Dr. Chris Bryant & Staff

Dr. Chris Bryant & Staff

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Dr. Chris Bryant & Staff, Dentist & Dental Office, .


Hi everyone, a patient has lost their phone off the back of their truck as they were driving from our office to the Sooke Brewery today. It is a Samsung Galaxy phone in a case. If anyone has picked one up please let us know as there will be a $100 reward for its return!


- Thankful.... in the era of COVID -

On a daily basis, I smile and count my blessings for co-workers who guard me as much as I guard them and our patients.

My registered dental hygienists.....for changing in and out of those gowns and caps, and taking careful and cautious consideration of the road ahead. Without you, our patients wouldn't get the preventive oral health measures they need.

My certified dental assistants. Your education and training has readied you for the event of a century, and you are to be congratulated for the way that you have embraced the challenge. We have had to deal with emergencies like never before, but you have never failed our community.

My front office, who has kept the ball rolling....being dutiful of our obligation to inform and screen patients, our gatekeeper as we move forward. At the end of the day, you allow us to wipe our brows and have another smile as we look to tomorrow

My patients, who I thank for your confidence as we enter another season of this puzzle. Keep these words close...."We will care for you." Though it may require alteration, the path ahead will be one that we will look back upon and be proud of. Experience has taught me that care requires communication, and none our patients has ever suffered from a lack of ability to talk and laugh!

Join me in doubling down in awareness and thoughtfulness as our community - and province- resets our optics and commits to the public health measures necessary to keep our communities safe.

Bless you all.



-For the Good of the Public...-

How does this strike you? What if your healthcare providers were financially rewarded to drive your dental bill up…..?

If the thought of incentivizing clinical dental staff to push treatment offends you as much as it does me, then you should be made aware that this system of employee “rewards” – started in the USA with the growth of corporate run franchised dental offices – has come to Canada in recent years.

Call it what you want…”production quotas, B.A.M. numbers, bonus levels” being offered to assistants, hygienists and associate dentists….they have no place in the provision of evidence based healthcare, and should be prohibited by health regulatory colleges across Canada.


-Dr David Christie, A Beacon Among Colleagues-

What would you call someone who volunteered as many hours a day as they worked….someone who would help colleagues with their most difficult challenges for the price of a smile and knowing that a happier patient was the result? I would refer to that person using words like “unique, exemplary, stellar, and leader”. Dave was such a person, despite him blushing if you ever sang his praise.

My cherished interactions with Dave, or “Stop calling me Dr Christie!” he would say as he smiled and winked at me, was during my four years as Victoria and District Dental Society Scientific Co-ordinator. His keen interest to advance the level of education of Vancouver Island dentists would see him send me on missions to sign up a roster of clinical lecturers the likes of which no small dental society was ever able to put together before. As a young graduate I could ask him for advice on any topic, only to be treated with respect and support as we built our Continuing Education platform. He reminded me, constantly, to pay particular attention to the CE needs of our front office staff, Certified Dental Assistants and Hygienists, as their CE needs were equally important to foster.

Dr Christie’s recent passing leaves a hole in the province’s dental community that will take several people to fill. Rest assured, my life and my office’s operation has become better due to Dave’s influence. He should all aspire to have such a positive effect on our peers and community in general. To his family we all send our warmest thoughts in this most challenging time.


-The Sounds of Joy....an Opportunity To Watch and Learn -

One thing about having an office situated next to an elementary school is that we hear the joyous sounds of friendship and play through our open windows every September through June. This year the break has been a little longer, and we missed that as much as the kids did.

Judging by the sounds from the school grounds this week, it looks like teachers, school district staff and children are all taking their responsibilities to themselves and others very seriously – as they should. Good job Sooke Elementary! Let’s hope that the young adults at colleges and universities across our country can learn from your example.

For our parents, we know that this is a time of some trepidation, and having worked through a similar return to work at our office I will offer you all the full support of my staff should you need to talk things over. We are here for you and your family.


- A Precautionary Tale of Whoppers and Entitlement -

One thing is for sure in these Intra-COVID days is that Canadians are weary of marketing endeavours (read “hucksters”) proclaiming a COVID plan that “exceeds” guidelines. Whether it be “surgically pure air” or “routine care is perfectly safe”, dental patients are wise enough to be able to put in context their treatment needs with the prevailing community safety issues. To those wise patients of ours who have been so gracious and considerate as we have worked though the most recent phase of our office re-opening – a huge “THANK YOU” for your smarts and wisdom in protecting both yourself and my staff.

Alas, it would seem that our patients now face the challenge of some dental groups feeling that patients’ dental insurance premiums collected during the shut-down should be used to “help dental professionals get back on their business feet” (publication: Oral Health, July/August 2020). Make no mistake about it, these premiums – paid for and belonging to hard working Canadians and their employers – are not a slush fund for professionals who are more than capable of acquiring business support far in excess of the average Canadian.

What say you?


-Remebering a Colleague-

For over two decades I have worked in our community with Dr Bart Wilson, just along the road from our office. He always pitched in to help out when asked if he would assist my patients needs if I ever had to travel or deal with unexpected family needs. I only hope that I can be as gracious a colleague in extending my heartfelt care and love to his family and staff as they deal with Bart’s recent passing. Their loss is unimaginable, and our entire community can be counted on to help them in their time of need.

A deeply fond memory of Bart that I will always carry was when one of my staff took a picture of the two of us on a snow-day, me dressed in a rather ridiculous collection of foul weather gear and Bart sensibly prepared for the snow. The words we spoke as we parted were muted by the falling snow, but are still with me: “Take care, and have fun in the snow.”

You too, Bart. Take care.


The recent shutdown of dental offices for almost three months resulted in many, many emergencies being triaged to specialists located in centers around BC, and those dentists commented on the hardship faced by many British Columbians regarding their access to basic dental care.

This long overdue admission compels me to ask “why on earth have we not yet built a comprehensive dental care programme for children in the province of BC as part of our health care strategy?”.

If parents were to reliably bring their children to early childhood visits at dental offices, we could alter the current situation where there are months long waiting lists for general anaesthesia based treatment of an entirely preventable condition called dental cavities. Instead of the “disease care” model that we are struggling with now, we need to incentivize parents/children with a process that better resembles an evidence based preventive approach in order to end the cycle of disease exposure that plagues far too many children.

I think a provincially funded model of childhood dental insurance is long overdue and needs to be addressed. I have my own thoughts on how to create such a model. Tell me what you think?


Congratulations are due to a management team that, despite the challenges of the last three and a half months, have brought an exceptional addition to their patient services through their clinic expansion. The end result is a facility that allows the medical teams at West Coast family Medical Clinic to grow the services that they provide to our community, an enviable goal that we should all aspire to.

Take a moment to thank those who have brought us this gift, and help them with their goals to grow their clinic as model for communities like ours around the province.


-Gratitude…..it rules!-

How am I grateful for thee? Let me count the ways:

· For all of our community who have helped drive the number of COVID-19 cases toward zero, you have helped create an environment where my office can operate in a safer environment for my staff and me. Keep it up….your efforts are what have made British Columbia a global example of how to “do it right”.

· For a group of employees who have exercised their wisdom and honesty in navigating the most challenging event of their careers. As a group we made collective decisions on returning to work in a way that is safe for our patients, our families and ourselves.

· For the countless number of allied healthcare workers who I have had the privilege of interacting with over these crazy last three months, I salute you. The creativity demonstrated to achieve successful patient outcomes has been astounding.

· For our patients, who exhibited resilience and understanding through three months of upheaval and uncertainty. Your gracious calls to our office remind me why you are the best patients we could ever ask for.

Thank you for helping us serve you. We are now back at work for the foreseeable future, and are happy to be here.


-Who Would Have Thunk It?-

Hello cool cats,

Well, in ten weeks, we have managed to use this medium to reach out to our patient base, and then some. The response has been heart warming.

Our most recent "kid motivating" contest (always hard, as parents well know) clearly touched a nerve, as I was personally notified by some of our patients that THEY wanted to help with some sort of community based health initiative as we all make our way through these uncharted and challenging times. And so an idea was born.......

How many of you know about the Sooke and Juan de Fuca Health Foundation? Check out their website at http://www.sookejdfhealthfoundation.org/ and imagine how you and your family can make a difference in healthcare for our community.

I promise you that, with the donations that my staff helped bring in recently, we can make a significant donation to a local medical service group during the month of June. Hmmmm......wonder who they are, and I wonder what the gift will be..... Any guesses?

All entries into the big "Who Would Have Thunk It?" contest will be placed into a random draw for an Oral B grown-ups basket (enough of the kids, all ready) worth $200. Comment below with your guess to be entered into the contest!

Our thanks, again, go out to the tireless Amy from Oral B / Crest. Look for her in Sooke! Draw date: when the donation is made in two weeks!!!!


-Starting Off Slowly-

Allow me to speak for all those wonderful folks that I work with...........

We love helping people in our community, and we have missed it so much!

And with that admission, I am happy to say that we are planning to get back to helping the good people of Sooke. To be honest we never stopped since the March shutdown, as many of you have used my cell contact to call me over the past 10 weeks. Thank you for calling. The familiar voices were more of a gift to me than the feeble advice and "teledentistry" that I tried to provide, and I hope that none of you have got your cell phones stuck in the back of your mouth. :) To those people who I had to see at the office.....thank you for your understanding of the new protocol/questionaires regarding COVID-19 exposure that I had to ask.

Supplies (masks, visors, gowns) are in short supply both across our country and around the globe. So, we will do our best to prioritize your care in a safe and thoughtful manner. Nobody wants to make "the big mistake" when there is no chance of social distancing for dental care, so I understand the hesitation that many of our patients are sharing with me regarding their regular appointments. We will keep you all posted as we treat the backlog of emergencies, and then see how that speaks for our ability to manage recall care for our patients and families down the road. One thing for sure, there will be changes as we adapt to the new "normal".

Take care, and see you soon (the second week of June).....hopefully.


-When Errors Happen...-

A very wise softball coach at Sooke Minor Fastball Association once described a game to me like this......

"They really started strong, but got sloppy in the second inning. They thought that being up a couple of runs was ok, but they got cocky and the wheels came off with all of the unforced errors."

Softball is a seven inning game that demands player skill as well as good coaching. Our province is fortunate to be guided by some amazing coaches in the public medical sector. Are we, the players, going to respond as needed to chalk up a win?

These are still early innings in the battle against COVID-19, with new characteristics about its pathogenicity unfolding at an alarming rate.

Keep your eye on the ball, watch it into your glove and finish off the play cleanly.

Viruses love errors.


Well kids, my cats looked up at me and said "Mew, mew, meow" when I asked them to pick a winner for the toothbrush contest.

"Ah!!", I said, "you think that each and every kid worked hard for a special gift?" Pickey looked at me and smiled, knowing that I understood her message.

And so it shall be. Thanks to Amy Jameson from Crest + OralB (a Sooke girl when she isn't on the road!) for her help in putting together a swag bag for every kid who entered. You have worked hard enough to each deserve an Oral B Kids Gentle PowerBrush and a whole lot of toothpaste and floss, along with some toothbrushes for your parents.. It has to be worth a billion dollars each!

So kids, a big "Thank you" for all of your help with chores around the house, being appreciative of Mum and Dad, and being respectful of all those who help you. Even Junior, the younger cat, knows how important those qualities are as you grow up in a healthy and happy way.

Parents.....send us a private message so we can deliver your prizes!

Kids.....write your name on the back of a $50 bill from mommy's purse and send it to us for details about our next contest. — just kidding. But stay tuned!


-When Care Comes Before Commerce-

Do we (and by that I mean each and every dental office in BC) have adequate protocol and products in place so that patients across BC can safely return to our offices and be treated for the care that they have become accustomed to?

I apologetically say "no, not yet....plain and simple". Ask an ICU nurse or physician how their workplaces are dealing with aerosols from the patients under their care and their answer will be humbling. I am sorry folks, but a competent solution is still down the road some distance.

Supply chains in North America can barely meet the demand of hospitals, let alone consider the demands of the dental industry with personal protective equipment. Our profession's response must embrace a wide societal perspective in order to remain authentic in the eyes of the public.

It will take thoughtful consideration, like never before, by healthcare officials to create a safe and effective plan for clinical care to be restored so that both patients and dental teams remain safe in the face of this highly transmissible virus.

Until then, and always, we remember our pledge to do no harm.



Hey kids....if you want to win a whole bunch of toothbrushes for you and your family, draw us a picture of what a nice new toothbrush looks like and why you love brushing your teeth.

We will have a random draw (hmmm, I wonder which cat will do that?) for a family gift pack of toothbrushes, toothpaste and a Sonicare for the adults. Total value of $200!!! Take a photo of your drawing and get your parents to post it in the comments of this post by May 10th for the purr-fect contest winner to be drawn by one of Sooke's feline friends, Junior or Pickey.

While you are at it kids, why not draw a picture of your parents' toothbrush for fun..... :)


-If You Have Lots of Time on Your Hands... Grab Your Toothbrush! -

Toothbrushes look great when they are right out of the package, and that is when they are at their best. If yours starts to look a little worn, it's actually lost most all of its effectiveness to keep your teeth and gums healthy. So, unlike you favourite softball glove, don't get sentimental about your worn in/out toothbrush.....replace it! When you do get your new brush, remember to keep your muscle power on "gentle" setting (you are not sawing logs, or trying to win a race).


- My Earth Day Story?.....Trust Science and Be Patient -

Around the time my daughter was born, I found myself looking inward and asking what my profession's contribution to pollution was. The most problematic waste we generate is mercury in various forms; an integral part of silver amalgam fillings, and in our regional district it was showing up in ocean effluent and sewage plant sludge in prohibitive levels. After studying it as a committee member with the CRD for three years, then leading a company for half a dozen years that produced the first North American patented device that removed mercury from dental office waste streams, the only piece missing from a success story was acceptance and adoption by dental organizations. That was twenty years ago.

This July of 2020, the American Dental Association and the USA's E.P.A. will be overseeing the installation of amalgam separators, first tested and built here in the CRD, in every American dental office. This is just one small piece of the puzzle required to heal our Earth to make it a safer place for all life to exist. While it demonstrates that changing our environmental behavior takes time and is often met with resistance, it is ultimately true that if we persevere and rely on good science our society can solve any problem that we collectively tackle for the greater good.

If that sounds familiar to what we are going through right now, smile and listen to people like Dr Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix. Happy Earth Day....it is yours.


-Stop and Thank Someone Who is in Recovery-

We all have good people in our life - be they patients, friends or family - who find themselves in various stages of recovery programs. As a healthcare provider, I take a keen interest in rolling up my sleeves to achieve the best possible outcome for anybody who has put their trust in me. These people, in spite of their medical challenges, are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. Now more than ever, people in recovery need our support.

A wise loved one once told me that their addiction issues stemmed from isolation and loneliness, and that their recovery community's sense of connectivity was what kept them "staying the course" of sobriety and mental health. Those magic words of self actualization were all I needed to hear, and my trust in this beautiful soul was bolstered. Their relentless journey involves selfless giving and caring of and for others, a quality that we can all aspire to in times like these when isolation from our routine ways can bring out the worst of human behaviors.

Somewhere near you, there is a co-worker, a relative, a neighbour, or even a stranger who is waking up everyday thinking about their Steps and thanking their creator for giving them a daily reprieve, asking for guidance in the next 24 hours in order to stay clean. Take a moment to remind someone who you know.....that they are loved by many and their efforts are valued....to the moon and back.

Photos from Dr. Chris Bryant & Staff's post 06/04/2020


Thank you for your amazing signs that remind people to stay well by keeping up with physical distancing efforts.

Junior has spoken...or should I say Junior has eaten. In just another random act of kindness, Junior picked the kibble attached to Anna Heggelund's family entry.

Congratulations, Anna, from everyone at our office. Your effort has scored your family $250 worth of groceries from Village Food Market.

What should our next contest be, kids??? Let us know what's important to you.


Who wants $250 worth of groceries?

Just a reminder that on April 6, my cat will randomly draw one name from all those signs that the good people of Sooke have made, put up in their neighbourhood, and posted a picture of.

I know you can’t wait to see how she does it!!!


-Human Beings Need to….Be Humane-

If you are reading this, two things about you are likely predictable. First, you are as concerned as I am about what the future will bring regarding our community’s wellness. Second, you probably have a roof over your head.

Many people we know and love are not so lucky at the moment. Misfortune in life has resulted in family breakdown, mental health challenges, or addiction issues to name but a few root causes. The complexity of their problems can be overwhelming to a community, and only the naïve would blame them solely for their situation. A far more purposeful use of our energy can be found in my great-grandmother’s reminder to my family – “hate the sin, love the sinner”. Now, more than ever, you and I will be tested to uphold those teachings of our elders.

Take a minute to remind your children that they too are part of a community that cares – for everybody. Have them search the car, or drawers in the house for a bit of loose change. Make it a contest for an extra scoop of potato at dinner tonight! Right now, groups like the Sooke Shelter Society can do with every penny we can give them to help the homeless in our area. If we are effective in our management of this issue we can have a positive impact on our homeless population that in turn benefits us all. However, if we fail to take action the outcome will be worse – a familiar refrain in times like these.

I am because we are.


-Why the mask?-

In our office we each have our “favourite” mask to wear that is usually based on comfort, not fashion! People in town recognize me more easily when I cover my face for some odd reason, but that is what 50,000 “masked” hours does for your image. The use of masks in a dental setting has, pretty much until now, been an exercise in using “exam” masks of various grades so that you don’t bet my nostrils in your never-to-be-forgotten memory, and that I don’t get your spit in important parts of my face. In high acuity medical/surgical settings, the mask set ups can range from fit tested N95 to self-contained powered full face respirators. I get masks, and why we wear them to protect both sides of the patient/worker equation, no matter who is at greater risk of infection.

So what does it mean when we see the general public wearing masks? In today’s environment, wearing a mask is a great way to do a couple of things.
1. It is a physical impediment to the consequences of our habitual face touching with our hands, and we know that to be a significant transmission issue with many illnesses. Can that be a bad thing?
2. It is a social signal to others saying ”I care about you”, in that they are limiting the impact of a sneeze or a cough to the lining of their mask, and not onto anyone else – the ultimate gesture. Now that’s taking a big gooey one for the team!

People have been asking me about making their own masks, and will they offer the wearer protection. I think the above examples are two undeniable benefits, so break out that sewing machine and knock yourself out.


-What does dental care look like today?-

For close to thirty years, through all the other challenges, our office has been there working 5 days a week. We provided a filling if you broke a tooth, a polishing to get the stain off your teeth, or regular periodontal treatment with our hygienists. All those procedures, and more, are now on hold.

The advent of COVID-19 means that your spittle (a term that represents the fluid in your mouth resulting from a mix of saliva, nose secretions and upper respiratory deposits) is very much a vehicle of transmission via the aerosol created as we work on you. If a patient carries the virus in their spittle, that virus floats into our mouth, nose and eyes due to your very, very close proximity to me and my staff.

The interruption of dental service to patients is unprecedented in history, and deservedly so. The danger to my staff is unmanageable and will be until this virus is eliminated from our community population, or there becomes available a rapid way to test for the presence of infection, or until a competent system of personal protective equipment is available. Simply put - if my daughter was a hygienist/assistant, she wouldn't be working on patients at all until we get a better action plan.

The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and the British Columbia Dental Association are currently working on guidelines to triage the most severe oral-facial pathologies to regional treatment facilities where dentists can perform surgeries in an environment that ensures the safety of all involved.


-The Importance of Caring-

All over this great province, call outs from medical facilities are being broadcast to the shuttered dental offices. "We aren't sure about our supply chain. Can you help top us up?". These are the signs of the times, as smart medical staff do everything in their power to prepare to care for patients in the weeks ahead, and that's good planning by anyone's playbook.

Yesterday a familiar voice asked for a donation, one that I know to be essential to keep the people of Sooke and our neighbouring communities well served by the medical teams who staff our Westcoast Family Medical Clinic. My part was easy: exam masks, everything that I have. Their part will be significantly more complicated: clinical skills, everything they have.

I care deeply for the assistants, administrators, nurses and doctors there. My bond with them is forged in decades of sharing a common personal trait - the desire to help people in our community. A couple of phone calls later, we had secured anything that my office could offer, as well as a generous donation from Dr. Tera Groff. We both recognized that an acute need in our community had to be met, and it looks like our own offices will be shuttered for a long, long while. So, take it away...all of it...to where those boxes of supplies can be pressed into use where it now matters the most. Thank you, Tera. When we are done with this I will share a beer with you and look back on it all.

Care, for your life and theirs. Their medical expertise, may be the only thing that can save your life, now and later.


To serve a cause with great intentions. It's something we all wish of ourselves and of those around us. It is what creates a good community, whatever and wherever your community is to you.

Parents with kids, listen up! Here is your chance to give your kids a project that can create purpose and pride in our region's efforts to reduce the transmission of the virus responsible for Covid-19 illness .

Have your kids make a sign. Find something to safely work with (cardboard, plywood, or the white backside of an old sign), and together you can build it, make a message that voices your feelings about how your family wants to reduce the spread of disease, and finally put it up for all to see.

Use your "family voice" to get a message onto our street corners and front lawns that helps ALL in our town understand the importance of staying at home and social distancing.

Tell us your story, on a sign, put it up and submit a picture to us. In two weeks time we will randomly draw for a $250 gift certificate for any home delivery based service from a Sooke merchant. Word has it that Village Foods is going to be our first supporter, so a big smile to them from all of us.

Let's get busy Sooke, and protect the health of our families, neighbours and those healthcare workers we rely upon in times like these. Sign up, and sign on.


Hi everyone,

Those of you who know us well enough to have bothered to read this will be saying "Chris, on social media??? No way!!!!!" Times change.

Here we are in a very unique situation where our community needs good information, and it is my hope that I can help people along this journey that we are all on together.

Check in from time to time and maybe there will be something that can benefit you whether you are a child or an elder, single or with a growing family.
