Soulful Human

Soulful Human

This is the Soulful Human Shop... where we make intentional crystal jewelry.


I am so unbelievably excited to release the next vibe. Its years in the making, only I would have never in a million years thought I would be where I am in this moment with my healing/creation journey.

The top bracelet was from 2020, when I started to really step into reiki and making healing jewelry. I had a collection of 4 bracelets then, pre vibe times and just called bracelets. So far this is the only one that has not been remade because it was the hardest. It has 9 main stones, when the others have 2. I just couldn’t figure out how to turn it into a vibe with the other 4 stones on such a small item as a bracelet. It has been sitting in my creation space, just waiting for me to figure it out. Every time I tried it just didn’t look right and felt off. I’m actually thankful I didn’t until this point… because as I’ve slowly moved through it, it has evolved into what will be a whole new collection. One that happens to be in complete alignment of the new era of my life… the F**k It era where you take back your power!! 🖕🏻✨🔥

The second one is a the newest version. It finally feels right to me and I’m ready to put it out to the world. There is so much deeply woven symbolism in this one. I am absolutely in love with how it turned out, and am looking forward to seeing this whole new collection unfold in the days to come. It’s going to be magic! ✨

I’m not going to give away the secret of what it is, but I will say that its name is as cheeky as I am, and won’t be for everyone. Not everyone is in their F**k It era, but if you are… these ones are definitely going to be for you!! 😘✨

The newest vibe… very very soon!

Photos from Soulful Human's post 26/05/2024

I have been slowly creating this… and recreating, and recreating and recreating. But I’m final just going to post it, jumping fully into who I am.

Sending you all love ❤️

Photos from Soulful Human's post 17/02/2024

You ready for the next vibe?!?!?
Welcome to the vibe collection, Divine Faith Vibes!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

This one is such a necessity to all of us walking the path of being soulful humans. It takes a lot of Divine Faith to walk your path, surrendering and trusting in spirit to lead the way. Shifting patterns and stepping into new ways of living is tough, but is a required step to getting into alignment with ourselves and this abundant universe. I have been sitting in a place of blind faith for many years, and I know it’s most likely a place I’m going to come in and out of for the rest of this lifetime. Magic happens when we get out of our own way!

I have been hearing over and over how so many of us are in this place. I just knew that I needed to support all you soulful humans on that journey. I can’t wait to see all the magic ahead for each of you, as you trust in the divine to lead you to places so wonderful it’s beyond your wildest dreams.

Get your Divine Faith Vibes today!!!
-On a postcard - $29
-In a box - $33
-In box w/ selenite charging plate - $44


Love the moments when I get to share the creations with those who inspire me.

This is the new vibe… it’s here and it’s amazing!! I’m not going to tell you just yet what it is, but bonus points if you can manage to read it in the picture.

I so look forward to yoga with each week. It’s just like heaven for my soul, so relaxing and nurturing. And there’s always such beautiful conversations during arrival. One week as we waited, there was a conversation that I so deeply related with. I think so many of us are moving through similar energy, and that was really confirmed for me that day. I’m not going to tell you exactly what that energy is… you will have to wait until it is revealed, but it’s something that is so tough and truthfully all of us soulful humans will absolutely find ourselves moving through it… I’m not sure if it ever stops, we just get better at doing it. Still not telling you what it is though… 🤣😘

I love being inspired, it always comes at the right moment. Creating vibes is about capturing the essence of something, going deep and trying to encompass and embody the fullness of the concept through the intentional write up. I’m so grateful for the moments where deep soulful conversations help me capture that.

This has become a tradition, one that I absolutely love… sharing the first bracelet of a new vibe with the person who inspired it. So this little gem was officially delivered to yesterday. 🥰

Photos from Soulful Human's post 07/02/2024

Let me introduce the newest vibe to the collection… Speak Your Truth Vibes!!

This one is so special to me. Being a person on a journey of moving out of complex ptsd fawn responses, into showing up in the world as my most authentic self… I know just how hard the journey to learning to speak up when you haven’t found safety within yourself to do so. We all deserve to have a voice, and stand proudly in it.

So much love in this one!

Get your Speak Your Truth Vibes today!!!
-On a postcard - $29
-In a box - $33
-In box w/ selenite charging plate - $44

Photos from Soulful Human's post 28/01/2024

Is there anything better than spending a moment appreciating the journey and feeling gratitude for the growth?!?!

While going through things and cleaning during the holidays, I found these beauties. These were the vibes, before they were called vibes. Going back to 2020, when I shifted from selling necklaces into bracelets, and created 4 different one… love, grounding, chakra and protection. They have evolved so much over the last 4 years, and I couldn’t be prouder of the amount of love and soulfulness in them. From 4 bracelets to the 23 I currently have available… and soon to be 24 because I have a brand new one coming in the very near future!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

It’s been a slow journey, but it’s full of magic. Can’t wait to see all that continues to unfold in the days ahead! 🥰

Photos from Soulful Human's post 21/01/2024

How unbelievably perfect and absolutely gorgeous is this beauty… Transformation Vibes!!!! 🙌🏻✨🦋

This feels like the energy of 2024, a complete transformation!! So many of us have been slowly building over the years, siting in a place of not being our old self but not quite into our new self yet… and now it’s time to start the transformation. We are sooo ready for what comes next!!!

This one took some time to think about what I wanted the essence of the transformation intention to be, and what I felt was needed to truly support the work required for a transformation. I’m so in love with how it turned out, both the written pieces and the bracelet itself… just unbelievably perfect! 🥰

Get your Transformation Vibes today!!!
On a postcard - $29
In a box - $33
In box w/ selenite charging plate - $44

Photos from Soulful Human's post 20/01/2024

I’m so excited about this new vibe… it’s absolutely perfect! 😍😍

I have a long list of new vibes I want to create, but this one needed to be the first of 2024. After spending an evening doing reiki, it was abundantly clear that so many of us are in this place of needing this. I think it’s the energy of 2024 and the years that follow. So what is it?!?!…

You will have to wait until tomorrow to find out. 🥰


Sending everyone love and wishes to wellness.

I’m really looking forward to seeing this 8 year energy unfold for all of us. Bring on the abundance!!

It’s going to be a great year. Lots in the works for this year… new creations, big steps, and lots of collaboration and community. So much magic to unfold!! ✨

Sending you all love!! 🥰


I am filled with so much gratitude for last night. Big shout out to for an amazing event!!

What an amazing night that was. So many reiki treatments had, and so much connection and deep healing work experienced. So many beautiful moments shared. I’m just so full of love for being able to share in those soulful healing moments. Reiki has been a long journey for me. It just unfolded so slowly while I moved through my own healing journey. The last couple months spirit has been leading me into more opportunities to build my own healing sessions. Designing my own way of integrating energy healing work with intuitively guided shadow work. It’s been kind of magic watching the merging happen so naturally, as I remember who I am. The beautiful healing goddess that is here to bring love to the world.

Thank you to all the beautiful souls from last night, who allowed me to hold space for you. I’m just amazed at the amount of beautiful souls out there, doing really big work here on earth and feeling so heavy from the sheer weight of the collective healing that needs to be done. I love each and every one of you. Such warriors, making a better world for all of us. It was such an honour to connect with all of you, and I can’t wait to hear the magic that unfolds for you all in the future!! 🥰

Photos from Soulful Human's post 07/01/2024

So excited to be all set up for the evening!!!

Photos from Soulful Human's post 03/01/2024

So pumped for this event!! Soulful Human will be joining the event… and I do fully plan on spicing it up just a bit ✨🔥✨

I will have lots of the bracelet vibe collection available at the event, and then giving some mini reiki treatments. Who doesn’t need a little tune up?!?!

So looking forward to the event. Head on over to for more information on the event and to get tickets!! See you Saturday my Soulful Humans 😘


I have yet to speak about this man on Soulful Human, but I felt today I really needed to do that. Some of you know me personally, but for those who don’t, this wonderful man was my partner who passed away 11 years ago today from Melanoma skin cancer. 11 has always been an important number for me, being a life path 11. Today felt really special, as I reflected on the last 11 years without him and the 11 years with him. On everything that has unfolded and who I have become.

I’ve learned to be at peace with how life unfolded and having to move on in this life without him. He never saw any of my jewelry making because it started as a way for me to move through my grief. It was a year after he passed that I started using intentional jewellery to heal. The last 10 years have been a slow evolution to where I am in this moment. Without him, none of this would have unfolded. I often wonder what he would think if he was to see who I am now. I know he would be so proud and amazed. I know that he is with me each and every day, and calling the shots behind the scenes. Oh the stories I have where he made his presence known. So today I’m wearing the Connection to my Angel Vibes, holding him dear to my heart. He is my angel, and will forever be a guiding force in my life. So I celebrate him today, and fully honour his role in my life and this journey, for truly Soulful Human would have never existed without him.

Cheers to this beautiful human, who I owe so much of my journey to. I know that year 11 is going to be a big year for me, taking big steps in my life and with Soulful Human. 🥰

Photos from Soulful Human's post 30/11/2023

So unbelievably excited about this… my next healing story. I knew when spirit had someone buy the warrior story, that it was a sign of it being the time to create my next story. I can say wholeheartedly that I fully embody the warrior woman. So on to the next story… warrior woman was Trisha’s story but this one is the story of Hannah, the woman who turned darkness into magic.

I love when I feel the inspiration and the ideas for a soulful healing story starts to unfold. This one especially, as I’ve spent the last few months digging deep into who I am and where I am going. All these little pieces in this one… layer upon layer of magic. It’s some of the past, present and future, mixed with an awakening of who I am and the unleashing her into the world. There are so many little messages in here that perfectly align to my next steps. As I wear it each day, I set the intention to move further into the manifestation of all that is the woman who turns darkness into magic.

I’ve done so much healing with these, and helped others to so much healing with their own. If you are interested in your own creation, please reach out and let’s make that happen!


On my way to deliver this beauty to the soul that inspired its creation. Hard to believe it’s been a year since it’s was originally created.

I met a beautiful soul last year who inspired me with our conversation and healing session. I mainly made it for her, but also know it was something myself and many others would greatly benefit from. So many of us are healers and need that support. This beautiful soul let her mom have it, and I always intended to give her another one. The year certainly got away from me, but I’m so excited to be able to give her the new one today.

I love to give bracelets away as gifts to all the beautiful souls I meet along the journey… although I am trying to find a balance of giving and receiving payment, as I also need to receive. But this one… it’s about giving back to the beautiful energy I received from this soul and supporting the continued journey of helping to heal others. 🥰


So much gratitude for a wonderful day, at a wonderful soulful market/space, surrounded by wonderful soulful humans. Gosh it’s always such a blessing to share my passion and love with the world.

Big shout out to for hosting such a lovely market. I look forward to some collabs in the future!!

I truly feel blessed for all the soulful conversations and love that happens at each event, I’m always just so full of love after. 🥰

Photos from Soulful Human's post 25/11/2023

All set up and ready for the Festive Market today!!!

Come visit all the soulful humans here today!!


Few more days before the Festive Holiday Market… and I’m getting really excited for that apple cider!! 😋

Have you RSVP on the website ( to be entered the win a gift basket?!?!

Looking forward to spending a few hours with some amazing soulful humans!! 🙌🏻🥰


My heart is so unbelievably full right now!! In Soulful Human land, today was such an amazing day. 🥰

Today for me was a big day. First vendor market all by myself where I knew no one. For so many people this is nothing, but for me it’s everything. Complex PTSD… the struggle is real y’all. I can show up playing my trained role, being the best helper while remaining very small, flawlessly and with little effort… but to show up as my strong soulful spiritual wise magic self, that was a piece of me in a cage that felt frozen buried under years of dissociation and fawning. But today was a huge step towards freedom and being the woman I spent so many years wishing I could be. I was her, more her in the world than ever before… it was progress and years of work. I stepped into my full authentic self and shared so many wholehearted and connected moments with beautiful soulful humans. So much gratitude for my healing progress, for all the amazing humans I experienced today, for not only sharing wisdom but also receiving wisdom from a few beautiful souls, for some really deep connections where people shared their souls allowing me see and connect with some really deep wounds, and being able to share my love and passion for supporting people on their healing/life journeys with intentional crystal jewelry made with so much love.

And I think the thing I am most grateful for is the two beautiful soulful woman that neighboured me today. Gosh these woman… I was alone for a very brief period today. Spirit was absolutely leading the way, ending up beside two woman that were honestly soul fam vibes. Just loved and appreciated every moment with these woman, and look forward to seeing you both in the future for more soul magic vibes! ✨🥰✨

Check out these woman, and , they are just incredible and so worth the visit!!

Thank you to all the beautiful souls I met today. I feel like there is so much ahead in the future, and spoiler alert… it’s going to be amazing, full of energy healing/transmuting, with a whole lot of love and connection.


One week today until the Festive Holiday Market at

Can’t wait to see all you Soulful Humans there!! 🥰


Set up with all the vibes!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Come visit, we will be here until 8pm! Can’t wait to see all the faces of the soulful humans today!!


Going to be at the London Mystic Market today from 11-8pm, come check us out!!! 🙌🏻


One more sleep until Mystic Market!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Two more days until Soulful Human is at the London Mystic Market!!!

Can’t wait to you all there!!!

Photos from Soulful Human's post 15/11/2023

Healer Vibes!!! ✨🙌🏻✨

The new and improved version. This one has to be one of my favourites. I just love everything about it, and how the original creation came to be. For the last couple months I’ve had this idea to incorporate a Herkimer Diamond and take the original Healer Vibes to the next level. I have to say the creation is so much better than my vision, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I love it!! 😍

This one is for all the healers out there in this world, doing the best they can to help heal this world. So much gratitude for the work you do!!

If I have gifted you the original Healer Vibes, make a plan with me to exchange the old one with the new one. I would be so happy to switch it out and share more magic!! ✨✨

Healer Vibes…
On postcard - $29
In a Box - $33
In a Box w/ Selenite Changing Plate - $44

Photos from Soulful Human's post 14/11/2023

Finally finishing up the chakra vibes!!! Oh gosh things have been intense. If you know me personally, you know I’m on a deep healing journey battling complex PTSD/trauma, that comes before anything else… and I really needed to slow down and do lots of inner work. Pushing through is something that never leads me to good places, but I’m getting grounded and ready to get back to creating.

The last and final of the chakra collection… Crown Vibes!!! 🙌🏻

Work with your crown chakra by intentionally wearing on your left or right wrist, to receive or release… or balance an overactive/under-active chakra.

The chakra collection currently only comes on a postcard or in a box as a larger set with a selenite charging plate. If you want it individually in a box, connect with me to have a custom order made, same $33 as the other vibe collection.

Crown Vibes:
*on Postcard - $29
*Chakra Collection - $166


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the London Mystic Market next weekend!!

See you all there!!


So excited to be a vendor at the Space to Grow Festive Holiday Market!!!

Don’t forget to RSVP to be entered to win the gift basket!!

Can’t wait to see you!!


2 weeks until the Mystic Market!!✨✨✨So excited to be a vendor at this event!!

Hope to see you all there!! ✨

Videos (show all)

Yes!!! One more sleep!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻See all you Soulful Humans tomorrow 😘✨
Clearing the energy… with the doggo going wild in the background. This is my life y’all, all the time. He’s such a wild ...
Energy cleaning for today… and I’m telling you a bit about what I do to remove the energy. It’s my fav, and has been suc...
Oh this is going to be something new that I will try to share as much as possible… the clearing and sending love to all ...
Wow to the changes happening in my life… but I’m here for it!!! I have stepped into myself in ways I’m honestly so proud...
Here is a little video about the new vibe bracelet…This one is amazing! Healer Vibes!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 This one needs an explanat...
