Francine Lemire

Francine Lemire

CFPC Executive Director & CEO, family physician and outdoor enthusiast

Timeline photos 01/09/2021

J’ai été attristée d’apprendre le décès de Dr Brian Hennen, médecin de famille, ancien président du CMFC et un leader en médecine familiale.

J’offre mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses amis.

Timeline photos 01/09/2021

I am saddened by the passing of Dr. Brian Hennen, Family Physician, former CFPC President and Family Medicine leader.

My deepest condolences to family and friends.


I am saddened to hear about the discovery of remains at the Residential School in Saskatchewan. We at the CFPC continue to commit ourselves to gaining knowledge; forging a new, culturally safe relationship; and contributing to reconciliation.


J’ai été attristée d’apprendre que des restes avaient été découverts à un pensionnat en Saskatchewan. Au CMFC, nous continuons notre engagement à acquérir des connaissances, à forger une nouvelle relation culturellement sécuritaire et à contribuer à la réconciliation.

The Evolution of Residency Training in Family Medicine: A Canadian Perspective 21/05/2021

Voici un excellent article sur l’évolution de la résidence en médecine de famille au Canada, rédigé en collaboration par Nancy Fowler, , Roy Wyman et moi-même.

« The Evolution of Residency Training in Family Medicine: A Canadian Perspective »

The Evolution of Residency Training in Family Medicine: A Canadian Perspective Both Canada and the United States are in the process of reviewing residency training in family medicine. This commentary examines the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s experience with competency-based medical education and length of training decisions as both countries grapple with how best...


Great piece about The Evolution of Residency Training in Family Medicine: A Canadian Perspective.

Contributions from Nancy Fowler, , Roy Wyman & myself.

The Evolution of Residency Training in Family Medicine: A Canadian Perspective Both Canada and the United States are in the process of reviewing residency training in family medicine. This commentary examines the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s experience with competency-based medical education and length of training decisions as both countries grapple with how best...

Medical assistance in dying revisited 20/05/2021

L’aide médicale à mourir est complexe. Ce mois-ci, dans le , nous discutons du projet de loi C-7 et une publication antérieure du , le Guide de réflexion sur les enjeux éthiques liés au su***de assisté et à l’euthanasie volontaire.

Medical assistance in dying revisited ![Figure][1] ![Figure][1] Dear Colleagues, Bill C-7 was passed in March 2021.[1][2] This bill amends the Criminal Code with respect to medical assistance in dying (MAID) and eliminates the 10-day waiting period when death is imminent; introduces a 90-day waiting period when death is

Medical assistance in dying revisited 20/05/2021

Medical assistance in dying is a complex topic. In this month’s we discuss Bill C-7 and reference our earlier work ’s Guide for Reflection on Ethical Issues Concerning Assisted Su***de and Voluntary Euthanasia.

Medical assistance in dying revisited ![Figure][1] ![Figure][1] Dear Colleagues, Bill C-7 was passed in March 2021.[1][2] This bill amends the Criminal Code with respect to medical assistance in dying (MAID) and eliminates the 10-day waiting period when death is imminent; introduces a 90-day waiting period when death is

Timeline photos 20/04/2021

I am pleased to have met with the CFPC’s Undergraduate Medical Education Committee & ’s Undergraduate Deans.

Our community family physicians have come through to provide learning experiences for medical students in a pandemic environment.

Timeline photos 20/04/2021

Je suis ravie de m’être entretenue avec le Comité sur l’éducation prédoctorale du CMFC et les vice-doyens aux études prédoctorales de .

Notre communauté de médecins de famille a réussi à offrir aux étudiants de bonnes expériences d’apprentissage en pleine pandémie.

Timeline photos 19/04/2021

Excellente réunion avec et sur 3 initiatives de MF mondiale dans lesquelles le CMFC est impliqué :
- Études sur la COVID-19 et l’importance perçue de l’intégration MF-santé publique
- Intégration de la santé mentale aux soins ruraux au Kenya

Timeline photos 19/04/2021

Great meeting with and . We highlighted 3 initiatives the CFPC is involved in regarding global family medicine.
- COVID-19 study on perceived importance of FM-public health integration
- Integration of mental health into primary care in rural Kenya

Timeline photos 22/03/2021

We are all saddened by the sudden passing of our colleague Dr. David Gass, a mentor, leader in family medicine, and close friend. His ability to reflect deeply on issues ensured his contributions were always meaningful. He will be missed.

Timeline photos 22/03/2021

Nous avons tous été attristés par le décès soudain de notre collègue Dr David Gass, un mentor, un leader en médecine de famille et un ami proche. Grâce à sa capacité de réfléchir aux enjeux en profondeur, sa contribution était toujours précieuse. Il nous manquera beaucoup.

Timeline photos 05/11/2020

Dr Carol Herbert , reminded us of the opportunity family doctors have to make a change in their community. I look forward to today’s plenary, titled: Extraordinary Times Call for Extraordinary People: Going above and beyond as a physician

Timeline photos 04/11/2020

Des conversations fantastiques avec le conseil d'administration du CMFC nos sections provinciales. alors que nous discutons des opportunités stratégiques.

Timeline photos 04/11/2020

Fantastic conversations with the CFPC board & chapters as we discuss future strategic opportunities.

Timeline photos 26/10/2020

Vaccin contre la grippe: ✓. Important chaque année, et particulièrement important à l'ère du COVID 19

Timeline photos 26/10/2020

Flu shot:✓. Important every year, and especially important in a COVID 19 era
