first. I choose to commit to being the change. I choose to keep unlearning what I've been indoctrinated with by virtue of living in a predominantly white racist world. I choose to work toward overcoming any 'White Fragility' I may be unconsciously carrying. I choose to stay curious and interested with a learner mindset, rather than a judger mindset. I choose to re-educate myself by listening. By talking about race. And I choose to do my part to make reparations for any racist behaviour I may have unconsciously engaged in. These are the choices I'm making to do better. I hope each of you reading this will join me in doing better too. In creating a more compassionate human race.

Photos from Mindful Solutions Clinic's post 05/21/2020

The nice thing about adopting a private practice that’s 100% based during Covid times is that I can help more people across . Video sessions are equally as therapeutically effective as in-office ones! But. I do have some tips to make it so. Swipe left on the photos to see what you can do to make your remote sessions work best for you. And remember, my service are covered by most extended health plans, which makes looking after your more accessible if you have benefits.

And for those of you whose incomes have been severely impacted during this crisis, I haven’t forgotten about you. Stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks on how I will be supporting you this summer.

Your mental health matters, especially in these nutty times we are living through.
Prioritize your wellbeing. Together, we got this!

@ Toronto C•A•N•A•D•A

Timeline photos 05/09/2020

This pandemic is so much more than an insidious virus we are all trying desperately to avoid. Its social and economic ramifications are taking a huge toll on our . We are living through a collective unfolding in real time. A recent survey revealed that almost 75% of residents feel they are experiencing increased mental health and addictions challenges as a result of COVID-19. The survey also showed that 67% of Ontarians feel that the mental health impacts of this are going to be serious and lasting. As well, 45 per cent of Ontarians reported that their mental health has deteriorated significantly since physical distancing requirements were put in place in mid March.

Clearly, YOU ARE NOT ALONE if you’re struggling with your mental health.


If you are an Ontario resident who could use some tips and strategies to get through this incredibly difficult time in your life, I invite you to schedule a free consult with me to see how I can help you. While my physical office on ’s Avenue may be temporarily closed, as an essential worker, I’ve been helping my clients every day since the pandemic reached our city. My sessions are covered by all Canadian insurance companies, so if you’ve got extended healthcare coverage, you’re good to go.

Don’t let your mental health suffer when there are solutions that can help you improve your wellbeing.

Visit my website to learn more about me and my services.
Link in bio.

Stay safe out there!


Timeline photos 05/04/2020

We are now 8 weeks into this extraordinarily stressful time of physical distancing. How are you doing?

And now I will ask you again... how are you REALLY doing?

It's officially , and while COVID-19 is likely bringing out all the feels for many of you reading this post, the reality is that so many of us learn from a young age to simply answer "I'm fine, thanks" when we are asked how we are doing. Of course it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell us that we are doing our mental health a tremendous disservice each time we do so.

The truth is that "I am fine" can really mean a wide range of things - from "I'm feeling great!" to "I'm feeling sad and scared." Clearly, many of us have grown accustomed to not acknowledge our feelings while in social settings. Why though? Can you see how perpetuating such behaviour means you're missing out on a potential moment of meaningful connection with another human? We human beings are social creatures by nature (yes, even the most introverted among us!). Simply put, we are meant to connect with one another. Keeping others at arm's length all the time contributes to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. And this is baaaaaaad news for our mental health.

So. This Mental Health Week (and from now on, really!), why not take the first step toward your positive mental health by empowering yourself to be more descriptive than "I'm fine"? Everyone needs emotional support - not just in these COVID times, but every day.

So, I ask you again... how are you feeling, really?


Hello !

We are winding down on Week 4 of .
How's everyone doing?

Just wanted to share a quick reminder that, while I may have suspended all in-office sessions to practice per public health guidelines, my business model has always included tech from Day 1.

We are living through unprecedented times.
Highly stressful times.
Please don't ignore your .

I am here, ready to help you develop healthy coping strategies with evidence-based tools that WORK.

I invite you to visit www.mindfulsolutionsclinic.com to book a free consult with me today to see how I can help YOU thrive through this truly historic moment in our planet's history.

In the meantime, I wish each of you good health, and peace of heart, mind & spirit.

Photos from Mindful Solutions Clinic's post 03/24/2020

Yes, we are living in anxious times and the world feels out of control at the moment. But. The simple act of mindfully can help release tension, relax the mind & body, oxygenate blood, strengthen lungs, elevate mood, and improve cellular regeneration. Ready to try it out with me? Swipe left and let me know how you feel after!

@ Mindful Solutions Clinic

Photos from Mindful Solutions Clinic's post 03/16/2020

Okay, so the world may be a hot mess at the moment... so many of us are watching our public health and government updates with tightness in our chest and our tummies in knots. Others may be understandably deeply anxious about their elderly and/immunosuppressed loved ones.

All of this is a perfect recipe for anxiety and worry.

If you're feeling all the feels, you are definitely not alone. So am I. So is most of the world or at least anyone who's looking critically at the statistical data and trying to fit it in with how our healthcare systems can accommodate it all. And many of us are now expected to share our home offices with bored kiddos who are resenting being away from their exciting friends at school?

Heady times!

The good news is that you can still access my mental health services at this critical time. While I've temporarily suspended in-office sessions, my business has always included tech from Day 1. So, telephone and video sessions are available and I am here to help. Link in bio for more information.

And more goodies are yet to come! I've spent the weekend mobilizing a cross-section of multi-disciplinary healers to share their go-to anxiety reducing resources with you all for FREE. We're talking therapists, shamanic healers, reiki practitioners, meditators, life coaches, naturopaths, acupuncturists, energy/tapping practitioners, soundbath healers, etc.., sharing their tips, tricks, music and guided visualizations that WORK. I'm even trying to reach out to a laughter yoga practitioner because who doesn't need to laugh these days?

My point is: I am seeing the suffering in this world right now, and I'm on it, and will be doing my part to provide the relief that is so needed at this critical point in time. So, stay tuned for more info about the free resources coming your way. And remember that if you need to talk your worries through with me, I'm still accepting bookings - just by phone and video conference at this time.

We got this!

PS. If you're a in any discipline, and want to contribute to this project, reach out to me!

Sending you all a big, albeit socially-distanced hug.
🌎💕 @ Mindful Solutions Clinic


day has been around for 9 years now. While we may have come a long way on the topic of , so much more still needs to happen.

Corporations need to put their money where their mouth is and not only support their staff who are dealing with , but to seriously re-evaluate their Human Resources and management practices to help reduce the number of related sick leaves in the first place. Because having a viral internet campaign is no longer enough.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 50% of the population will have or have had a mental illness by age 40. Mental illness impacts us all - whether directly or indirectly, through a family member, friend or colleague.

We each need to do our part to for real, and be more of each other’s mental health. I’d like to live to see the day when we will no longer have to rely on annual viral campaigns like this and so many others. I’m hopeful that we can do better. We all deserve better.

What is Depression? 01/29/2020

New blog post: What is Depression?
Depression is much deeper and more invasive than sadness or frustration. It saps your energy, focus, concentration and joy. The good news? It's treatable.

What is Depression? Depression is much deeper and more invasive than sadness or frustration. It saps your energy, focus, concentration and joy. The good news? It’s treatable.

Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances 01/28/2020

New blog post: Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances... What's holding you back?

Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you…


Are you following me on Insta yet? I'd love to have you join me on that platform! I'm at: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulsolutionsclinic/

Nature As Medicine 01/24/2020

New blog: Nature As Medicine
It’s no secret, given my Insta feed (not to mention the hundreds of thousands of photos in my iCloud), that I am a sunrise chaser...

Nature As Medicine It’s no secret, given my Insta feed (not to mention the hundreds of thousands of photos in my iCloud), that I am a sunrise chaser. As a photographer with a lifelong fascination with observing and c…

Find Your Purpose in a Few Minutes With a Few Questions 01/24/2020

New blog post: Find Your Purpose in a Few Minutes With a Few Questions
What are you meant to do?
Consider these questions to help you determine your purpose

Find Your Purpose in a Few Minutes With a Few Questions What are you meant to do? Consider these questions to help you determine your purpose…

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health urges executives to act on widespread mental illness at work 01/23/2020

CAMH’s "research shows that the cost of personal leaves due to mental illness are about double the cost of leaves due to physical illness. Yet only one-third of Canadians believe their organization’s leaders are addressing workplace mental health.

To help fix this, CAMH is aiming its campaign at top business executives, with the hope that workplace mental health will become a leadership priority. The new playbook lays out steps to start tackling the problem. These fixes include creating an organization-wide mental-health strategy, mandatory mental-health training for leaders and back-to-work programs for employees who are recovering from mental illness."


Centre for Addiction and Mental Health urges executives to act on widespread mental illness at work The Toronto-based CAMH will unveil an awareness campaign aimed at corporate leaders that includes a playbook to help them support employees with mental-health issues

Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals 01/23/2020

New blog post: Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals
Take effective actions that support you and your goals, and you'll find that achievement comes much easier.

Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals New blog post: Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals Take effective actions that support you and your goals, and you’ll find that achievement comes much easier.

10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days 01/22/2020

New blog post: 10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days
Ready to change your habits in 30 days? Let's get started!

10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days New blog post: 10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days Ready to change your habits in 30 days? Let’s get started!

9 Secrets of Peak Performers 01/21/2020

New blog post: 9 Secrets of Peak Performers
You can develop the daily habits, resiliency, and motivation you need to achieve your goals. These are all things that can be learned if you're willing to put in the time and effort.

9 Secrets of Peak Performers What are the secrets of success? Do you need to be born with unique talents or special gifts? Luckily, success is rarely the result of anything you can’t acquire in your adulthood. You can de…

How to Ward Off Seasonal Depression 01/20/2020

New blog post: How to Ward Off Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression is a more common term for a condition named SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is a recurring depression that often occurs in the late fall and winter months.

How to Ward Off Seasonal Depression New blog post: How to Ward Off Seasonal Depression Seasonal depression is a more common term for a condition named SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is a recurring depression that often occur…

Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else’s? 01/17/2020

New blog post: Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else's?
Be an individual and find the path that works best for you. Find out how with these strategies.

Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else’s? Be an individual and find the path that works best for you. Find out how with these strategies.

8 Steps to Realizing Your Full Potential 01/16/2020

New blog post: 8 Steps to Realizing Your Full Potential
Think about it for a moment... What do you want to master?

8 Steps to Realizing Your Full Potential Most people look back on their life and wonder what they could have accomplished if they’d only been more decisive and committed. You can avoid that kind of regret by choosing to become the best yo…

Download these 7 free apps to improve your mental health in 2020 01/15/2020

Mental health help... there's an app for that! 🤷‍♀️
Who's tried these? Have they helped you?


Download these 7 free apps to improve your mental health in 2020 From the comfort of your own home, use these apps to better your mental wellbeing.

Top 10 Powerful Words to Keep You Motivated 01/15/2020

New blog post: Top 10 Powerful Words to Keep You Motivated
To boost your confidence, here's a list of the top 10 power words and tips to keep you motivated and passionate, no matter what life throws your way.

Top 10 Powerful Words to Keep You Motivated To boost your confidence, here’s a list of the top 10 power words and tips to keep you motivated and passionate, no matter what life throws your way.

Radical Compassion Challenge | Register Today! 01/14/2020

Sharing this great lineup of talks by amazing speakers/teachers, care of the good folks at SoundsTrue: a 10-Day Radical Compassion Challenge.

Bonus? It's free! Join by clicking the link below.

Who's with me?


Radical Compassion Challenge | Register Today! With the Radical Compassion Challenge, renowned meditation teacher and international bestselling author Tara Brach invites you to a free transformational 10-day online event to help build a global movement of compassion in action.

7 Steps to Banishing a Limiting Belief 01/14/2020

New blog post: 7 Steps to Banishing a Limiting Belief
Limiting beliefs are dysfunctional ideas that we make up about ourselves and others. Like the name suggests, they inhibit, or hold us back from positive growth.

7 Steps to Banishing a Limiting Belief Limiting beliefs are dysfunctional ideas/beliefs that we make up about ourselves, others and the world around us. Like the name suggests, they inhibit and hold us back from positive growth. We all …

How Does Getting Psychotherapy Help? 01/13/2020

New blog post: How Does Getting Psychotherapy Help?
Working with a therapist can be one of the most profound gifts you can ever give yourself. Here are 7 ways psychotherapy can help you...

How Does Getting Psychotherapy Help? Working with a therapist can be one of the most profound gifts you can ever give yourself. Here are 7 ways psychotherapy can help you…

Photos from Mindful Solutions Clinic's post 01/10/2020

Last day of winter holidays deserves a photo montage of what I’ve been up to these past three weeks, amirite?

➡️ Lots of healing beach sunrise mindful moments, because they’re such a huge part of my self care practice.

➡️ Lots of reflection time and remembering my ancestors with gratitude.

➡️ And a photo shoot that gave me a huge new level of appreciation for any celebrity who has to ham it up for the cameras on the regular. True story: I needed the rest of the day by myself on the couch to decompress from the experience; I’m so much more comfortable behind the camera!

I’m thankful for having been able to take three weeks off from work, even though I *technically* did spend every day of my holidays tackling back office admin stuff that I had been neglecting for months. Things like:

✅ Updated website!
✅ New blog posts!
✅ New guided audio meditations recorded and uploaded!
✅ New journal published and for sale!

Annnnnnnd, the final touches are being made to my next big project: I’ve been developing an online masterclass which will be opening up sooooooon! Make sure to subscribe to my mailing list to be kept in the loop on upcoming announcements (link in bio). I’m soooooo excited fo share this with you all in 2020!

Benefits of Journaling 01/07/2020

New blog post and vlog!
This one's all about journaling AND the new journal I've just published!

Have a look and tell me what you think. 🙂


Benefits of Journaling I’ve just published a new book and am so proud to share it with you! It’s available to preview and buy from the link below. I would love for you to take a look and to share it with your…

How diet affects mental health - Neuroscience News 01/04/2020

"Study reveals a link between certain diets and their impact on . Poor diets, researchers say, play a role in worsening mood disorders, such as and . However, diets rich in vegetables and olive oil, such as the , can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety."

How diet affects mental health - Neuroscience News Study reveals a link between certain diets and their impact on mental health. Poor diets, researchers say, play a role in worsening mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression. However, diets rich in vegetables and olive oil, such as the Mediterranean diet, can improve symptoms of depression and....

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Videos (show all)

And now, time for some beach meditation. The best kind! 🏝❤️🌤 #meditation #meditate #nature #beach #toronto #igtoronto #m...
Well, it looks as though my most recent HuffPo blog on the subject of pet bereavement has gone viral, with over 4.7K 'li...
Welcome to Mindful Solutions Clinic & Find Your Bliss Coaching!




Toronto, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 7am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 9pm
Friday 7am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 11am

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