The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt

The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt

Welcome to the Spirit Room! This a cozy virtual parlour where we can embrace everything metaphysical

Donnaleigh's Tarot & Lenormand 29/09/2023

Without peer. She's beautiful inside and out.

Donnaleigh's Tarot & Lenormand Welcome to Donnaleigh's Tarot & Lenormand!

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 28/06/2023

I never get to do this, but what the heck. Let's enjoy some layered FunDivining MESSAGES on a rainy day.

I have 3 piles, 2 cards with additional casting charms - and a word - in a tiny bowl that's underneath the top card.

Pick your pile by selecting a charm that's calling to you. Which casting charm feels like the one? If there are two that hold your gaze, read both messages. Why not?

Pile #1 - the dice which when rolled, stopped at WHO. It also has the WHAT side facing you. Hmmm...?

Pile #2 - the rubber ducky

Pls #3 - the beer stein

I'll be casting the remaining charms on a question card (created by Andrew Kyle McGregor ) and interpreting an answer with the charms and an oracle card from the Spirit Ju**ie deck (Gabrielle Bernstein, Micaela Ezra).
Let me know if you're team 1, 2 or 3 down below.
I'll do the readings then post the answers on my page here either tonight or tomorrow.




Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 02/04/2023

I've been working with a new way of casting lately, one that's given me some very layered and accurate divinations. It's also occurred to me that I have a considerable collection of charms that aren't doing anyone any good sitting in my cupboard.

So, I've decided to start offering a limited series of customized CASTING KITs for sale. Each kit will include:

1. Over fifty casting charms that will feature not only unique and higher grade charms, but also hand picked according to the kit's theme. So there are many answers to all questions.

2. A pretty cloth that can be used both as a white surface (my favourite) or the hearts and roses side (which also raises my spirits).

3. This kit that's ready to sally forth, is a DESKTOP DAILY KIT. It can be used for quick daily reads - but also, so much more. I wanted to pack these into small mason jars, but this is unwise for shipping purposes. All of the charms you see here, including that vintage ring, are part of this kit.

4. Instead of a casting mat with images, your positions that you'll be casting around or into are words. There is a good reason for this.

5. This will also include a fun, private instructional 60-90 minute Zoom, with me, where we'll share a cuppa (or a glass of wine - up to you) discuss your charms, some basics or insiders perspective on casting - and this new but easy-to grasp technique.

If you are interested, please message me; I'm not including a price here because I'll need to factor in shipping. But there are kits up on Etsy that are far more costly, and the charms are bog standard. So, there's that.

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 23/02/2023

Giving my charms a fragrant Kananga water bath before transferring them into a new tin. Of course this was the very last charm to jump ship. πŸ˜†

Gumbo Kitchen with Ronnie Littlejohn | JAZZ.FM91 18/02/2023

A few days shy of Fat Tuesday, savoring this show

Gumbo Kitchen with Ronnie Littlejohn | JAZZ.FM91 Tune in to the Gumbo Kitchen with Ronnie Littlejohn on Friday nights at 9 p.m. ET on JAZZ.FM91.

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 11/11/2022

There's a great need to find things in our house on almost a daily basis. So, time to get onto a good system for divining their whereabouts.

Introducing a fave Lenormand deck and my "Bermuda Triangle Square Spread.

Laying #1 in the middle first, then top row, left to right, #2, #3, #4; then, middle row, #5 and #6 flanking #1; #6 - #9 form the bottom row.

Question: Where the merry hell did Roger put his belt???!!!

1: (subject, object) - Lady
Was this the belt I gave him? (no!) Then, I will be integral in the process of finding it.

2: (lost, stolen or misplaced?) Ring. It's still with us. Not at the grocery store or being sold in a pawn shop.

3. (Where am I not?) Key. You, dear belt, are not, somewhere that's key - or main.

4. (How was I lost?) Birds. This card always shows up for someone's, stressed, rushed, unfocused state of mind when things go missing. Birds also tell me the loss is a short-lived annoyance.

5. (What can I do?) Crossroads. Look in another place. Go off your current course; there's a different path to this object - also retrace your steps. Roger looked downstairs, in the bedroom. It wasn't there. These are legitimate rooms and places in the MAIN part of our house.

6. (Where Am I) Clouds + clarifier, Ship. Not in the open. In shadows. I'll just say, I took ship to mean commerce.

7. (What aren't you seeing?) Moon. A light needs to be shined on the location. It's "under" the moonlight"

8. (What am I next to?) Lilies. Initially, I thought, it's next to something with a floral pattern. Then, Lilies also mean winter; something cold. Thanks to Lisa Young Sutton, I also remember refrigerator or freezer. this doesn't make sense - yet.

9. (Will you find me?) Stars. I take this to be a yes. It's also turned out to be another clue...

I went back to search his bag where he left the pants that were attached to the belt. I moved this bag out of a dark corner in our cold room - which isn't part of the main house as it was built as an addition. The belt was under his bag but fell underneath a shelf in complete shadow. It was in the room where he had emptied his pockets, money and valuables. About a foot from a portable fridge. He saw a glint (stars and moon), the belt buckle.

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 25/07/2022

Environment Canada alerts (again) and yet such intense beauty before the potential storm. While a coven of clouds gather in the back, an ever-darkening lavender looms out front.

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 20/06/2022

For someone who was frog-marched out of Girl Guides, I've done ok in the badge department πŸ˜†


A little wonky, lap divination: thanks to Johnny's legal team fiercely protecting his interests (and, um, the truth) his reputation will be restored! Positive changes ahead, Sir!

[just a qucik addition following the closing arguments. Interesting the way Lenormand speaks. Does this mean a victory? I don't see money cards, so I'd have to ask the question a different way; but the restoration of his career looks very positive.]

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 22/05/2022

A message for those who want to accomplish or just get on with something, but are stuck in some mind mud.

Validating that progress is so slow that we might as well call it a retreat - is the turtle. Changes want to happen. Positive evolution is waiting in the wings, but it's being thwarted by two key players. Ahem. You're central to your own story, wearing an emotional thorn of "I can'ts" or "I don't know hows." While you clearly haven't given up, your energy, it would seem, is being directed to another party who understands your triggers better than you. This situation, firstly, is a lesson that wants your full attention. What's the deeper imprint supporting this story? Take this third party, this irritant, the grain of sand in the oyster, out of the picture. Why is expending energy on something crazy-making easier than directing it towards your own goals and positive development? If you have the courage to look within, there's a spectacular discovery on your horizon that can help you move past this self-imposed speed bump. This third party is a blessing that's here to teach you why and how you can rely on yourself.

The Outgrow Yourself Tarot says, What do you secretly wish for? Is this a trick question? Are you comfortably shying away from progress? Or can you love yourself past these old stories? Choose wisely because the Spirit of the Lake "cause and effect" card, says the Universe is listening.

If limiting beliefs exist as undercurrents, "express" (I so love this card) reminds you that if you can sidestep ego and just work, create and trust from a soul level, baser energies like fear and doubt can't exist at this vibration. They live and thrive in the thorns.

Photos from Musselmans Lake Photography's post 17/05/2022

Front row seats courtesy of Roger Carlsen who braved a chilly balsam breeze and flying vampyres for this exposure.


Roger helps me on my Lenormand journey by asking me a lot of sports and what's in the (amazon) box-type questions. Sometimes this is fun. Sometimes, it's really nerve-racking.

The letter card flies out of the deck as I shuffle. I take this as the cards validating something mailed, something square. Thank you. I pull three cards. What's in the box? Birds. Fox. Bouquet. WTF? (This is always my first reaction. I find it both soothing and stirring, if not exactly professional.)

I ask, gazing at the it decorative? No, he says. Off to a rousing good start. I ask, gazing at the fox, Is it red? No, he says. Two for two. I ask if it makes noise? Well, he says, sort of. I ask if it's a ham and cheese sandwich, now completely flustered and somehow intuiting that I'm way out to lunch.

Now I beg him to just open the box which is something I usually
don't do. Nor do I pull extra cards, which is something I usually do. Today, I'm just a big harrumph.

Roger pulls out a yellow oil can. Really? How on earth was I supposed to get that? It's simple. Read the cards. I love them so very much: They were doing their very best to solve this mystery.

Birds - noisy, um...squeaky.

Fox - cunning, sly, oleaginous, um...oily

Bouquet - it was a more beautiful version of what an oil can normally looks like. Yellow, petite, not large and ghastly grey.

So if I'm ever asked to help solve a murder where the murder weapon is unknown, and I get these three cards, rest assured, I'll know the combination well.


🌳 Spring's friendlier temps welcome back the practice of the outdoor daily reading. (Just add coffee).

I've also been laying my the cards onto an all-natural spread cloth, which is lovely- and also contributes to yard clean-up πŸ˜†

Today's SOLO message:

If these two cards were reversed, the door, Threshold, and Wellness, the SOLO card of health and healing, the message would have said, you make a choice that aids in healing. But, the nuances are slightly different here.

There's a gentle urge in these cards that say, make your wellNESS a priority, no matter what. There's also the sly understanding that you might not do this because this presents as a choice requiring intention and activation. Your on the threshold. Good work. But you ain't there yet! Will you put effort into finding and using the key that opens this door πŸšͺor will you tune out the needs of your body, mind and spirit because, as they say across the pond, "you can't be arsed?" πŸ˜† You'll have the opportunity to take care of you and to feel well or better today. Uppy, uppy little puppy! Take it - or make it!


What do you get when you combine the raw beauty of nature with a thermos and thirst for insight? You get a Great Divining Adventure.

We're so happy to launch our SPIRIT OF THE LAKE ORACLE in a NEW format with numinous titles. (Thank you, dear Carrie for your patience and savvy!)

This photographic oracle is tried and true. It's withstood the test of many seasons, and there's no need for a companion booklet.

It works so well for quick daily readings, or layered together with other divantory systems, cards, charms...clouds.

I literally put that SOLO$@ # on everything!!!

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].

May the Spirit of the Lake lead you to transcendent joy and beauty.

Much love, its people, Tina Hardt and Roger Carlsen.


Roger Carlsen is blessed with a gentle, grounded and powerful earth magick that makes his relationship with wildlife so special. It's not just this masterful photograph that inspires awe, but the connection he was able to make with this male cardinal. This is a glowing example of what's possible when you're in alignment with your soul's purpose.

Male Cardinal
Wed., Apr.27, 2022

Photos from The Spirit Room with Tina Hardt's post 26/04/2022

I have to say that this year, I've really managed to not only cull my collection of tarot and oracle decks, but to also add some new, super-charged, hard-working tools. This just arrived but well worth the wait: the Gentle Tarot. I just love the tin - and the sheet of stickers. Hats off to the ingenuity, creativity and obvious care of these Indie deck makers. The second deck, the Somnia Tarot doesn't come with stickers. Laudinum, maybe...


A just-because-bouquet from Roger. It's adorable, so creatively arranged and I take it everywhere I go. Pretty much... #9.Bouquet


So save your pollen πŸ˜†



Sometimes I'll squirrel things away, and wait for the perfect time, place or headspace to enjoy them. Then they'll call to me from their safe spots and I'll know it's showtime. Like this fabulous gift from Erika Robinson ❀ who's not only a brilliant writer, and Lenormand rockstar - but she also knits like a badass! For years I thought this was a pair of socks that I'd wear, one day, ideally, in bed, while reading, when I could fall back in love with non-fiction books. Well, I also recently began loving the cozy, eccentric comfort and feel of fingerless gloves while reading. And when I finally opened this little bag - oh the smile πŸ˜ƒ 😍 thank you Erika ❀ see bouquet card πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 🏡 🌼 πŸ’


And they both arrived from different locations on the same day. Heav-an!!!


I couldn't find the right mini Lenormand deck, so I kinda MacGyvered one. I cut out the oval symbols of the black Silhouette deck so they now fit beautifully over the white Silhouette deck for Grand Tableaus with a clear house title on the bottom. And then, I messed up the card back designs so I just covered them all with washi. My hands and eyes hurt. And I'm sticky. What we do for our art...I asked them if they wanted glitter and I was shocked to learn there's a F@$$ You card!!


Firstly I apologize if you're getting this twice. I just don't think I have the same reach with this page.

My website, tina@tinahardt will be soon be closed for renovation which gives me some time to offer some MINI psychic-fair style readings.

Let's clear away some of that j***y, funky energy and put a spring back into your intentions.

* Maximum FIVE readings , $25.00 (at this juncture).I'll use tarot and oracle cards and a few casting charms, those tiny, shiny treasures!!!

* Email me ([email protected]) to say hi, and secure your place. I use PAYPAL and hope this works for you. If not, we can discuss.

I will do your GENERAL "WHERE Y'AT?" readings in an "orderly" (sounds so authoritative) first-come-first-serve fashion, then EMAIL you a written divination.

If you're looking for my usual full and layered, 60-120 minute interactive readings, and unable to book due to renovations, please let me know and we'll work it out.

Hope you're all well ❀, Tina


More important sometimes then the aesthetics of a deck - do we love the design, the card stock, the brightness or darkness, theme, tradition, the use of symbols and colour - is its "voice", for me at least. Each deck is unique. And like any other relationship, if your "Truths" (as Wald Amberstone explains) are "antagonistic", then there's gonna be trouble in the haunted hen house.

I always pull one card and ask the deck to introduce itself to me, and then I ask about our working relationship. 99% of the time, I get respectful, loving and inspired greetings. I've also had decks - a very few - talk smack, and in this instance, they get put away until I feel like clearing it or working through it's bad attitude. That's not coming near me or my clients! You can sit in the corner until you've got something useful and helpful to say.

This is a new deck (thank you Lisa Sutton-Young for the enabling)! The Halloween Lenormand by Kendra Hurteau and Katrina Hill. Loved it - all of it - from the start. I asked how my meeting would go with my website company. I'm irritated by my existing Divi Builder template. It's quirky and jerky and too difficult for a technotard like me to make any changes. I was willing to walk. Buh bye.

This Square of Nine was right on song. How wonderful when there's an instant connection with a new tool, and reader and deck are in love and attuned. Any dissonance that needs to be cleared or calmed is now purely on my end, and the work begins.

Nutshell: Sir Pumpkinhead wants to keep me as a loyal customer and is proposing a more user-friendly template (letter) for my website (house) that will provide joy and satisfaction and Web ZEN. I'll be communicating or liaising with both her and the esteemed Frankenstein, who provides a solution that will make my dark heart sing.

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