T&E Almariego

T&E Almariego

Our mission is to inspire, motivate others.r


We are migrating to our new business page. Please follow us at www.facebook.com/tealmariegodigital
See you there!

Thelma & Edwin Almariego Digital Sharing our daily adventures with you!

Photos from T&E Almariego's post 06/02/2021

Don’t let the sunshine fool you! It’s bitterly cold outside!


Good morning and have a great weekend everyone!


A beautiful colour in the sky before the sun wakes up. Good morning and have a great day everyone!



Join us for our complimentary Webinar live tonight at 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST. Reserve your spot by registering at www.thelmariego.ca.

Have you come to the realization that your dream job has not lived up to what you thought it would be? Are you always daydreaming while on the job thinking that there has to be a better way to earn income and make ends meet? Or are you simply tired of the same boring work, waking up early, being gone away from home especially away from your family for most of the day? Then the answer is YES!

So accept our invitation on how you can work while on your vacation, have more family time and still earn income while spending time with you loved ones, or simply want to start a side hustle that can help supplement your current income.

We go live tonight at 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST. Visit www.thelmariego.ca to register your spot for our Webinar! See you there!


Photos from T&E Almariego's post 31/01/2021

Fresh blanket of snow!


Have a great and safe weekend!


Find out how we and many others have escaped the rat race. If you are stuck running and endless race and don’t know how you can cross the finish line, we’re here to help!

Join us and register your spot by visiting www.thelmariego.ca to find more information. We have a panel of experts to show you how you can be on your way to join the digital marketing world.

Join us live 8pm EST - 5pm PST in Canada and USA.
For times abroad:
-8am (Philippines)
-12pm (Fiji)
-11am (Solomon Islands)
-10am (Papua New Guinea)

We’ll see you later at our webinar!

We’ll see you tonight!



Family: our inspiration for success


Monday’s motivate me to do just about anything, even going for a walk in the dead of winter!

Photos from T&E Almariego's post 24/01/2021

Cold and snowy Sunday calls for some indoor fun!


Have a blissful Sunday!


Time for our workout!


Friends, we invited to join us tonight to come and see a world of opportunities for all the burning questions you have inside.

We all have dreams and wish for a better life but sometimes you feel they are out of reach. What if we said that can become more of a possibility and your dreams and goals were within reach?

For us, it all started with these webinars and online workshops. This is our open house to invite you, our friends to see the background of our online community.

So we ask you to register your spot at www.thelmariego.ca to help us show you how your “dreams” and “wants” can be achieved.

Join us live 8pm EST - 5pm PST in Canada and USA.
For times abroad:
-9am (Philippines)
-1pm (Fiji)
-12pm (Solomon Islands)
-11am (Papua New Guinea)

We’ll see you later at our webinar!



A beautiful morning for a wonderful day🔆


Happy Monday! Think positive,


All dressed up but no where to go! Stay home stay safe!


Join us live tonight for our complimentary webinar! We go live tonight!

There is a heightened insecurity because of this pandemic. People are losing jobs, workplaces are forced to cut down on employment, and people are forced to make tough, financial decisions. These are tough times. Not everyone is an essential worker. And for essential workers, it’s a scary time to be out working due to risk of Covid exposure.

What if we told you that you can work on your own terms when you want, wherever you want? All without the worry of going out into the world and risking yourself of all the craziness that’s going on? We are here to show you and provide information on how all this can be possible.

Please accept this invitation for our webinar where we have our guest speakers share their story and online journey on how they took the leap of faith and became online digital business owners. All we ask is an hour of your time and come hang out with us online and receive some great information.

If you recently lost your job or your financial income has been affected due to the pandemic, this is a perfect time to consider such a change in your life. We can discuss all the possibilities here in this Facebook post. But this will all be explained in our webinar tonight. So come join us!

Visit www.thelmariego.ca to register your spot for our webinar tonight. We go live tonight at 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST.

We’re excited to share our journey with you and can’t wait to see you tonight!


Good morning friends!


Me and my princess exercising!

Photos from T&E Almariego's post 03/01/2021

Snowy Sunday!


We’ve finally reached the end to the most unprecedented year in recent memory. 2020 has not been kind to many. Many were affected in many ways. There still remains an air of uncertainty on what the future holds.

Businesses have been lost, people are out jobs, corporations were forced to change everyday business. Many of these events were not in the control of upper management.

Why not include a change of direction in your new year’s resolution?
You can take control of your life by taking a look at the digital economy. Yes, you have a chance of owning your own digital online business, a market where the pandemic hasn’t had an effect on.

Join us and many thriving online entrepreneurs to see what we can show you and how you can get a start at taking ownership of a digital business. All we ask is you accept this invitation to see how this market can benefit you.

Visit www.thelmariego.ca to register your spot for our live complimentary webinar. Hosted by one of our team members where you can hear their story on how they were once in your shoes and how they’ve sought and found change for the better for their everyday living.

We go live tonight at 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 PST. We hope to see you tonight!



One last Good Morning greeting for 2020!
Stay safe!


A beautiful blanket of snow to start a new day!


Keeping kids busy with activities through the holidays!


Welcome to a new week! Last week of 2020!


Happy holidays from our family to yours! Stay safe!


Let’s face it, 2020 has not been a kind year to many. The pandemic took over right from the very beginning of the year. It started off in one country, and within a few weeks, it spread all across the globe. Everyone were forced to lock down into their homes, governments had no choice but to shutdown the economy, forcing businesses to cease. Everyone took a hit.

However, there is a market in the economy that was fortunate to continue running despite the chaos. That market would be the digital online business market. Entrepreneurs are thriving by working at home, especially during the pandemic.
And fortunately, there are opportunities for anyone to have a piece of the pie.

Yes, you too can own your own digital business and be part of what a thriving market of entrepreneurs.

Join us tonight at 8pm EST / 5pm PST for your invitation to see how you can be part of this. We have a complimentary webinar and online workshops all around the clock for you to see how you can grab this opportunity. See for yourself as our team members share their online journey and how they reach financial freedom and how you can picture yourself in their shoes.

Visit www.thelmariego.ca to register your spot for our live webinar this evening!

It would be a waste to pass up this opportunity, so please accept our invitation! We hope to see you there!



In the midst of another lockdown worldwide, many businesses are affecting by either altering their work force or shutting down their business completely. Employees are furloughed, force to work from home, or laid off indefinitely with a very grim future.

People off work are seeking government help financially, small businesses are seeking bailouts to stay afloat, and many corporations are changing business practices and restructuring or cutting down their work force. These are the sign of the times.

Fortunately, there are ways to supplement income. And the biggest resource is the internet. Yes, with powerful resource of the internet, you can leverage this resource to generate a source of income that can supplement your current income or even surpass it altogether.

You can work with piece of mind and schedule work on your own time and your own terms by owning your own digital online business.

We can supply the tools and knowledge to get started with your digital business.

Visit www.thelmariego.ca to register for our complimentary online workshop.

Join us for our live webinar tonight at 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST

We hope to meet you and be part of our community!


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