

Energy and healing work for living a full life


This. 🩵

Self-preservation is a basic instinct. It’s our instinct to stay alive, to stay safe, to stay fed. When your in “survival mode,” it consumes a lot of energy and often leads to exhaustion.

The signs of someone’s survival mode can resemble our perceived characteristics of a lazy person. The fight or flight response, or survival mode, is triggered by stress or trauma in your life, and you most likely are not lazy, you are just exhausted! It is necessary to clear the stress of the trauma held in our bodies, minds, and spirits and make small changes in our everyday lives to move out of survival mode.

After a time of living in survival mode, returning back to a healthy state of being can feel deeply confusing and unsettling. It takes time. Your nervous system needs a sincere break to calm down.

Your seemingly laziness is actually your body and mind asking you to slow down and find inner peace.

It’s okay to rest and to slowly find what it is you need to truly heal. Surrendering to your well needed rest -without feeling guilty- is the most vital gift you can give yourself when you’re healing from survival mode.🤍



If you listen closely
You will discover
Your body is not only a tool
It is a doorway

If you are humble enough to listen
She will teach you
She will crack open this world
And lead you into another

She will peel away a veil and show you
That what you thought was solid
Is porous

What you felt to be known
Is actually dancing in the ecstasy of unbecoming

That in your right thigh
Is a vast web of constellated stars

That portals into wisdom are hidden in the
Space between your vertebrae

That oceans of mystic poetry are
Painted on the walls of some mysterious dark cavern
In your belly

That your breath can meet the curve of spine
In just the right way
That it calls your lost Beloved into your heart

The body is a doorway
And written on the archway it says these words:

Slow down inside
Feel me

~ Maya Luna
Deep Feminine Mystery School

Art by Josephine Klerks


~ Rumi Oracle ~ Card Pulls ~

If you would like me to pull a card for you please comment below with your name. I will private message you with your card and any messages that come through.

All my love,
Keri Anne

Blackbird- Sarah McLachlan + Lyrics 11/01/2022

Black bird medicine for you today đź–¤

Blackbird- Sarah McLachlan + Lyrics Blackbird- Sarah McLachlan Post on facebook or whatever! lol ;)
