Asal Lak

Asal Lak

Top complex case Mortgage specialist

From 5% downpayment accepted - Terms and conditions will apply

Photos from Asal Lak's post 13/05/2024

Spending my day with these two beautiful young ladies🩵♥️🩵


Iman Sk ❤️💜


Happy Norouz❤️

Photos from Asal Lak's post 02/03/2021

Thank you for your support, love and and the beautiful flowers. Nothing is more valuable to a business than a client like you. 😍😘😘🙏🙏🙏 @ Vanak International Properties

Timeline photos 04/02/2021

Help Kiko win America’s Favourite Pet

Timeline photos 25/01/2021

Kiko gets to timeout spot 😂 look at his face 🥰😘❤️

Timeline photos 16/01/2021

Kiki is buying a new car 🚗 🚘


My little guest , Good morning everybody ❤️❤️❤️

Timeline photos 02/01/2021

As a mother of a 17-years-old, I’m constantly looking back and can’t believe how quickly time has passed since your birth! I love you ❤️ Special Thanks to Reza and Iman for making it happen.

Timeline photos 01/01/2021

We are all ready 🥰


Beautiful Ocean🥰

Timeline photos 04/11/2020

Happy Wednesday!

Timeline photos 03/11/2020

Love each other!!!!!

Timeline photos 02/11/2020

Happy Monday!

Timeline photos 29/10/2020

گنجشک با خدا قهر بود…

روزها گذشت و گنجشگ با خدا هیچ نگفت .

فرشتگان سراغش را از خدا می گرفتند و خدا هر بار به فرشتگان این گونه می گفت:

می آید ؛ من تنها گوشی هستم که غصه هایش را می شنود و یگانه قلبی هستم که

دردهایش را در خود نگاه میدارد…

و سرانجام گنجشک روی شاخه ای از درخت دنیا نشست.

فرشتگان چشم به لب هایش دوختند،

گنجشک هیچ نگفت و…

خدا لب به سخن گشود : با من بگو از آن چه سنگینی سینه توست.

گنجشک گفت : لانه کوچکی داشتم، آرامگاه خستگی هایم بود و سرپناه بی کسی ام.

تو همان را هم از من گرفتی.

این طوفان بی موقع چه بود؟ چه می خواستی؟ لانه محقرم کجای دنیا را گرفته بود؟

و سنگینی بغضی راه کلامش بست…

سکوتی در عرش طنین انداخت فرشتگان همه سر به زیر انداختند.

خدا گفت: ماری در راه لانه ات بود. باد را گفتم تا لانه ات را واژگون کند. آن گاه تو

از کمین مار پر گشودی.

گنجشگ خیره در خدائیِ خدا مانده بود.

خدا گفت: و چه بسیار بلاها که به واسطه محبتم از تو دور کردم و تو ندانسته به

دشمنی ام برخاستی!

اشک در دیدگان گنجشک نشسته بود.

ناگاه چیزی درونش فرو ریخت , های های گریه هایش ملکوت خدا را پر کرد...

جائی در پشت ذهنت به خاطر بسپار ، که اثر انگشت خداوند بر همه چیز هست ..


It’s a rare gift to have a sister as phenomenal as you. No one shines as brightly as you do. You dazzle people with your kindness and generosity. Thanks for always bringing the sparkle into our life! I love you forever sisi kochoolo ❤️


It’s a rare gift to have a sister as phenomenal as you. No one shines as brightly as you do. You dazzle people with your kindness and generosity. Thanks for always bringing the sparkle into our life. I love you forever Sisi kochooloo ❤️

Timeline photos 10/10/2020

If someone asks me what is the most beautiful word you've learned?
I say acceptance.
Acceptance means:
Accepting the situation with all its difficulties.
Accepting people with all their flaws.
Accepting that there are problems and we need to continue on the path.
👈 Accepting that sometimes I make a mistake too.
Accepting that I'm not perfect.
Accepting that no one is responsible for my life.

May your life be filled with love and smile ❤️❤️❤️

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

🤩 beautiful sunset in Princeton 🍁

Timeline photos 05/10/2020
Timeline photos 04/10/2020

🍂🧡💛🍁 “Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.”


Kiko is barking to himself 😂😂

Timeline photos 04/10/2020


Timeline photos 30/09/2020

It’s me when my mom asks me to be a Gentleman 😍❤️🥰🐶

Timeline photos 17/09/2020

Happy Thursday everyone 🥰


He doesn’t let me to drive 🤦‍♀️🐶😘

Timeline photos 13/09/2020

Very True!

Videos (show all)

Happy Norouz❤️
It’s a rare gift to have a sister as phenomenal as you. No one shines as brightly as you do. You dazzle people with your...

