Have Enough

Have Enough

I'm on a mission to help others change their perspectives towards consumption.

Chances are that if you're browsing Facebook right now, you have enough to get by. I want you to be able to experience the freedom associated with the recognition of that.

There is Opportunity in Every Event (Positives from COVID-19) 06/04/2020

"I am still a strong believer that each day is what you make it. Even in lockdown, I do believe that there are opportunities to improve ourselves and strive for constant development. I’ll be the first to admit that the last couple of weeks have been anything but productive as I try to adjust to social distancing, but there are some things that I have learned from this for which I can be grateful. I’d like to touch on a few of them because I believe that some of my realizations can help others in this difficult time."

There is Opportunity in Every Event (Positives from COVID-19) If you’re anything like me, you live for the world around you. You like to get outside, see friends, talk to people, give hugs, shake hands, explore... You might even get a little stir crazy when you stay in the same cit...

Lifestyle Inflation 04/03/2020

"From a psychological standpoint, more is all we know. In the western world, at least, most people grow up watching their parents long for more. If they are in a tight financial situation, this shows up when parents look to earn more money. But even when people have more money than they could possibly spend, the longing for more shows up in the purchase of more things and fancier vacations to get away from the responsibility associated with those things. Makes sense, right?"

New post up! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Lifestyle Inflation In economics, there is a fairly well-known concept commonly referred to as lifestyle inflation. This is the idea that as an individual’s disposable income increases, so too do their expenses. In other words, when we make...

Productivity Series: Kicking a Phone Addiction 19/02/2020

I'm sorry for the delay since my last post! These last few days have been pretty busy so I have been playing catch-up. These are some tips I found helpful in doing so! As always, let me know what you think and if there is anything that you would add.

Productivity Series: Kicking a Phone Addiction It’s no secret that we are addicted to our phones. With average daily usage of younger populations being around 5 hours in some cases (yes, that’s more than 20% of your day), the average person checking their phone over ...

Financial Minimalism 08/02/2020

I didn’t start off as a minimalist for financial reasons. But now, looking back, it’s hard to understand why I wouldn’t have. Especially as a student, my income is limited. Very limited. And because I don’t want to have to spend decades paying off my student loans or ask my parents for money all the time, I try not to overspend.

Financial Minimalism I didn’t start off as a minimalist for financial reasons. But now, looking back, it’s hard to understand why I wouldn’t have. Especially as a student, my income is limited. Very limited. And because I don’t want to have ...

Debt: Snowball and Avalanche Methods 07/02/2020

As promised, here is a little introduction to two commonly used methods of chipping away at debt. Take a peek and let me know what you think. Consider sharing if you think that this can be useful to someone in your network!

Debt: Snowball and Avalanche Methods In my last post, I talked about how a key part of actually having freedom is being financially free. That is, having the proper resources available to you to not have to be concerned about your finances. In talking about...

Freedom 06/02/2020

"But when you take a step back and think about it, are we actually free? And no, I don’t mean this in a conspiracy theory sort of way in that big brother is watching our every move. I really want you to look at the definition above and ask yourself whether you are really free. In your current situation, do you have the power to say or do what you want without anyone stopping you? For far too many people, I’m afraid the answer is ‘no’. And I would say that a significant part of why we aren’t completely free is for financial and, in some cases, material reasons."

Freedom What is Freedom?

What I pack for a weekend trip 05/02/2020

"The biggest problem that most people have when packing is considering too many “what if” situations as though they wouldn’t be able to survive the situation if it came up. Obviously, you want to minimize risks for disaster — I wouldn’t advise you to leave your EpiPen at home, for example — but what qualifies as a disaster in our minds is most often actually a slight inconvenience at most, like when you have to wear the same jumper two days in a row because the weather forecast said it would be warmer than it actually was."

What I pack for a weekend trip My most recent blog post talks about experiencing the benefits of minimalism while on vacation, which has prompted some people to ask me how a minimalist might travel. The aim of this post is to answer that question, but...

You’ve been a minimalist before 04/02/2020

New post up! Here’s a taste:

“But I am going to suggest the idea that you’ve done this crazy minimalist thing before. Maybe you didn’t realize it because you didn’t feel as though you were deprived of anything, but that’s kind of the point. I’m also going to suggest that you enjoyed the minimalist lifestyle while you lived it, no matter how long that may have been.”

Hope you enjoy! Like and share if you feel that it can add value to others’ lives.

You’ve been a minimalist before And my bet is that you enjoyed it.

Cutting Costs #2 02/02/2020

“Over the last few years, I have developed a passion for coffee. But as I’m sure you know, coffee (or tea) can be an expensive addiction, especially if you appreciate a bold flavour that you can’t get with regular filter coffee. Fun fact: if you order filter coffee in Europe, they might look at you like you’re crazy.”

Check out the new post if it sounds like it could save you some money! Taking 5 minutes out of each day could save you nearly 2 thousand dollars each year.

Cutting Costs #2 I’m going to be straight up with you. In this post, I’m going to do something extremely rare, and suggest buying something. But trust me, it will be an investment. If you aren’t a coffee or tea drinker, however, this pur...

The Economics of Minimalism 28/01/2020

Let me propose to you the six basic principles of economics for a minimalist:
- People face tradeoffs
- The cost of something is what you give up to get it
- Rational people value time
- People have the choice to respond to incentives
- Community can make everyone better off
- The standard of living depends on a person’s perspective

New post up! Feel free to share, and let me know what you think!

The Economics of Minimalism Over the last couple of years, I have been working (hard?) on a degree in economics at UBC. People quite often approach me and say “Hey, my daughter studies business too!”, to which I give my somewhat long and boring rep...

The New Way of Doing Things 27/01/2020

"But what if we can make these advancements without having that downside, or at least while minimizing it? It may seem like a crazy concept, but I believe that it is possible. And I believe that the adoption of minimalism in mainstream culture is essential to achieving that goal."

Brand new post up on the blog! This one was fun to write! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Share if you find value!😁

The New Way of Doing Things Welcome to the future.


Was thrilled to launch the new website this weekend! Follow this page if you think it can add some value to your busy life 🙂
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