Ann Diamond Community

Ann Diamond Community

Ann Diamond unravels the peculiar mysteries of her childhood which began in 1950s Montreal

It is the evening of the day 09/01/2024

It is the evening of the day In 1975 I had moved back to Montreal where cheap apartments were abundant, and served almost as portals to a lifestyle consisting of parties and all kinds of events involving an ever shifting and enthusiastic, sometimes bilingual crowd. It was like Soho or any other seedy downtown scene and there we...

The Hidden Symbolism in "Leave the World Behind", a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas 29/12/2023

The Hidden Symbolism in "Leave the World Behind", a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, "Leave the World Behind" is about the complete collapse of America from within. And, through symbolism, the movie actually wants us to think that America deserves that collapse. Here's a look at the movie and the disturbing messages it conceals.

The Rolling Stones - Go on Home Girl 29/12/2023

Hahaha I just found this. Who was Frank? Let me guess

The Rolling Stones - Go on Home Girl The Rolling Stones - Go on Home Girl (´64)

All The Propaganda Is Splattering Against A Solid Wall Of Reality 27/12/2023

All The Propaganda Is Splattering Against A Solid Wall Of Reality Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Humans inhabit two very different worlds simultaneously: the real world and the narrative world. The world of concrete material reality, and the world of mental stories about reality. There’s the material reality of presents piled under t...

The Biggest Lie We're Being Told About The Gaza Assault Is That It Is Necessary 27/12/2023

The Biggest Lie We're Being Told About The Gaza Assault Is That It Is Necessary Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): The second-biggest lie we’re being told about the US-backed Israeli demolition of Gaza is that it is beneficial, and will lead to peace. The biggest lie we’re being told about it is that it is necessary.


When a place is empty enough there is a chance of it getting filled up...



Janus-Faced Biden Administration Can’t Hide Its Complicity.


The Sinister Career of Ariel Sharon: From Sabra and Shatila to Gaza...

Gaza Is Deliberately Being Made Uninhabitable 19/12/2023

Gaza Is Deliberately Being Made Uninhabitable Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Infectious diseases are tearing through Gaza, whose healthcare system has been rendered almost nonexistent, and people are beginning to starve in massive numbers. All of this is due to concrete policy decisions made by Israel in its horrifi...

"Mass Assassination Factory": Israel Using AI to Generate Targets in Gaza, Increasing Civilian Toll 09/12/2023

"Mass Assassination Factory": Israel Using AI to Generate Targets in Gaza, Increasing Civilian Toll Support our work: look at a new report that reveals how Israel is using artificial intelligence to draw up targets in its mil...

Watch L'Affaire Bettencourt : Scandale chez la femme la plus riche du monde | Netflix Official Site 03/12/2023

Watch L'Affaire Bettencourt : Scandale chez la femme la plus riche du monde | Netflix Official Site Comment un conflit entre la femme la plus riche du monde et sa fille a-t-il tourné au scandale national ? Cette série documentaire captivante raconte toute l'histoire.


I would never try to suggest that my family's experience at the hands of McGill was worse than any other family's in that era. As Maitre Julian Falconer said today, when memories are erased and records destroyed you're helpless because "you can't know what you don't know" -- often we didn't even know our lives had been blasted by shock waves from a great Experiment. We thought we were living sequentially, day to day, like normal families when pieces of our minds were gone forever. That's the joke, or the tragedy of it, that still baffles the judges who try to decide our case and evaluate the damages. I doubt it will ever get to the stage of compensation. How do you repair yourself when you don't even know you're damaged because you forgot?

There are much worse cases happening now in the world as we speak.

So I don't expect special sympathy or understanding - just maybe a chance to tell what happened during a pause in hostilities. And permission not to make sense. The city I grew up in doesn't recognize me or my story. And neither does the world outside. To them, it never happened or whatever happened was mostly meaningless. And trauma was best forgotten anyway.

Just make music. Party on.

Try not to step on the unmarked graves, and tip your hat to James McGill's ghost on your way out.

Mohawk Mothers and Special Interlocutor Back in Court to Press McGill and Royal Victoria Hospital for Historical Records on Indigenous Children - Falconers LLP 01/12/2023

Mohawk Mothers and Special Interlocutor Back in Court to Press McGill and Royal Victoria Hospital for Historical Records on Indigenous Children - Falconers LLP The Indigenous Group known as the Mohawk Mothers will be back in Quebec Superior Court tomorrow Friday December 1, 2023 to make a motion before Justice Gregory Moore for the production of records relating to research around the potential of unmarked graves and burial sites related to the redevelopme...


Excerpt from "War Is Not Abstracted Anymore":

In a new article for The Guardian titled “The war in Gaza has been an intense lesson in western hypocrisy. It won’t be forgotten,” Nesrine Malik writes that “for the first time that I can think of, western powers are unable to credibly pretend that there is some global system of rules that they uphold. They seem to simply say: there are exceptions, and that’s just the way it is. No, it can’t be explained and yes, it will carry on until it doesn’t at some point, which seems to be when Israeli authorities feel like it.”

“Part of that inability to reach for convincing narratives about why so many innocent people must die is that events escalated so quickly,” Malik adds. “There was no time to set the pace of the attacks on Gaza, prepare justifications and hope that eventually, when it was all over, time and short attention spans would cover up the toll. Gaza has been a uniquely, inconveniently, intense conflict… The area is so densely populated that the toll of civilians is too high, and evidence for having undermined Hamas’s capabilities, the only possible justification for the casualties, is too low.”

This is the sort of political moment in which newly-formed critics of the western war machine are being asked to think carefully about why there hasn’t been a robust resistance to their governments’ other criminal actions. Which looks like a nightmare waiting to happen for the propagandists whose job is to manufacture consent for depraved acts of war.

One thing the empire is about to realize is that the western public has lost all its appetite for war. All the careful sanitising, video-gamifying and propagandizing that has been put in place since Vietnam in order to build a platform of consent for “humanitarian” wars has cratered into nothing over the course of mere weeks.

You can’t have an up close and personal relationship with the reality of bombs and all the things they do to human flesh and then go back to the way you were ever again. Millions of western eyes have been changed forever.



December 1, 9:15 am
Quebec Superior Court, St-Antoine & St-Laurent, room 15.09

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Rolling Stone: Life And Death Of Brian Jones 25/11/2023

I binged on Brian Jones last night. This one was free. Not as arty as Nick Broomfield, but more hard hitting--

Rolling Stone: Life And Death Of Brian Jones Exploring the rise of Brian Jones as well as his untimely death, Garcia paints an interesting and revealing picture of a doomed pop star.

Photos from Ann Diamond Community's post 21/11/2023

When I was 11 going on 12 my mother started getting sick. From that time on, she gradually grew weaker and turned into an invalid. Eventually, a total cripple. Over the next 17 years til her death, she aged and shrank at an alarming rate until in her early sixties she looked like an old woman of 90. Nurses at the hospital often mistook me for her granddaughter.

To me, all this remained a mystery.

My mother had been a beautiful 30-ish woman during the war when she first met my dad. She was the daughter of a French Canadian country doctor and politician, still remembered today as Le Medecin des Pauvres and honored in his home town of St Jean sur Richelieu.

My dad was from a farming family in Ontario -- and had grown up on the Ottawa River. He spoke no French but could read it... slowly

Along with the language difference, my parents were opposites in politics and religion. Liberal / Conservative. Catholic / Protestant. So I grew up negotiating the world in between- you could call me a Liminalist I suppose.

They had married late, had children even later, and were already in their forties and fifties when we moved to the suburbs.

My dad was a high school music teacher but in 1963 that changed. Out of the blue he bexamw a mental patient or rather he was suddenlybenrolled in a brainwashing program at a downtown hospital.

In those days, as I struggled with my adolescent anxieties, I attributed our problems, including my parents' disabilities, to the ravages of Old Age.

Like most teeenage girls, I was focused on myself and the challenges and dramas of growing up. My mother's sorrows and pains were beyond my grasp.

She became depressed and withdrawn and began spending more and more time in bed. I watched from the sidelines as she gradually lost interest in life, or life as I knew it. Every so often I would look in on her in her bedroom and see her with eyes shut, lips moving in silent prayer as she fingered her rosary.

Really I had little idea of who she had been before marriage and children. I thought of her as my Mom, with no life outside our family. What she did all day was a mystery of no great interest: she woke us up for school, sent us off at 8 am, then spent the morning doing whatever stay at home Mothers did in those days: wash dishes, clean house, have lunch, watch daytime TV including the soap operas. After we got home around 4 pm she prepared dinner, and later while we did our homework she knitted in her chair in the living room.

Coming in the door with our book bags it never occurred to us to ask "Hey mom, how was your day?"

Every now and then she talked on the phone in French to her small circle of old friends and relatives who occasionally visited. To me these cousins -- French Canadian, Roman Catholic, country folk -- were relics of the past - a vanished world. I barely understood their conversations in our living room next to my grandfather’s clock --

Over the years in bits and pieces I heard the story of my mother's life as the daughter of a beloved country doctors and Mayor of the town of St Jean, worlds away from the life we were living now in our 6 room bungalow on a treeless street in a modest suburb north of Montreal.

Some girls probably easily take on aspects of their mother's lives, the way they might put on her dresses and make-up and high heels. But my mother and I grew up not even speaking the same language.

My dad was nothing like her father, the doctor and politician and man of the people that my mother had known growing up in St Jean.

Probably due to his wartime work, the man she married, my dad, was often silent and secretive. I'm told he was a good high school music teacher, sensitive and helpful to his students- at least the ones he liked - but at home he was often rigid and critical.

"Your dad is an ogre," one of the neighbour kids told my brother. Our respect for him sometimes bordered on resentment. Our mom was the peacemaker but must have suffered from the fact that we were being raised in English. While she was cut off from her culture, we were going to English Protestant schools where French wasn't taught until Grade 3. So my brother and I were strangers to her world and she must have struggled at times in ours.

Our obliviousness and my dad's silences may have been harder on our mother than we knew...

She may have kept certain secrets of her own from us while we took her for granted -- thinking she was part of our lives and would always be there, like sunlight or fresh air.

But that was before she got sick.

From one day to the next, it seemed, she lost her strength and started to wither away.

At 12 I still needed a mother. So for my 12th birthday I asked for a diary. In it I wrote down thoughts and feelings I probably would never have shared with my mother-- perhaps that's why I felt compelled to burn it a year later, in the summer of 1964 - I probably had Joan of Arc in mind.

I had decided to become a career woman, to avoid my mother's fate as a victim of an unhappy marriage. A stay at home doormat -- a Catholic martyr -- a conventional housewife whose window on the world came from television and soap opera.

But in fact I now think i underestimated her. Like a tree that falls in the forest, I had no idea what she really did when I wasn't around.

At a time when women didn't have careers my mother had all day to herself to develop plans and create an alternate reality to our dull dystopia. She was much busier than she let on.

In fact -- she was building her own Empire.

She had the talent and charm to be involved in politics and diplomacy ... even the music business was within her grasp.

Just looking at her photo you can see she believed in beauty grace and subtlety

And that love makes the world go round

Not just ideal or divine love but practical love - it's all there in her face

In a different time and place she might even have been a public figure like her father

Unfortunately from her mother she inherited the burden of chronic illness

The crux of the problem was, she was taking advice from the same doctors who were brainwashing her daughter...

She would confide her hopes and plans in Dr Roper ... who would use them against my father

The Psychiatrist as confessor and executioner. A Wolf in Sheep's clothing


Darrow Fee Greyce
Question: what is "Ultra Girl" s name-the one who wants so bad to be the one who broke the story about MK Ultra?

Ellen Atkin

Buffy Saint-Marie documentary wins International Emmy Award | CBC News 21/11/2023

Buffy Saint-Marie documentary wins International Emmy Award | CBC News Buffy Sainte-Marie: Carry It On won an International Emmy Award on Monday. The documentary looking at the singer’s career over six decades was directed by Canadian filmmaker Madison Thomas and nominated in the arts programming category.

Israel Doesn't Have A Gen-Z Problem, It Has A Morality Problem 20/11/2023

Israel Doesn't Have A Gen-Z Problem, It Has A Morality Problem Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Nobody starts out as the sort of person who would support a genocidal bombing campaign that murders children by the thousands. It’s something you come into gradually over the years, one moral compromise at a time.

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