Financial Growth

Financial Growth

Welcome to! Im excited to have you here. Im a financial advisor serving Ontario with their financial freedom journey. P.S. Follow, Like & Share!

Inquire today for your free consultation! your future self is thanking you! My services are available to Canadian singles, families and business. We have access to investing, mortgages, insurance, debt consolidation, etc. We are also open to educating you on Canadian Financial Literacy. Please note, the website is coming this fall 2021!


How many hours did you spend on social media today? How many hours did you use watching Netflix?

The average time spent on social media is 2 hours at the very least, on a daily basis.

Did you know I only need 45 minutes to an hour of your time to educate, plan and review your financial plans!?

Maybe right now you’re in your 20s, but when you’re in your 30s, you will wish you had planned. Financial planning isn’t scary. It’s not a place where you should feel or will feel guilty, embarrassed or confused.

My goal is to educate, plan and start your financial journey at your pace, to success.

Let’s start today for a stress free 30 minute consultation! I’m accepting new clients in Ontario; I help families, businesses and individuals who are ready to start their financial journey.

In Canada, but not in Ontario? No problem! My business partners and I will connect you with the right resources and individuals that can assist you! 🎉



Bye Bye Debt 👋🏼👋🏼 a feeling that truly is liberating.

Often we avoid looking at our budget, and we most certainly avoid confronting our debt. - it’s not a great feeling… it brings stress, anxiety and sometimes serious health concerns.

The goal with debt management isn’t to pay off debt as fast as possible, but to determine the priorities. This is where a financial advisor can assist you.

Ever heard of good vs bad debt? It’s a weird concept, but essentially you need debt in order to have a higher credit score/history. However, while building your credit history, it can definitely go off the tracks when there isn’t a proper plan in place.

A financial advisor will identify your “problem areas”. To do this smoothly, we need all your relevant information on debt you owe. From there, we can then start to re build a new financial health plan that will bring you towards your goals.

Sounds easy, but investment management, income tax preparation and estate planning requires a lot of knowledge and experience to be able to accurately manage your finances.

Let’s detach the feelings of fear, guilt and stress from your debt. Send me a personal message today and let’s get you on track to your financial freedom.

P.S. your future self is thanking you 💕


Photos from Financial Growth's post 12/06/2021

How many sources of income do you have? How many times a month do you get paid?

The average Canadian will get paid bi-weekly or on a monthly basis.

We know that Income is money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing labor, producing a good or service, or through investing capital.

Some of us here may be earning interest income! This is an amazing stepping stone into your financial journey. However, how hard is your money working for you? What percentage are you being promised to gain on your hard earned money? I’m more than certain that you’re getting at the most, 1.25% in your savings account.

What if I told you, that your money can get higher percentages? Are curious to know how I can make that happen?

I’m a financial advisor serving Ontario with free financial education and no fees for any of my consultations. Want to know more about your FIN (financial independent number)? Want to know more about higher percentages that banks won’t offer you? Let’s chat today!

P.S. your future self is thanking you! 🥰⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣



Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who has followed my page. Watch my stories and interact! For liking, sharing and commenting! It truly means the world to me to have your support and time along my own journey. 🥰 will most importantly be a blog platform that you will have access to free financial literacy. I will be keeping you updated on all economic issues, “how to” topics, budgeting, saving, investing, insurances and more!

Financial Growth is here for all Canadians. You can be in Vancouver and reading this post, wondering if I can help you despite my service area only being Ontario. I will connect you with an advisor who can and will assist you!

I have many goals planned with my platforms and can’t wait for you to grow with me.

Start your financial freedom journey today! My consultations are all free!

P.S your future self is thanking you 🥰⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Have a desire to give back to your community? Make a difference in someone’s life? Help family’s with their financial independence?

This is an amazing opportunity for ambitious, motivated and sharp entrepreneurs.

You will be assisting clients with their financial goals. Including but not limited to, insurances, mortgage, debt, etc.

Feel free to reach out with any questions!


Did you know we stagnate when we stop working toward our dreams?

To maintain life's excitement and purpose we need targets that we keep trying to hit.

It’s truly liberating to accomplish our goals, but feeling confused and lost isn’t. Maintain the momentum in your life, set higher goals that change and improve as you move toward your destination.

Most importantly, enjoy the process.

Like the quote? It’s by Michael Korda! Have any thoughts on it? I’d love to hear it in the comments below 🤩



6-Step Process Towards Financial Independence - Part 1 of 6-Steps 🎉

Over the next few weeks, I will be going into further details in each step of this process.
• What type of Income you can create.
• Difference between assets and liabilities
• What good vs bad debt looks like
• How to grow an emergency fund
• How to plan for financial independence and more!

Stay tuned for the breakdown of each step! 🤩

Feeling ready for a change in your finances? Curious to know what financial freedom will look like for you?
I’m a financial advisor servicing Ontario, I’m taking on new clients and can’t wait to hear about your financial goals!

P.S. your future self is thanking you! 🥰⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Great fortunes are often lost one dollar at a time 😧

Even if you’re already facing financial difficulties, steering clear from these mistakes could be the key to survival 🤭

1. Excessive Spending - $30 per week spent on dining out costs you $1,440 per year. This is money that could go towards additional mortgage payments, retirement, and the list is endless.

2. Buying A New Car - by borrowing money to buy a car, the client pays interest on a depreciating asset. This then amplifies the difference between the value of the car and the price paid for it.

3. Not Having A Plan - you need to know where you are going in the next 1-5 years, not planning your finances leads to debt, bankruptcy and even worse, stress. Stress is your health’s biggest tax. Without your health, you’re without a job.

Countless hours are spent watching Netflix, scrolling through social media feeds but setting aside two hours let alone 30 minutes for their finances is out of the question. Leisure is much needed, and I’m in no way trying to convey how you should spend your personal time.

This is an opportunity not to feel guilty but to understand the power of financial planning, having access to financial literacy and being able to work with an advisor that understands your needs.

Having a financial advisor is to be thought as your financial life partner. If you’re curious how to be financially free, let’s chat! All of my consultations are free!

P.S your future self is thanking you!! 🥰



Do you remember your first pay cheque?

As early as 16 years of age, we start to develop an understanding for time and money.

You’re excited to see your hard work payed off with extra cash, but oh wait, there’s provincial deductions 😖.

Then little to no money discipline. Money at that age, and even until this day, it goes towards food and entertainment.

Oh sh*t! My phone broke! 😡. And we all know how much an iPhone can be, and with no money saved what do we do?

Proper protection? Umm what exactly do you mean by that? (*dirty thinking* yes I know your thoughts on this one 🙄)

Well I had $700.00 to start with and now … well …
Savings $100.01
Checkings $0.00

This sums up the experience of the average Canadian with little to no money discipline or any financial education. Unfortunately, our public schools do not take the time to truly educate their children on how money works.

We will go through life being told exactly what to do without being told what to do.
College/university $50k+.
Car $30k+.
Married and have a mortgage $500k+.
Daily living expenses $2-3k+.
These are typical expenses of the average Canadian. Our family, friends and teachers will encourage that this is the right path to success, but little to no help when decisions get tough.

An 18 year old with more than $50k of debt… that doesn’t sound like happiness.

I know exactly how you may be feeling. Financial education wasn’t something I had easy access to nor did I have many people in my life take the time to educate me on this.

Welcome to! If you relate to any of my posts, I encourage you to follow, like and share!

Financial knowledge is coming your way! Stay tuned for the break down of these 6-steps.

I’m a financial advisor servicing Ontario and I am taking on new clients! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!

P.S. your future self if thank you 🥰⁣⁣⁣


Do you value financial freedom?
Are you willing to make lifestyle changes?
Are you open to learning about Canadian financial literacy?

When you envision your future will you still be in debt? Will you have a retirement fund to access? Or will you still be working to survive?

Today I have some tough love for you. It’s easy to say we care about our financial freedom, but what are your actions really saying?

I’m a financial advisor servicing Ontario with free consultations. I’m taking on new clients and can’t wait to hear about your financial goals!

P.S. your future self is thanking you 🥰⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


What do financial advisors even do?!🧐

A financial advisor can be thought as a financial life partner. We are here for every step and goal in your life - no matter the stage or challenge, to help you make your dreams a reality.

As a team you and your advisor will review many topics, including the amount of money you should save, the types of accounts you need, the kinds of insurance you should have (i.e. long-term care, term life, disability, etc.), and estate and tax planning.

We also are here to educate you. At the beginning of your journey, some topics may include budgeting and saving, or being debt free. As you advance in your knowledge, the advisor will assist you in understanding complex financial education if you’re interested.

All this sounds pretty awesome right? But what about consultation fees?

Some advisors do charge rates for their time and services. However, some don’t! & guess what?? All of my consultations are free!

Let’s connect! I’m a call, dm or email away from starting your financial legacy! 🤩

P.S. your future self is thanking you! 🥰


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 15:00