Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley

PPC Candidate for Carleton. HVAC Technician. #VotePPC


Convoy driving by the Panmure exit right now!


I will be downtown at Parliament Hill this Saturday AND Sunday to show my support for the Freedom Truckers and to protest vaccine mandates and covid restrictions. This is our chance to stand up to our tyrannical government and make some changes. If you are sick of all these restrictions then this is the time to do something about it. We need everyone we can get to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear!

👉Saturday, January 29th @ 12:00pm - Truckers arrive at Parliament Hill
👉Saturday, January 29th @ 3:00pm - Confederation Park Rally (Maxime Bernier will be speaking)
👉Sunday, January 30th @ 11:00am - PPC March to Parliament Hill from Ogilvy Square (1 Nicholas Street)


Here are the highlights from my debate on Rogers TV. Thank you to Rick Boswick for making this video.

Check out the Conservative party's webpage ( where they say "spending to protect Canadians in the pandemic was the right thing to do, and Conservatives supported it" and then watch at 2:25 where Pierre Poilievre lies and says that I'm "factually wrong". The Conservatives did in fact support Covid spending while doing nothing to protect the rights of Canadians to go back to work and businesses to remain open. It is hypocritical to complain about inflation while being part of the problem. We could have put our efforts into protecting the vulnerable while letting our economy remain open.

Link to the full debate:


Great turnout at the event last night. Great vibes from a large crowd of freedom loving patriots. Our message is freedom!

Photos from Peter Crawley's post 07/09/2021

I will be at these events on September 8th and 9th to protest against the fascists that are excluding Maxime Bernier from the debates.


Amazing energy at the anti mandatory vaccine protest yesterday! Let’s stop this tyranny!


I just found out about this event and because of the importance of this issue I am dropping everything to head over there. Looking forward to seeing some PPC supporters out there!


This is your chance, Canada. Vote to restore your rights and freedoms.


It's official! 💥🥳💥 My nomination was confirmed by Elections Canada today. Save Canada! ! 🇨🇦


The woke left are the most racist, discriminatory bigots there are. Stop treating people differently based on their race, gender, and sexual orientation!

As happened two years ago, some media organizations are contacting us to get a list of our candidates who are women, POC, LGBTQ2S+, etc. Here’s the answer we give them 👇


We are the only party against lockdowns, Covid passports, and mandatory vaccination. If you value your rights and freedoms then you must


“So far we have not been presented with evidence of vaccine effectiveness to prevent transmission” - government of Canada

Yet our governments are moving forward with vaccine passports and continue to pressure us to take this experimental drug.


Couldn’t have said this any better. There’s no point in voting strategically this election. You’ll end up with a fascist leftist either way. Vote PPC for freedom and accountability.


Proud to be the PPC candidate for Carleton. Follow my page to support the fight for freedom and the fight against the corrupt and fascist Liberals.

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Convoy driving by the Panmure exit right now!