Terry Lynn Hills

Terry Lynn Hills

As a experienced RMT, I provide a personally designed treatment & plan to meet your needs & goals. Hello and welcome! Facia has it's own nervous system.

My name is Terry Lynn Hills,
I am a Registered Massage Therapist and a member of Certified Registered Massage Therapist Association. This means your treatments are covered by most insurance companies. I started my career providing care doing geriatric and general massage, and still provide special geriatric massage care today. Over the years, I've expanded my knowledge and skills to advance as a


SCAR RELEASE, why is it important . Did you know that scars, no matter how big or small, how new or old can alter a person's emotional state, making a person more vulnerable to sadness and anxiety. Scars control chronic pain. A tiny skin nerve can be injured or compressed by scar tissue, which leads to the frequent ailment known as scar pain.
Scars control our emotions and activates stress throughout our body.

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Frequently people come to see me with challenging or chronic issues, after attempting other therapies that concentrate solely on one aspect of the issue. Unfortunately, this narrow focus often leads to unresolved problems or short-lived results. My approach differs, I view the body as a complex, interconnected system. In my sessions, I integrate various modalities and disciplines. This approach increases the chances of effectively addressing the root cause of the issue or at very least, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of it's origins.

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Fascia has an energy storage/return function integral to elastic recoil in the body. Different animals have various levels of efficiency in the energy return capacity of their fascia. Human fascia has a return capacity of 97%, the same as gazelles and kangaroos. The sloth's for instance, is much much lower. This elastic return is key to efficient movement. If you've ever watched a runner who appeared to move effortlessly and seemed very light on their feet, you were watching elastic return in action. The more of that elastic fascial recoil you harness, the less concentric effort is required in your movements. You'll actually exert less energy.


Denial is a very common reason for people to NOT seek treatment for their bodily problems. Seeking treatment requires acknowledging certain uncomfortable truths...

- You aren't invincible
- Some problems require you to take an active role in your healing
- Not every problem will simply go away if you wait long enough
- Some problems require help beyond what you can do for yourself
- If you seek treatment, it's possible you may be told something you don't want to hear


Hi everyone. I just want to let you know that my online booking through Noterro is not working properly and I am switching back today to Janeapp. I so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. I was unaware of what was happening as it all looked good from my side.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Terry Lynn Hills

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Generally speaking, corrections made using force won't hold as well as those using finesse. Forceful corrections/manipulations don't require the body's permission or cooperation.


Hills Therapeutic Soft Tissue Clinic, Blairmore.

Pain is the body's final way of getting our attention and telling us something is wrong, just before things start going really wrong.


Just because your pain stems from a permanent injury or condition, doesn't necessarily mean your PAIN need be permanent too. Pain is often an INDIRECT result of the original problem, actually stemming from a connected issue. In such cases, there may be intermediate aspects of the pattern that CAN be fixed, reducing or eliminating pain in spite of the original problem still being there.


We've all heard of pinched nerves. Have you heard of a "pulled' nerve? When the fascia around a nerve adheres to neighboring structures, this generates tension through the nerve during movement -- nerves being inelastic. This has the same effect as pinching the nerve in that it chokes off blood supply to the nerve itself creating pain and dysfunction. This phenomenon is often referred to as traction neurodesis. It happens to be a major focus of my work.


When it comes to musculoskeletal problems, medical diagnoses are often big fat guesses, especially given that little to no physical examination is typically done before issuing a diagnosis.

I had a client once with painful toe joints. They'd been like this for decades and had been told it was arthritis. I examined the toes and it definitely didn't feel like arthritis. What I could see was that multiple metatarsal heads were dropped. This often happens when there's imbalance between the flexors and extensors. I tested the flexors and they tested very inhibited. Something was keeping them from firing normally. I went to one of my go to spots for this -- an adhesion between the toe extensors and the extensor retinacula. I freed that up and the toe flexors turned right on and fired normally. The client got up and walked around and their foot felt better for the first time in 30-40 years.


Benign proxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo, especially in those over 65. This occurs when crystals (called otoconia), normally located in one part of the vestibular system of your inner ear (the utricle), become dislodged and collect in another one of the semi-circular canals. There are several movement-based remedies for this. My favorite is the Epley maneuver. It can be done solo, but works ever better if you have a helper. I suggest starting with the Dix-Hallpike maneuver first to determine which direction to do the head rotations. It's a diagnostic for BPPV in general, but can also tell you WHICH side is causing the problem. To do the Dix-Hallpike, it's the same as the first step of the Epley maneuver shown in the video below. Do it first with the head turned to one side. If this doesn't produce any of the symptoms described in the video, try it again turning to the other side. Whichever side produces symptoms is your problem side and that should be your start position for the Epley. Here's a how-to: https://rfr.bz/f9udqtb


Thank you to community future Crowsnest for the snack, chats and snap night. It was sp much fun meeting the other women in business. I look forward to the next event and rconnecting with those I met last night.


Many of my cleints have felt that "swoosh" and had their energy levels go up after facial work. They have also felt the same thing when I work along meridian line.

A recent hypothesis regarding the body's meridian system is that these meridians' energy travels along fascial pathways. Fascial restrictions can also result in restricted flow of energy. Often in clinic, after large fascial releases, clients report a "whoosh" sensation of energy suddenly flowing through the area and farther down stream (especially in the limbs). It feels different than a change in circulation and there's no commensurate change to distal pulses.


Microcurrent Concussion Therapy.
MPS Concussion Brain Therapy (CRT) is the 1st scientifacally proven therapy to heal the brain. Concussion Recovery Therapy is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the physical causes of STRESS controlling TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury) and PCS ( Post Concussion Symptoms) symptomatology.


Now Offering:
Vagus nerve Stimulation: What is it? Why is it important? The vagus nerve is a super highway of communication between your brain and your body. It's the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves. It helps regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and swallowing. It influences your stress responce, inflammation and pain preception by releasing neurotransmitters like acetycholine and serotonin. This is a 15 minute, non-invasive treatment.
Fascial Release:
Fascial is a specialized connective system that surrounds all cells,nerves,joints,tendons,ligaments in our body. When fascia is healthy, its slippery & smooth, but when it's not, it gets thicker, stickier,drier and tighter. It can cause a lot of pain. Tightness in your shoulder, the fascia can pull into your back,hip or down your leg. Releasing even a small area of restricted fascia can help and support other areas of the body in profound ways, This could be the missing piece in your healing and recovery.

Microcurrent Point Stimulation :NeuroStim
Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) has been scientifically proven as a viable treatment for Stress De-activation, Scar Release, Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Long haul Covid symptoms.
Scars can cause issues throughout the body. Using the MPS to each side of the visable scar, MPS therapy "repolarizes" the local tissue, releasing fascia and muscles influenced by the scar.


One of the most common reasons for limited dorsiflexion is an anterior position of the talus. This creates a jamming effect during dorsiflexion. To check if yours is stuck anteriorly, PASSIVELY dorsiflex your ankle (eg using your hand to pull the ankle into dorsiflexion). If the talus is stuck, the tibialis anterior tendon will pop up so you can see it. It will be a single tendon standing out among the rest laying flat.


I love the Body Mechanic,Inc. I learn and my clients learn.

The intervertebral discs of your spine lack a defined blood supply. They get their nutrition through what's called inbibition -- this is the movement of nutrients and fluids into your cells and body parts in the absence of a defined blood supply. Inbibition requires adequate movement. Disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, and nerve pain are all common symptoms of inadequate inbibition. Movement is life.


This is great!!

There exists, way in the back of your hard palate, a small but consequential little muscle known as the tensor veli palatini. Among it's jobs is opening the eustachian tube. I have found release of this muscle to be wonderfully effective in dealing with all sorts of middle and inner ear problems: ear infections, vertigo, pressure from congestion, hearing loss and more. I had a case once where a client came in with a severe ear infection. Releasing this muscle resulted in an audible hissing sound as the pressure equalized, relieving roughly 75% of her pain along with it. It's not the easiest thing in the world to get to, but it can be done, and you can even do it yourself. With your index finger, slide back on either side of the roof of your mouth (you have a tensor veli palatini on both sides) until you feel a little spiny prominence. Now slide from there a little bit towards the midline of the mouth. This will land you right on the muscle. Massage it with your finger tip as needed. Try it!


My clients who work out, have come to me complaining about knee pain. I tell them this very thing, place your toes out to where its comfortable, pain goes away. Old school technique has toes pointing straight.

During leg exercises, don't force your does to point straight forward. If that isn't where your toes want to be, it will just force your knees to make up the difference. Typically, that means the knees buckling in. If you force them not to, you end up with torque at the knee that can easily damage the meniscus.


I love this!!

Diastasis recti is a widening of the gap between the abdominals at the midline. This typically happens due to the stretching that occurs with pregnancy, but it can occur for other reasons and can happen to men as well. If often resolves on its own, but not necessarily. It's defined as a widening of more than two centimeters, but can get much wider than that in some cases. It will often create a tenting or dome effect when you engage the abdominals in movement. To the extent that it is correctible, it is often best corrected using breath training and targeted exercises. Here are some exercises to get you started. https://rfr.bz/f8ykcvq


Clients tell me they just push through the pain. Things get worst. Please don't do this. Pain is the bodiy's way of telling you, you've gone to far.

Just because you CAN tolerate pain, that doesn’t mean you should. Pain can subconsciously change the way you move, leading to tissue stress elsewhere and potentially additional injury.


Our feet are the foundation of our house.

The feet and ankles form a complex system which consists of 56 bones, 66 joints, 224 ligaments, controlled by 26 extrinsic and 42 intrinsic muscles. That’s more than a quarter of the bones in the entire body fitting in your shoes. Think they might be important? Are your feet getting the attention they deserve?


When the deep core muscles of the body aren't working properly, you'll see over-recruitment of the outer core, even in low-level activities. This is part of what's called a high-threshold strategy and it's often not a good one. Without the inner core doing its part, you lose the intrinsic support and segmental spine stabilization you need. Breath training can go a long way to restoring proper functioning of the deep core.

Book Online at Hills Therapeutic Soft Tissue Clinic 09/01/2024

Hi everyone, it's now easier to book an appointment with me. Check out availablity by by going onto my on-line booking at : https://hillstherapeuticsofttissueclinic.janeapp.com COMING SOON: Watch for my webpage coming soon.

Book Online at Hills Therapeutic Soft Tissue Clinic Each of your therapy sessions are designed specifically for you and your goals. This means that in your session, you may require a combination of massage, fascial release,neuroFascial reset. Each session will differ from the last one. This is because your body is recallobrating and changing and so m...


Feel a sore throat or ear infection coming on? Maybe, maybe not. Upper cervical subluxations often create muscle spasms in the neck and throat that can mimic the sensations of an impending throat or ear issue.


This is so important to see what's happening with the body and what needs to be corrected.

The single leg stance test is a valuable diagnostic tool in my world. This assesses your ability to support your weight and balance on one leg -- key to walking and running, among other things. The standard SLS test just assesses how LONG you can hold the position eyes open and eyes closed. In the SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment, they additionally check for a loss of height, excessive effort, or loss of motor control during the test. I also like to check for pronation, supination, pelvic rotation and more. Correcting the patterns affecting the SLS can do wonders for the body and have far-reaching effects, especially on the knees, hips, and low back.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 16:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:00