

It is a cultural group, we do cultural recreational program in our community

Photos from Bishnupriya's post 28/06/2024

40 Years before and after with my sister

Photos from Bishnupriya's post 23/06/2024

হরিনাম সংকীর্তন
Our Bishnupriya's observations on regular Gita group Reading & Maha Mantra group meditation :
1. Transcendental peace
Chanting Hare Krishna mantra helps us to connect to the divine power which gives us the potential to focus on the positives rather than the unwanted or worrying thoughts. It takes us away from the chaos of daily life, calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.
2. Spiritual awakening
The Lord Krishna mantra transcends religious and cultural boundaries and helps in our spiritual growth by building our potential to face life’s challenges with courage and seek joy, happiness and personal growth. After all, it’s not just a ritual, but a journey.
3. Purification of heart
Benefits of Hare Krishna maha mantra extends to nurturing the heart with love, compassion and humility. It pushes away the clouds of arrogance, pride and anger along with the feelings of malice and jealousy and replaces it with purity, kindness and selflessness.
4. Freedom from karma
Chanting Hare Krishna or the Krishna jaap mantra provides a path to liberation, freeing the soul from the chains of past karma. It destroys the sins and negative actions and creates a positive aura around us that automatically attracts good things in life.
5. Divine connection
Benefits of chanting Krishna jaap mantra can not be restricted to a thing or two. Seeking the divine blessings of Lord Krishna leads to our overall growth, be it in helping us develop a meditation practice or warding off all the fears and anxieties by soothing the mind and bestowing positivity and happiness. Enhances spiritual awareness.
6. Protection from negativity
The most powerful mantra of Lord Krishna gives our mind a sense of direction to tap into the positive aspects of our being rather than letting our mind towards the negative, unwanted and anxious thoughts.
7. Inner strength
Among the myriad Krishna mantra benefits is the cultivation of inner resilience. It fosters determination, giving us the strength to face life's challenges head-on. Also, it helps us to develop a greater self awareness so that we can work on ourselves by tapping on our strengths and overcoming our weaknesses.
8. Divine love
The Lord Krishna mantra fosters a sense of unity and harmony and touches the essence of pure love. It helps us seek selflessness and the well being of all, which is embodied by Lord Krishna.
9. Liberation from material attachments
One of the major reasons for unhappiness in the world is the desire for more which is mostly related to material wealth. Benefits of hare krishna maha mantra also includes a feeling of contentment and inner peace rather than going after the worldly pleasures.
10. Wisdom and enlightenment
Chanting ‘Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare’ helps us discern between the real and the illusionary, thus making us clear headed towards our own life as well as the universe.
11. Emotional balance
If our emotions drive our decisions, chanting the Lord Krishna mantra will help us regulate and control emotions to achieve a state of equilibrium in order to take decisions rationally, without being swayed away by emotions.
12. Enhances concentration
Through the Hare Krishna mantra, we learn to stay in the present moment without being carried away by the thoughts of past or future. This enhanced focus extends to our overall life wherein we train the brain to concentrate on tasks with greater efficiency.
13. Promotion of good health
The positive vibrations of the Lord Krishna mantra positively impacts mental and physical well-being by reducing stress, making us feel relaxed and boosting our immune function.
14. Rejuvenates energy
Mantra chanting refreshes and revitalizes the spirit which isn’t a fleeting sensation but deeply permeates every cell, thought and emotion. It fills us with a renewed energy and zest for life.
15. Improves the tendency of self love
Hare Krishna mantra is a journey to self discovery. It helps us realize our intrinsic worth to see ourselves with compassion and acceptance instead of being critical of ourselves all the time. It encourages a loving relationship with ourselves which leads to conversion of self doubt to self assurance.
16. Enhances creativity
Our mind is filled with thoughts, ideas and emotions. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra opens up dormant creative potentials, reduces creative blocks and opens up channels for artistic and imaginative expression.
17. Boosts confidence
The element of confidence differentiates how we face challenges in our life. When we’re confident, we attract better opportunities by being aware of our true potential and skills and we’re more likely to stay motivated in order to achieve our goals in life.
18. Elevates mood
Through the Hare Krishna mantra, we tend to become more self aware and this helps to stabilize our emotions. We get better at managing our mood swings and the feeling of being grounded helps us tackle situations with calmness as it releases feel-good hormones and reduces anxiety.
19. Encourages discipline
Just like the disciplined training of an athlete, the consistent meditation practice sets order and structure which becomes more than a spiritual exercise and evolves into self discipline and dedication which eventually spills into other areas of life.
20. Promotes positive relationships
The Lord Krishna mantra fosters a feeling of understanding, mutual respect and universal love and brotherhood which deepens our relationships, not only with our closed ones but also to the world in general, as we become more empathetic.
21. Cleanses aura
Chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra aids in removing impurities and negative blockages so that we are clear headed and calm enough to take our decisions in a balanced and rational manner.
22. Deepens meditation
Meditation not only reduces stress and anxiety but also enhances our focus and gives us clarity of thoughts. Additionally, it improves our physical appearance and makes us more attractive as well as active. By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra with devotion, our health issues like sleep disorder, asthma, headaches are overcome.
23. Cultivates gratitude
Each chant acts as a reminder of the abundance we’re surrounded with. It helps us acknowledge our blessings that are often taken for granted. Over time, it transforms our perspective, making us shift the focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant.
24. Reduces ego
The Lord Krishna mantra, “Hare Krishna Hare Rama” connects us to the divine power which encourages humility and selflessness and reduces feelings of ego and jealousy by making us realize that the world is one.
25. Attracts positive vibes
Mantra chanting is linked to opening our blocked chakras which lead to unhappiness and anxious thoughts. When we chant consistently, we feel happier and more positive than before by increased optimism and the ability to handle our emotions in a better way.
26. Empowers intuition
As stated before, mantra helps us overcome feelings of self doubt. With an increased self confidence, our inner guidance is strengthened and our intuitive powers are enhanced which helps us see what may not be visible on the surface level, thus helping us make better decisions.
27. Promotes sound sleep
Due to the calming sound vibrations of the mantra, our mind tends to get rid of anxious thoughts and become calm and peaceful. These mantras promote relaxation which gives us a deep, restful sleep.
28. Harmonizes body, mind, and soul
The Krishna jaap mantra aligns the mind, body and soul to attune the physical, mental and spiritual health by promoting harmony and balance throughout the body.
29. Broadens perspective
Mantra chanting contributes a huge deal to shifting our perspective wherein we become more open minded and practical rather than focusing on the negatives which encourages a more holistic and universal worldview.
30. Teaches patience and persistence
Once we start practicing the Hare Krishna mantra and focusing on each and every chant, our mind is trained to be more patient and as we progress with the meditation practice, we become more persistent than before.
31. Boosts immune function
The biggest suppressor of immunity is stress. Regular mantra chanting helps in reducing stress and regulating breathing to detoxify our body and strengthen our immune system. The positive aura created around us by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra further bolsters our immunity power.
32. Promotes healing
Through the Hare Krishna mantra, we feel more relaxed and our tendency to confront and process our emotions becomes better with consistent practice.
To conclude, the Hare Krishna mantra is a powerful spiritual practice that can guide us on the path to self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. It's a pathway to peace, joy, and divine love. So, let's immerse ourselves in the melodious chant of Hare Krishna and experience the profound benefits it brings. Remember, it’s not merely about repetition; it’s about understanding and feeling the divine presence in every syllable. It increased energy levels, emotional stability, improved relationships, better decision-making skills, and attainment of moksha or liberation. To conclude, the Hare Krishna mantra is a powerful spiritual practice that can guide us on the path to self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.

Photos from Bangla 24 Canada's post 24/01/2024

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