Rob Dunbar

Rob Dunbar

Rob Dunbar is the 2019 Green Party of Canada Candidate of Record for St. Albert-Edmonton.

Photos from St. Albert Public Library's post 01/01/2020

We join with our friends at the St. Alberta Public Library in wishing all of you a great and good 2020! - Team Rob.


Though Sheer has departed the scene, you can expect the Liberals to keep painting themselves as the lesser of two evils. To go beyond this race to the bottom we need proportional representation and for that we need - Team Rob.

If only someone had fixed the broken system...

If we keep voting for the same parties, we'll keep getting the same results.


Later today, Canadian parliament will resume with a substantial number of citizens not happy with the state of our country. Individually, we aren't satisfied with the state of our health care, education, economy, international trade, bureaucracy, or any number of other more specific issues. Few people hold out a great deal of hope their concerns will be addressed under the current minority government; liberal supporter or not.

Canadians need to get accustomed to what will turn out to be the new normal. There are several political parties gaining ground with the voters. It is unlikely there will be a majority government ever again. Now is the time to embrace that reality. Our elected representatives need to stop posturing about a vote of non-confidence and whether or not they will support or oppose the new government. They are the new government. Every MP, all of them, is part of the new government the voters elected. I am not interested in a group of MP's trying to force an election prior to the four year term we expect. An election in the next 3 months will not produce significant change. Political parties vying for power could have us voting every year and nothing will ever get accomplished.

Change is frightening. Let us all deal with the fear and demand better from our government. MP's need to use their skills in diplomacy, compromise, and negotiation. They need to govern our fantastic country with the interests of the individual citizens foremost in their minds. Please contact your member of parliament and the party you supported (if they happen to be different) to let them know you are holding them accountable. The voters expect responsible government. Even if I didn't I vote for you, if you are the elected representative in my riding, you work for me just as much as you work for your party membership.


It has come to my attention that the campaign signs I gave to a couple of volunteers were not picked up after the election. If you see one of my campaign signs in a public place, please contact me with the location so I can pick it up.


The current voting system distorts how people vote. We can do better with proportional representation. Please join us at: to make it happen. - Team Rob.

Sick of negative campaigns? Tired of gambling at the ballot box?

Greens in Parliament will demand proportional representation, to put an end to partisan madness once and for all.


When I was the assistant manager of a sports bar, we sold quite a bit of draft beer. Every one of the taps was a Molson product and the owner wasn't interested in making a change. The Molson rep never came to visit us, never gave us any deals, never offered us any swag for the customers, and didn't even return phone calls.

None of the other beer reps came to see us either; why bother if they knew there was no possibility of making a sale.

Maybe the voters of Alberta can find a nugget of wisdom in this story.


Today is Election Day- make your voice heard.
If you are unsure of your polling station- search here:


Labels can be dangerous. I am not talking about printed labels on packages. I am talking about labels people place on each other or sometimes on themselves. It starts in childhood. Others label us as ugly, stupid, redneck, lazy, or any number of racial slurs. Sometimes we label ourselves as artists, dancers, singers, or fans of a particular sports team. As an aside, have you ever noticed kids don’t see themselves in a negative light until they are told often enough that they should? We get to high school and things get all “Breakfast Club” and we are labeled by who we associate with. Once we are well past our high school years, we think these things are behind us; until an election comes around.
The labels being thrown about include: socialist, capitalist, right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, green, or snowflake. Labels make it easy for people to delude themselves into thinking they are informed. It makes the homework easy. It provides a safety blanket that keeps you warm within your own personal bias. It lets you live comfortably in the echo chamber of your own belief system. But it’s not right.
What does it mean to be socialist or capitalist? What is the difference between right or left? What separates liberals, conservatives, and greens? (Please note, I am not referring to these concepts in the capital letter/ political party sense of the word.) Who are the snowflakes?
Do you see yourself as a socialist or a capitalist?

Is a socialist someone who supports dictators who destroy entire countries for their own personal gain? Or is a socialist someone who believes in democracy but is willing to let the government get a bit too involved in the day to day lives of its citizens? Maybe a socialist is just someone who believes everyone is entitled to clean water, affordable housing, free healthcare, safe working conditions, and a good education.

Who is the capitalist living next door? Are they a heartless person who believes everyone should stand on their two feet. Do they believe no social safety net should be funded by the taxes they pay? Maybe a capitalist is someone who believes that once a corporation gets to a certain size, then the government should be available to bail them out because some businesses are just too big to be allowed to fail. Are capitalists willing to destroy the environment as long as there is a profit? Maybe they simply have their own small business and just want the government to lower their taxes so they can do a better job providing for their family.

Are you right wing or left wing? Does the left want to lecture to everyone else about how correct they are and everyone else is wrong? How about the right? Both have been accused of exactly the same thing.

So you are on the right. Do you believe in abolishing abortion? Do you believe in allowing religious influence into politics? Do you believe in privatizing everything that the government is currently involved in running, including health care and education? Do you want the meddling government to get their damn noses out of regulating safety standards, environmental protections, and workers rights? Do you enjoy being angry at those who oppose your belief system? Your label puts you in these categories.
Maybe you are on the left. Do you enjoy supporting the killing of the unborn? Are you an atheist and believe everyone is stupid for going to any church at all? Do you believe that the government should have control of every aspect of our lives? Do you feel superior to those who don’t share your beliefs and speak to them in a condescending manner? How about taxes? Are you happy seeing more and more of your paycheck going to the government so they can spend it in some frivolous manner? Your label places you in these categories.

The labels of liberal and conservative tend to be closely associated with left and right. But what about green? There are people who identify themselves as green across the world. Lately, every time there is an election, the numbers of green candidates and green voters are reported. So you are a green, are you? That must mean you are a vegan, or at the very least a vegetarian. How many times have you chained yourself to a tree? Have you descended upon an unsuspecting farmer or rancher with signs of protest? You must be willing to destroy the entire economy to further your ecowarrior agenda. Don’t you realize how many people will be out of work if you get into office? How can we possibly have a chance at prosperity if your kind get elected? Those are the convenient labels attached to greens.

Finally we come to the label of snowflake. It is relatively new compared to the others but is gaining popularity. A snowflake is a shallow, closed minded person who is offended by all the rational things you have to say. It is a wonderful label that everyone can use; everyone who reacts negatively to your well reasoned and completely correct argument must be a snowflake.

How accurate are these labels? When someone disagrees with us, we find comfort in using the negative connotations of their label to make us feel better about ourselves. Now we don’t have to get to know them as a human being. We don’t have to take into account their experiences, their beliefs, and their world view. We can dismiss them without learning anything. This has to stop.

Should party with most seats get first crack at forming government? Here’s how minorities work 19/10/2019

The role of a Green MP in a minority government can be pivotal, and Greens aren’t whipped by the party so we can have significant say on behalf of local constituencies.

Should party with most seats get first crack at forming government? Here’s how minorities work Tories say the party with the most seats should get to try forming government — but that's not how things work.

Which party has the most effective carbon plan, and how will it affect the economy? 16/10/2019

An interesting read about the major party carbon policy platforms and projections.

Which party has the most effective carbon plan, and how will it affect the economy? Compare the effectiveness of five carbon plans from the competing parties in the federal election, and find out how they will affect the economy.


We are the only party that has put forward a plan to deal with the Climate Emergency and provide for a just transition of oil workers to a clean, green economy. - Team Rob.

We have the only climate plan driven by science, not by politics.

We have to justly transition workers to be leaders in the green economy *now*, or it will be too late. You can trust that Green MPs in Parliament will put their foot down on climate and workers' rights. Pass it on.

Advance polls open 13/10/2019

Early polling stations are open.

Advance polls open Voters can cast their advance ballot until Monday at 9 p.m.

Why Albertans should stop voting Conservative - 12/10/2019

Why Albertans should stop voting Conservative - Max Fawcett: If Albertans want the rest of Canada to take their issues more seriously, they’ll have to do something even more radical than pushing for separation—stop voting Conservative

Green Party commits to more funding for mental health 10/10/2019

Today is Mental Health Day. The Green Party aligns with my values in providing more funding and support for mental health care. Know you are important and look out for those suffering.

Green Party commits to more funding for mental health FREDERICTON, NB – Green Party Leader Elizabeth May today called for new and stronger support for mental health care in Canada. The party’s 2019 platform includes a progressive funding regime and a focus on new aspects of mental illness related to climate change. It will also create a new nationa...


With time running short before election day, please remember to keep your discussions civil. Making false accusations and name calling have no place in Canadian society--whether there is an election campaign going on or not.


The message I am trying to get out during the campaign.


Voting on campus has begun. You have the power to make change now!

Psst! Grab your ID (all you need) and go make history. Pass it on!

(Anyone can vote on campuses - locations below.)


If you’d like a lawn sign send us a message. We will also arrange to come pick them up for reuse in 4 years!


The first half of the campaign has been great, now for the second half...I guess I can sleep after the election.

I would like to send a special thank you to James Helix Design, Ray Pryma Photography, Kara Kara Little Photography, and Michael for all their help so far.

Winnipeg artist's large labour of love on way to Churchill — full of food | CBC News 04/10/2019

This inspiring care package leaves for Churchill today!

Winnipeg artist's large labour of love on way to Churchill — full of food | CBC News Internationally-acclaimed Winnipeg artist Kal Barteski wants the public's help filling a large — and beautiful — care package for Churchill, Manitoba.

Winnipeg artist's large labour of love on way to Churchill — full of food | CBC News 04/10/2019

This inspiring artist’s care package leaves for Churchill today!

Winnipeg artist's large labour of love on way to Churchill — full of food | CBC News Internationally-acclaimed Winnipeg artist Kal Barteski wants the public's help filling a large — and beautiful — care package for Churchill, Manitoba.


I will be sharing a few articles and ideas that matter to me so you can get to know me as your candidate. Little ideas from many industries add up!


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Environmentalists take N.S. government to court | Watch News Videos Online 26/09/2019

Citizens are just not going to sit back and watch things deteriorate any longer. Join us today at: - Team Rob.

Environmentalists take N.S. government to court | Watch News Videos Online Watch Environmentalists take N.S. government to court Video Online, on