Pathways Alliance

Pathways Alliance

A collaboration between Canada’s six largest oil sands producers to reduce CO2 emissions to net zero.

Pathways Alliance: Our Vision 10/01/2024

Pathways Alliance is pursuing many paths to reduce emissions. Learn more about our plan to reach our goal of net zero emissions from operations.

Pathways Alliance: Our Vision Canada’s six largest oil sands companies are working together to address the climate challenge. We’re pursuing many paths to reduce emissions, including our ...


Did you know that oil sands producers have planted over 25 million trees since 2009? Our members are also using innovative approaches to land reclamation and restoration on their operation sites.

Find out what it takes for a new forest to grow:


Thank you to Arlene Strom for her tremendous body of work supporting responsible development of Canada’s energy resources.


Monitoring 120 sites in Northern Alberta, Prof. Ciborowski aims to define conditions to determine just what makes a healthy wetland. Learn more about the approach that could transform restoration practices nationwide.


ICYMI: Pathways Alliance and our members made our global presence known in 2023, working on solutions to reduce emissions while ensuring responsibly produced energy continues to meet demand. Our year in review is available here:


Seasons greetings from all of us at Pathways Alliance.

How Does Carbon Capture and Storage Work? 21/12/2023

Throughout December, we are taking another look at our top content from 2023. Including this video:

CCS is a proven process that captures carbon dioxide, CO2, from industrial facilities before it is released into the atmosphere and stores it deep underground.

Learn more about the three-step process: capture, transport and storage.

How Does Carbon Capture and Storage Work? Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a proven, reliable process that helps capture carbon dioxide (CO₂) created by industrial activities before it is released...


For December, we're revisiting our top stories from the year, and this story is worth a second look.

Canada's oil sands industry is making significant efforts to reduce environmental impact and support biodiversity. From wildlife monitoring programs to wetland restoration, we're focused on preserving biodiversity of plants and animals.

How Do We Know Carbon Capture and Storage Is Safe? 19/12/2023

Throughout December, we are looking back at some of our top stories from the year, including this video:

Once it’s captured, how is carbon dioxide stored permanently? Storage locations in Canada are carefully chosen for geological properties. Located in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, Alberta has the ideal geology for the stable, permanent storage of captured CO2.

How Do We Know Carbon Capture and Storage Is Safe? Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key part of the Pathways Alliance plan to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from Canada’s oil sands operations to n...


We are taking a look back at 2023 with some of our top stories, such as this one:

Pathways Alliance is making progress in our engineering and field work to prepare for a regulatory application for our proposed carbon capture and storage project. Wood, a worldwide engineering and consulting firm, has been granted a $10-million contract to develop detailed plans for a 400-kilometre CO2 transportation pipeline that would connect over 20 oil sands facilities to a permanent carbon storage hub in Cold Lake, Alberta.

Pathways Alliance blazed a trail in 2023 to help address the global energy trilemma 18/12/2023

Pathways Alliance and our members made our global presence known in 2023, working on solutions to reduce emissions while ensuring responsibly produced energy continues to meet demand. Our year in review is available here:

Pathways Alliance blazed a trail in 2023 to help address the global energy trilemma Oil sands industry was at the heart of discussions to reduce emissions while ensuring secure and affordable energy continues to meet ongoing demand.


In the month of December, we are reflecting on the standout stories from the year gone by, including this story about how the industry is focused on the safety of its proposed CCS network:

Alberta is a world-class setting for because it has the right kind of geology for the safe, permanent storage of captured CO2. This includes multiple reservoirs and hundreds of meters of caprock.

The rock formations that have securely stored oil and gas for millions of years can also safely store CO2 permanently. These multiple overlying layers of impermeable rock formations act as natural seals.


During December, we're unwrapping our top stories from the year:

We shared our decarbonization plan at in Houston. It's a bold and realistic plan to reach our goal of net zero operational emissions by 2050.

Global Stocktake Agreement at COP28 13/12/2023

Pathways Alliance responds to the COP28 Global Stocktake agreement. See our full statement:

Global Stocktake Agreement at COP28 "The final Global Stocktake agreed to at COP28 is ambitious and will require thoughtful approaches, practical compromises and significant investment from industries and governments to advance the multiple technologies needed to meet net zero goals. See our full statement below.

Treating Tailings 13/12/2023

This December, we're recapping our top stories from the year. Here's one of the highlights.

Canada's oil sands industry is making strides to reduce its environmental impact, with significant efforts to lessen the effects on air, water, land, and biodiversity in Alberta's boreal forest.

The industry's goal is to become a global leader in environmental management. An excellent example of this is the ongoing work by Pathways Alliance member companies, which involves treating tailings.

Treating Tailings Efforts by Canada’s oil sands industry to lessen its environmental footprint have resulted in globally significant work to reduce impacts to air, water and land and support biodiversity in Alberta’s boreal forest. The industry aspires to be a world leader in environmental management. Here’s on...


DYK: Reindeer and Caribou are two names for the same species. And while Canada’s Woodland Caribou hasn’t been observed to fly, they gallop fast, clocking 80 km an hour.

Restoring Caribou Habitat 08/12/2023

Who pulls Santa’s sleigh? The answer is an all-female reindeer fleet. Yes, Dasher, Dancer and the rest, even Rudolph, are female caribou. How do we know? Only female caribou keep their antlers through winter; male caribou shed theirs at the end of the mating season, well before December.

Restoring Caribou Habitat Efforts by Canada’s oil sands industry to lessen its environmental footprint have resulted in globally significant work to reduce impacts to air, water and land and support biodiversity in Alberta’s boreal forest. The industry aspires to be a world leader in environmental management. Here’s on...


Pathways Alliance president Kendall Dilling is sharing our plan to achieve net-zero emissions from operations by 2050 at in Dubai this week. Radio-Canada took a some time to hear his perspective while covering the climate change conference.


As December unfolds, we're reflecting on our top stories in 2023, including this piece:

Canada is the most preferred source of oil in the world, according to a recent global study from Ipsos. Democratic values and focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions help drive a positive international view. Learn more:


Pathways Alliance responds to release of federal Oil and Gas Emissions Cap Framework. See our statement:


Pathways Alliance and our members are in Dubai for COP28, joining thousands from across the globe to engage in discussions on addressing climate change and our role in helping to find solutions.

Pathways Alliance holds community information sessions on proposed carbon capture network 06/12/2023

Thank you to the more than 200 residents in three northeastern Alberta communities who came to speak directly to experts about the Pathways Alliance carbon capture and storage (CCS) network proposed in the region.

The community information sessions in Cold Lake, St. Paul and Glendon were the first of many to provide information, collect feedback from interested community members. Learn more:

Pathways Alliance holds community information sessions on proposed carbon capture network Pathways Alliance holds community information sessions on proposed carbon capture network Public sessions in Cold Lake, St. Paul and Glendon first of many to provide information, collect feedback from interested community members  More than 200 residents in three northeastern Alberta communities to...

How CCS Works 04/12/2023

How CCS Works

Canadian oil and gas execs look to talk up emissions reduction plans at COP28 summit | CityNews Ottawa 01/12/2023

“We’re going there in a very constructive way to say, ‘We’re here, we’re a big source of emissions and we’re going to be a big part of the solution,'” Pathways Alliance President Kendall Dilling on Alberta oil sands presence at COP28.

Canadian oil and gas execs look to talk up emissions reduction plans at COP28 summit | CityNews Ottawa CALGARY — Executives and senior leaders from Canada’s oil and gas sector are heading to Dubai for the upcoming United Nations COP28 climate talks, eager to tell the world they are doing what they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The fossil fuel industry will have a position of prominence ...

“We are the ones who have to deliver” 30/11/2023

Pathways Alliance delegation to COP28 UAE will work constructively, collaboratively to find solutions to climate, energy security challenges.

“We are the ones who have to deliver” “We are the ones who have to deliver”  Pathways Alliance President says industry must be central to finding solutions at global climate change conference in Dubai    A Pathways Alliance delegation to COP28 will share significant strides it is taking to push forward one of Canada’s most amb...

Biodiversity in action in Canada’s oil sands 28/11/2023

Canada's oil sands industry leads in environmental responsibility, focusing on significant reclamation efforts in Alberta's boreal forest. Committed to global leadership, the industry strives to restore and preserve biodiversity through our initiatives.

Biodiversity in action in Canada’s oil sands Efforts by Canada’s oil sands industry to lessen its environmental footprint have resulted in globally significant reclamation and restoration work to support biodiversity in Alberta’s boreal forest. The industry aspires to be world leaders in land management, restoring the land and preserving b...

Kendall Dilling, President of the Pathways Alliance, issued the following statement in response to the Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program 28/11/2023

Pathways Alliance responds to the Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program. See our statement:

Kendall Dilling, President of the Pathways Alliance, issued the following statement in response to the Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program Pathways Alliance issues statement in response to the Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program

Pathways Alliance advances key oil sands CO2 emissions reduction activities 27/11/2023

Significant engineering, subsurface evaluation and environmental field work has been completed on Pathways Alliance’s proposed carbon capture project in preparation for imminent regulatory applications. Learn more.

Pathways Alliance advances key oil sands CO2 emissions reduction activities Pathways Alliance is making strides on multiple simultaneous projects.

Pathways Alliance advances key oil sands CO2 emissions reduction activities 27/11/2023

Pathways Alliance makes significant strides on multiple oil sands CO2 emissions reduction projects, essential in helping Canada progress its net-zero goals. Read more:

Pathways Alliance advances key oil sands CO2 emissions reduction activities Pathways Alliance is making strides on multiple simultaneous projects.


Videos (show all)

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
"It’s extremely important for us to partner with industry, as we want to ensure that the technologies that we provide ar...
“Research partnerships like that between NAIT and COSIA/Pathways are important because they allow us to test technologie...
“We believe membrane technology, specifically high-temperature membrane filtration, offers some advantages over incumben...
Pathways Alliance members are pursuing many different technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce emiss...
From Mars to McMurray, the Canadian oil sands industry is testing the outer limits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. b...
Tracy Wilson-Long from Exergy Solutions Inc., which provides advanced design solutions, chats how her team will partner ...
Out-of-this-world technology could help oil sands
Land reclamation includes things like contouring the ground to encourage vegetation growth and replacing soil and other ...
Today is the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. A day to honour the survivors of residential schools, their famil...
We’re working collaboratively to help Canada meet its climate goals and deliver the world’s preferred barrel of responsi...
Who’s getting excited for the Energy Disruptors 2022 summit? We know we are! We hope we'll see you there.#EDU2022