Purely Elemental

Purely Elemental

Energy healing, crystals, hand crafted natural soap, crystal jewlery, home grown smudge/tea/cooking herbs. Serving Leeds Grenville and surrounding areas

A homebased full service wellness boutique. Offering energetic realignment, Reiki, IET, Spiritual guidance, readings, workshops and the tools to support your self care and well being on all levels. I create handcrafted, divinely inspired selfcare products (that cleanse us physically and energetically) like goats milk soap, bath salts and body oils to order, and gently scented soy candles. An excel

Ritual Tools & Spirit Dolls | Purely Elemental 10/09/2024

Things may seem like they're going sideways, but I assure you, there's a plan.
I'm pretty sure you just need to adjust your perspective and maybe start using some physical tools to help you create momentum. Check this out 👇

Ritual Tools & Spirit Dolls | Purely Elemental


It's all a little intimidating at first. What herbs to use when, what resins for what, what diety or angel do I call on, what crystals should I use?! You're getting caught up in opinions and rules and overwhelmed with the thought of doing it wrong. I get it!

My Creating Space workshop is the opportunity to spend 3 hours with me to learn about all of that stuff 👆 and more like:

✨️creating energetic boundaries
✨️herbs, resins
✨️tuning in
✨️the good and scary
✨️ support
✨️symbols and protection

Book your spot today. Ghost busting and Vibe shifting doesn't have to be scary. I can help you gain confidence in your own ability to create space for yourself.



This week's availability!
My system won't let you book online to claim a spot for tomorrow, so please message me directly.


6 weeks to self mastery | Purely Elemental 09/09/2024

Once upon a time, I struggled to understand myself. I was lost in what I thought I had to be and struggled in that space for a really long time. I was a yes person. A people pleaser. I had no boundaries. I gave and gave and gave without receiving. I was taken advantage of and treated like a door mat. What I didn't realize was that I was lacking something, and I bet as I'm speaking here, you see it in yourself too. What was lacking was the ability to tune into myself and my intuition, I wasn't able to own my part until I was curious about myself and going deeper.

That's where I found my voice.
That's where I found my power.
That's when I stepped into who I am, instead of who I thought I should be. And you can too.

Sept 28th - Nov 2nd
Let's work towards self mastery in this new 6-week program. There are only 3 spots left! ✨️Using crystals, cards, meditation, and journal work. ✨️

* Self-awareness: tune into yourself
*Self discovery: being curious about yourself
*Self ownership: owning your s**t
*Self mastery: stepping into your power and purpose.

Every Saturday 10am-noon from September 28th to November 2nd. Sign up through the link to save your seat.

6 weeks to self mastery | Purely Elemental This is a 6 week in person series limited to 5 people. Beginning with a little shadow work and using alot of play, meditation, crystal work, cards, journaling, healing, colouring, bubbles, tea, snacks etc etc this workshop will lead you through self awareness, self discovery, self honesty, self owne...

The Deep Dive Ripple Effect | Purely Elemental Monthly Energy Update 09/09/2024

I'm sure you're wondering, "wtf is going on" and "why do I feel the way I do?"
I'm getting ready to pull cards for the week and do the energy update post in the Deep Dive Ripple Effect!
This monthly subscription offers you community, guidance, support, and understanding. With weekly energy updates and card pulls on how to navigate, along with the daily chats and check ins, this is a beautifully supportive place to be.

Click the link, purchase the subscription and join us in the Deep Dive. Let's create ripples together.

The Deep Dive Ripple Effect | Purely Elemental Monthly Energy Update In this monthly subscription, you have access to daily and weekly energy updates. I will help you to understand how to move through your emotions with

The Guess Who-No Time 09/09/2024

Quickly sharing the earworm that is screaming through my head right now. As someone who is clairaudient, songs, random tunes sometimes even the sound of singing bowls or chimes roll through.
Generally though, when a song with lyrics is this loud, there's a deeper meaning, hence why I'm sharing here.

The Guess Who-No Time From Greatest Hits

Soulful Sunday Centering Circle | Purely Elemental 09/09/2024

Are you feeling the need for community? Longing for belonging but not knowing where to go? Join us for Soulful Sunday. In this space, you'll feel seen, heard and supported. We share tea and snacks, and experiences, we meditate/visualize and use cards for guidance. I offer you the sense of stability and belonging that you've been looking for. 💖

Soulful Sunday Centering Circle | Purely Elemental This is an inperson event.Weekly for the month of September we will hold a Soulful Sunday Centering Circle, every Sunday from 10-1pm. (Yep we added another hour on there as requested)My aim is to help you to live in heart centered alignment, holding a higher vibrational frequency in your body so tha...


Hey!! I see new people here!
Welcome! Let me introduce myself. I'm Candice and
Purely Elemental is an eclectic blend of my passions for healing and creation.
My work here is solution based. We go deep to find core wounds and heal them so that you can step into your own light and start living your life On Path, On Purpose.

I offer Energetic Realignment, Transcendental Healing, Spiritual Guidance, Home/Land Clearings, Workshops and handcraft many of the tools you're likely to use on your path to self discovery. Like soap, bath salts, body oils and candles charged with energy healing. I carry crystals, create uplift your spirit dolls, light catchers, hand stitch journals and so much more.

Check out my website and maybe make an appointment for yourself. If you found this page, it means you're ready for the next step. Take my hand. I will walk with you.



And all the self love imbetween while you make these choices. 💖


Release the tension in your hips and bum. Roll your shoulders away from your ears.
Stretch your neck side to side close your eyes and feel into your body. Become self aware. Start paying attention to how things make you feel. The tension in your body is showing you that something needs to change... Are you listening?


Just sayin'...

Elevate & Align | Purely Elemental 07/09/2024

Saturday September 21st! Elevate and Align is back. Join us as we move through our experience of the ascension process. After sharing we finish with a meditation to anchor higher frequencies making it easier yo move with these energies and helping you to understand from an elevated perspective.

Elevate & Align | Purely Elemental Elevate & Align is a brand new workshop series that will teach you about transcending the incoming energies and your perceptions on how they affect you.Subject matter changes monthly as we work towards letting go of lower frequency things like: Fear based ideologies, anger at the world around yo...

6 weeks to self mastery | Purely Elemental 06/09/2024

Once upon a time, I struggled to understand myself. I was lost in what I thought I had to be and struggled in that space for a really long time. I was a yes person. A people pleaser. I had no boundaries. I gave and gave and gave without receiving. I was taken advantage of and treated like a door mat. What I didn't realize was that I was lacking something, and I bet as I'm speaking here, you see it in yourself too. What was lacking was the ability to tune into myself and my intuition, I wasn't able to own my part until I was curious about myself and going deeper.

That's where I found my voice.
That's where I found my power.
That's when I stepped into who I am, instead of who I thought I should be. And you can too.

Sept 28th - Nov 2nd
Let's work towards self mastery in this new 6-week program. There are only 4 spots left! ✨️Using crystals, cards, meditation, and journal work. ✨️

* Self-awareness: tune into yourself
*Self discovery: being curious about yourself
*Self ownership: owning your s**t
*Self mastery: stepping into your power and purpose

6 weeks to self mastery | Purely Elemental This is a 6 week in person series limited to 5 people. Beginning with a little shadow work and using alot of play, meditation, crystal work, cards, journaling, healing, colouring, bubbles, tea, snacks etc etc this workshop will lead you through self awareness, self discovery, self honesty, self owne...

Divination: into the depths | Purely Elemental 05/09/2024

Saturday Sept 14th from 10-1pm Let's delve a little deeper into the art of divination.

Divination: into the depths | Purely Elemental Cards, runes, sticks, and bones. For as long as there have been tools, there have been people who interpret them. Join me as we dive a little deeper into divination. If you've enjoyed the Intuitive Development workshop that I've held here, then you'll love this. Let's put your skills to work through...


Yep. This is why I teach self awareness and consistently encourage you to dive deeper. There is so much more going on, and these physical symptoms are showing you that it's time to start dealing with your underlying issues. No more bandaid solutions.
I offer you the tools and the expertise on how to start diving into the depths of the emotions and help you understand the "why" behind the physical responses. Then we work together to heal from the inside out.

Reach out and book your session today. I'm just a click away.


On Path, On Purpose Program | Purely Elemental 05/09/2024

I am deeply passionate about helping people reach their highest potential.

The On Path On Purpose Program offers the opportunity for deep healing and mentorship.
I support others from all walks of life and all chosen paths. There truly is no wrong direction, there's just a huge shift happening for each and every one of us, and it's encouraging you to step into your light, which can be scary. You learn to find comfort in the discomfort. The resistance that you're feeling right now, is normal when one doesn't know where to go or what the future holds. With the wake up, comes a shake-up, and huge life changes. They are inevitable pieces of a puzzle that you don't have the whole picture of for reference and that's why it's scary. No one knows what the future holds, but you can step into your power and live your best life while everything falls into place, perfectly, one piece at a time, without the need to control how the pieces fall.
How beautiful is the opportunity for joy in the unfolding. Work with me one on one for 5 weeks and youll learn to create touch points, shift those thoughts and beliefs, do the shadow work and create solid consistency in how you respond to life. You'll see the difference 😊

On Path, On Purpose Program | Purely Elemental ​This 5-week intensive program offers the opportunity and potential for expansive personal growth if you are willing to do the work.My goal is to empower you and help you to create the shift in your life that will bring you back to a space of self love, compassion and joy through finding root caus...


So watch your thoughts, challenge your beliefs and start shifting your vibe higher. 💖
You deserve it, and the universe will serve it (in Divine timing as always)


This is just a small list of benefits 💖 Try it, you might just be surprised.



It's true 💖 we end up with issues in our tissues.
Energy healing and acupressure can help! Message me for details.


Photos from Purely Elemental's post 03/09/2024

Aww look how tiny!!!
I've created little evil eye 🧿 protection charms with clasps so you can add them to the back of your necklaces, use as purse and wallet charms or attached to your keys. You can see the one I've attached one to the back of my chain. 🧿
$5 each.

I have red, yellow, black, white, light blue, green and dark blue.


*yawns* Morning, make sure you're drinking your water and getting electrolytes into you. As we pull more energy into our cells, you'll notice more thirst, and headaches. Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes, but you can also get those little flavored sachets to put in your water bottle. Eating hydrating foods like apples and cucumbers will also help. Rest when the body says rest and move with it. Your body knows what it needs. You just have to listen.

Creating Space | Purely Elemental 02/09/2024

Join me Saturday September 7th from 10-1pm for Creating Space 💕 a brand new workshop teaching you techniques and in depth understanding and empowerment to clear your home and create energetic boundaries.

Creating Space | Purely Elemental Welcome to a brand new workshop designed to teach you about creating space! ✨️ You'll learn about using herbs and resins, energetic imprints, using your gifts to feel into a space, how to clear energy from your home, and shifting your perception to a space of empowerment rather than fear of the ...


And what a beautiful shift it is.


Considering "alternative therapies"? Here's 4 great reasons why you should.

1. Better sleep
2. Navigation through heightened emotions
3. Reduction is stress levels and lowers blood pressure, creating a sense of calm and well-being
4. They are a beautiful compliment to your primary medical support.

My passion is root cause and realignment. I find the human body to be so very fascinating and yet so delicately fragile. My directive is to find the source of your pain (mental, emotional, physical or spiritual) and work with you to heal from the bottom up like any wound, so that you can finally move forward and start living your best life.

Find out more:


Well isn't that the truth. Life is so much easier to breathe into when you're in alignment with higher vibes and your heart center. Everything starts with the heart. 💖 Time to step off your horse named Ego and sit in a humble space of heart light and embodiment.


Rabbit Rabbit! 🐇


Calling yourself into alignment and staying there can be hard when the rest of the world is pulling you this way and that. Take the time to feel into things, really following your gut as you move forward and do things that light you up. ✨️ reignite that spark, lovelies.


Alright so here's some of the signs, but how do you get back into it?
*breath work
*Energy Healing

I can help 😌


A little lunch time mantra.
Say it with me...


Perspective: if you're just mindlessly scrolling looking for something interesting but not finding it, but you continue to scroll anyway, I have questions for you.

1. What are you avoiding?
2. What if you're scrolling looking for content that isn't there because you're not content within yourself?
3. If you're using it to disassociate from the woes of the world, look at the pages that you follow. Are they lighting your spark or are they making you feel worse?

I ask because I've noticed that I personally don't follow the same people/pages anymore and even some of the spiritual pages don't resonate anymore either. I'm looking for things that are in alignment with my vibe and I'm not finding them. This is a huge clue to get off the "socials" (cause just scrolling instead of interacting is actually being anti-social, just saying) and do something else. If you need to veg your mind, great, listen to a podcast or maybe colour. If you're looking to create sparks, read, or create. Cause truthfully, the satisfaction of whatever need that isn't being filled right now is not going to be found on Insta or Facebook.
If you need book recommendations, I have a slew. (Or YouTube videos for that matter on meditation, shifting mind sets, shadow work, etc) you just have to reach out. 😘

Videos (show all)

NEW 6 week workshop drop!!!! Sign up here!https://www.purelyelemental.com/product-page/6-weeks-to-self-mastery
So much gratitude to those who popped in today! PLUS exciting news... Xox big ❤️ love
Tomorrow!! Use the Google maps to find purely elemental and swing in for a meet and greet, super casual open house. I wo...
Anchor. Stability.Focus.Present moment. You don't have to do all of it right now. Just one small thing at a time. Simpli...
Divinely guided and protected. Just a little smudge to help clear your feed
Better check yourself before you wreck yourself ;)
Hand crafted in small batches, my soy candles are made for small places like bathrooms and bedrooms. Not over scented, j...
😆 The fresh, amazing feeling you get after a session. Reach out to book today. It's time to start standing in your light...
What a beautiful day! Wanna pop in to shop? I have availability today, shoot me a message
Yes? No? Maybe so? Pendulums are beautiful tools that help answer basic yes or no questions. $25 each and come with a fr...
All set up for Transcendental Healing today! Anchoring in those 5D/Solstice and Full Moon vibes. 😍#lemurianseed#orgonite...
LOL I couldn't help it. She was so interested in what I was doing I said to myself, "Self, let's let her choose some car...
