Teaching Yoga, yogafit, Pilates, fitness classes at Goodlife Fitness Gyms

Teaching Yoga, yogafit, Pilates, fitness classes at Goodlife Fitness Gyms

Helping you to get certified in fitness and wellness

Sharon Mann Inspiration Award and Scholarship - canfitpro 29/04/2024

Someone who has inspired me and the reason why I became a fitness instructor, was SHARON MANN, and canfitpro will be giving a Sharon Mann award once again this year. Maybe it is time for you to apply. Here is the link:

Sharon Mann Inspiration Award and Scholarship - canfitpro canfitpro celebrates the legacy of the late Sharon Mann by offering the Women Who Influence “Sharon Mann Inspiration Award and Scholarship.”

Take the chronotype quiz 27/04/2024

I just did a test to check my chronotype in sleeping habits, really interesting:

Take the chronotype quiz What is your chronotype? Find out with this quick quiz and learn how you can understand your biological programming and start getting better sleep.


I am sharing my legacy in the special edition of MAG at www.gerryvisca.com


canfitpro PRO TRAINER of the Year Awards: PRO TRAINER’S Choice 🏆💪

Congratulations Louise Vigneault 🎉🎉🎉

Louise Vigneault has been a part of the fitness industry since 1999. Louise is a licensed Master Trainer for East to West Yoga and Pilates Inc. and a Master Trainer for Barre Above, Tabata Bootcamp and Tabata GRX. She is a canfitpro PRO TRAINER for all certification courses.

She holds a certificate in Fitness and Nutrition Leadership Program from Humber College and many certifications in different disciplines as she strongly believes we should be balanced in mind body and soul. An expert in her field, Louise is an energetic teacher who rioritizes her students’” WHY”.


În 1918, când gripa spaniolă facea victime, Joseph Pilates a observat că niciunul dintre cei care s-au antrenat în formațiunea sa fizică nu a fost infectat.
Astăzi, nu am văzut nicio reclamă la tv sau în media despre mâncare sănătoasă, hrană și apă vie, schimbarea stilului de viață, gândire pozitivă, meditatie, mișcare(orice tip de activitate fizică) și stare de bine în general.

Se închid sălile de sport, suntem forțați să respirăm într-o mască, ne închid în case în media se vorbește doar despre boală și moarte...exact opusul a ceea ce un corp sănătos are nevoie ca să rămână sănătos și să trăiască în armonie.
Într-o eră a ipohondriei și a panicii absolute, soluția este autoeducarea minții pentru prevenirea bolilor și a bunăstării psiho-fizică.

(Anna Devi)


25% off to get certified for personal training and fitness instructor. ONLY until May 31st, Hurry up and register with .

New year, new workout plan 31/03/2021

New year, new workout plan 3-week cardio and strength training circuit


Part II: Pilates Mat Certification Course/PMI II
with Louyse on ZOOM

Date: January 16-17
Time: 12-6pm Saturday and Sunday

Location: ZOOM
Cost: $300 plus HST or $339

Email: [email protected]

Register go to website and click teacher training link on the home page and the course dates link in the drop down menu, then scroll to course, click register and follow instructions.

Prerequisite: previous 25 hour minumum of anatomy study or we recommend reading the book, 'Anatomy of Movement' by Blandine Calais-Germaine or any anatomy book will do, read about 25 hours prior to taking the course.

Manual and Certificate of Course Completion Included

Learn the advanced Pilates mat repertoire
Complete the written and practical exams
Gain a reputable Pilates Mat Certification

CANFIT CECs available by petition. OFC 12 cec's


May 12 to 14 from 1 till 4:30 pm ID code is 100988. DISCOUNT CODE IS: HWLCOACH.


TIME TO DO ONLINE COURSES WHILE WE ARE AT HOME. Trust me, this is what I am doing right now as they is no other place to go. 50% off for online course. DISCOUNT CODE: HWLCOACH www.canfitpro.com
Healthy Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach My next course is May 12 to 14 and course id is 100988


If you are eating for health, energy and hitting goals, keep reading!

Take 50% off our Healthy Eating & Weight Loss Coach Certification – use the code HWL1P50!

After taking this course, you can confidently help yourself, clients, family members and friends:
✓ Make better food choices more often
✓ Lose weight
✓ Lead healthier lives
& more!

Register now: http://bit.ly/canfitpro-hwl-fb


50% off. Meal plans for your client, time to register.


Here's another ONETV Presents Flex at the Plex Guest Instructor Spotlight! Healing Yoga - Deborah Devine and ONETV are thrilled to have top CanFitPro trainer and Good Life yoga instructor Louise E. Vigneault joining us at our Zoomerplex on Sunday, May 26 at 12:15PM to teach a fantastic, fit-for-all class.

Get more info and RSVP for the event here: www.onetv.ca/news/onetv-presents-flex-at-the-plex/

The first 100 Flex at the Plexers in the door will receive a swag bag from Organic Garage! Plus, you'll have chances to win some fantastic prizes all day from our friends at Walking On a Cloud, Ste. Anne's Spa, Healthy Life Cycle, Reitmans Hyba Activewear and Ayurveda Rituals Studio & Spa!

Louise is a respected teacher and wellness leader in the GTA, with decades of experience and a loyal following. She has earned countless certifications with top teachers across many styles of yoga and fitness.

Louise is in high demand for her yoga classes, group fitness instruction, and as a Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. (canfitpro) Trainer, because she makes fitness fun and accessible for all ages and levels. After a devastating car accident, Louise used the power of Yoga to help her successfully heal through all the life-threatening injuries she sustained.
More: https://canfitpro.com/2018/08/28/louise-vigneault/

Come join us! It's all a part of Doors Open Toronto 2019!

How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Children's Show 15/04/2019

How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Children's Show Avatar: The Last Airbender S02E19 - The Guru This video is not created/edited or monetized by me. I'm just sharing the video so that everyone here can take b...


In case you missed it! You can get free access to the Toronto Yoga Show show floor as well as the Yoga Garden when you register for a Free pass in advance online. Register here and we'll see you March 29 - 31: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/toronto-yoga-show-tickets-55118557088


Lowest prices of the year for conference classes are available right now. Have you browsed offerings in the conference guide yet? https://www.theyogaconference.com/toronto/guide/flipbook/index.html =1

Canada’s Food Guide – Canada’s Food Guide 23/01/2019

Well it is the new lifestyle - awesome

Canada’s Food Guide – Canada’s Food Guide Canada's Food Guide

Eating when you aren't working out | The GoodLife Fitness Blog 20/12/2018

Eating when you aren't working out | The GoodLife Fitness Blog How to adjust your diet to match your exercise level


Black Friday sale $50.00 off. Let me know if interested to get certified and will send to you all my 2019 courses.

Track your performance to avoid overtraining – Les Mills 21/10/2018

Track your performance to avoid overtraining – Les Mills Find out how you can use fitness trackers to help prevent the risk of overtraining and injury. Learn the overtraining warning signs here.

LES MILLS MINDFULNESS #04 Boxing Thoughts 13/09/2018

LES MILLS MINDFULNESS #04 Boxing Thoughts LES MILLS MINDFULNESS 04 Working with Thoughts: Boxing Thoughts 14 mins Written and spoken by Adam Lazarus

Class Theme: New Beginnings 03/09/2018

Class Theme: New Beginnings The following theme can be used either for your own personal practice, or for your group classes or one ones that you are teaching. Everything below is just a guide based on my thoughts and experie…